Bound By Hurdles

By thecrazybeingg

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➻ Previously called - Loving You Was Never Easy ❧ She was rude, hard-hearted & unusually dangerous to deal wi... More

❥ Prologue
❥ Characters
❥ Chapter 1
❥ Chapter 2
❥ Chapter 3
❥ Chapter 4
❥ Chapter 5
❥ Chapter 6
❥ Chapter 7
❥ Chapter 8
❥ Chapter 9
❥ Chapter 10
❥ Chapter 11
❥ Chapter 13
❥ Chapter 14
❥ Chapter 15
❥ Chapter 16

❥ Chapter 12

771 60 204
By thecrazybeingg


Unexpected Turn Of Events


Target - 50 Votes

Few days later

"If you're to endure a bad phase, be mindful of the fact that, there transpires no rainbows without rain. Just like how rain will come to a closure sooner or later, the trial you're put through will ground to a halt as well. It's all about time & patience Aadi"

A soft ring of familiar voice jerked Aadyanth from his induced daze. He looked around frantically & found himself engulfed in absolute darkness. For a minute or two he could decipher nothing at all. He felt himself being drawn into a darkness so total that he couldn't make out if his eyes still possessed vision.

Silence had been his only companion in the dark chamber he was locked up in, ever since couple of days. What was going around him was still seemingly vague. Some rogues had knocked him off even before he could defend & it had been darkness from then on. He knew a few days had fallen by after the incident, but he couldn't figure out how many exactly. Even a slight source of light was concealed from his reach. It was like being entrapped in a hell hole where you had no-one but your own breaths & sighs as a validation to your existence.

The iron chain that restrained his movements was so hefty that it had almost cut through his hands & legs. He had only been fed thrice in all these days. The food reeked of filth & had turned stale. It was like eating dirt. His throat was parched & mouth had benumbed from not having any fluid for hours. Yet all he could do was stare into the extended darkness before him, that mirrored what his life had become at the moment. Just like those whirly black pits that embraced his eyes, his own state of mind was in a deep mess. It was chaotic with unnamed emotions.

Aadyanth let out a low whimper as his right hand that was stabbed, began flaming in pain. The wound had turned worse over the days. It had grown larger. He could also feel several swells around his back & spine. They stung painfully. Still no efforts were made to treat them. The worst part was, he couldn't even press them to comfort. With his hands chained from all the sides, he could neither feel the bruises nor tend them. Finally he had no other choice but to abandon the pain as if it never prevailed.

Never did he foresee himself being held as a captive, that too by the woman he loved with all of his heart. For Aadyanth, it wasn't hard to guess the hands behind the abduction. No-one despised him the way Sonakshi did. It had to be her coming by the hatred she had in store for him. He knew he deserved all of it. He had put her through a lot of torments & now she was doing the same, in a much larger scale. But somewhere inside, he wanted his guess to be proved wrong. He wished it to be not Sonakshi. She wouldn't be so cruel after all or would she?

He feebly recollected how the initial silence in the air began to fade out slowly with time. It was replaced by thundering roars of a man. The roars or rather helpless cries came out like a warning to Aadyanth about the endless pain that awaited him. Sooner or later, he was destined to be doomed in it. He didn't know who was tortured alongside him in the dungeon. But he could envision his own fate, which was no different from it.

And then, he heard it a day back!!!

He heard Sonakshi's authoritative voice being echoed throughout the adjacent hallway. Though she didn't appear before him, her commands were obvious to his ears.

Initially, he thought it was an illusion owing to her frequent presence in his life. But the moment she ordered her men to deal with the other guy he had no idea of, he concluded it was all her doings. She was unsympathetic. Her heart was made of stone. It reflected no emotions. All that mattered to her was her win. She was gusty enough to go to any extent & get her revenge done.

All their face offs were disastrous. Adding to the list would be the next. He was now waiting to see her in person & have a word with her. He needed answers to many uncertain questions. The fact that a mere twenty two year old girl could be this vicious was too much to take in.

But nobody was born cruel. It was all about the people around them & the circumstances. Sonakshi couldn't be any exception. Every time he thought the extreme to which she could go was drawn to a closure, she had emerged out a zillion times stronger. She was powerful, in a dangerous way!

Apologizing for the mistakes wasn't his priority for now. He doubted if he repented his deeds in the same fervour anymore. If he was impulsive & stubborn, she was like his shadow. If he was a sinner, she was one too.

