distractions (todoroki shoto...

By punchawall

44.1K 1.7K 2.5K

life felt like too much for her. she didn't want to deal with the pressure of the hero course, classes, or p... More

1 - first day
2 - ground gamma
3 - groupchat
4 - lunch time
5 - study time!
6 - the gala
7 - midterms
8 - training camp day 1
9 - training camp day 2
10 - attack
11 - pizza la
13 - arcade games
14 - stargazing
15 - ultimate moves
16 - jealousy
17 - license exam
18 - retake results
19 - sleepovers
20 - the cafe

12 - room contest

1.9K 71 140
By punchawall

a/n - mini reminder that the plot will be slightly different bc i'm improvising a lot haha oh! also feel free to imagine your room however u want, i'm just doing whatever and it's not too plot important // this is such a filler chapter hahaha

(y/n)'s pov

"no! i'm sorry but you can't go!" my mother was appalled at the mere suggestion. i looked between the adults, bitterly smiling and running my hands into my hair.

aizawa sensei and all might were going house to house, to convince parents to let all of the 1-a students to move into their new dorm system.

it wasn't going too well.

the two teachers were wearing suits, currently sitting on one of our couches, across from my parents and i. eraserhead looked tired, "mr and mrs (l/n), please understand that we have the safety of your child as our utmost concern. she was just targeted by the league of villains, and may be targeted again."

my mother wouldn't hear it, "no! with all due respect, she was taken from your hands a few days ago! she would be much safer if she stayed with us here."

all might suddenly bowed on the floor, facing my parents, "mr and mrs (l/n) please forgive me. i completely take the blame for miss (l/n)'s kidnapping. i give you my word that nothing will harm young (l/n) ever again."

mother gripped my arm, as if i would just vanish, only loosening her hold as she listened to the symbol of peace. "that's... fine. but living there will provide so many other distractions, i still think that (y/n) can focus better at home."

alike the majority of the public, my parents admired the number one hero.

but their respect wasn't larger than their expectations they had for me.

aizawa sighed, "despite that, your child's safety is still our number one priority. she will be under full time supervision to make sure nothing bad happens to her."

my mom's grip tightened a bit more, "but still! with those other students, she'll just get distracted by them and—"

my teacher cut her off, "with all due respect, isn't her safety more important than grades?"

she paled, and my father finally spoke up, "he's right sweetie." my mother looked down in her lap and my father continued,"she can go with you guys, just please make sure that nothing bad happens."

the pros stood up and shook hands with my parents, "of course mr and mrs (l/n). there's no need to worry." aizawa sensei surprisingly ruffled my hair before he left, "dorms are right next to the campus so you can start to move in today."

that means i get to see everyone more!

time skip brought to you by mirio popping out of the ground💘

the class followed after our teacher, up to a taller building with '1-a' on the side, "luckily, all of your parents agreed to let you stay here. but first, let me address something."

i could feel the mood shift, and the students start to fidget a bit. he continued on, "listen up. if i wanted to i could have everyone except bakugo, (l/n), hagakure, and jirou expelled because of your little rescue mission." everyone tensed up, "even if you weren't a part of the five who went, none of you guys stopped them."

the five on the mini rescue team looked downward and he kept going, "but, since none of you used your quirks offensively, you won't be expelled." almost at once, i saw the class let out a breath of relief. "keep in mind the rules that even pro heroes have to follow. with that aside, welcome to the heights alliance."

despite the introduction to the dorms, there was still a heavy tension in the air. bakugo clicked his tongue and suddenly grabbed kaminari and pulled him with him behind some shrubbery.

once they came out, kaminari was in full dunce mode, thumbs up and going, "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~!"

jirou was the first to break out laughing, the rest of the class following suit.

i went over to the only other person who wasn't full on laughing, and stood with the half and half boy.

