Opposites Attract, A Naegami...

By Tsumugi-Shirogane

35.7K 886 1.3K

Naegi and Togami are stuck in the killing game together and when they met, they had a feeling like this isn't... More

Part 1, irrelevant gift giving
Part 2, Sayaka being a bitch
Part 3, Monokuma's such a troll
Part 4, Cheater cheater pumpkin eater
Part 5, Toko's crazy fantasy's
Part 6, Byakuya kinda very sucks
Part 7, I like ya lips G.
Part 8, Fuck you, Monokuma!
Part 9, chapter 7 investigation
Part 10, 🙅🏳️‍🌈no gay zone🙅🏳️‍🌈
Part 11, Fix it Felix Jr. knockoff
Part 13, Sayaka redemption arc
Part 14, Not very smart of Byakuya
Part 15, Boss fight

Part 12, 🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi😸wa⛓shojo👻na💅no?✨bökù🌸wâ🧚ÿariçhiñ🤴bįcchī😾ńo😩osû🚣dà🎉yo💦

1.5K 38 44
By Tsumugi-Shirogane

Time skip to the next day because I was gonna put a fanservice scene but then I didn't want to and now I'm out of ideas for what they should do for the rest of the day, Togami got up with Naegi. He saw a note on the floor which wasn't in Makoto's handwriting. (again, don't ask me how he knows that), so he read it. It was pretty long but very interesting. "Dear Makoto and Byakuya. By the time you're reading this, I will be dead. You all will hold a class trial to find a killer that doesn't exist. I just wanted to let both of you know of the outside world. It's a mess. My sister caused the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History aka The Tragedy." The note went on to explain everything about the tragedy and how it all started, and how everything was going to be broadcasted on TV. The end was the part that caught Togami's eye though. "You might ask, why did you tell me this? It's because I doubt I could ever feel worse despair I felt when I learned you got together with Togami. Now, I don't need to go along with my sister's plan anymore. So thank you for that." But they still didn't know who wrote the letter. It was only signed by the 16th student but Togami didn't know who that was. 

"Whatcha reading?" Makoto peaked over Byakuya's shoulders to get a look. To both Byakuya's surprise and not to Byakuya's surprise, Makoto was back to his cheerful self.
"Ah, um nothing important. Come on, let just go already." He tried to smile. Togami didn't believe anything it said, so now he was on a quest to find out who this so-called 16th student is. More importantly, this person would be dead according to the letter. When the two boys got to breakfast, surprisingly nobody looked strangely at them. Well, except for Sayaka naturally. But Toko didn't show up that day, she was alone crying in her room.

"Byakuya, Makoto, I'm sorry for, snapping at both of you. Kyoko convinced me that I was wrong and that I was never meant to end up with Togami. I understand my wrong-doings and I ask for your forgiveness." chimed in Celeste while Byakuya and Makoto were having a peaceful conversation.
"Of course I forgive you. I'm also sorry for crushing all your dreams including being in a relationship with Byakuya."
"Oh, and just so we're clear, we are not friends, we are not buddies, we are not "cool" as they say, we are simply people who happen to be classmates and who have both forgiven each other for their wrongdoings." After their breakfast, Makoto was trying to convince Byakuya to let him go talk to Sayaka and apologize to her. He had gained confidence from the little chat he and Celeste had.

"Oh so now you want to talk to them? This is what I was trying to tell you the whole time. Well, I'm sorry but you're out of luck. I got things to do today." Makoto gave a frown.
"B-B-But I really want to apologize. What's so special that you have to do that you can't make time for me?" Byakuya just ignored him.
"Hey! Monokuma! I need to ask you something!" Byakuya shouted.
"Ya called?" Monokuma appeared.
"Can you promise you'll answer every question I ask you?" inquired Byakuya who was trying to continue to ignore Makoto, still nagging him.
"Ummmmm, no. Puhuhu!"
"Okay then, what can't you answer?"
"Let's see... I can't answer anything about my motives, who I am, or the outside world." The fact that Monokuma refused to answer what the outside world looked like, just raised his suspicions even higher.
"Good enough. Okay then, who is the 16th student?

"You-you know about that? W-Well geez, where'd you hear that from?"
"That only confirms there is a 16th student. Come on Makoto, we have to look for a dead body. And if there is one, we know who did it already."
"What are you talking about? I don't get what any of this means. You have to explain this to me!"
"Hehe, on second thought, let's not look for them."
"What are you talking about?! If someone's dead then we have to find them!"
"Why should I care about that person? I've obviously never met them before, why waste our time trying to find a person I don't care about?" Makoto was ready to argue some more but Leon ran up to them, breaking the conversation. 

"Sayaka wanted *huff huff* to let you know *huff huff* just *huff* take the letter *huff huff*." Leon puffed out. Makoto took the note from Leon and read it.
"It says here that Sayaka wants to meet with me in her room tomorrow. I don't see why we can't go. Oh! It also says she would like it if I came without you. Togami, I think she wants to apologize."
"I don't think that's what she's gonna do... *Sigh* I guess I can trust her a little bit. Even after all is said and done, I don't think Maizono has the strength to hurt you. She's too kind as much as I hate to admit it." Grumbled Byakuya
"Thanks, Togami, I know how much you want to keep me safe and how risky this is to do. But I promise I won't get killed." He gave Byakuya a hug and Byakuya took off the handcuffs.
"Wait, why are you taking off the handcuffs? I'm not meeting with Maizono until tomorrow." Togami leaned forward until they were both eye level. He put his hand on his right jaw and kissed him.
"For one; I truly believe I can trust you. Two; with Celeste forgiving you, and Toko not leaving her room ever, I think it's safe to say we don't need these anymore. You can leave whenever you like. But I still want you to be careful near Celeste, you know how she is with lies. She could have been lying about her apology. You can never know with that girl, and this doesn't seem like a thing she would forgive easily."
"Well now it'll be easier to move around, I have more space and I'm not always next to you. But I kinda liked being chained to you, somehow. Um, stupid question but, can we still uh, stay in the same room?" Makoto whispered the last part. Byakuya happily nodded and they went their separate ways for the first time in a while.

Makoto waited outside Sayaka's door until she let him in, he was very excited to have Sayaka as a friend again.
"Come on in, Makoto." And so he did but little did he know, knife in her hand, Sayaka planned on committing a crime tonight.

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