Splintered Illusion

By groovygia

350K 8.3K 4.6K

BEWARE: the writing in this is from when I was younger, and is extremely cringey and cliche. I advise you not... More

》splintered illusion《
» one «
» two «
» three «
» four «
» five «
» seven «
» eight «
» nine «
» ten «
» eleven «
» twelve «
» thirteen «
» fourteen «
» fifteen «
» sixteen «
» seventeen «
» eighteen «
» nineteen «
» twenty «
» twenty one «
» twenty two «
» twenty three «
» twenty four «
» twenty five «
» twenty six «
» twenty seven «
» twenty eight «
» twenty nine - epilogue «

» six «

16.3K 445 224
By groovygia

There was a bruise on my face the next day - a big, hideous, purple one to the left side. When I looked in the mirror and saw it, I started crying. There was no way I could cover that big of a bruise, not even with the little makeup I had.

So I wore a hoodie to school, careful to make sure the hoodie sat where it could hide the bruise.

When I arrived at school, my gaze immediately found Owen and I remembered how we were going to get ice cream today. My mood lifted immediately...but then I saw who he was talking to. It was a girl - a really pretty one at that.

I sighed and sulked all the way to first period. Maybe it was for the better if Owen and I didn't interact anymore, not only because of Puck, but also because no one else would want to talk to him if he was seen with me, of all people.

Much to my satisfaction, Puck wasn't in class when I got there. And I took my normal seat happily, thanking God for the one small miracle today. It wasn't until later that day that things started going downhill.

"You still up for that ice cream?" Owen asked, finding me hiding out in the library with my painting supplies during lunch.

I jumped, startled and turned to look at him, clearing up my things quickly as I chuckled nervously. Puck wasn't here today, so maybe... Maybe I could have fun today. "Sure," I said, making sure my hoodie was hiding the bruise on my face.

"Cool," Owen exclaimed. "I'll wait outside for you after school. My car'll be easy to find - it's the only pink one in the parking lot."

Allowing my lips to curve up in a small smile at him, I nod slowly, watching as he gives one last glance at me before leaving the library.

Once I was sure he - and any other person - were out of hearing range, I let out a small, excited squeal. This was going to be a very good day!

»« »« »«

"Hi," I said breathlessly, beaming up at Owen once I caught up to him in the parking lot.

He smiled shyly. "Hey. You made it."

"Wouldn't miss it for anything," I exclaimed, watching in awe as he opened the passenger side door for me and helped me in like a gentleman.

"I'm glad," Owen responds once he's gotten into the drivers seat, clicking in his seatbelt. "So...I know a nice cafe not far from here. I know I said ice cream - and we can still do that if you want," he adds nervously. "But...you see, it actually belongs to my grandma. It's totally up to you."

I smiled, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "The cafe would be perfect."

Owen's face lit up as he reversed the car out of the parking lot. "Great!"

The car ride there was mostly filled with awkward silence. A few glances were shared between us, but every time we caught the other's eyes, we'd look away nervously. So I'd opted to stare out the window - keeping an eye on Owen through the glass' reflection, but careful never to let him catch me looking whenever he glanced my way.

"We're here," Owen finally announced, breaking the silence as he turned off his pink car's engine. I was about to get out of the car but he was quick to bolt, arriving at the passenger's side door and opening it for me himself.

I bit my lip and smiled up at him. He was so different from Puck - more gentle and shy and...gentlemanly. He was nice - something a male has never been to me in my life. But there was still a feeling of wrongness inside my chest as I entered the cafe with him, his hand grabbing ahold of mines.

"Hey." Owen turns to me, a sheepish look on his face. "Don't freak out, but my grandma tends to be a little--"

"Wen Wen," I hear someone exclaim, turning to find a lady that resembles a grandma, who also launches herself at Owen the second she sees she's got our attention.

"--crazy," Owen finishes off, his face flushed from embarrassment as he side-eyes the people staring.

I grinned and took a small step back, not wanting to intrude and watching as his grandma pulled back from him to squeeze his cheeks.

"Oh, I missed, you! You don't even come by anymore," Owen's grandma complained, placing her hands on her hips and giving him a stern look.

Owen just rubbed at his neck sheepishly. "Sorry. I've been...busy?"

"Damn right, you better have been. Or else that means you were avoiding me. Are you avoiding me?"

"No," Owen exclaims, throwing his hands up. "Of course not. Why would I do such a thing?"

His grandma stares at him for a moment, scrutinizing him before a smile breaks out on her face and she turns to me. "Well, then, are you going to introduce me to your lady friend?"

Both Owen and I blush.

"Grandma, this is Polly," he introduces. "Polly, this is my grandma. She's been running this cafe for awhile now."

I smile and hold out my hand. "Nice to meet you, ma'--"

But before I could finish my sentence, Owen's grandma pulled me in for a tight hug and I bit my lip to stifle my hiss of pain from where she squeezes my bruise. "Oh, you're so beautiful! My grandson is such a lucky one to have you, dear. He barely brings any girls around."

"Thank you," I said softly, smiling into the women's shoulder. No one besides my mom and once my ex-boyfriend had ever called me beautiful. "And I'm just as lucky to have Owen."

From the corner of my eye, I see Owen's cheeks reddening and he starts to fidget as his grandma finally pulled back. "Why don't you two find a seat and I'll be right over to get your orders, hmm?" she suggests.

Owen nods quickly, grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the lady as fast as he can.

I laughed a little. "Why the rush?"

"She's crazy," Owen told me, his eyes wild as he glanced back and forth between me and her. "You don't know her yet...but she's crazy."

I shook my head and pouted a little. "Don't be mean. She's so sweet."

Owen snorted. "Yeah, remind me that again once you really get to know her."

We find a small booth in the corner of the shop by a window that overlooks the parking lot. In the distance, I could even make out Owen's pink car.

"So..." Owen started awkwardly, taking a seat across from me. "Aren't you going to take your hoodie off?"

I froze, racking my brain for an excuse. "Umm - uhh, it's just kind of...cold..."

Owen's expression morphs into a confused one. "Really? You're cold in the middle of August?"

"Oh," I chuckled nervously. "I'm just - I'm that type of person that's cold in the summer and warm in the winter."

Owen didn't seem convinced but nodded anyways.

"So," I said, trying to change the subject as I smiled teasingly up at Owen. "Wen Wen."

Owen blushed furiously and his eyes widened. "Don't say that," he hissed. "It's already embarrassing enough when the crazy woman calls me that."

"I think it's cute," I offered, grinning.

"Oh yeah. Really cute seeing you two here," a familiar, enraged voice said from behind me.

I froze, my eyes widened and my breath got stuck in my throat. This was really bad.

thanks for all the support!! 400 reads - wow!!

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