A Wolf's Trust [Various X Rea...

By Masisseoyo

519K 18.2K 10K

[Name] [Last Name] remembers the day she first developed her Quirk completely. Her father had believed that t... More

The Beginning
The Entrance Exam
Quirk Assessment Test
Combat Battles
Class Rep
League of Villains
All Might
Sports Festival
The Beginning Of The Festival
Obstacle Course Race
Cavalry Battle
Cavalry Battle Pt. 2
One-On-One Battles! Begin!
Victory or Defeat
Battle On, Challengers!
Bakugou Vs. Uraraka
Shouto Todoroki: Origin
Wild Animal
Todoroki Vs Bakugou
Time To Pick Some Names
The Beginning Internship With Endeavor
Training And Villains
Hero Killer: Stain Vs U.A. Students
The Aftermath Of Hero Killer: Stain
Back To School
Gear Up For Final Exams
Katsuki Bakugo: Origin
Encounter & Hanging With Bakugou
Game Start
Halloween Special
Something Is Not Right
Roaring Upheaval
What A Twist
From Iida To Midoriya
All For One
Symbol of Peace
[Name]'s Quirk Information
One For All
End of Beginning, Beginning of the End
Moving into Dorms
Creating Those Ultimate Moves
The Test
Todoroki & [Name] Team Up
Class 1-A
Hopes, Jealous, & Relief
Rescue Exercise
Special Epsiode: Save the World with Love
What's the Big Idea?
A Talk About Your Quirk
Deku Vs Kacchan, Part Two
A Seasoned for Encounters
Possible Work Study & Encounter of Her
The Fight
Let's Go, Gusty Red Riot & Adolpha
Unpleasant Talk
Suneater of the Big Three
Red Riot
Temp Squad
No Matter What
Updated: [Name]'s Quirk Information
[Name] Vs Overhaul
Bright Future
Smoldering Flames
Togata Mirio
Girls' Night
The Date
School Festival
Prepping For The School Festival Is The Funnest Part
Gold Tips Imperial
The Day Before The Performance
School Festival Start!
Cleaning & Beauty Pageant

Wild, Wild, Pussycats

6.8K 210 222
By Masisseoyo

[Name] and her classmates stand outside of the school, near the parking lot where the bus is located. She is standing next to Todoroki, the boy like her classmates gazing at Aizawa. She's excited about the training camp and she's bouncing on her heels, her tail swishing back and forth in excitement.

"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation," Aizawa started, narrowing his eyes. "However... Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-- for "Plus Ultra"!"

"Yes, sir!"

"I'm so excited!" [Name] said. She has a wide smile on her lips and she's moving her closed fists up and down quickly. "We're gonna be in the woods!"

Todoroki lets out a hum, nodding his head. "You're really excited for this?"

"I-It's time for training camp! Training camp! Training camp!" Uraraka exclaimed.

The girl suddenly passes by in front of Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari. The girl's shouting catching [Name]'s and Todoroki's attention. She could see how red the girl's face is and she looks at Midoriya, seeing the boy's cheeks pink. [Name] ponders what had happened, but she figures Uraraka might be a little bit dramatic.

"Training camp! Training camp! Training camp!" Ashido and Kaminari join Uraraka's chanting. The three of them clap their hands with smiles on their faces. "Training camp! Training camp!"

[Name] looks over her shoulder, looking at Bakugo and Kirishima. "Uraraka and the others are excited."

"You were that excited a moment ago," Todoroki commented, [Name] chuckled nervously as she avoids Todoroki's eyes.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes?" Monoma asked, appearing out of nowhere. "Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that be?"

[Name] watched Kendo hit Monoma's head and the boy stops. Class B standing in front of their bus and [Name] smiles, happy to see Monoma getting what he deserves. The boy falls to the ground and [Name] chuckles, her smile turning into a smirk. Todoroki looks at the girl beside him, seeing the sadistic grin on her features. He wonders how much she's been hanging around Bakugo.

"Sorry!" Kendo said, picking up Monoma by his collar.

"Oh, it's Class B--" Midoriya said, looking at the class.

"We kind of met during the festival, but nice to meet you, Class A."


"We're getting on the bus!"

