Adopted by Pewdiepie

By oneweirdgirl23

49.4K 1.2K 1K

For Kloe life is a living hell and she's only 12! Her mother passed and her father was very mean abusive man... More

Save me
Adoption time
Ride Home
Rise and Shine
Ice Cream
Still here
Going home?
He's Back?!
My leg
Why me?!
What's up you guys?
Great news!
Quitting Wattpad for good?


1.3K 42 47
By oneweirdgirl23

Kloe's POV

When Cry said it was ok for Jed to stay here I was so happy. I jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"Jed!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Where are you?" I commented back.

"Living room," he answered.

I walked in there and sat on the couch. Mean girls were own so we watched it together.

"I'm going out," Daddy Pewds called out.

We sat there and were watching different movies and we began to get sleepy.

"You sleepy?" Jed asked.

"I could sleep," I replied not really wanting to sleep without pewds around.

"Come here," he said.

I was nervous but I managed to get enough courage to wrap my self in the safety of his arms. We laid there until we fell asleep.

Pewds arrived home and ran upstairs with a bunch of bags. He came back down and picked me up taking me away from Jed. I didn't like that my mind said he was being a protective dad but my heart was longing for Jed. I really liked him.

I was laying in bed waiting for pewds to leave. He finally left and I got up it was about 8:00 he was gone awhile. I just laid there. I grabbed my headphones and was listening back and forth from green day and chemical romance.

I just stared at the ceiling trying to remember when it all went wrong the first time.

It was about midnight and I stuck my head out to make sure no one was awake. I went to my bathroom and turned the shower on. I jumped in and felt the hot water soothing the scars and bruises that covered my body. I sat down and brought my knees to my chest and sat there as water dripped down my face. I glanced at the clock 12:30, I had been in there for 30 minutes. I got out and looked in the mirror.

When most people look in the mirror they see themselves but when I look in the mirror I see myself and my demon right behind me.

I sigh and turn away grabbing one of the razors out of my bag. I take the blade out and cut my thighs.
1 cut for having a horrible child hood,2 cuts for running away twice,and 3 cuts for being me.

I returned the razor and opened the medicine cabinet. I grabbed the bandages and some rags.
I bandaged the cut and wiped the blood up then threw them in the hamper.

I hate this stupid cast. It's all my fault. All of it. I had to use crutches if it started to hurt but around the house I don't use them much.

I hobbled my way back to bed and crawled under the sheets. I fell asleep about 1:30.

Next day.

No dreams. I got up and grabbed my crutches. I hobbled to pewds room. He was asleep. I went downstairs and Jed was asleep on the couch still. I put my ear to the door Cry was asleep too. I took my phone out.

Hey Kloe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!, Momma sent.

Thank you! I sent.

I'm coming over there today but don't tell Felix. she sent.

I won't love ya bye, I sent.

I heard footsteps and turned around it was Cry.

"Happy Birthday," he said.

"Did pewds tell everyone?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You sleep good?" I asked.

"Yea, you?" He asked.

"So so," I replied.

"I'm gonna cook breakfast," he said

"Ok I'm gonna wake Jed up," I said.

I went to the living room and shook Jed awake.

"Good morning," he said running his fingers through his hair.

"Good morning," I said back.

"Happy birthday!" He grinned.

"Thank you," I grinned back.

"Let's go do something?" He said more of a question.

"Okay let me go get dressed," I told him.

I ran upstairs grabbed a pair of ripped,faded skinny jeans and a 5SOS shirt and a beanie. I put on my grey high top converse. I heaved my Kavu which had my bathing suit and went downstairs.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready," I answered.

"Cry we're going out be back later," I said.

"Okay," he answered.

We walked out and went to my favorite place to go the Hangout. We walked in and sat down.

"You wanna hamster ball?" Jed asked.

"What's that?" I asked back.

"You get in a ball and walk on water," he said

"Cool!" I exclaimed.

