Pretty & Perfect

By BehindGrayEyes

90.6K 1.8K 224

Christine Gilmore-Hayden spent most of her life alongside her father, only visiting her mother and twin siste... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Ten

2.8K 67 10
By BehindGrayEyes

Rory, Mom and I were sitting on the couch in the pool house on Friday night having drinks with Richard.

"Well this is a very big honour, you know." Richard reminded Rory with a proud smile from his seat on an armchair across from us.

"Oh, I know." Rory said, still not really believing that she had to do.

"Of all the Chilton alumni at Yale they're asking you?" Richard asked her.

"I know, I know."

"Well, have you thought about what kind of things you'd like to show her?

"Well, she'll go to all of my classes with me, of course. And I thought maybe she'd go to the paper with me and then I thought maybe a trip to the Breakneck Rare Book and Manuscript Library." Rory said excitedly and I rolled my eyes at her. We had finally made up after a week of not talking to each after Rory had gone behind mine and Mom's back and told our Dad not to call Lorelai anymore. I was pissed that she had stuck her nose into something that wasn't her business but I could kind of understand why she had done it so I had finally forgiven her.

"Oh, you're going to show her the Gutenberg." Our grandfather insisted enthusiastically.

"Steve?" Mom joked and I giggled at her.

"Bible." Richard corrected her with an amused smile in her direction.

"Then I was torn between taking her to the Hewitt Memorial Quadrangle or the Science Centre and Gymnasium." Rory added to her pervious conversation with Richard.

"Huh, that is a conundrum." Richard said with a frown.

"Yeah, especially since she'll be snoring by then. You'll just be dragging her dead body weight around the campus." Mom teased them both.

"Lorelai, these things are of great interest to any young person considering attending Yale." Richard informed her and I frowned at that.

"No, they're really not." I corrected Richard and Rory but they ignored me, while Mom laughed at my comment.

"I, personally, would enjoy every single thing on my list." Rory told us and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes, I know, but it wouldn't hurt to maybe throw a little something fun in. I'm not talking a kegger, but just walk her by the crazy drama students yelling "Give me a location," or something like that." Mom suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"You know, your mother may be right." Richard told Rory and Mom and I shared a surprised look.

"Who heard that?" Mom asked and I raised my hand.

"Well, a good college experience is a well-rounded college experience. It's important for you to show her that Yale students have fun too. Oh! Have her touch the toe!" Richard said excitedly and leaned forward in his seat.

"Yeah!" Rory agreed equally as excited as our grandpa.

"Touch the toe?" Mom asked and I shook my head trying to subtly tell her not to ask.

"The toe! The statue of Theodore Woolsey. It brings good luck to everyone who touches his feet and for that reason he has one left toe that's been rubbed completely shiny." Rory explained to her.

"Wow! That is fun. Make sure you get a parent consent form for that one." Mom said sarcastically and I snorted in amusement.

"Oh, it's so exciting watching you girls at Yale. It was such a wonderful time for me. The people that you meet there will stay with you for the rest of your life, mark my words. Tell me are you making good friends?" he asked us.

"Yeah, I have some good friends." I said to him with a smile.

"I've met some good people." Rory agreed with a nod.

"What about you and Mr McCrae?" Richard asked me with a cheeky grin and nearly choked on the drink I was sipping. Mom patted my back as I coughed and spluttered.

"Colin and I are just friends." I lied through my teeth and ignored the glance that Mom and Rory shared. Richard looked at me septically but let it go when I pressed my lips together in a thin line.

"And what about Mr Huntzberger?" Richard asked Rory with a same smile he gave me.

"Who is Mr Huntzberger? Mom asked her questioningly.

"Um, Logan Huntzberger is a boy I go to school with." Rory explained and I smiled coyly when I saw a blush spread across her cheeks.

"A fine boy from a fine family." Richard added with an approving smile.

"You know him?" Mom asked her father incredulously.