"Not just the girls from Class A, but the girls from Class B will also be there!" [Name] could hear Mineta's mumbling. "It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!"

"That's about enough out of you," Kirishima said, gazing at the short boy.

"Class A's bus is this way!" Iida shouted, catching the class's attention. The boy's arms frailing everywhere. "Line up in seat order!"


[Name] sits next to Todoroki, the two just ended up sitting next to each other. [Name] looks out of the window, her eyes looking at anything they land on and her tail continues to wag in excitement. Todoroki let her take the window seat while he sits closer to the aisle, but it doesn't matter because seeing how excited [Name] gets is hilarious to him.

"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour," Aizawa informed, he looks around his seat. "After that--"

"Let's play some music!" Kaminari shouted.

"Todoroki!" [Name] said, the girl looking at him with sparkles in his eyes. "Aren't you excited!"

"Yeah, I am," Todoroki answered, nodding his head. "I'm curious what they have planned for us."

"Me too! Me too!" [Name] stated, nodding her head. "We're going to have so much fun! Even though it's a training camp, but I think it'll bring us all closer as a class and friends too."

"Yeah," Todoroki said.

[Name] turns her attention back out the window, her tail just wagging wildly and the very tip of it tickling Todoroki's cheek. He doesn't mind, he's just zoning out as he watches [Name]. He reaches out for her tail, grasping it gently in his hands and [Name] lets out a yelp, her tail becoming stiff. She doesn't bother looking at Todoroki, her face burning hot.

She can feel him pet her tail, soothing out her fur and she takes note of his gentleness and soft touch. [Name]'s fingers start to fidget in her lap, having a twitch in her legs. It's not everyday someone pets her tail or even combs out the tangles besides herself. [Name] let out a small gasp, Todoroki's hands hit a sensitive spot on her tail that [Name] wasn't aware of. She kept letting out quiet hums or gasps, Todoroki keeps on touching that one spot.

"Fucking stop!" Bakugo roared.

The blonde boy standing up and glaring down at the two. He sits right behind [Name] and Todoroki and he gritted his teeth. The two of them starting to get on Bakugo's nerves especially since Bakugo could hear [Name]. The girl blushes deeply, looking away and Todoroki removes his hand from [Name]'s tail. The two of them sitting in silence and Bakugo sits back down, letting out a grumble.


[Name] stretches her back, hearing a satisfying pop from her back. She stands next to Kirishima as everyone is off of the bus. There's a fence near the edge and she could see the miles of trees and mountains. There's another car here besides the bus, but [Name] figures the car stopped for the scenery.

She took a sniff of the air, smelling the trees, dirt, birds and she could hear the crickets and the birds chirping. She hasn't been near a forest like this in forever or at all. She loves the forest and that could possibly be because of her Quirk. She ponders if there's other wolves in the forest and will she be able to communicate with them or greet them.

"Finally taking a break, huh?"

"I gotta pee!"

"Anyway, does this even count as a rest area?" Kirishima asked, looking at the girl beside him.

"Huh? Where's Class B?" Jirou asked.


"There's no point stopping without a reason," Aizawa stated, everyone looking at the teacher.

Mineta stands in front of Aizawa, holding his crotch. "Where's the bathroom?"

The black car doors opened and the strong smell of cats come through [Name]'s nose. She lets out a loud growl, the class looking at her in surprise, but she ignores them. [Name] narrows her eyes at the car, waiting for who's ever inside to come out and show themselves.

"Hey, Eraser!"

"Long time no see," Aizawa said, bowing.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" A woman with brown eyes and red hair styled in three bangs going across her face. Her costume's main color is red and she's wearing a shirt with no sleeves that's red and white. Her skirt is also red and she's showing off her bellybutton, her hands covered with paw gloves. She also has a tail.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" A woman with long, blonde hair that's combed back and she has one bang to the side. She has pretty blue eyes and her costume matches the previous woman except it's baby blue. Her tail is striped blue and white.

"Wild, Wild... Pussycats!" The two woman shouted.

"There are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats," Aizawa informed, everyone gazing at the Pussycats.