We went to the hamster balls. I got in a pink one an he got in a blue one. I had to leave my crutches on the post. It was so fun to try to walk then land on our butts. My leg started hurting so we had to stop.

I checked my phone.

"I'm at a hotel where are you?" Marzia sent.

"With Jed at the Hangout," I sent back.

"Be there in a few," she replied.

We went and sat by the entrance and about 5 minutes later Marzia showed up.

"Hey mom," I greeted.

"Hey adorable. I've missed you so much," she squealed and pulled me into a hug.

"Who's the cutie?" She whispered.

"Mom,this is Jed," I introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Jed said with his hand out.

Mom grabbed it and shook hands.

"What happened to your leg?" She asked.

"Trampoline accident," I said.

She nodded her head in understanding.

"Let's go shopping!" She practically yelled.

We got into the car and drove to the mall.

Felix's POV

When I came downstairs this morning I automatically went to the party supply kit I bought last night.

I got the streamers out and balloons,the karaoke machine,speakers,more balloons etc.

I was still in my pjs but I didn't care. I ran outside and tied streamers every were even in the pool. I hung balloons around the trampoline and on the house and around the gate around the pool. I plugged the karaoke machine in to the tv.
I put the speakers on the picnic table.

I went in to get the presents and sat them next to the speakers.

Finally everything was finished I ran in and took a shower. I ran back down stairs. I grabbed my car keys.

"Cry I'm going to get a cake I'll be back later," I said.

"Oh okay I'll eat all these eggs and bacon all alone," he trailed off.

"Don't worry about it Cry," I said and ran out the door.

I jumped in the car and headed to the bakery. I picked out a bro fist cake and drove home.

Ian,Anthony,and Madison were already there along with Ken and Shane. We are only missing Rhett and Link.

I walked out and put the cake on a picnic table. I looked around and saw they had already cooked hamburgers and hotdogs and everything was ready. Rhett and Link walked in.

I pulled my phone out.

"You can bring her home," I sent to Jed.

"Alright everyone Kloe will be here any minute now so head out back and be really quite," I instructed.

We all walked out back and waited. They came out back.

"SURPRISE!!!" we all shouted.

"Happy birthday," I said.

She hugged me.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Go have fun," I said.

"But first," she smiled.

"You sit here while I go get your surprise," she instructed.

I sat down and closed my eyes.

"You can open them," she said.

I opened my eyes and my beautiful girlfriend Marzia was standing In front of my eyes. I felt a tear escape my eyes.

"I've missed you!" I cried and hugged her.

"I've missed you too but let's party after all it is Kloe's 13th party!" She screamed.

After the party and everyone left we all went to the beach. Cry and I were in the water dunking each other under and the kids were up at the pavilion.

Kloe's POV

I was sitting on a picnic table waiting for Jed. There was a girl across from me and some people behind me whispering about something.

Jed still wasn't back and the people behind me walked up to me.

"Sup bitch?" She asked.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yea what's so confusing about that?" she snapped.

"I'm sorry the only bitch I see here is right in front of me!" I slurred.

They pushed me off the table and that girl across from me got up and walked over and punched her.

"Leave her alone," she calmly said.

"Or else I'll punch all of you," she stated.

"Go head right here," they said pointing to there face.

She knocked all of them to the ground and they ran off. I was standing by now.

"My name's Ashely," she introduced.

"My name's Kloe," I said.

"Why did you help me?" I asked.

"I don't judge people by there looks and I hate it when someone tries to make someone feel bad about themselves," she answered.

She was really pretty with brown hair and blond tips at the end. She had blue eyes and a tan complexion as most Floridians did.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Wanna come met the famous Pewdiepie aka my dad?" I joked.

"Omg yes I thought you never ask!!" She screamed.


Hey guys so sorry on the updates I try to do it over the weekends but I had a very busy one this past weekend my brother turned 16. Please forgive me!! Thank you for reading this book.


Oneweirdgirl <3

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