"His parents are very good friends of ours. Oh, you know Mitchum Huntzberger, Lorelai."


"He's been coming to our Christmas parties for years."


"His mother's on the paediatric hospital committee with your mother."

"Oh! No."

"Well, Logan is their son and I noticed that you two seemed to be hitting it off the other night."

"The other night?" Mom asked all of us.

"He's very nice, Grandpa." Rory said softly.

"Now I don't want to be too forward, but you made a handsome couple." Richard said and I smirked at her.

"Uh, was Logan at the male-Yale party that you guys threw?" Mom asked her father with a frown.

"He was the one that gave me a ride home, Mom." Rory explained and I smiled at the memory.

"That was a fun ride." I said with a happy sigh.

"Oh! Limo boy. Swell." Mom said sarcastically and I frowned at her.

"He's also on the paper with me and Christa." Rory explained to our mother.

"You know, his father owns some of the finest newspapers in the country." Richard boasted with a proud smile.

"I know." Rory and I said in unison.

"Not a bad connection, huh? Nope, not a bad connection at all." Richard said slyly and I smiled at that.

"Yeah, I love Mitchum." I agreed with him and Mom turned her gaze onto me.

"You know them too?" she asked me, confused. I turned my attention to her and I smiled brightly.

"Yeah, of course. You know my friend Logan? The one I tell you about?" I asked her and she nodded at me as understanding shined in her eyes.

"The one I've heard of about but never meet him." she acknowledged with a slight smirk, remembering the stories that I had told her about me, Logan and Colin.

"That's Logan Huntzberger." I told her with a smirk of my own.

"Oh." Was all she said in reply. Later that night, we were walking in the cold towards the main house for dinner with Emily when Mom pulled Rory and me to a stop just outside the door.

"Hey. So tell me about this Logan." Mom ordered Rory and my twin just stared at her uncomprehending what she was saying.

"Its three degrees out here!" I complained as I hugged my jacket tighter.

"Uh, as of tonight, my father knows way more personal dish about you than I do. That's not right or fair. He doesn't get as much enjoyment out of the dish as I do. With him the dish is always half empty. Christa tells me all about her numerous conquests, and in detail. So the less you can do is telling me about this Logan character from your point of view. Especially, since all I have to go off is Christa's stories and they don't paint him in a very good light. But then again they don't paint her or Colin in a very good light either and I like both of them." Mom babbled at an amazing speed and I frowned at that last comment.

"You like me?" I asked in fake outrage.

"I love you, darling." Mom assured me with a smile and I smiled back at her through chattering teeth.

"You're just talking to keep yourself warm, aren't you?" Rory asked her with a frown, trying to dodge the questions about Logan.

"What is the deal with this guy? Are you dating?" Mom asked and I snorted at that because I would definitely know if they were dating.

"No, we're not dating. He's just a friend."

"How close? For example, if you freeze to death will he come to the funeral or just send a nice fruit basket?"

"I'm sure that he would come to be there for Christa. They are best friends." Rory said pointedly and I grinned at her. "I know him from school. He's just a casual friend. That's it."

"Do you think he's cute?" Mom pressed shamelessly and I laughed at the question because Logan was drop dead gorgeous.

"It doesn't matter if I think he's cute." Rory said looking down and blushing.

"Uh, it matters to me. I don't want ugly grandchildren."

"Don't worry, Mom. Logan is extremely hot." I assured her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Mom, I'm not dating Logan or anyone. I'm taking a boy break. Okay? I'm just concentrating on school. That's it." Rory insisted and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine, but if that changes?" Mom asked her with a pout.

"You'll be the first to know. Maybe the second since I live with Christa." Rory told her.

"Okay, thank you. Cause there are not many ways I can outdo my father. Info on you two and looking better in chiffon, that's about it. Oh and my pole dance is way hotter." Mom joked and I giggled.