There's a boy standing off to the side of the Pussycats. The boy is at least Mineta's height and he's wearing a white collared shirt with buttons, dark shorts, and shoes. He has short, spiky black hair and wears a red hat that has golden spikes shaped horns on the front. He's glaring at [Name] and her classmates, but [Name] is also glaring at the Pussycats.

"They're a four-person hero team who set up a joint agency!" Midoriya exclaimed, a slight blush on his cheeks. "They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelfth workin--"

Blonde grabs Midoriya by his face to shut him up. "I'm 18 at heart! At heart?"

"Y-You're 18!" Midoriya said.

"Greet them, everyone," Aizawa ordered.

"Nice to meet you!"

"We own this whole stretch of land here," the red heard woman said, pointing at the forest below. "You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain."

"So far!"

"Then why did we stop here?" [Name] growled, glaring at the woman.

"Stop glaring," Todoroki mumbled, gently tapping the back of [Name]'s head with his knuckle. "It's not nice."

"Could this mean...?" Asui asked, trailing off.

"No way..." Sato mumbled.

Sero chuckles nervously. "Why don't we get back to the bus, huh? Fast."

"Yeah. Let's do that," Kaminari agreed.

"It's 9:30 a.m. right now," red head woman said, a smirk on her lips. "If you're fast... Maybe around noon?"

"No way... guys..." Kirishima said, taking a step back.

"Let's get back!" Ashido yelled.

"Get back to the bus!" Kirishima yelled.


Everyone runs towards the bus, not wanting to do what the Pussycats are implying.

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

Aizawa watches his students run to the bus, having no reaction. "Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Training camp..." The blonde woman appears in front of the students, a smile on her lips and [Name] is one of the students in front of the group of students. She lets out a growl, glaring at the blonde woman who has a smirk on her lips. "...has already begun."

The students skid to a stop, the blonde woman's hands on the ground and her claws glow blue. The ground bursts out into a flood of dirt, grabbing all the students and pushes everyone off to of the ledge. [Name] and her classmates let out screams, falling to the ground and she lands on her feet, pushing herself to stand.

"Hey!" The red head woman shouted, looking over the ledge at the students. "Since it's private land, you can use your Quirks as you wish! You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through... The Beast's Forest!"

[Name] and her classmates look behind them, seeing the tall trunks of the trees and some fog too. She sniffs the air, but she doesn't smell anything besides nature and she narrows her eyes. Her uniform is dirty and she should have brought another uniform.

"The Beast's Forest?" Midoriya mumbled.

"That name sounds like it came right out of Dragon Quest!" Kaminari said.

"U.A. does stuff like this way too much," Jiruo commented.

"It's no use complaining," Kirishima said, dusting his shirt. "We just have to go."

Mineta speeds by, holding his crotch and towards the forest. [Name]'s eyes widen, seeing a four legged beast made of dirt and rock with no eyes and teeth step in front of Mineta. [Name] stands guard, glaring at the beast and she figures she can take the beast on with her Quirk.

"It's... a beast!"

"Mineta!" [Name] yelled, watching the beast raise its arm.

[Name] activated her Quirk, her uniform tearing to shreds from her transformation and she runs towards the beast. She hears Koda try to calm the beast, but it doesn't work. [Name] closes in on the beast and Midoriya grabbed Mineta before the beast could hit the boy. [Name] lets out a growl, pushing the beast away when it tried to approach Mineta and Midoriya.

[Name] lets out another growl, opening her jaws wide and she clamps them around the beast's neck. Ice freezes the beast's legs and she hears Iida and Bakugo near. [Name], Bakugo, and Iida move away from the beast, seeing the top half of the beast gone while the lower half is frozen. Midoriya finishes the rest with his smash.

"You guys defeated that beast in an instant?" Sato asked, looking at the five students.

"You did it!" Sero cheered.

"You're amazing, Bakugo!" Kirishima praised, he looks to the black wolf that's off to the side. "You too, [Name]."

"Not yet!" Bakugo cheered.

[Name]'s ears flicked at the sound of stomping, but she doesn't hear the stomping anymore. She hears something flying and she looks up, but all she sees are the leaves and branches of the trees. She tries to track the movement of the winged dirt beast with ears, but the beast must be fast. She ponders when it's going to strike, but Bakugo and Todoroki have a better chance of fighting the winged beast.

