Nothing Dark Can Stay, Either

By SprintingFox

119K 4.4K 1.9K

Beatrix La Salle, the Original Heretic, was not expecting to be trapped in a prison world with a siphon socio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Final Author's Note

Chapter 13

2.6K 85 6
By SprintingFox

In the morning, Beatrix felt sore.

She had talked for hours about what'd happened, and it didn't help that everyone kept asking a million questions. She didn't blame them for being curious, but sometimes it felt they were asking different variations of the same query.

Her mattress was quite different than what she was used to. She forgot how stiff she used to keep it. She'd allowed herself much more comfort in the prison world, but now, she had to get a solid diet down again. Just because she couldn't age or be harmed, didn't mean she should keep unhealthy habits.

At breakfast, she was rubbing her lower back as she came down to join the four Mikaelson brothers. She felt a bit out of place, because Marcel was at his residence and Hayley had left early for the bayou. Klaus was at the head of the table, and the other brothers sat near each other. With an awkward wave, she went to sit across from Kol. It was a bit strange to see him with a new face and specifically blue eyes. But through and through, he was her best friend.

"Hey," she said gently, frowning a bit when she saw he and Finn were still having to wear their manacles.

"Morning, darling," said Kol halfheartedly as Klaus leaned forward to address him and Finn.

"Today, a new future awaits," he said. "Forget your animosity toward Elijah and myself. Instead, join us against she who truly deserves your ire— our mother."

Kol rolled his eyes, and Finn simply stared at his plate. Neither was amused.

"Do this," Klaus continued, "and we will welcome you with open arms!"

"Well," began Kol, reaching for a plate of pastries. But Klaus pulled it out of his way, and the youngest Mikaelson brother rolled his eyes yet again and did not speak.

Klaus had a wicked smile on his face. "But, if you continue to oppose us, a denial of pastries will be the least of your concerns."

"Klaus," said Beatrix a bit sharply as she pushed the plate back to Kol. "Must you really deny them the minimal pleasures of life?"

Klaus narrowed his eyes. "I do not recall asking for your input, Beatrix. You have biases as Kol's Witchy Friend. That simply won't do."

Kol raised his hands. "Nik, if all you wanted was my allegiance against Mother Dearest, you should have said so! Save me a night shackled to the wall."

"Yes, this was Niklaus," said Elijah, gesturing to the manacles. "My recommendation was to remove your limbs, one by one, until you comply. Beatrix recommended isolation rooms for a few days."

"Well, she's the only one with her head screwed on straight, then," huffed Kol. "You two are just torturous."

Klaus let out a laugh and stood, walking over to his brothers and squeezing their shoulders. "We've no desire to torture you. Provided you vow to stand beside us as brothers."

Finn shook himself out of Klaus's grip immediately. "Brothers... Does that word even apply to us? After all these centuries of betrayal? And, has loyalty to you ever rewarded? If so, tell me, Niklaus— where is our sister, Rebekah? She was blindly loyal to you for a thousand years, and now? Nowhere to be found. Where did our sister go? And, how did she escape your vile machinations?"

Klaus seemed nervous, in Beatrix's eyes. Clearly, Rebekah was somewhere, doing something, that needed to be kept secret. But he masked the anxiety with a laugh. "You think me vile?" he chuckled. "What, then, do you make of the one who cursed us?"

Finn let out a frustrated growl. "She was trying to make you mortal again!"

Beatrix's eyes flickered to Elijah, who grabbed a knife off the table as Finn continued. "And you both refused her..." the eldest Mikaelson brother laughed darkly. "It only proves how far you've fallen. But, I expect Rebekah will have a different response to her proposal. See, unlike the two of you, she always did cling to her humanity.

Elijah let out a growl. "Rebekah is off-limits to you. You pursue her, and you will suffer."