They were identical in all aspects & that was where the problem lied. Even limitless sorrys from his part would bring no change in her. Instead that would only sum up her arrogance & attitude. She had to be dealt differently. It was time to change his existing ways. Sonakshi had to be taught from the very base & then carved into a better woman.

Unloving her wasn't an option at this point but changing her definitely was. Aadyanth knew what exactly had to be done for that. He wasn't going to indirectly appreciate her flaws by going easy on her. She should dread of playing with the life of innocents around her in future. She had to be driven to a point where she would be forced dispel all the darkness from her heart. If Sonakshi thought she could rule others with her money & man power, she was going to be taught the opposite.

Though he was restricted from all the sides this time, the victory would be his. He was emotionally prepared to face all her tortures with a smile. There would be no better turn off for Sonakshi. She had to realize, all her efforts to overpower him had went down the drain. It was going to be an official defeat for her in this one as well.


"Aiira stoppp, Did you see Sona around?" Juhi rushed towards Aiira on spotting her outside their classroom.

Juhi & Sonakshi were not in talking terms from the time Sonakshi chased her away insolently. Though they were used to having arguments, it was Sonakshi who would reach out to her first & apologize. Juhi thought it would be the same this time as well. But nothing that sort happened.

Sonakshi seldom attended any classes & if she did she would hardly concentrate. She was either engrossed in her thoughts or glued to her mobile phone seriously. She looked distressed sometimes & pleasant some other times. Juhi could easily deduce, Sonakshi was hiding a lot of things from her. The growing distance between them contributed a lot to it.

She couldn't believe, they hadn't talked with each other for six days straight. Six days. Six fucking days!

Now that was the longest among all times they had given cold shoulder to each other. Usually their fights would last for a day or two. Then Sonakshi would grow bored of the awful silence between them. She used to pester Juhi until the latter would have no other way but to relent. Juhi's eyebrows turned into a slight frown at the thought.

"She has gone to washroom it seems" Aiira spoke unconcerned as she twirled the end of her pencil skirt.

"I will go check on her then" Juhi excused herself as she couldn't stand the mean looks Aiira was passing on her. Both her best friends were hard to cope up with. One was downright rude wherein the other low-key hated her.

"Wait, did you guys fight again? I mean, it is obvious. You always do. But what is the matter this time?" Aiira mocked clearly pleased with the fact that both the soul friends had a fight & Sonakshi wasn't compromising like everytime. How she wanted both of them to cut all the ties with each other forever! That would call for a grand celebration from her part.

"It is nothing huge. She will come around soon. No worries" Juhi said passing a faint smile, as she tried to assure herself the same. She was already missing Sonakshi. They had almost a week's banters to catch up. College was no fun without her around.

"She may! But then it will be the time for next one. I don't know what the issue is, but you provoke Sona so much Ju. Not everyone can be patient always. When you push people to their limits, this is what happens. Haven't you seen how cheerful she is with me? I never argue with her. Neither do I judge her deeds. Now that is what a true friend does"

Aiira smirked as she observed Juhi's face losing it's lustre at her words. She knew, she wouldn't get a better chance to demean Juhi. She wanted to take single step at a time & feed Juhi with extreme bitter feelings.

"This might not go well with you but to be frank, you are no less than a burden to Sonakshi. I have never seen you supporting her Ju. You always make fun of her & suffocate her with your damned virtues. And when she gets offended, you stop speaking with her. Sonakshi really values friendship. The reason why she is putting up with all this nonsense. At times, I feel bad for her. If this is how you are going to treat her, she can never be open in your presence. I have always wanted to say all these to you but never really got a chance" Aiira continued with venom dripping from each word she uttered.

"Enough Aiira!" Juhi showed her palms to stop Aiira's senseless rant. She was already disturbed & Aiira's accusations came like a blow on her face.

"Stop acting like you really care. I'm not Sonakshi to blindly trust everything you say. If she is suffocated with my presence, she will definitely let me know. Keep your fucking good friend lectures with yourself. You need them the most for now" Juhi retorted regaining her composure as she tried to toss all the pessimistic thoughts away from her mind. She couldn't believe, Aiira was bitching on her face nor could she fathom why Sonakshi was being dumb when it came to this shrewd lady.

"You mean I don't care about Sonakshi? How dare you Juhi! Only she matters to me. I will never allow you to hurt her" Aiira yelled with right amount of pretence inserted in her sly accent.

Juhi stared at Aiira astounded by her melodramatic confession. Wasn't all those supposed to be said by her? She wondered. Aiira gave her the vibes of those actors from a spiced up tele soap opera. However, she controlled herself from flaring up anymore as she couldn't stand yet another round of arguments.

