The Edge Of the Wild (Hobbit...

By fandomwriter11

65.4K 1.8K 221

Ulaalsia has never left The Shire under the watchful eyes of her uncle Bilbo. She's grown up never knowing he... More

Chapter one: Do you want to come on a adventure?
Chapter Two: Dwarves come a-knocking
Chapter 4: We're going on an Adventure
Chapter 5: forgotten handkerchiefs
Chapter 6: A young princes story
Chapter 7: Rainy days going worse
Chapter 8: Troll Hoards and Wizards
Chapter 9: Wargs and Elves
Chapter 10: Rivendell
Chapter 11:Not a hobbit?
Chapter 12: What do i call it?
Chapter 13: gone to our doom?
Chapter 14: Goblins and Sneaky Little Hobbitses
Chapter 15: Riddles and the Pale Orc
Chapter 16: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 17: Water Antics
Chapter 18: Love
Chapter 19: Spiders and Elves
Chapter 20: Mirkwood
Chapter 21: Escaping the Dungeon
Chapter 22: We Need a Smuggler
Chapter 23: Laketown
Chapter 24:Better now than never
Chapter 25: Erebor
Chapter 26: What Do I Do?
Chapter 27: What Have We Done?
Im done!!

Chapter 3: Misty Mountains

3.9K 106 11
By fandomwriter11

Ulaalsias POV
We stopped our merry laughter after we heard a deep knock at the door. I went through to see if it was our final member coming to join us. I looked round to see everybody else looking at the door. I opened to the door to reveal a tall, long haired dwarf staring back at us. And he didn't look to happy. He looked at us and said nothing at first.
"Gandalf." His voice was deep; it matched him well. He walked in and took of his cloak and hung it up with the rest of the cloaks. He looked over to us again.

" I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. I wouldn't have not found it at all had it not been for that mark." Bilbo looked confused. "Mark? There is no mark. That door was painted a week ago."
Gandalf sighed.

"There is a mark. I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield." He looked at Bilbo and huffed like a young child as if he didn't get his way. "So...this is the hobbit." He came very close to Bilbo and examined him. Bilbos eyes went wide with fear. He stood back. "Have you done any fighting? Any fighting experience?" Bilbo was still too worried to pay attention to what Thorin said. This is going to be a long night.

Bilbos POV
This dwarf that was standing before is terrifying. He looks like he would attack me the moment he had a chance. "Axe or sword?" I've never had any experience at all with a weapon.

"I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know......but I fail to see why that is relevant." I heard everyone behind me sigh. "I thought as much. He looks more like a green grocer than a burglar." I heard several chuckles coming from behind me. All the dwarves went back and sat round the table while Ulaalsia and I stood behind the dwarves and watched what they were discussing. They muttered for a while saying something but we couldn't hear them as they were huddled so close together. Gandalf looked over to us and so did Thorin so he spoke louder for us to hear.

"Aye, Oin has read the portents.....and the portents say it is time. Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold. When the birds of yore return to Erebor...the reign of the beast will end." I had no idea what Thorin meant. "Um what beast?" Bofur looked at me from the end of the table. "That would be a reference
to Smaug the Terrible...chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks, very fond of metals..." I rolled my eyes at him. "I know perfectly well what a dragon is thank you." Ori chirped up. "I'm not afraid of some stupid dwarf. I'll give him a taste of dwarfish iron right up his Jackson." There was several cheers from around the table. He was dragged back down by Nori. Thorin continued. "The task will be extremely difficult and not to mention dangerous with an army behind us...but we number just 13. And not 13 of the best...nor brightest. But we're fighters, all of us, to the last Dwarf."

Fili piped up. "Not to mention we have a wizard in our company." We all nodded in agreement. They went back to muttering for a while before looking back to me. "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth...and no small amount of courage. That is why we'll need a burglar." Gandalf looked over to me. "And a good one too." Ulaalsia added next to me. "So?" Kili questioned. "Are you?" I shook my head. "Ive never stolen a thing in my life. "

The dwarves started arguing among themselves. It's giving me a sore head just listening to them. Gandalf shouted at the all, giving a dark presence to the house. "If I say Bilbo Baggins is a burglar, then a burglar he is!" Everyone silenced. "I have chosen the fourteenth member and here he is. Hand him the contract." Thorin handed me a large piece of paper that had some writing. I skimmed over it but there was some thing that concerned me. I saw one thing that stood out. "Incineration?!" I didn't want to be melted by some dragon. I like my life as it is thank you. "Oh yeah. Hell mkt your flesh off in the blink of a eyelid." He looked worried now. "You alright laddie?" They were all looking at me now. "I feel faint." He tried to be more helpful. "Think furnace but with wings." I looked back at the contract then back at the dwarves. "Nope." Then everything went black.

Ulaalsias POV

I don't care if my flesh is melted of by a dragon. I really want to go on this adventure. I watched as my uncle fainted in front of all these dwarves. Bofur was smacked upon the head. "Very helpful bofur." Gandalf wasn't too happy now. "Someone help me to his chair." Kili ran over and grabbed his arms while I grabbed his legs. He looked up to me and smiled. "Hi." I looked up to him. He wore his charming smile that makes my heart melt. I've only known him for a couple of hours. I awkwardly smiled.

"Sorry for my uncle. He makes such a drama over everything." We set him up in the chair and left him with Gandalf. I showed everyone into the main living room where the fire was going. I offered them what we had left of the food and offered hot drinks to those who wanted.
I tapped Thorin on the shoulder and he looked round at me. "Um sorry to bother you but I've set up some blankets and pillows for everyone through in the other rooms for everyone to sleeps." I waited to see how he would reply seeing as he doesn't look like to happy with something. But he gave me a friendly smile. "Thank you. You've been very helpful tonight. How about you? Have you had any experience with a weapon?" Is sighed. "No but I've practiced with anything that resembles a sword and I have a really good aim for throwing things like small daggers." He sighed and sat down, staring into the fire. I wet into the other room to find Bilbo arguing with Gandalf. "Just let me sit quietly for a moment."
"You've been sitting quietly for long enough. I'm no the sort of hobbit that goes on adventures Gandalf. I'm sorry but I'm not going."


I've tried everything but there is no chance that Bilbo is going on this adventure and nether am I. I was getting ready for bed when I heard a humming coming from the main room. I stood at the door frame and heard that the dwarves were all singing. It was a sad tune but the dwarves were sining together in harmony, they sounded amazing. The song was a sad tune but sweet like a lullaby sending a child to sleep.
Thorin started off singing
Far over the misty mountains cold.
To dungeons deep, and caverns old.
We must away,'ere break of day.
To find our long forgotten gold.

Then the other dwarves joined in

The pines were roaring on the height.
The winds were moaning in the night.
The fire was red, it flaming spread.
The trees like torches blazed with light.

After the song everybody went to sleep. I stayed awake, praying, hoping, that uncle Bilbo would change his mind. And that we would all go on the adventure together.

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