The other brothers looked at Elijah, clearly not having expected such attitude from him. Beatrix quickly put her hand over his, keeping him from raising his knife. "Don't let them goad you," she said quickly, thinking something off the top of her head. "Rebekah doesn't want to be found, because she's in a place that makes her happy. Esther won't find her." She noticed Klaus giving her a curious look, but she did not give indication that she was making anything up. "Your brothers know better than to try and ruin their sister's happiness."

"Esther is quite determined," said Finn sharply. "She's been searching for Rebekah since the day she returned. I imagine it's only a matter of time."

Elijah then swept free of Beatrix's grasp and grabbed Finn by the collar, slamming him onto the table before diving his fangs into his neck.

"ELIJAH!" Beatrix snapped as Klaus yanked him off. She ran to Finn and pressed a napkin on his wound, yanking him back into his seat.

"I enjoy a good bloodletting as much as anyone, but our brothers have power, as well as knowledge of Esther's plans," Klaus said sternly to his older brother. Elijah simply wiped the blood off his face.

"We need them alive," Klaus insisted.

Kol and Finn were occupied making sure the latter wasn't bleeding out, but when Beatrix heard the others' voices drop to a whisper, she couldn't help but listen in.

"Imagine what they would do to Rebekah," Elijah was saying. "To Hope."

Who the hell was Hope?

"Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic," Klaus said. "Focus on the task at hand. We need to persuade our brothers."

"I'm through with persuasion," said Elijah, beginning to leave. But Klaus grasped him roughly by the shoulder, staring at Elijah with concern. "Has the earth shifted on its axis?" the hybrid inquired. "You needing restraint from me?"

Elijah did not answer, as his phone began to ring. Klaus looked back at Beatrix and cast her a sharp look when he realized she was watching. But rather than push her away, he stopped, listening to Elijah's call. "Tell her to head west," Klaus said quickly. "I'll call Hayley." He then turned to Beatrix and beckoned her forward.

"Go," Elijah told Klaus. "I'll take care of Kol and Finn."

Klaus looked annoyed as Beatrix walked up. "Splendid. And, in your hands, I assume they'll be dead by nightfall."

Elijah gritted his teeth. "I will show restraint. Hope needs her father."

"What she needs— what we need— are allies to help us defeat our mother. Finn and Kol must be turned to our side. Without their help, there will be nowhere left for Hope to run.

"Niklaus, your child—"

"I have waited months to see my daughter." He then stopped and gulped. "I can wait one more day. Elijah. Do whatever it takes to keep her safe."

"I give you my word," said the other, heading outside. Klaus then grasped a very confused Beatrix's shoulder.

"Elijah will tell you everything," he mumbled. "I want you to go with him. I am not blind. He is unwell."

"Your baby is alive," she whispered.

"Yes," said Klaus. "And there is no one I trust more than you, to look after Elijah and go and retrieve Rebekah and my daughter. Please... keep them safe."

Beatrix offered him a smile. "I will. Promise." She then sped out to meet Elijah at his car.

The Original looked up at her, confused. "Itza, what are you—?"

"Klaus asked me to go with you," she said. "I hear we're getting a rather special package."

Elijah seemed like he wanted to ask her to stay behind, but simply beckoned her to get into the passenger's seat.

He hardly spoke on the drive. Beatrix felt embarrassed. Did he not want her there? Or was he just worried about letting her into such a huge secret? Was he unsure what to say? Was he perhaps hooked on what she'd said about Kai?

"You were stuck for eighteen years with the same male?" Klaus had chuckled when they'd retired to the sitting room to keep Kol and Finn curious about the rest of the details. "I wonder why he is not here with you."

"He is still stuck inside," said Beatrix indifferently. "He's more dangerous. He has a plan to wipe out an entire coven. And while I don't oppose that, my agenda revolved around getting back to all of you. Murder can be postponed."

"We'll have to meet this new beau of yours eventually," said Klaus, wiggling his eyebrows. "You say he is a powerless witch, much like you were... if you turn him into a Heretic, he may be of great use to us. And we will aid him in killing the Gemini Coven, if he so wishes. After all, they were the reason you were lost."