"Thanks for the mental image, Mom." I said with a grimace.

"I'm frozen now." Rory told us and we started walking towards the house for dinner.


Rory entered our dorm room carrying an armful of bags from the university store. I was sitting on the couch typing an essay for one of my classes and Paris was sitting at her crafts table in the corner of the room.

"Wait 'til you see all the stuff I got for Anna. Yale t-shirt, bulldog sweatshirt, Yale baseball cap, visor, coffee mug. I told you to open a window when your hot-gluing in here." Rory asked Paris as she put the bags down on the couch.

"It's freezing outside." Paris said with a frown, concentrating on her craft. I looked at Rory who was pulling out her gifts for the visiting girl.

"Oh wait. This is new. They just came out with these. The Yale soda-cosy. How cute is that?" Rory exclaimed and I frowned at her.

"I can't believe you. You don't even have your loser card-swiping job anymore and you're buying all this crap for some kid you don't even know." I said to her as I saved my document and came over to her.

"I'm trying to make her feel welcome." Rory explained to me I smiled at her friendly nature.

"Oh she'll feel welcome. They all feel welcome." Paris muttered from her table and I turned to look at her in confusion.

"Whose they?" I asked her, already knowing that I was going to regret asking it.

"The enemy." She answered matter-of-factly.

"What enemy?" Rory asked Paris, just as confused as I was.

"Any girl under the age of 17 is the enemy." The blonde informed us and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Ok, I'm opening a window now." Rory stated as she walked over and opened up the window, probably thinking that the fumes from the glue gun were messing up Paris mind more than what it already was.

"They're coming for everything. They're going to take our jobs, our thunder, our starter husbands." Paris continued to rant.

"Don't you have a class to get to?" Rory asked her, hoping to get her out of the dorm room.

"They're coming, Rory. They're coming and they're going to keep on coming like the locusts descending on Mankato. We'll be beating them off for the rest of our lives. Christa will be fine. She's basically a freaking siren. What about the rest of us."

"Hey!" I cried indignantly. "I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not."

"Please don't be here when she arrives. I don't want you to scare her off." Rory said to Paris and I silently agreed.

"Me scare her off? Please, she's the one with the alabaster skin and perky breasts." Paris scoffed.

"No, darling, that's me." I joked with a grin but Paris just glared at me. There was a knock on the dorm door and Rory made her way over to answer it.

"Do not say perky breasts to her. Do you understand me? That goes for both of you." Rory warned us and I held up my hands in surrender.

"Eve Harrington has arrived." Paris quipped from behind me and I giggled at her comment. Rory opened the door to reveal a brunette head seventeen year old.

"Hi. I'm looking for Rory Gilmore." The young brunette said politely.

"I'm Rory. You must be Anna." Rory replied equally as polite.

"Yes." Anna confirmed with an easy going smile.

"Great, come in. Did you find it okay?" Rory asked her as Anna came inside the dorm common room.

"I got lost a couple of times, but people were really nice and got me here."

"Yeah, it's a friendly world out there. Isn't it?" Paris said drily and I chuckled lightly.

"Anna, this is my roommate, Paris, and I'm sorry." Rory introduced them and I watched as Paris just glared at the younger girl. I stood up from my seat on the couch and walked over to stand next to Rory.

"For what?" Anna asked with a confused frown.

"Trust me."


"Anna, this is my twin sister and our other roommate, Christa." Rory introduced me and I smiled brightly at the younger girl.

"Hi, Anna. It's nice to meet you. Once Rory done giving you the boring college tour, coming find me and I'll show what college is really like." I offered with a devilish smile and stepped out of Rory's reach when she tried to slap my arm. Anna giggled at my remark and I decided that I liked the girl. She may have been a bit naïve and innocent but she also looked like she just wanted to cut loose and I understood that.

"Ok, let me show you around the place. That is Paris' room." Rory said and pointed at the room from where she stood.