"Hey, come on."

"How many of them are there?" Kaminari asked, looking around.

"What should we do? Run away?" Ashido asked.

"This is no joke," Sato added. "If we don't make it to the facility by noon, then we don't get lunch."

"Then we have no choice, but to get through here and take the shortest route," Yaoyorozo stated, stepping forward.

"All right. Let's go, Class A!" Iida shouted, looking at his classmates.


"There are three up ahead," Shoji informed. "Two each on either side!"

"Seven total. They're coming!" Jirou shouted.

"All right, here I go!" Sero yelled.

Sero approaches the winged beast flying towards him and he shoots out his tape. The tape wraps around the beast's wing and Sero pulls the beast down to the ground. [Name] doesn't bother herself with them, knowing that they're fine and she feels the ground, standing still as she can feel the thumps from the beast coming towards them.

[Name] lets out a growl, approaching a four-legged beast and she jumps to the side, missing a punch from the beast and she bares her teeth. She pounces on the beast, knocking it down and clamping her jaws around the neck, struggling with the beast by holding it down. Her classmates are fighting their own while [Name] is dealing with one on her own as well.

The beast shakes [Name] off and she jumps back, the taste of dirt in her mouth. [Name] runs at the beast, knocking the beast off its feet and [Name] clamps her jaws once more on the beasts neck and she bites down. The head falls off the body and the beast is rendered useless, not being able to get up.

"There's more coming!"

[Name] lifts her head, her ears perked and she watched ice freeze a beast's body and Bakugo launches himself at the beach. The two boys running right next to each other and [Name] chuckles to herself, watching Bakugo glare at Todoroki.

"Don't get in my way, Half-and-Half Bastard!" Bakugo yelled.

"I'm not in your way," Todoroki stated.

As more beasts continue coming towards Class A, [Name] and her classmates work together to take them down. Yells and cursing coming from Bakugo, the sound of explosions, ice, cannons, the sizzle from something melting, Iida's engines on his calves, Koda's voice. [Name] is getting so focused, listening to everything as possible and trying not to get distracted.


5:20 PM

"Oh, you're finally here, meow!"

"That took quite some time."

The students of Class-A exit the forest. Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Shoji, Midoriya, and Iida holding onto the rope that's connected to the muzzle that's on the black wolf's mouth. [Name] had lost her mind while in her Quirk and Yaoyorozo had to put a muzzle on her, but the hardest part was putting the muzzle on her. The black wolf had resisted the longest from them and even is still fighting against them.

Everyone is tired, but those dragging the black wolf must be even more exhausted. The Class-A approaches the building, all of them panting and walking slower than normal. The black wolf letting out growls and snarls, wanting to bite at those holding her back and those who get near her. Almost everyone collapses when they reach the three adults and small child except those holding the black wolf back.

"What do you mean, three hours!?"

"That's the time it would've taken us. Sorry!"

"You were trying to boast about how much better you are?" Sato questioned. "That's mean..."

"Aizawa, can you use your Quirk on [Last Name]?" Midoriya begged, looking at the man.

Aizawa lets out a sigh, his eyes turning red and his hair flaring up. The black wolf let out a snarl and tried to bite at Midoriya, but it she stops. The students watch as the black wolf turns into a naked [Name] and she curls into a ball, covering herself with her arms as she still has a the muzzle on her face and the ropes hooked on it.

"Kinky!" Mineta exclaimed, blushing madly.

Todoroki takes off his shirt, approaching [Name] and placing it on her back. Aizawa holds out a larger hoodie for [Name] and Midoriya goes to grab it, walking back over to [Name] and Todoroki. [Name] puts on Todoroki's shirt, buttoning it up as Bakugo is gripping Mineta by his collar so the short boy is being forced to look away. [Name] also puts on the hoodie, standing tall and the hem of the hoodie goes past her inner thigh.

"Sorry guys," [Name] said, looking at her classmates. She gets the muzzle off of her, letting it drop to the ground and those holding the rope let it go. "I sorry that happened."

"Don't worry about it," Todoroki assured.

"I'm hungry... I'm gonna die...." Kirishima whined.