"excited for the dorms?" i asked, a small smile on my face from watching my classmates explode with joy.

he sighed, "a bit. better than home at least."

a chuckle finally escaped my lips, "me too. i'm glad i'll get to see everyone a bit more."

with the mood a bit lighter, we all got our individual room assignments from eraserhead. (i changed it slightly, yaoyorozu and asui are now on the second floor and (y/n) is on the fifth! image in the banner)

we all split up to unpack and get comfortable in our new dorms. my room was rather simple in my opinion.

i had a queen sized bed that had thick (favorite color) blankets layered on top. an organized desk that had my desktop set up, and a few drawers to the side that held supplies were across from the bed. i set up a plain hammock in one corner and put my clothes in my closet.

now that i wasn't under my parent's supervision, i was able to use my speaker and headphones to listen to loud music.

smiling a bit, i decided to head downstairs to see if anyone else was finished.

looking around the first floor common area, it seemed like most of the other students were still working on their rooms. i sighed, sitting on the counter and trying to figure out what to do.

oh! i know!

i went up the elevator, and knocked on the greenette's door. he peeked his head out, looking a bit nervous for no reason, "uhm, h-hey (l/n)! what's up?"

ignoring his weird state, i told him, "just so someone knows, i'm heading out for a bit. i'll be by the nearby convenience store, but i shouldn't take that long."

he gave me a nod, and i sent him a small smile, "thanks midoriya!"

time skip brought to you by bakugo's arms💘 - (a/n - (y/n)'s trip will be a small mystery for now hehe)

half an hour later, i was chatting with the other girls in the common room. ochaco was currently braiding my hair on the couch when mina jumped up with excitement. "ooh! do you guys think we should have a room competition with the boys?"

hagakure perked up at the idea, "yessss~! that sounds so fun!!! let's go ask them!"

the brunette finished up my hair, and we started to search for the boys. in the other living room, we found some of the guys, and mina quickly brought up her idea. "hey kiri~ boys~! do you guys wanna try having a room competition?"

on the couch midoriya, tokoyami, and mineta all paled at the idea. but everyone else was all for the idea.

we started with the boys on the second floor.

mina and ochaco were prying midoriya away from his doorway, hagakure successfully threw open the door. "woahhhhhhh a true otaku's room!"

it was filled with all might merch and memorabilia, posters and figures of the symbol of peace. the freckled boy was hiding his red face in his hands, steam coming from his ears. "so this is why you were so nervous earlier, huh?"

the poor boy nodded his head, and i gave him a pitiful pat on the back. sero was looking at a few posters on the wall, "to be honest, i'm not surprised that this is midoriya's room."

we moved onto the next room, aoyama's. it was a bit hard to look at, "it's as bright as me!"

the rest of the girls squinted and left the room, "too sparkly, it's painful. let's go!!!!"

now we were in front of tokoyami's room, who was trying to stop mina and hagakure from pushing him off the door. the girls won.

tokoyami was lying in the floor in defeat, and mina sprung open the door. the room was almost completely dark, except for the purple beacons of light. "wowwww, so emo!" asui chirped.

i kind of liked the room. kirishima found a small keychain and realized, "ohhhh i think i bought one of these in fifth grade!!"

we headed out, "is that everyone on the second floor?" i turned and scanned the hallway, eyes landing upon a short purple boy who was sticking his head outside of his room.

"come on in girls.... come check it out..."

kumoya. i chucked a kunai at the doorway, successfully shutting him up.

on the third floor, we came to ojiro's room.

"wow! it's so normal!"

"what a normal room!"

the karate boy was dejected, "it's ok, you don't have to say anything..."

next was iida, "why do you have a whole wall of the same pair of glasses?" i couldn't help but ask.

he grabbed a pair and explained, "i am prepared for the glasses to be broken during our rigorous training!!! luck favors the prepared mind!"

midoriya admired the filled bookshelves, "wow it's completely full! as expected of the class rep!"

following iida was denki's room, that jirou insulted, "it's so gaudy. it's like you used whatever you found!"

the lightning boy deflated, "i think it looks cool..."

last for the third floor was kouda. i gasped and a small smile filled my face, "you have a bunny?"

he shyly nodded and i heard kaminari complain a bit, "pets? that's not fair..."

up on the fourth floor was shoji, who had the bare necessities.