"Don't go in." Paris warned her threatening.

"That is my room," Rory said pointing at her closed door, "That is Christa's room," she said with a point towards my door, "and this is the common room, which is also your bedroom. Bathroom is literally outside the door and there's a fridge with water or soda or whatever you want." Rory said indicating the room we were in.

"She doesn't have to sleep in the common room." I said with a frown. I didn't know that Rory had planned to put Anna in the common room.

"Where's she going to sleep then, Christa?" Rory asked me with a confused frown, her eyebrows drawn together.

"I have a queen sized bed. She can sleep with me. If it can fit Colin, it can fit little bitty Anna." I informed them and I noticed Anna eyes go wide when I mentioned having a boy in my bed.

"I thought you didn't have boys over here." Paris said to me, looking up from her craft table.

"I don't have one night stands here. Colin isn't a one night stand." I explained with a shrug of my thin shoulders.

"Really!?" Anna asked me excitedly and I nodded me head in confirmation. "Thank you so much."

"No problem, Anna." I said simply.

"Oh and I got you some 'Welcome to Yale' gifts." Rory said suddenly.

"Oh, really? Thank you." Anna said to her with a smile.

"I'm really glad you're here. You are going to love Yale. It's an amazing place. I mean I was excited when I first started here, but every day is different and better. You have no idea how much there is to learn. It's - Well you'll see." Rory said rapidly. There was a knock at the door and turned to see Marty walk in without waiting for one of us to answer. I was about to scold him when I noticed a bag of food in his hand so I let it go.

"Okay, I actually snagged us some caviar. They were all out of toast points, but I think we can use Doritos and achieve a very similar result." He said without looking up but when he did he saw Anna standing there, looking at him with wide eyes. "Hey."

"This is Anna." Rory introduced her.

"Did Paris move?" Marty gasped excitedly and I giggled.

"I'm right here, Marty." Paris said irritably from the craft area.

"I know, Paris." He stated with a roll of his eyes.

"Anna, is from Chilton, my alma mater and I'm showing her around Yale for a couple of days." Rory explained to him.

"Oh, cool. I'll put this in the my room." He finished lamely because Paris coughed loudly to veto the idea.

"Thanks. Ok, you ready?" Rory asked Anna with a smile.

"I'm ready. You have boys bringing you food!" the younger girl exclaimed excitedly and I couldn't but not laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Yale is a magical place, Anna. A magical, magical place." I told her with a coy smile and then I followed Rory and Anna out the door of the dorm.

I had started off walking around Yale with Rory and Anna but I quickly got extremely bored of Rory's version of a tour so I lied and told them I had a class earlier than I has to. I made my way to the nearest coffee cart in desperate need of caffeine. Two hours had passed and I was feeling a little guilty about leaving Rory alone with Anna. Or was it guilty that I left Anna alone with Rory. I decided to make my way to Sterling Memorial Library where Rory was sure to be with Anna. It was quite easy to find them once I got there.

"Now, outside, we just passed the women's table which was designed by Maya Lin. She's also the one who designed the Vietnam War Memorial which, by the way, originally was a class project for which she received a B. The teacher who gave her the B also submitted a design for the war memorial, but hers was chosen. His was not. That's a life lesson to remember. This is Sterling Memorial Library, one of my favourite places on campus. It was built in 1930 and it houses over one third of the university's ten million volumes. I love libraries. I spend I can't tell you how many hours just - You're not writing." I heard Rory lecturing as I got closer to them and rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh, sorry." Anna apologised sheepishly.

"So, I come her sometimes late at night –" Rory started to say but Anna interrupted her.

"I just love how everybody's dressed."


"No uniforms. I love that there's no uniforms. College to me means no more uniforms."

"Oh, right. However, wait 'til you're late to class and it takes you 20 minutes to put together an outfit. Suddenly you'll miss those uniforms."