The blonde haired woman giggles. "But honestly, I thought it would take even longer. You guys didn't have as hard time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would. You guys are great... Especially... you five!" She points at Todoroki, Bakugo, [Name], Iida, and Midoriya. "Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?" She licks her lips and jumps towards the four boys. "I'm looking forward to where you'll be in three years! I call dibs!"

[Name] let out a growl, stepping in front of the boys as she glared at the blonde woman. She stops in her tracks as [Name] stands in front of the boys protectively. [Name] glares at the woman, the two girls having a glaring contest and the four boys look at [Name] in shock, never expecting that to happen.

"Mandalay.... was she always like that?" Aizawa questioned. He watched his student and the blonde woman glare at each other.

"She's a little desperate since she's about the suitable age for, you know..." Mandalay said, looking to the teacher.

"Speaking of 'suitable age'--"

The blonde woman grabbed Midoriya by his face again. "What about it?"

[Name] glared at the woman, grabbing the woman's arm and glaring at her harshly. "Get your filthy claws off of him."

The woman let go of Midoriya's face and [Name] lets go of her arm. [Name] and the woman glaring harshly at the woman as she stands protectively in front of the four boys.

"Obsessive?" Iida whispered, looking to Todoroki.

"Or possibly territorial," Todoroki mumbled.

"I-It's been bothering me for a while... Whose child is that?" Midoriya said, pointing at the boy.

"Oh, not one of ours," Mandalay said, looking to her relative. "He's my cousin's kid. Come on, Kota. Greet everyone. You'll be with them for the next week."

Midoriya walks over to the boy. "Oh, um, I'm Midoriya from U.A. High School's hero course." Midoriya holds out his hand for the boy to shake. "Nice to meet you."

Kota punches Midoriya in his crotch. Midoriya grabs his precious parts as Kota walks away and Iida is immediately at Midoriya's side. [Name] knows she shouldn't laugh, but she couldn't stop the quiet giggle that left her lips. She definitely wasn't expecting that nor was everyone else. She's curious about Kota and what his deal currently is.

"Midoriya!" Iida exclaimed, holding Midoriya in his arms. "You brute of a nephew! Why would you do that to Midoriya'ss scrotum?!"

Kota stops walking, looking over his shoulder with a glare. "I don't intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!"

"'Intend'? How old are you?" Iida yelled.

"Precocious brat," Bakugo said, a smile on his lips.

Todoroki looks at the blonde. "Isn't he kind of like you?"

"What? Not at all!" Bakugo snapped, glaring at the boy. He turns his body to Todoroki. "Anyway, shut up, you GG bastard!"


"Enough with this charade," Aizawa called out. "Get your stuff off the bus. Once you've put your bags in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you'll bathe and go to sleep. We'll start for real tomorrow. Now, move quickly."


[Name] starts drooling, seeing all the cooked meat on the table as everyone is eating together. She's sitting between Midoriya and Bakugo,wolfing down any meat she picks up. She doesn't care for the veggies or anything else. She just wants that meat and she hasn't had cooked meat like this in a month.

"Slow down or you're going to choke," Midoriya advised, a smile on his lips.

Bakugo scowled at the girl. "You're acting like you're fucking starving! Have some fucking manners!"

[Name] finished chewing, swallowing her food. "Sorry, Katsuki."

Bakugo's body tenses up at [Name] calling him by his first name. He'll never get over it and it feels so embarrassing when they're around their classmates. He covers it up by eating his food and becoming silent. He isn't going to say anything to her for now. [Name] just makes him so flustered and he loves it, but hates it.


"Well, frankly, food and stuff isn't really that important," Mineta started, standing in front of the large wooden walls that separate the girls and boys hot spring. "That's not what I'm here for. I know that much, at least. What I'm here for is beyond that wall."

"What are you talking to yourself about, Mineta?" Midoriya questioned.

"This feels great!"

"I love that there are hot springs here."

"See, there they are..." Mineta said, leaning against the wall. A few of the boys blush, understanding Mineta's words as they look at the short boy. "Nowadays, for them to not stagger bathing times for men and women is an accident... Yes, an accident waiting to happen."

"Don't tell me you're..." Kaminari said.

