Chapter 3

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I scrolled through Hero News, the BlueKane and Kid Focus had been busy. I set my phone down and looked up to the smart board. I quickly wrote down the notes and then went back to my phone. Hero News had an article about what happened last night, but they were just as confused as the authorities. I put my phone down, it had happened again. Images of the two men raising their guns to their heads and killing themselves flashed through my mind. I squeezed the tears out of my eyes, and wiped my face. I needed to make it through the school day with out breaking down. I scribbled some more notes down, while glancing at the clock. Luckily school was almost over. As soon as the bell rung I walked out of class.

I walked down the hallway towards my locker. Dodging students leaving their lockers. I heard a crunch at my feet and stopped. I looked down and saw a crumpled paper, so I picked it up. I uncrumpled it and read it. The school paper was looking for journalists. Maybe I should check it out. I put the paper in my jean's pocket, probably ripping it in the process, before opening my locker. I put on my jacket, and put my stuff into my backpack. I closed my locker and turned around. Time to find the Black & White.

After searching the back halls I found the school newspaper. I knocked on the door and waited. A girl around my age answered. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked. "Uh... yeah I heard you were looking for journalists" I told her. Her face lit up instantly, "Yes we are! I'm Wendy" she said sticking her hand out. I shaked her hand, and smiled. "I'm Cara, but you can call me CJ". "Cara Jones? Are you by any chance related to the famous journalist Oliver Jones?" She asked excitedly. My face paled, "N-no" I lied. I haven't spoken to Oliver in a long time. Wendy's face fell, but then brightened again, "Well, we are still happy to have you!" She said. I smiled as Wendy gestured me to come in. I looked around and saw a boy my age sitting down at a computer. Wendy looked at where I was looking, "Oh, that's Abner, he is a great photographer" she said. Something felt off about his emotions, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Almost like a lack of emotion. On the other hand, I could feel Wendy's excitement. "So, do I need to get an assignment, or do I just go out there and find a story?" I asked. Wendy handed me a journal, "Sometimes we might give you a story to chase, but most of the time you can do your own thing" she said. I looked at the journal, it was Fortdale Highschool branded. Wendy gestured to a row of computers, "we have three computer you can write articles on, but you can always just write on your phone and then send the work to one of the clubs computers" she said while gesturing also at their printer. "We also have a coffee maker that Abner brought in" Wendy said pointing at it. I looked at the coffee maker, it was next to a big board that you could pin clues or pictures to. A few pictures of students were pinned up. I looked back at Abner, who was just typing away. I still felt a coldness from him. "Well, I need to head out, but I will be back tomorrow" I said. Wendy smiled, "perfect" she said. I walked out of the Black and White and headed home.


  I sat on my bed reading an article about the tragedy of Captain WarP on Apparently he was murdered at an undisclosed location in New York. I set my phone down, and stood up. I pulled on my black combat boots, and tucked my green stretch Jean's down into them. I put on a gray hoodie and my mask. I brushed my hair out of my mask and lifted up my hood. I lifted my window and sprung forward, jumping roof to roof.

  I was perched on the end of a billboard. The billboard was for some insurance company, but someone had spray painted on it the words: The BlueKane sucks. I laughed when I read it, must have been a Yellow Jacket. I heard talking below me. It was the same skull guys. "We gotta find more for the boss man" A skull guy said. I dropped down behind them. "Yeah he's getti- woah what the f-" the other one tried to say. I kicked him and he went flying 10 feet forward. His partner whipped around and raised his gun at me. I stuck my hand out and sent a wave of sadness. I looked up as he collapsed into a sobbing mess. I walked forward and kicked his gun away, and then punched him in the face. I looked up as a bullet shot pass me. I quickly jumped forward and landed on the guy I had kicked earlier. I ripped his gun from his hands, and pistol whipped him with it. I grabbed what looked to be a burner phone from the guy's pocket, and then jumped onto the billboard. I called the police and then threw the phone down. Well atleast these two won't be kidnapping anyone tonight.

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