"Nah, stick with me, kid, and you'll be fine. My closet is like a retail outlet." I said as I walked the rest of the way up them with a grin on my lips. Anna turned to me with a happy expression and linked my arm with hers as I stood next to her. I just couldn't help liking the younger girl. She was so energetic and eager.

"Christa! How was your class?" Anna asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It was okay. But I did get the phone number of the cute guy that sits in front of me." I bragged to her with a coy smile and she giggled at me while Rory glared at us.

"How many guys have you dated since you've been here?" Anna asked both of us with wide eyes. I closed my eyes as I did the maths.

"Um, maybe eight, I've dated. But I've slept with way more." I told her honestly and she just looked at me with adoration. I couldn't help but like that she looked up to me.

"And you, Rory?" she asked my twin and I smirked at her playfully.

"Oh. Well, none from Yale. Anyhow, the books. Are you seeing the books? Everything you'd want to read is right here?" Rory asked as she picked up and book from the stack. "Feel it. Feels good, right? Now smell it." She said before actually sniffing the book and Anna and I just looked at her like she was crazy. I heard someone coming over to us and looked up to see Logan striding over to where we were.

"I'm sorry, excuse me, did I just see you smell that book?" he asked Rory as he approached us and Anna and I giggled in delight.

"Hey, Logan." Rory said, embarrassed.

"Hey, Ace. Hey, Teek." He greeted us and gave me kiss on the cheek. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, um, Anna, this is Logan. Logan, this is Anna. She's from my high school. I'm showing her around campus." Rory explained to him.

"Hi." Anna said shyly and I nudged her playfully.

"High school? No, I would've sworn you were a college girl." Logan said and Anna giggled a little and blushed. "So are they showing you a good time?"

"I'm showing her everything important." Rory replied sharply and I supressed another giggle.

"Hmm, good. Make sure they take you by the pub. Local place, everyone goes there." Logan said to Anna and she lit up at the mention of it so I made a mental note to take her.

"I'm not taking her to the pub." Rory said pointedly and Anna and I both frowned at her.

"Oh, please? The pub sounds fun." Anna said hopefully with a giggle at the end as she glanced at Logan from the corner of her eye. I couldn't help but be a little proud of the younger girls taste in guys.

"You don't have to drink. They do have coffee. It's a cool scene. Make her take you. Bring a book to sniff." Logan teased Rory with a charming grin. "I'm sure Christa here will take you."

"Of course. It's where everyone in college hangs out." I agreed and smiled down at Anna, who looked delighted.

"What are you doing in the library anyhow?" Rory asked Logan snappishly.

"I got lost. Don't tell anyone I was here. It'll ruin my rep. Anna, it's been a pleasure. See you, Ace, Teek." He said as he gave me another kiss on the cheek before walking away.

"He's cute." Anna said with a sigh.

"Yes, he is. But not as cute as Pushkin. Right this way, missy." Rory agreed and I stood there stunned because that was the first time that Rory had acknowledged her attraction to him.


"I have an idea!" Logan announced later that night as he, Colin, Finn, Steph and I all sat around Colin and Finn's dorm room drinking. I sat on the floor next to Steph, leaning against Colin's knees as he played with my hair. Finn was lounging on the couch next to Colin and Logan was seated on one of the armchairs.

"And what is your idea, Oh Great One?" I asked him sarcastically before taking another swig of my vodka bottle. Logan leaned forward in his seat and rubbed his hands together.

"It involves you," he said, pointing at me and I put my hand to my chest in question, "Yes, you, Colin, Finn and myself."

"So, what is the idea?" Colin asked with a raised eyebrow and I watched as Logan stood up and started pacing. I had to admit I was intrigued to know what Logan was thinking of. Logan was a master at coming up with pranks and silly little adventures. Most of which ended with us in trouble or drunk or laughing our asses off or any combination of the three. We all listened intently as Logan told us his idea and by the end of it we were all giggling. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him in excitement.

