Adopted by Pewdiepie

By oneweirdgirl23

49.4K 1.2K 1K

For Kloe life is a living hell and she's only 12! Her mother passed and her father was very mean abusive man... More

Save me
Adoption time
Ride Home
Rise and Shine
Ice Cream
Still here
Going home?
He's Back?!
Why me?!
What's up you guys?
Great news!
Quitting Wattpad for good?

My leg

1.4K 37 50
By oneweirdgirl23

Kloe's POV

"I love you," I stated and embraced the hug.

" You want to go for a swim in the pool?" he asked.

"I'm good the last time I did I almost died," I laughed but he had went silent.

"What? It's just a joke. Pewds it's not even your fault, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now," I said a little more harsh than I expected.

"I'm so-," I was cut off.

"It's fine. Your right it wasn't my fault," he said agreeing with me.

"Do you want to jump on the trampoline?" he asked in excitement.

"What's a trampoline?" I asked tilting my head too the right.

"This'll be fun," he said with a sly grin.

He grabbed my wrist and took me out back with a trampoline.

"It's really simple," he stated jumping onto the trampoline.

" You just jump and it makes you feel like you're flying," he demonstrated.

"Okay," I said jumping onto the trampoline.

I was jumping up and down and then I stopped a laid on my back with Pewds. We looked at the little puffs of clouds that scattered across the sky.

"Beautiful just like you," he blurted and I blushed.

"Well I'm going to talk to Cry for awhile be back in a minute. Maybe he'll come jump with us," he stated starting to stand up.

"Okay I'm going to keep jumping," I replied.

He walked off and I started jumping again. Pewds was right it did feel like I was flying. I got to close to the edge. Man, I really do fuck a lot of things up.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself.

"Felix," I called as tears stained my cheeks.

"Yes?" He stuck his head out looking for me.

"Over here," I said trying not too cry.

He ran over here and looked at my leg.

"Shit," he mumbled

"I know, I fucked up again," I stated and pulled a believable smile.

He picked me up and took me too the doctor. They took an X-rays on my leg.

"Your leg is broken," the doctor blurted out and started to wrap my leg in a cast.

"You have to have this cast on for three weeks." he walked out and I looked at Pewds.

He had his head hung in shame.

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I got to close to the edge. Pewds it's not your fucking fault stop blaming yourself for my fucking mistakes! Don't feel sorry for me! For fucks sake Pewds don't blame yourself!" I slurred as salty tears ran down my face.

"That's not it, it's your sca-" I cut him off.

"Fuck this!" I said.

I had my Kavu on my back which had money in about $500 in it. I grabbed my crutches and hopped out. Salty,burning tears were running down my cheeks. I went down the street and went into this place called SurfUp. I was hobbling to the sand mound when I ran into a really cute boy.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No problem," he claimed with a smooth voice.

"Kloe," I said reaching a hand out.

"Jed," he grabbed my hand and we shook hands.

"Do you want to sit on the sand mound with me?" I asked.

He nodded and followed me to the mound. I got butterflies in my stomach as he sat down. He had brown curly hair with piercing blue eyes that made his white teeth seem even whiter with his tan complexion.

"So,Kloe what's your story?" He asked and I explained everything to him.

He didn't ignore me,he didn't question,he just listened. I liked that.

"Your so pretty and smart. I don't see how someone could have done that." he stated.

"Oh don't worry about me," I said.

"I'm turning 13 tomorrow," I said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 14. Hey I know what you're going through. I've been through it too," he said rolling up his sleeves, reveling scars of self harm and abuse.

We talked all night he gave me his number. Later on Pewds showed up. He glared at Jed.

"I found you," he said. I was still mad.

"Who is he?" He asked glaring at Jed once more.

"He's a friend. My friend." I blurted.

"No boys until your 16," he claimed.

"Why? You gonna blame yourself for this too?" I stated coldly.

He tensed up. I stared at him and then at the ground.

"You're coming back home," he blurted.

"Whoa Pewds, don't get me wrong I'm a bro and all but lay off," Jed said.

"Who the hell are you?" Pewds said aggressively.

"Jed," he said.

"You don't know anything about her so I think you should stay out of this," Felix rudely slurred.

"Oh really, What's her middle name? When's her birthday?" He questioned.

Pewds hung his head in shame.

"Her middle name is Grace. Her birthday is tomorrow," Jed spat out.

"I'm so sor-," he held his hand up.

"It's fine, I over reacted stay here. Have fun with Jed. Come home when you ready. Bring Jed if you want," he said. and walked off.

"Hey Jed wanna go to the beach?" I asked him.

"Sure," he stated.

We got to the beach and since I couldn't get my cast wet we laid in a hammock together.
We looked at the starts.

"Beautiful just like you," he said.

I tensed at this thinking of Felix.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I asked.

"Yea. You see that pavilion up there? That's where I live," he said.

"Do you want to live with us?" I asked turning to face him.

"Are you sure Felix doesn't care?" He asked.

"Positive," I said.

We stood up and I grabbed my crutches and we walked and hopped all the way home. Talking and learning more and more about each other.

Felix's POV

When she ran out of the doctors office it broke my heart. I was just sad because of her scars. I got up and walked outside. I remembered she went to the Hangout last time so I went there and she was no where to be found. I went to the beach and she wasn't there either. I finally found this place called SurfUp. She was in there with Jed.

It hurt me that he knows her middle name and birthday and I didn't. While she was out I started to plan her party. She was turning 13. I know I'll invite all of her favorite you tubers like Smosh,Shane,Rhett and Link, and Ken. This is gonna be the best day of her life.

She and Jed stumbled in. She hugged on to me tight,even though I was still mad I hugged her back.

"Can Jed stay with us?" She whispered into my ear so I could only hear.

I grabbed her hand and took her into the room next door.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he has no other place to go. He lives in the abandoned pavilion at the beach. Please?" She begged.

"Go ask Cry," I sighed and gave her a hug and kissed her temple.

"Thank you so much," she said and ran off to go ask Cry.

"Jed? Can you come here for a minute?" I called.

"What's up Pewds?" He asked.

"I need you to take Kloe out tomorrow so I can plan the party," I ordered.

"Okay," he said and went to find Kloe.

I grabbed my phone and texted everyone.

"Kloe is having a party be here at 3:30,"I sent to everyone.

Shane: Awesome I'll be there.

Smosh: Totally we'll be there.

Rhett and Link: Sounds fun.

Ken: Cool!

Yes everything is going as planned.

"Cry I'm going out I'll be back later," I said before walking out the door.

I hopped into the car and drove to the mall. The first place I walked into was a shoe store called ShoeShop. I bought her pairs of converse. 2 of blue,pink,and black. Hightops and low tops. I had a very special pair made for her,Brofist converse.

I walked into Hot Topic and got her two black beanies and some ripped skinny jeans.

I walked in Electronic City and bought her a microphone,some headphones,and a camera.

I walked to the car and drove home. I hope she likes her gifts. I really missed Mariza and I really wish she would come to Kloe's 13th party.

I arrived at home to find Kloe fast asleep in Jed's arms. I quickly ran upstairs and hid her gifts. I came back down and picked her up and took her to her room.

I laid her in her bed and I sat next to her. When I made sure she was asleep I got up to wrap her gifts.


Thank you so much for the idea that will be in the next chapter. Please keep commenting on ideas for the book and what I can improve on. This book is no where near finished but I'm already thinking of a sequel. What do you think like and comment. Follow me and I will keep it going thank you so much for taking time to read this. Stay awesome. :)


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