"Everything works the way you say Aiira. Happy? Now if you move out of my way, I can go & settle things with my best friend" Juhi remarked sarcastically, stressing the word best friend making Aiira blaze in anger.

With Juhi clinging onto Sonakshi like a leech, Aiira used to feel like an uninvited outsider. She envied their closeness. The reason why she hated Juhi to the core. None of her ways to infuriate Juhi wasn't going the way she wanted, which annoyed her further. But this was not the end. If a plan didn't work out, she had always backed up many next ones. Just that she had to wait for a right situation to drop them expertly.

Juhi ignored Aiira's skin piercing glares as she walked away to resolve the issues with her bestie. She spotted Sonakshi pacing back & forth furiously outside the washroom, yelling profanities into her mobile phone. She was worked up & Juhi doubted if it was a good idea to have a talk with her now.

Since the morning lectures had already began, there was hardly anyone around. Sonakshi occasionally looked around her to ensure she wasn't being noticed. Juhi knew it wasn't fair to overhear someone, even if the next person was her best friend, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to find out what was bothering Sonakshi & help her out in resolving the matter, however huge & troublesome it was.

"Do you even know what you're saying? He was absolutely fine when I visited him yesterday. And now you want me to shift him to the hospital? Have you all gone mad? Whatever it is, get his treatment done indoors. You have done the same all the while, right? What is so new about today? I'M NO WAY ALLOWING YOU TO TAKE HIM OUTSIDE EVEN IF HE ROTS & DIES THERE. YOU GET THAT?" Sonakshi snarled making Juhi gasp softly. She immediately stepped aside & hid behind the wall so as to not get caught.

"Fine, If you say so! Now hear me out. Always keep a tab on Aadyanth. He is a sharp witted fellow. Unlike Narain, he will think of ways to escape. Yes yes, I know it's impossible. But just be alert. Have you fed him btw? Okayyy, ask Faizan to do it. Also, make sure, he is surrounded by darkness always. I want him to realize, this is how his life is going to be from now on. He is paying prices for being on my wrong side & I want him to be mindful of that"

Juhi couldn't believe her ears. She was petrified. Was Sonakshi really talking about Aadyanth, the guy she was so in love with? She thought they were a thing together. Though Sona used to object her everytime, Aadyanth never corrected her. But in between the rush, she had skipped the fact that Sonakshi never forgave or forgot easily. She was so stupid to believe, they had fallen in love within a few days of their prime encounter.

Maybe nothing existed between them. It could be her illusions. But the care & concern she saw in Aadyanth's eyes at the pub was real. The love he had for Sonakshi was never a misperception. Anyone could read it with ease, her best friend being the only exclusion.

To Juhi, Sonakshi looked like a different person altogether. She went on talking leisurely about death & tortures as if they were not a big deal for her. The Sona she dearly adored for all these years had null resemblance with the one who was standing before her now. Wetting her lips, Juhi tried to calm down her pounding heart as she listened to the atrocities Sonakshi was speaking over her phone.

"Hold on! I'll take a day off tomorrow & come there, fine? And I want him safe & sound when I reach there. Or else I won't spare anyone of you alive. I will fucking chop you into pieces with my own hands. YOU BLOODY IRRESPONSIBE CRACK HEADS!" Sonakshi firmly hauled a handful of her own hair outraged from the conversation.

Juhi covered her mouth with her palms to stop herself from wheezing out loud. She was aware of Sonakshi's stubborn ways. She had witnessed them numerous times. But never did she think of Sonakshi being ruthless enough to harm people or rather finish them off without any sympathy. She felt terrible.

Juhi didn't know when & why tears began staining her cheeks. It hurted a lot. Sonakshi never trusted or loved her enough. Her words were certainly not valued. All her attempts to change her best friend for a long time had been futile. Aiira was right. She was an unwanted baggage in the name of friendship. Or else Sona would have considered her advices or atleast found her worthy enough to disclose these secrets without hesitation.

Nevertheless, Juhi made her mind up to follow Sonakshi. Going alone was dangerous. She may have to seek help from someone. The entire process was highly risky & seemed like a hit or miss, but if her intervention could save a life, she was ready to bear all of it.

Sonakshi disconnected the call after another round of yells & sighed. Narain's health condition was deteriorating day by day. The doctors who were treating him had notified her about the same. He should be moved to a hospital immediately or else his rate of survival was almost zero.