Beatrix rolled her eyes. "He's not my 'beau,' Klaus. Just an acquaintance."

"Who you slept with," said Hayley slowly. "That's what I've gathered, at least."

"It was a purely sexual relationship. Neither of us could ever harbor feelings for the other. A mutual grudging respect, then yes."

Elijah's lips twitched a bit, and Beatrix looked down. She wondered what he must be thinking. Would he perhaps be jealous? Maybe relieved thinking he could move on?

"If you see him when he gets out, what will happen?" inquired Klaus, clearly very curious. "Would you continue to... ah... alleviate each other's needs?"

Beatrix scrunched her nose up. "Not likely, no. I don't think that same attraction will take place when there are so many others to choose from."

Klaus leaned forward with a mischievous grin. "Humans aren't satisfactory enough, are they?"

Hayley cast him a sharp look. "Klaus, you're disgusting."

He threw his hands in the air and leaned back again, still smirking wickedly. "Don't be a pessimist, little wolf. Beatrix never minded having such intimate conversations before."

Marcel groaned at this, covering his eyes. "Please don't remind me about that."

"What?" said Hayley, raising her eyebrows.

Klaus looked amused as ever. "When Marcellus was sneaking about with Rebekah, they used Beatrix here to distract me, and she played the part quite well. One night, very late, were having a very... detailed discussion about how she—"

At this, Marcel groaned and Hayley let out a loud "No— no— no—!" to stop Klaus from continuing. Beatrix smacked Klaus, who just laughed maliciously, enjoying their reactions. The Heretic had glanced over at Elijah, who was either completely zoned out, or angry at them.

"I think that's enough about my time in the prison world," said Beatrix hurriedly, standing and kicking Klaus in the shins as she left the room. The hybrid debated kicking her down the hallway, but decided against it.

"Are you feeling alright?" Beatrix dared to ask after Elijah continued to ignore her.

The Original glanced her way, then back to the road. "Yes. I just want to stay focused while driving. You saw my hands shaky yesterday. I don't want to cause an accident."

"Oh." Beatrix blushed, embarrassed. Maybe she was just overthinking everything.

They arrived at a diner, and Elijah parked the car before leading her inside. "Choose a booth," he said simply as he opened the door for her. She nodded and slipped in, sitting near a man who was at the bar. She slid into the seat and Elijah slid down across from her.

The waitress came up and smiled kindly at them. "What'll it be, you two?"

"A coffee for me, please," said Elijah with a kind smile.

"Do you have orange juice, by any chance?" Beatrix asked. The waitress nodded and left, returning soon with a mug of coffee and a mug of orange juice.

"Thank you," said Beatrix, taking a sip when the waitress departed once more. She watched Elijah drink from his coffee, still apparently deep in thought. Was he zoning out again? She wondered if perhaps he was still having visions, or having auditory hallucinations.

"Elijah?" she asked quietly. He looked up. "Yes, Itza?"

"Please don't lie," she said. "How are you really feeling?"

"I feel fine," he responded. "Tired. But I suppose after yesterday, that is expected."

Beatrix nodded. She wasn't sure she believed him, but Elijah never lied to her about how he actually felt. So maybe she was just looking too deep into it?

Shifting awkwardly, she heard Elijah's phone begin to ring. He looked down at it and smiled, as if he planned to answer. But then, he looked up at the man at the bar, who had turned to glance at them. Elijah frowned, and he let the call go to voicemail.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yes," he said simply, drinking from his coffee again. When he put the mug back down, it was nearly empty.

"Is there anything in particular you would like to discuss?" asked Beatrix. She wanted more than anything to talk about them. About what their relationship would be from now on. But she didn't want to bring it up unless he wanted to discuss it. They were meant to be waiting on Rebekah and Hope, and adding extra stress to his plate was not her intention.

"How did you sleep?"

