
By Ihatecreepers24

178 21 4

Hi, I'm Cara Jones. People call me CJ, and sometimes Eden. Ever since I was little I could manipulate people'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

16 1 0
By Ihatecreepers24

I woke up still exhausted and aching from last night's outing. I was about to just lay back in bed before I realized I had a date with Logan later today. So I got up to get ready for school. I sniffed my arm and cringed at the smell of dirt and mold. I grabbed a towel and got in the shower. The hot water felt good on my sore muscles.

I got out of the shower and toweled off. I walked over to the sink, after wrapping the towel around me, to brush my teeth. Before I grabbed my toothbrush I noticed bruising on my face where Enervate had punched me. Luckily it wasn't as dark as the one on mine stomach thanks to my mask, but it was still obvious. I couldn't let anyone see it, especially not Logan. It would raise too many questions.

After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I walked back up to the mirror with a makeup kit in hand. I barely used makeup since my mom never had a chance to teach me, and I didn't have time to teach myself. I looked down at the video on my phone and got ready to learn.


The makeup actually came out to look pretty good, but I missed the bus because of it. I walked into second period with a note from the attendance office. Mr. Wilson my AP English teacher looked at the note and motioned me to my seat. Most people didn't really take note of my makeup except one of the girls who sat next to me.

"You're wearing makeup? Doesn't really suit someone like you. It's almost like you have a date." Jennifer, one of the cheerleaders, said to me. Usually I was able to stay off her radar but I guess the makeup did make me stand out more than usual.

"Actually yes, I do have a date" I told her, keeping myself from sounding too smug about it.

"Probably with some geek boy from the chess team" She snickered and her friends giggled quietly. I thought about how to respond for a moment.

"He plays lacrosse not chess" I told her and then pulled out my English note book.

"Even Craig is out of your league" Jennifer retorted. Craig was the least popular of the lacrosse players. Well that was a nice way of putting it. Craig was a bit creepy.

"Your boyfriend would cheat on you if didn't put out for one night" I pointed out.

"You bit-" Jennifer began.

"Girls! Enough! One more sound from either of you and you'll be spending your free time in detention." Mr. Wilson yelled.

We were annoyed but we didn't say another word. I ignored the few times Jennifer stared daggers into me and just focused on taking notes. I was still a bit nervous about the upcoming date. I didn't know what I should wear and didn't have time to check this morning. Not that I had a lot of variety when it came to date wear.

The rest of the day was forgotten due to anticipation and I found myself on the bus. I was reading a text from Logan.

"I'll pick you up at 6:30?" Logan's text read.

"I don't know your address" He texted again after realizing.

I texted him the address and told him that 6:30 was good. I was excited and nervous as the bus stopped at the corner of my street. I had around 3 hours till Logan would show up, which was plenty of time to pick out something to wear. I greeted Willy who was busy changing one of the lobby's lightbulbs. As I climbed the stairs I cursed the owners for not fixing the elevator that was broken when I moved in 2 years ago. Luckily for me I only had to use the stairs during the day.

I entered my apartment and hung up my coat on the hanger connected to my door. I set my bag against the kitchen counter and headed to my room. I opened up my closet and started going through my tops. What do you wear on a dinner first date? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and searched it up. Most of the Idea were either for working women or included stuff I didn't own. I set my phone down and decided to think for myself.

I grabbed a long sleeve light pink button down and a pair of skinny jeans. These should look nice together. I wasn't sure how fancy the restaurant was going to be but a button down technically counts as formal. It was very simple but cute as long Logan's type wasn't girly girls. If so well, not my problem.

I decided to take another shower even though I had taken one earlier. I didn't smell but I didn't trust my nose. I grabbed some makeup wipes from the bathroom cupboard and started to prepare.


I had 10 minutes until Logan was going to be here. I had showered, gotten dressed, and had put on fresh makeup. I must say I was better at it the second time. I had put my brown hair up into a pony tail with some braids incorporated into it. My small green purse didn't match my outfit but it went fine with my coat so I kept it with me as I left my apartment, besides it was my only one. I hurried down the stairwell so I could wait in the lobby for Logan. I took a seat and couldn't help but kick my legs up down slightly like I was a kid. Honestly it felt like I was more nervous to go on a date then when I was staking out the motel yesterday.


My legs suddenly froze as I heard my phone get a notification. I grabbed my purse and retrieved my phone. I waited a second and then checked it. I stood up and looked out the glass doors and saw a car waiting at the curb. I stuffed my phone back in my purse and headed out to meet my date.

When Logan saw me walk out, he got out of his car and walked around to the passenger's side. He wore his coat open, and I could see he was wearing a light blue button down.

"You look aweso- I mean you look beautiful Cara" Logan said and then blushed at his mistake. I found it kind of cute that he had such trouble not talking like a bro. He opened the car door and I hid my own blush by getting in. The car ride was a bit awkward but he did tell me we were going to a steak house.

When we arrived Logan opened my door for me and the also held the door of Hayes' Steakhouse. It had Texas theme, there were longhorn skulls and an old colt on the walls in the waiting area. Logan told the attendant that he had made a reservation yesterday. The lady looked up Logan's name and told us to follow her after she found it. We led past happy couples and loud families to a booth where she set down two menus and silverware. We sat down across from each other and she told us our waitress would be with us shortly.