She would never be able to live with his death. He was her only source of peace. The kind of serenity she acquires, everytime he squirms in pain was beyond any word limit. Every night, she fancied making him scream louder in agony. She lusted after his constant pleas for mercy. It was an utmost form of contentment for Sonakshi. No way she was going to let go of her supreme source of pleasure.

Between all the chaos, she couldn't gather time to check on the new victim in her list. Aadyanth Vikaas. The only guy who had made her feel different in all these years of her life. But what was the use when his fate was already sealed by her. He asked for all of it by crossing her path again & again. She had grown sick of his intrusion in her life or so she believed.

The moment he lied his hands on her, she decided to tie him down. She had deliberately left him untouched for almost a week. Let him now anticipate his future & crumble down in fear. Let him beg for her kindness & apologize ceaselessly. Even then she wouldn't forgive him. She wasn't any other woman to endure his abusive means without a word. She had shed a lot of tears on his behalf & now it was time for him to do the same.


Rohaan gazed out of the open window sill as he mindlessly drew circles in the food before him. His eyes travelled across the idle walkway scanning every random person as if trying to find the face he was searching for in them. His shoulders slumped hopelessly & lips drew into a semi pout on finding none.

It had been his routine since last couple of days. He had lost the life in him & had grown tired from sitting for hours in the same position, awaiting the arrival of the person he wanted the most beside him at the moment.

"Rohi, the food is getting cold" Harsha spoke wearily as he spotted his twin preoccupied with thoughts as always. On finding no response, he slightly slapped on Rohaan's shoulder, casting him a momentary break from his reverie.

"Huh! Did you say something?" Rohaan turned around quizzicaly.

"The food is getting cold Rohaan. Have it!" Harsha chided. Rohaan switched his gaze between the food & his brother a few times before abruptly getting up. Not being hungry anymore, he pushed his plate away & washed his hands.

"I'm done"

"You didn't even eat a morsel & you're done? Rohaan, stop playing games!"

"I'm not hungry. You please stop bothering me!"

"Are you planning to starve yourself to death? You already look like bedridden hobo. And you're reeking of sweat, ewww!" Harsha scrunched his nose & swung his hands simultaneously in the air, as if trying to wash away the stench.

"Shut the fuck up Harsh" Rohaan glared his brother. The awful timing of his twin's not so cool jokes. Good Lord!!

"You very well know what will happen if Aadi come to know about this, don't you?" Harsha snapped on an instinct only to realize the blunder he did the very next second. If Rohaan was upset before, he looked dejected at the mention of Aadyanth. Not waiting a second more, he walked towards his room & slammed the door shut.

"Aadi knows how to take care of him. He may have his own reasons if he has decided to stay away. I don't want you to mourn over it" Harsha barged inside the room & spoke tenderly in an attempt to console his twin.

In reality, he was unsure of his own words. His mood kept hanging in between low & lower but he couldn't show it out & petrify Rohaan furthermore. The last time he saw Aadyanth was six days back. After leaving him alone in the middle of the street on his compulsion, neither Harsha nor Rohaan had heard a word from him. All their calls went unanswered & all their attempts to reach him in vain.

It was like he had vanished into the blue, sparing no whereabouts. The fact that Aadyanth was insanely disappointed about the revelations ascended his fears. What if he had hurted himself? But that was so not like his brother. Harsha had filed a complaint in the close by police station on Rohaan's insistence, but even that seemed to not work. For the time being, they had nothing more to do but to keep their hopes alive & pray for Aadyanth to return back home safely.

"But he could have atleast informed us, right? What's with this sudden disappearance? I don't know why, but my mind keeps saying something isn't right with him. What if he is in danger? The thought of something happening to him is terrorizing me Harsh" Rohaan mumbled as he thought of various possibilities which appalled him big time.

"You're clouded with negative thoughts. Just get some good sleep & you will be alright"

"Could it be Sonakshi?" Rohaan asked after a minute or two of silence.

"What do you mean??!"

"What if Sonakshi is behind all this? I mean, apart from her no one seems to hold a grudge on Aadi. If he had decided to stay away, he will never do it without letting us know. Duh! That makes no sense to me. I'm sure, something wrong has come on his way. My instinct screams he is in danger. We should go & confront her before it is too late" Rohaan suggested as a tiny speckle of hope surged through him. Sonakshi could be a real trouble. She was a woman with strong financial back up. It wouldn't be hard for her to avenge his brother using her influence.