"You were right! It is an excellent idea!" I declared and the others all cheered.


Logan, Colin, Finn and I were all standing outside Professor Bell's classroom the next morning. We were listening in to the lecture waiting for the right moment.

" . . . All right. Let's call that close enough. But, now, Campbell can point to the repetition of the hero myth in culture after culture and say "Hey, Sigmund, like it or not here are the same basic characters over and over -" we heard Professor Bell say and I had finally had enough waiting so I gave Colin a push towards the door. He got the idea and with one last grin at the rest of us he ran into the class room.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He fake apologised to the professor and I had to smother my giggle.

"I'm right in the middle of a class, young man." Professor Bell said loudly.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just – " Colin said from inside the room. "Rory, you can't just walk out like that. Not after everything we've been through. You just left. I was still in bed. I mean what is that all about?" he questioned her loudly and I could only imagine her face.

"Ok, you need to do this later." The professor said to them.

"I can't do this later. Rory I love you. I love you, dammit! How many times to I have to tell you? God! Just talk to me." he continued to plead with her and I was holding my stomach in silent laughter. I looked up at Logan and Finn and saw that they were chuckling softly as well.

"Ok, out right now! Out! Just get –" Professor Bell started to say and I pushed Logan into the room as like I had done Colin.

"Colin! What are you doing, man?" Logan shouted as he entered the room.

"Get the hell out of here!" Colin shouted back to him from further away. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down my giggling because my part was coming up.

"She's with me now. I told you that. Let it go."

"I will not let it go!"

"She doesn't love you. Rory, tell him you don't love him!"

"Everything was fine until you came along!"

"Oh, don't blame me because you couldn't keep her." Logan shouted at Colin and that was my cue to enter. I took another deep breath and grinned cheekily at Finn before running into the room and pretending to look hurt.

"What the hell is this?!" I shouted at the two guys and Rory. I turned to look at Rory and saw that her face a picture of shock and embarrassment. "Rory, you're meant to be my sister! My twin! And the whole time I was with Colin, you were sleeping with him!?" I fake accused her.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you!" Colin spat at Logan.

"Oh, I'd love to see you try." Logan dared him and then Colin lunged at Logan and the boys started fake fighting.

"Stop it! Stop it, right now! Anthony, get security! Break it up! What are you - Gentlemen, you are losing control!" Professor Bell shouted at the boys but they continued to fight. Logan threw Colin over the desk and jumped over it and onto Colin. "You are in a classroom!" the professor shouted as Finn entered the room wearing an old-time police uniform. He blew the whistle and I couldn't help but giggle.

"All right, that's enough! Break it up, you two!" Finn said as he grabbed Logan and Colin by their arms and drags them to the middle over the room. I looked over at Professor Bell and I can see that he just realised it was a joke. "Rory Gilmore, you should be ashamed of yourself, toying with these boys like this! They used to have pride! They used to have dignity! They used to have balls!" he shouted before walking half way out of the room and then stopping to look back at my embarrassed twin sister. "Dammit Gilmore, give them back their balls." He finished and dragged the boys out of the room. They came rushing back in to the room and grabbed my arm as they walked passed me. We went into the middle of the room and bowed and laughed as the class erupted into cheers and applauds.


Later that night Colin, Logan and I went to the cafeteria because I wanted chocolate and I saw Rory and Anna eating. I sighed and pointed them out to Logan and Colin and they nodded in understanding and we walked over to the table they were sitting at.

"Ladies." Logan said in greeting and I smiled at Anna as I sat down to her and Colin sat on my other side.

"Hi, Logan. Hey, Christa." Anna greeted us brightly as I took a spoonful of Anna ice-cream.

"How are we doing this fine evening?" Colin asked both of them with half smile.

"Oh, we're doing great. Do you want to join us?" Anna answered.

"Sure." Logan said as he sat down next to Rory, who was being suspiciously quiet. "So, dull day, huh?"