"Really nice place" I said starting conversation.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to try it out since it opened" Logan told me.

"For second I was worried we were going to Logan's Roadhouse" I said with a smile. He smiled at the joke and I felt his worry lessen.

"I don't really like Logan's, don't tell my mom though, she takes me every year on my birthday." Logan said with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Nicole and I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I start you off with anything to drink?" Nicole said as she arrived at our table.

"A coke please" Logan told the waitress. I thought for a moment and then answered.

"Sprite please" I said.

"Sure thing, I'll be back with your drinks in a moment" She said before heading towards the kitchen.

"So what's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Definitely green. What about you?" I asked.

"Mines basic... blue" He replied. I could feel his embarrassment.

"At least you share your favorite color with a hero, most people assume I smoke weed when I say green is my favorite color." I pointed out.

"Eden dresses in green, so we both share our favorite colors with heroes" He said smiling. I had subconsciously forgot that I was considered a hero by Fortdale, so having Logan call me a hero made me happy.

"I guess we do" I agreed and smiled at him. I picked up my menu and took a look at the dinner option. As I looked at he steak sizes, Logan picked up his menu as well. A salad would make me look cuter but I hadn't had a proper meal in a month and it had been even longer since I had a steak. Lately I had been eating ramen noodles or mac and cheese before leaving to fight crime and then passing out when I got home.

"Here are ya drinks. Are you two ready to order?" Nicole said as she walked up to the booth with drinks and a bread basket.

"I am, if she is" Logan told the waitress.

"I'll have the 8 ounce sirloin and a side salad with ranch please and sautéed onions." I told her. I ordered a medium priced steak because if Logan payed I didn't want to spend half his pay check and if he didn't, it's all I could afford.

"A 10 ounce sirloin with a bake potato and a side salad with caesar please" Logan told the waitress.

"Alright, your food will be out shortly" Nicole said before heading to the kitchen.

"You write for the school paper?" He asked though he knew the answer.

"I joined this year, it's been pretty fun" I said.

"I saw your article, Jason always was a dick, the football team always picked fights with us." He said. I felt him worry over using a swear word on a date but he masked it on his face.

"He won't be picking fights or harassing girls anymore." I decided to change the subject, "So... you're on the lacrosse team?"

"Yeah, practice doesn't start for a few months but I feel like we'll take the state championship this year" Logan said, "Me and Allen were practicing all summer." Wow I didn't realize Logan liked lacrosse that much.

"Did you guys get close last year?" I asked.

"Runner up! Honestdale has beat us in the final game since I was a freshman. But their star player graduated last year and our team has a strong lineup. Including yours truly" Logan smiled as he talked.

"Maybe I'll go to a game" I said before blushing after realizing I hinted that I'd hoped we would still be dating a couple months from now.

"That'd be sick, I mean I'll buy you a ticket for our first game" Logan said smiling.

We talked about different favorites while we ate our food. I found out Logan's new favorite movie was Quarantine Zone. I remembered my brother wrote about Kid Focus around that movie's release.

"Wasn't there a Kid Focus incident here when that movie released?" I asked as I pushed away my empty plate.

"Actually I was there that night, but didn't even know it happened until my sister sent me an article she wrote." Logan said.

"Article?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, I was gonna tell you later, but yeah, my older sister writes for the New York Times." Logan told me.

"Really? That's so cool. Writing for them would a dream come true," I said. Though writing for Hero News would be nice too, but my father would never let me, "My older brother's the reason why I love journalism, he writes for Hero News"

"Hero News? That's cool. I read a lot of their articles on BlueKane.", Logan informed me, "I used to write hero fanfics in middle school, pretty lame, but I used to see my sister writing all the time so I tried do the same. I sucked but I get why you like writing."

"Got any old fanfics lying around?" I asked with a smile.

"Ye- Nah, I threw them away" Logan straight up lied.

"You totally do! Let me read one, or maybe I could tell Wendy that you want enter the short story competition?" I said smiling. She usually announces the participants a week before the judging date, so all his buddies would know.

"You wouldn't" Logan said.

"You wanna risk it? I dared. Though I wouldn't do it.

"I'll find the least embarrassing one" Logan conceded with a frown, and then smiled.

We left shortly after that. When the bill came I tried to pay half but Logan wouldn't have it. The ride home wasn't awkward like the ride there and we were able to talk instead of sitting in suffocating silence. When Logan parked on the road outside my apartment complex, he got out and walked me to the door.

"Tonight was great" Logan said to me.

"I had a lot of fun" I agreed. I saw him looking into my eyes, and I couldn't help but look right back. His lips looked so soft in the low light on the street. Logan leaned in and I closed my eyes. Our lips met for only a moment, but it felt like electricity ran across my lips.

"Good night," I said smiling.

"See you at school" he said with slightly rose tinged cheeks.

I watched him get in his car and drive off before heading upstairs to my apartment. I slammed the door behind me and dived into my bed. I squealed and hugged my pillow like a middle schooler. I was happy that the date had went great and that we shared a kiss. It was probably the first night in a while I would have trouble sleeping because something good happened and not because something terrible did.

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