No More Dream: Book 1 of the...

By OT7oramI

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What happens when your soulmate just happens to be an Incubus? More

Chapter 1: "Now we wait."
Chapter 2: "It's not time yet."
Chapter 4: "It will be okay."
Chapter 5: "I don't want her."
Chapter 6: "I'm screwed."
Chapter 7: "Enough of this shit!"
Chapter 8: "But my soul... my soul called for her."
Chapter 9: "This is not good."
Chapter 10: "That was close. Too close."
Chapter 11: "Soon it will be too late."
Chapter 12: "She belongs to me. To me."
Chapter 13: "I knew it would never be enough."
Chapter 14: "Time to bring her home to you."
Chapter 15: "I couldn't be in love with her. Could I?"
Chapter 16: "Because I love her."
Chapter 17: "Please remember me."
Chapter 18: "It's just a coincidence."
Chapter 19: "I can't leave her alone."
Chapter 20: "If I didn't, I would lose her forever."
Chapter 21: "...a certain doe eyed, dark haired brother was noticeably missing."
Chapter 22: "Please. Please don't leave me."
Chapter 23: "It means she is yours."
Chapter 24: "My soulmate was finally where she belonged. In my arms."
Chapter 25: "It couldn't get any better than this."

Chapter 3: "We're running out of time."

2.5K 173 20
By OT7oramI


I woke up the next morning with an excited smile on my face. I would be meeting Jackson this morning for coffee and I couldn't wait to see him. I showered, dried my hair and then dressed in a short black skirt and pale pink shirt. I applied makeup with a light hand then grabbed my bag and phone. I headed out of my apartment and walked down the steps. The morning was still cool, so I pulled my sweater from my bag, pulling it over my shoulders.

During the short walk to the college, I looked down at my phone for any messages from Jackson. I had just approached the school and could see him standing next to the entrance when I suddenly bumped into a man with bright red hair and a sunny smile. The tea he was carrying spilled down the front of my shirt, soaking through my clothes.

"Oh! Oh no! I'm so sorry," he exclaimed, his face red with embarrassment.

I gave him a small smile. "It's okay. It was my fault too. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. It will teach me to not look at my phone when I'm walking," I said quickly.

I saw Jackson making his way over towards me. "Hey sweetheart. You okay?" he asked, concern in his voice.

I waved my hand in dismissal. "I'm fine. At least it was iced tea. Can we postpone the coffee? I have to go home and change," I said, the disappointment clear in my voice.

Jackson smiled in return. "Of course. We can meet up another day," he said sweetly.

I turned to the red-haired man. "You should probably get cleaned up too," I said, pointing at his white shirt that was now almost see through from the tea.

He looked down, a grimace on his face. "Yeah you're probably right. Again, I'm sorry," he said.

I waved my hand again. "Really, it's fine," I said. I turned back to Jackson. "I'll text you later."

I headed back towards my apartment, clearly disappointed at the way things had happened. I was really looking forward to spending time with Jackson this morning. He said yesterday he wanted to talk to me and now I was starting to worry about what he wanted to talk to me about.

I let myself into the apartment and quickly stripped out of my wet clothes. I washed the tea off my chest and abdomen then put on clean clothes. I opted this time for a dark purple shirt and a pair of black shorts that hit right above my knees. The warm days weren't going to last much longer and I wanted to take advantage of the weather while I still could.

After changing quickly, I left the apartment and headed back to school. Luckily, I made it to my class right on time. The day passed quickly and before I knew it, I was heading back home. After letting myself into the apartment, I dropped my bag on the floor and headed over to the sofa picking up one of the books from the library. I avoided the one with the gold designs since the women's testimonials were a little disturbing. Despite what they had claimed had happened to them, they all said he was stunningly beautiful.

After a half hour of looking through the other three books, I finally picked up the gold one. As I opened the cover, a folded piece of paper fell out. I hadn't noticed it the night before and opened it. It was covered in strange symbols and the edges of the paper were tattered and black as though someone tried to destroy it. I stared at the paper, confused by what it was. I ran my fingers over the symbols then dropped the paper when I noticed the dark red spots that were scattered across the paper. Was that blood? I quickly folded the paper and stuck it back in the book then rushed into my bathroom to wash my hands. I wasn't sure what was on the paper but my hands felt dirty where I had touched the strange symbols.

I went back into the living room and sat back down on the sofa. I was starting to get a massive headache from thinking about what had happened. I leaned back against the sofa, closing my eyes for a few minutes.

I was drawn back into the dream from yesterday. I was seated at the table again with the silver haired man. He was dressed in a white silk shirt that clung to his well-toned torso. His full lips were pink and looked glossy from the liquid he had just drank from his cup. He ran his tongue over them and I could feel the heat building in my core. I shifted my legs, trying to make myself comfortable. His grey eyes were watching me carefully and flashed solid red for a moment as he watched me move in my chair. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come out. I wanted to know who he was, but I was voiceless. As he stood up and made his way towards me, I was woken up by a hard knock on my door.

I quickly stood, pausing for a moment to adjust to the sudden head rush. I rubbed my eyes and headed towards the door. I opened it to a handsome man with dark brown hair and a happy smile. In his hands was a bouquet of red roses.

"Delivery for Y/N," he said with a smile.

I reached out and took the heavy crystal vase, bringing the roses to my nose. The scent coming from them was heavenly and there had to be close to 30. The young man smiled and turned away.

I closed the door and brought the flowers into the house. I set the crystal vase on the coffee table and looked for a card. There had to be something to show who they were from. There was nothing. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Who the hell would send me this many roses?


I was sitting in a chair, thinking about what had happened over the last couple days. The door opened and two men walked in, one with bright red hair and the other with light brown hair.

"Has everything gone according to plan?" I asked.

Both men nodded. "I felt bad doing that, but I had to get her away from him," the one with the bright hair said. "We can't have her falling in love with that guy."

The one with the light brown hair smiled. "She took the flowers with no questions. I made sure there was no way to trace them to anywhere," he explained.

They all turned at the sound of a slamming door. Shit he knows! It's too early! I thought. I looked to the man with the bright red hair and watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed in nervousness.

A petite silver haired man stepped into the room and stomped his way over to me, crouching down and placing both hands on the arms of my chair. "What the hell did you do?" he asked, his normally high-pitched voice low with concealed rage.

I hesitated before giving him a bright smile. "Whatever do you mean?" I asked.

"Where's the book?" he demanded, his cheeks pink with anger.

I shrugged his shoulders. "How should I know where the book is?"

The silver haired man clenched his fists down on the arms and I could hear the quiet cracks as the wood began to split under his strength. "You keep track of that damn book like it's your life. Why is it gone?" he demanded.

I shrugged his shoulders again. "I really don't know what you mean. Ask one of the others if they know where it is. They may have taken it to look at it," I said calmly.

The silver haired man stood up straight and sent me a deadly glare. "I don't know what game you're playing right now, but end it," he said before turning and fleeing the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

I looked over at the other men. "That was too close," I said.

The man with light brown hair nodded. "I agree. We're running out of time," he said. "What do we do now?"

I leaned in, preparing toexplain what we had to do next.

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