momo looked like she had some sort of revelation, "it's so simplistic! neat but only what you need!!"

then we went to kirishima's room. i smirked and gave the red head a pat on the back, "very manly kiri."

he gave me his shark toothed grin, "thanks (l/n)! you get me!"

meanwhile mina was talking to the girls, "this would rank second in the top rooms you wouldn't want your boyfriend to have."

and finally, we got to the fifth floor, heading into sero's room. ochaco and mina both exclaimed at the same time, "asian!!!!!" invoking a small snicker from me.

next was todoroki's room, that was a traditional japanese styled room. "woahhh how did you change the room structure?!?"

i admired the shoji, dividing the room, "it reminds me of home."

finally, we got to sato's room where hagakure noticed a strong scent, "oooh~ what are you making sato?"

the boy's eyes widened and he went to a mini oven, "oh! i almost forgot! i made some cupcakes for everyone! come grab one while they're warm!"

we all took a mini break with the cupcakes, and i enjoyed my (favorite flavor) cupcake beside the peppermint boy who was eating his vanilla cupcake.

mineta suddenly gave a speech out of nowhere, "what about the girls' rooms? the boys need justice, shouldn't all of the rooms be seen?"

i rolled my eyes, while it did make sense, it was obvious what the short boy's ulterior motives. after some discussion, we finally agreed to check out the girls' rooms too.

staring with momo's room, she explained a bit before we entered, "i wasn't anticipating such a small room... ive enjoyed seeing how unique all of your rooms were but mine ended up a bit cramped..."

she wasn't lying, her bed took up about 80% of the entire room. "woahhh! as expected from the rich girl!" sero commented, not coming off as rude.

before we went up to the third floor, ochaco told us that asui was feeling sick so we skipped over her room.

next was jirou, who looked nervous for us to enter. it was pretty cool to be honest. kaminari gaped at all of the instruments, "wow, can you play all of these?"

the girl with asymmetrical purple hair shyly nodded, "yeah... i at least know the basics on all of them, but i like playing guitar the most."

up next was hagakure's room, who was very excited for us to see. "this is a true girl's room!" it was mainly pink with some baby blue. the perverted teen started inching toward her drawers, but was quickly chopped upon the head by the invisible girl.

then we headed to mina's room, which was pink with various animal prints.

"this fits you perfectly mina!" kirishima gave his pointy grin and an enthusiastic thumbs up.

ochaco was next, and her room was rather plain in my opinion.

ojiro asked, "you stick to what you need, huh, uraraka?"

their rooms were similar in that respect.

finally, we came up to my room, and i opened up the door. a sincere smile appeared on my face as i was greeted by a white fluffy cat once i came inside. picking up the new pet, i walked further in so that the rest of the class could check it out.

mina gasped in suprise, "you have a cat!?!?! what's his or her name?"

my smile fell to a thoughtful face, "i don't think i named him yet. i just got him like an hour ago."

midoriya was shocked, "e-eh? was that what you went out for??"

i smiled once more, "yeah. i couldn't own a cat with my parents, but now that they aren't here, i can!"

the class muttered in sync, "cute..."

sweatdropping, i moved over to the half and half boy, "hey, do you have any name ideas?"

he was thinking for a bit while staring at the cat, who had one blue and one amber eye. almost as if they were having a mini staring contest, they held eye contact.

it was adorable.

then, the boy mumbled quietly, "tsuki..."

he looked up to me and i confirmed, "tsuki? as in moon?" the icyhot boy nodded and i tilted my head a bit. "hmm... i like it! alright, your name from now on is tsuki!!"

we all headed back down the elevator to the first floor lobby, where we all counted votes for our favorite room. mina announced the results, "and our room champion is.... actually a tie!! congatulations to sato and (l/n)!!!!!"

sato ended up getting votes because of his delicious cupcakes, while i got votes because of tsuki. (a/n - totally not because (y/n) was so cute no way)

i have a feeling that living here will be a lot of fun.

word count - 2413
a/n - this is such a fat cHAPTER and mainly filler oops, sorry if you uh hate cats but you now have one! you can't stop me muahaha like and comment!!

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