"Not for me." Anna replied happily as she dug into her ice-cream.

"Someone's quiet." Logan observed as he looked to Rory.

"Got nothing to say." Rory said shortly and I cringed. I had been on the receiving end of Rory's cold shoulder and it was not a place I wanted to be. I probably already was after my involvement in the prank earlier that day.

"Do you get the sense that she's mad at me?" he asked Anna, who nodded her head.

"Yes." The younger girl replied.

"Hey, Anna, why don't you head on over to the fro-yo social. You remember where it is right?" Rory asked her.

"Yeah, but I just had three scoops of ice cream."

"Kid, you're in college now, ok? Now go get yourself some yogurt."

"Are you going to come Logan?"

"Uh, I'm not sure how well I'll be walking here in a minute, Anna." Logan told her, not taking his eyes off of Rory. I looked at the tension between them and made a quick decision. I pulled Colin up with me as I stood up.

"We'll come with you, Anna." I said quickly and then pulled Anna and Colin out of the cafeteria before Rory could explode.


"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone. Colin and I were lying on his bed in an after sex haze and I held my cell phone up to my ear while Colin played with my fingers on the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"Christa!?" Rory's voice came through the phone and I sat up when I heard the panic and desperation in her voice. I had thought that Rory would be pissed at me about my part in the prank earlier today. Colin sat up next to me with concern and worry etched on his face.

"Rory? What's wrong?" I asked, getting myself in a panic just by the panic in my twins.

"I can't find her! She was at the fro-yo social with me and then she was just gone. I looked everywhere for her! I can't believe that I lost her. Where would a 16 year-old girl go for a good time?" she asked me in a hurry and I frowned in confusion and then realisation dawned on me and I realised that she meant Anna. Anna had gone missing.

"Okay, Rory, take a deep breath, okay. We're going to find her. Where are you right now?" I asked her in a calm voice. I had practice talking people out of panicked states. Sometimes when Logan, Colin, Finn or Steph were drunk they got themselves into states of panic that had them screaming and crying. It would have been ridiculously funny if I wasn't the one taking care of them.

"I'm with Marty near the pub." Rory said in a calmer voice and I smiled a little as I stood up off the bed and started looking for my clothing.

"Okay, sweetie, I'm on my way and I'll help you find her. I have her cell number and I'll try calling her, okay?" I told her as I found my underwear and slid them on, balancing my phone between my shoulder and my cheek. Colin got out of the bed and helped me look for my clothing. He found my shirt and walked over to me. He gestured for me to put my hands up and I did, so that he could slip it on over my head for me. I smiled at him gratefully as I stepped in my skirt.

"Thank you, Christa." Rory said softly in relief. I hung up my phone and quickly found Anna's name in my contacts and pressed call. I gave Colin a quick peak on the lips as I headed out the door. I frowned as the line went through to voicemail. Colin mimed that I should call him later and I nodded as I headed for the door. I kept redialling Anna's number as I ran over to the pub to meet Rory and Marty.

"Damn it!" I swore as it went to voicemail once again. My phone rang and I jumped in surprise. I quickly pressed to accept the call without checking the caller ID. "Anna?"

"No, it's Rory." my twin corrected. "Anna's safe."

"Oh, thank God." I said with a sigh of relief. I stopped running and sat on the nearest bench since my legs were tired from running.

"Yale campus police found her when they broke up a raucous frat house party. She's safe at home with her parents. Headmaster Charleston called to tell me. Oh, God, I feel terrible. I can't believe I lost her."

"Rory, you can't beat herself up over this. Anna is a teenage girl. Her hormones are running the institution, so no one could have stopped her from doing what she wanted. Let's face it, she was more like me than she was you." I teased her lightly and she chuckled in agreement.

"I just wanted to show her what college is like." Rory sighed and I laughed lightly at her naivety.