"Don't jump into conclusions Rohaan. Let's wait for a day or two more" Harsha dismissed the topic. It wasn't right from their part pinpoint Sonakshi unnecessarily for every next mishap. They had already did it once. And what happened? She was innocent & had no share in the plot. Because of him, Aadyanth had hurted her. He was still guilty about it & didn't want to tot up the hard feelings.

"But there is nothing wrong in asking her, right?"

"You think you can have a casual conversation with Sonakshi? Let it be. Aadi is a fighter. He will be fine. Now stop sulking like a sissy. Will you?!" Harsha spoke trying to cheer up his brother.

Rohaan rolled his eyes as he unlocked the wardrobe to take his clothes out. Harsha was right, he was stinking shit. A long bath would probably calm his nerves down.

While skimming through the stacks, his eyes fell on Aadyanth's cabinet. He chuckled taking in it's appearance. This guy, his elder brother never kept his clothes in an order. They would be littered in piles across the room, their bed, chairs & every possible slot they can be fitted in. Every surface of his workspace overflowed haphazardly with stuffs, stuffs & more stuffs. He had inherited the same habit after Aadyanth. They were literally Xerox copies of each other. It was always Harsha's part to organise the disorganised.

Rohaan sucked in a hard breath whilst running his hands longingly through Aadyanth's clothes. What would his brother be doing now? Was he really okay? He wondered as he arranged the stuffs & began tidying the closet from an end.

He sorted out Aadyanth's casuals into neat sections & hung the formals on shelf hooks. He then collected scattered perfume bottles, ties & belts & stuffed them inside the huge drawer. Files & important documents that were shuffled across the surface were pulled out & arranged separately. Finally dusting the hinges & the side board, he was done. He mentally patted himself for the amazing job. Aadyanth would definitely appreciate it. Well, only if he came back soon!

Rohaan was about to close the shelf when he caught the sight of a tiny case crammed in between the folded stacks. His hands reached out for it in a reflex. He opened it to find Aadyanth's brand new watch in it. Tangled in between the watch was a faded silver chain that almost looked like a fine string. He knew the design. Infact he could identify the double hearted pendant in the initial glimpse itself.

How would he not know his Amma's favourite neck piece?

But where did this come from now? It wasn't supposed to be here. NOT AT ALL!!

"Heyy, what are you doing?" Harsha snatched the jewellery away from his twin hastily.

"Where did you find this from? Aadi never talked about this, not even once!" Rohaan probed in excitement. The shiny piece resurfaced a lot of pleasant memories. Knowing their Amma's obsession for delicate silver ornaments, his father had presented it to her on their wedding anniversary. The sparkle in her eyes on seeing the gift was still an experience for Rohaan.

"Why would he tell anything to you?" Harsha asked confused at his twin's strange question.

"What do you mean? This is our Amma's chain. Getting it back after all these years, he should have atleast mentioned to us" Rohaan shrugged & looked away.

"I think you have gone mad from all the over thinking. I'm telling you again, you should go get some sleep man"

"Stop dictating me Harsh. I don't do jokes everytime if that is what you think" Rohaan was serious this time. He didn't like how his brothers still considered him as an immature child with half baked knowledge. He was aware of almost everything happening around him. Yet his opinions were dispelled without second thoughts. He was stamped as a kid & all of his earnest mentions were laughed off as a joke.

"This is Sonakshi's. You know how mad Aadi is for her. The reason why he treasures this. Ever since he got it accidentally, he is not ready to part with it. He won't appreciate looking through his personals in his absence. You know that right?" Harsha sighed as he tried to make Rohaan understand the truth behind Sonakshi's lost chain.

"Oh come on! Sonakshi's? To hell with your lame jokes Harsh. Are you blind to not recognise our Amma's chain?" Rohaan clicked his tongue in annoyance. What was with Harsha claiming their mother's chain as Sonakshi's?

Harsha now pondered over his brother's words seriously. He couldn't recollect their mother wearing a similar chain. It could be because they were kids back then & many more years have passed after the death of their parents. But the first time he saw the pendant coiled in between the sheets, he knew he had seen it somewhere else as well. He recalled how he had mentioned the same to Aadyanth. Now all of it made perfect sense. Even if Rohaan's rants were true, how would their mother's possession end up with Sonakshi? It was beyond every wordly probabilities.

"This is Sonakshi's Rohaan. I can prove it to you if you want me to. All you have to do is Google her name & there wouldn't be a single picture without her wearing it" Harsha stated trying to clear his part. Rohaan who was insanely uncertain did as he was told. He was surprised to find Harsha right.