Iida stands up straight. "Mineta, stop it!" He walks to Mineta in the water. "What are you doing is demeaning for both yourself and the girls! It is shameful behavior!"

Bakugo glares at Mineta. "If dare look at [Name], I'll fucking murder you."

"Reach the top, I'll freeze you for the rest of the night," Todoroki stated, his eyes focused on the water.

"You're too fussy," Mineta said, a smile on his lips. "Wall... are meant to be climbed over!" Mineta uses his Quirk to start scaling the walls. "Plus Ultra!"

Mineta reaches the top, but Kota is already there glaring at the boy. The boys could see Mineta at the very top and Kota glaring down so harshly at Mineta. [Name] heard the entire conversation from boys and she blushed profoundly, the girls looking at her oddly and they looked to the top, seeing Kota's back.

"Before learning to be a hero, you need to learn about being human," Kota stated, smacking Mineta's out stretched hand.

"Damn, kid!" Mineta yelled, falling to the ground.

Mineta's towel comes off and Iida is right under him. Mineta's ass cheeks touch Iida's face, the two of them falling into the pool. Kota glared at Mineta and [Name] wasn't expecting Bakugo to say that and she knows Todoroki's words meant if Mineta were to see her, he'd freeze him. [Name] covered her face with her hands, her ears falling flat.

"Mineta really is the worst, huh?" Asui asked.

[Name] looked up at Kota, a wide smile on her face. "Thanks, Kota!

Kota looks over his shoulder, looking into the girl's section to see Yaoyorozo's hair tied up as she's in the water. Uraraka covering her chest as she looks up at the wall and Ashido sitting on one of the rooms, exposing herself to the girls and Kota's young eyes. Asui is using the water to cover herself and Jirou near a rock. [Name] is standing on one of the steps into the water, the water around her ankles as she's almost completely out of the water.

Kota lets out a gasp and he freezes up, falling onto the boy's side in shock. He lets out a scream, falling to the ground and [Name] hopes the boy is okay. She hears Midoriya's voice and she assured that Midoriya caught the boy. [Name] lets out a sigh, the heat from the pool too much and her burning cheeks making it worse.

[Name] sits down on the steps, pulling her knees to her chest and her ears fall flat. She gets lost in her thoughts, thinking back to Bakugo's and Todoroki's words, never once thinking they would tell Mineta off like that. She knows the two care for her in some way, but exactly how much do they care about her?


5:30 AM, Training Camp-Day 2

[Name] and a few classmates let out yawns, being woken up so early in the morning and dressed in their PE outfits. Her soothes out the fur in her ears, letting out a yawn and she covers her mouth. She wasn't expecting to be woken up this early, but she'll get used to it. Aizawa steps towards them, gazing at his students.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!" Aizawa greeted. "Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully. So Bakugo." Aizawa throws a ball towards Bakugo and the blonde catches it. "try throwing that."

Bakguo gazes at the ball. "This is from the fitness test..."

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters," Aizawa stated, gazing at the blonde. Bakugo walks away from everyone. "Let's see how much you've improved."

"Oh, we're checking our progress?" Ashido asked.

"Since a lot has happened these past three months, huh?" Sero questioned. Bakugo readies his arm. "Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something now!"

"Do it, Bakugo!" Kirishima yelled.

[Name] smiled. "Good luck, Katsuki!"

"Then..." Bakugo smirked, readying himself for the real throw. "Here I go... Go to hell!"

Bakugo did the same thing from before, [Name] and her classmates feeling the wind hit their faces from the toss and seeing it go far, disappearing into the forest. She could see Bakugo standing proudly and confidently, ready to hear how far he'd thrown the ball.

"709.6 meters," Aizawa stated. He holds out his phone, showing the numbers to everyone.

"Huh? It's less than I thought..."

[Name] could see the shock look on Bakugo's face, seeing how wide his eyes are and he grits his teeth. Everyone looks at Bakugo in shock, except for Todoroki, but no one was expecting that score for one of the top students in the class.

"It's been about three months since you started high school," Aizawa stated. "Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. As you can see, your Quirks themselves have not improved that much. That's why we will work on improving your Quirks starting today." Aizawa smiles creepily. "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die..."

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