"Everyone's college experience is different, Rory. Let's be honest, you are a bit of an oddity. Most college students are okay party's all night and sleeping all day. Speaking of which, I'm sorry about my part of today's prank." I apologised to her sincerely.

"It's okay, really. You're right. Everyone's college experience is different. Once we're out of college we're meant to be proper adults so I guess that this is kind of the last chance we have to act childish. Professor Bell rang me and offered to give me the class notes from the lecture today. I suppose I have you to thank you that." Rory said a little bit happier than she had been at the start of the phone call. I frowned in confusion because I hadn't ever spoken to Professor Bell. Realisation dawn on me and my mouth fell open in shock. Logan.

"Um, that wasn't me, Rory." I admitted to her and she was silent for a moment.

"Logan?" she asked a little shocked and I bit my lip to keep from giggling in delight.


"Wow." Was all she said and I raised an eyebrow.


Logan, Colin, Finn and I were standing together in a tight circle, drinking coffee and making plans for the night when Richard came strolling up to us.

"Grandpa?" I asked in question as I stepped forward and wrapped the older man in a hug. We pulled back a smiled at each other but then Richard's gaze fell on Logan.

"It's good to see you, Christa but I'm actually here to see young Mr Huntzberger." Richard admitted to us and we all looked at each other in confusion.

"Huh? Richard, this is a pleasant surprise. Finn, Colin, you know Richard don't you?" Logan said as he motioned to the other boys next to me.

"Well, my boys, nice to see you. Logan, I wanted to talk to you. I just heard about the incident."

"The?" Logan repeated with a confused look on his face. Colin, Finn and I shared a confusion and uncertain look but stayed quiet.

"I heard that you professed your feelings for Rory." Richard clarified and my mouth fell open. I looked at Colin and Finn and saw that their eyes were also as wide as saucers.

"What?" all four of us said at the same time.

"Mr Bell is a very dear friend of mine. As is the Dean of Admissions. Well, you know this place. News travels fast." Richard informed us and I put my hand over my mouth to stop the uncontrollable laughing that threatened to slip out of my lips.

"Oh, my God." I said in a hushed whisper.

"Yeah, look . . ." Logan started to say uncertainly.

"I have to tell you that while I understand what could have driven you to such a public display of affection, there is a proper time and place for that sort of thing. And a classroom in the middle of class is not one of them."

"No, I know. I –"

"However, what's done is done. It's out. So I've dropped by to tell you that I've spoken to your father." Richard said and Colin, Finn and I all looked at each other in shock. This was very bad for both Logan and Rory.

"My father?" Logan repeated, looking pale and slack jawed.

"We pounded out a few things. Property agreements, pre-nups, that sort of thing."

"Ok, I think there's been . . ."

"Oh, we came to a very fair agreement. I'm sure you'll be pleased. Now, we're setting up a dinner for next week to finalize the engagement and start talking about the ceremony. Emily is handling all the newspaper announcements, so not to worry. That's all taken care of."

"But –"

"She is a fine young lady, Logan. I want her to be happy. You'll take care of that, I assume. All right, I'll let you get back to your coffee break. Nice seeing all of you again. And Logan, welcome to the family, son." Richard said to him before turning to walk away. I followed his retreating figure with my eyes and saw him signal someone by rubbing his nose. I frowned and looked in the direction he signalled in. my eyes widened when I saw Rory hiding between pillars watching the scene that just played. She was laughing uncontrollably and I realised that this was her payback and giggled a little to myself. I looked back at Logan, who was now sitting on the bench with his hands in his hair. Colin and Finn were standing on either side of him, with a hand on each of his shoulders. I grinned at the scene and decided to help Richard and Rory out. I walked back to Logan and kissed his cheek and he looked up at him with helpless eyes. I smiled in sympathy and started walking away from the three of them at congratulate Rory and Richard.

"Welcome to the family, bro!" I called over my shoulder and I heard Logan groan loudly.

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