" Whaaat!!! But.. But.. how come? THIS - IS - INSANE - MAN!"

"Rohi, you're being sceptical, there could be hundreds of people having the same kind of accessories. This has to be something like that" Harsha voiced out.

"I can assure you this is Amma's" Rohaan twirled around the pendant & displayed a tiny patch devoid of any stones. One could hardly see it.

"I still remember how I have dropped the pendant from my hands while checking it out for the first time. That is how this specific gem went missing. Amma was really upset about it. It took me a lot of sorrys to uplift her mood. Also, dad has drawn this design overnight & got it done accordingly. It is a unique piece, so are these minute gems. It might look worthless, but it is costlier than most of the silver sets" Rohaan remarked as he dwelled upon every tiny detail about the jewellery.

"Okay, stop right there. Anything more & my head will burst" Harsha held his forehead between his hands as he attempted ways to disengage the mystery. Already they were in a deep mess. With every new day, a new trouble embraced them. Adding to the list of Aadyanth's missing was this one.

That is when a thought screened ahead of him. Rohaan mentioned that they got the pendant back after years, which meant it was missing for a while. It could or could not be with Sonakshi in the meantime. The possibility of it being with her overshadowed the next.

His mother wasn't the one who went around giving her intimate stuffs to strangers. Unless she really likes someone, she wouldn't hold onto them. In that case, She was indeed so closely related to Sonakshi. The only questions that remained was how & since when!

"Rohi, do you remember how Amma lost the chain?" Harsha was determined to fill the blanks. He felt like they were steps away from solving the riddle.

"She didn't lost it. Uhmm.. remember the little girl she brought home one night. That grumpy kid who stole all of our Amma's attention for almost a week. Damn, how pissed off we were with her. When that brat returned back, Maa gave it to her. And she..WHAATTT, OH MY GOD, WAIT..!!"

Rohaan abruptly stopped in middle as his own words washed a sense of realization over him. Even Harsha was taken aback. He could easily reminisce how his Amma brought a girl almost similar to their age home, one night. It was like some eight years ago.

She was hardly fourteen or rather younger in age back then. She would hide behind the curtains or their Mom in their presence. Her doe shaped eyes saw them in fear as if they were going to gobble her up. Sometimes she used to shy away from the place like a new bride. Though they tried to befriend her numerous times, she never paid any heed to them. The only time she smiled was upon seeing their family portrait. In a week of her stay, she neither acknowledged them nor reciprocated their advances to know her. Not even once did they hear her talking. Rohaan had stamped her to be dumb & mentally challenged because of her hostile attitude. Harsha couldn't recall much but the girl was absolutely weird. He didn't like her much back then. Neither did Rohaan. They were really happy to have her out of their house.

"Now is this why we say the world is small?" Rohaan's question almost came out like a statement as he struggled to grasp the entire scenario.

Coming by the revelations, the girl in the scene was an easy guess. If she was cold back then, she had turned to be an intimidating lady as years went by. But it was still unbelievable for him! Everyone at their home had interactions with her atleast once, Aadyanth being the only exception. He was unaware about the tiny girl's existence, even now he is! She was a worthless chapter in their lives so they never felt the need to tell him as well.

But as if their destinies were written in the stars, they had now stumbled paths with each other, though in an unpleasant note. She came out of nowhere & vanished into the blue only to resurface back in their lives.

Their Amma always used to remind them one of her strongest beliefs over & over again. She would say, how rain & a rainbow never co-existed with each other just like the good & worst phases of life. The longer the risks stayed, the more fruitful forthcoming days would be. Every trail was bound to end one day or the other. That was how the circle of life is encrypted.

Back then, they couldn't read the inner dimension of her words. But now everything seemed reasonable! On a different note, it was comforting to a greater extent. Perhaps better days were queued up to knock their doorstep soon. Perhaps, this was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.


So how was the revelation? Did it came out unexpected?

I have always left clues in the previous chapters but nobody really figured it out correctly. Or did you?

How do you think is Aadi's Amma related to Sona? Any guesses?

One or two chapters down & we are going to enter into the most interesting phase of this story. I'll make it up for all your wait from then on. Some heart warming moments are on the way! 😉

Thanks for being patient with me & this story ❤ Many of you might have already lost your interest due to my irregular updates. But studies keep me extremely busy! Again, I'll try to update as frequent as I can.

Do leave your valuable votes & feedback. I'll await for them :)

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