She felt almost crestfallen. "I slept badly, honestly," she replied. "Stiff mattress. I was used to lumpier and softer ones in the prison world. It'll just take some adjusting."

"I assume you have found everything else to be accommodating? I believe Niklaus was planning to have clothes delivered for you today. Perhaps it may be why he wanted to send you here."

Beatrix gave a slow assent. "Um, that's kind of him. I'll be sure to thank him when we see him again."

The waitress came by again. She had a pot of coffee to give Elijah a refill, but he stopped her before she could pour. "Tell me," he said, looking into the woman's eyes in an effort to compel her. "Has there been anyone out of the ordinary today?"

"Just you two," said the woman on command. Elijah seemed pleased, and nudged his mug toward her. She began to pour, but spilled some coffee on his sleeve.

"Oh, I am so sorry," she blurted out, cheeks tinted pink with embarrassment. "Let me—"

"It's quite alright, thank you," said Elijah quickly, though his jaw twitched like he was holding himself back from snapping.

The waitress darted away, and Elijah began to dab harshly at the stain with his napkin. Beatrix watched, her face going pale when he kept scrubbing more aggressively. He looked furious.

"Elijah?" Beatrix said, trying to stay calm. "I can get that for you."

"No," he said sharply as he kept dabbing. He looked up at her. "Please, Itza, I don't need to be babied. Why don't you go spend some time looking for clothes of your own? I will call you when Rebekah arrives."

"I don't have a phone," she said, blinking a bit nervously at him.

"Well, go and get one," he grunted. "Go on."

Beatrix had never before backed away from Elijah, but this time, she didn't feel eager to test him. She hadn't seen him in so long. She didn't know how he had changed. If he was more abrasive. She quickly slipped out, wringing her hands together.

Hours passed. She went to a bank. Got a bank account set up, and had them put some money until she could get some of her own to pay them back. She stopped at a few thrift stores before going to a big of a nicer store down a few blocks. She grabbed a pastry along the way, and some blood from a very kind teenage girl that was bored out of her mind at the store. She got a phone, and assumed it would be suitable. She was unsure how to really use it, but hoped that Hayley might teach her when they got back.

It was dark when she returned, and she found Elijah at the same booth, except the diner was now empty.

"Ah, Itza, you're back," said Elijah, looking much happier. "Rebekah should be here soon. I trust you found what you needed?"

"Yes," she said as she sat down. "Where is everyone?"

"I compelled them to leave and close early. Didn't want anyone here when Rebekah arrived. No prying eyes."

Beatrix nodded slowly, holding her bags close. She cleared her throat a bit awkwardly. What to say? They could have a more intimate conversation, but Elijah did not look to be in the mood for that. Beatrix wanted to get him talking about Hayley, about their relationship, but it would be difficult coming to terms with the truth if it implied she was losing him. Either way, she was a bit afraid to ask him anything.

It wasn't long after when the door opened behind them. Beatrix stood and turned, seeing Rebekah Mikaelson entering the diner with a baby carrier holding the most adorable little girl.

"Trix," Rebekah said, a wide smile on her face. "Nik told me you were back..."

"He did?" she asked, grinning as she went to hug her friend. "Oh, Bex, I missed you. You look amazing."

"So do you," she said, looking her up and down. She then turned to Elijah, hugging him tightly. She set the baby carrier on the table, and Elijah smiled, picking the baby up and cradling her. "Look at you, so big. So perfect. I can't imagine the joy of spending every day with her. It's..."

"...Quite lovely," finished Rebekah. "It feels so human."

"Yes... some would argue the most human of experiences," said Elijah before turning to hand the baby to Beatrix. "Beatrix, this is Hope."

The Heretic very gently took the little girl and sighed, caressing her face as the infant looked up at her curiously. "I can't believe Klaus managed to make such a pretty baby," she whispered, smiling down at Hope. "This was all Hayley, I bet..." she gestured to the face. "But the eyes are all him."

Rebekah nodded, smiling as she leaned onto Beatrix's shoulder to look down at her niece. She then sighed. "I know I have to give her back to Hayley when the time is right. But, she's made me realize how much I want that child of my own... that I know I can't have."

Beatrix kept rocking the baby gently. "You might be able to," she said slowly. "In time. I haven't gotten back into the medical field yet but I imagine that science has progressed a lot. With the help of a witch like me, or maybe a whole coven for safety, it could be possible in the future. I believe it."

Elijah nodded. "Having children of our own... It's a lovely dream. Unfortunately..." he cast a glance at Beatrix, "it's one that's just beyond our reach... for now... considering the curse of our existence."

Rebekah winced. "Seems Esther's attacking with her usual fervor."

"Yes," said Elijah. "Mother tortured me for days with memories I thought I'd buried long ago." He licked his lips nervously, glancing yet again at Beatrix before continuing. "Then, she made an offer... to make us all mortal again. You see, sister, Mother believes that by placing us in new bodies, we can then reclaim some kind of... purity. We can begin families of our own again. And, I have to confess, Rebekah... this invitation, however cruel in delivery, had a certain... appeal."

Rebekah gave him a sympathetic gaze and took Elijah's hand. But her gaze fixated down on a smear of blood that Beatrix had only just noticed on his sleeve, where the waitress had spilled the coffee. The two women shared a look, and Elijah noticed this, but seemed to think their concern lay elsewhere.

"Neither of you need worry," he said pleasantly, looking down at Hope. "We're safe."

The Original sister offered him a fake smile, licking her lips before looking at Beatrix as if to say 'We need to talk. Now.' "Looks like this little one needs her diaper changed!" she said. "Accompany me, Trix, so I can show you how diapers look nowadays. They're strange but darling little things."

Beatrix followed her, and as they walked, they caught sight of blood on the countertop, previously concealed by a chair. Further down, blood on the kitchen door. Inside, they found dozens of dead bodies, while the waitress from before washed the dishes calmly. Rebekah immediately shielded Hope's face, and her eyes widened.

"Holy crap," Beatrix whispered. "He— he made me leave, for hours. He must have..."

"I will change her diaper," Rebekah said a bit shakily. "P-Please do something to clean this up."

She dashed past into a room behind, and Beatrix winced as she looked down at the bodies. She began to wave her hands around the room. It pained her to think that these innocent people had been slaughtered, all because Elijah was having trouble fighting off the after effects of Esther's curse.

The bodies vanished, as did the blood. She had dispersed them around the city in hopes to spread the victims out and not draw attention to it being a mass murder. There was nothing more that she thought to even do.

Rebekah came out of the bathroom and pulled at Beatrix's arm. "Knock him out," she whispered. "Please."

As they walked back to the table, Beatrix quickly flicked her hand, and Elijah's neck cracked, putting him to sleep. She came to his body, and yanked him up, putting two fingers on his forehead to keep him asleep for awhile.

Rebekah immediately began to dial a number on her phone.

"Where have you been?" came the annoyed voice of Klaus.

"Nik, it's me," said Rebekah. "Something's wrong. Elijah slaughtered a dozen people, whose only sin was their terrible taste in food. I mean, when have you known him to kill when he could otherwise compel? It's the kind of act that will draw our mother's attention. Beatrix has taken care of it for now, but..."

Klaus let out a harsh sight. "Her torture must have affected him more deeply than I'd realized. Where is he now?"

"I asked Beatrix to break his neck to keep the baby safe, but I have no clue what to do next."

"Do you recall where we dined the Christmas after we fled Mikael?" asked the hybrid.

"Of course—"

"Go there. Now. All of you. Have Beatrix add some spells to the place." He then hung up, and Rebekah gave a nod. "Let's abandon my car here. I expect you won't mind sitting in the back with Hope?"

Beatrix smiled down at the little girl, who gave a small giggle. "Not at all."

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