Let's Go, Gusty Red Riot & Adolpha

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[Name] lets out a gasp, her eyes snapping open as she pants heavily. She sits up in her bed, staring down at her lap as she's trying to calm herself, but there's no way she can. She saw someone die right in front of her and she wasn't able to do anything to save them. Her eyes scan her room, looking for a clock and she sees that it's early in the morning.

She holds her head in her hands, recalling what had happened. It was a man that had died in her dream with this sharp debris or something sharp sticking out of the man's chest. She wasn't really able to see around or notice anyone else around the man, but she's aware that she wasn't able to save the man. She won't forget the man's face either.

[Name] gets out of her bed, almost falling backwards, but she stables herself. She doesn't like the nightmare and she can't forget the other sight she witnessed with the man dying in a hospital later. There were many gadgets attached to the man's chest after someone removed the sharp debris in the man's chest. But she remembers the smile on the man's face when he passed.

To top it all on, [Name] just got into an argument with Bakugo recently too. She's angry at him for what he said to her, but she's glad that Kaminari went after her. Her and Kaminari talked to each other the whole night until they decided to go to bed. She's grateful for Kaminari's humorous nature because [Name] would have gone to bed crying. Although, [Name] did fall asleep crying, but she didn't cry the whole night in her room.

She can't even forget about Eri. That little girl is stuck in [Name]'s head and all these things are starting to make [Name] stress out. She wants to do something about saving that little girl, but she hasn't told anyone about Eri either. She's also at fault because she didn't say anything to anyone about her.

Plus [Name] has her work study this morning too. She has to get a good amount of sleep so she can function perfectly while at Fatgum's agency. She's also glad that Kirishima will be there with her too and hopefully his bright and cheerful personality will rub onto hers. Plus she's gotta do good in front of Amajiki if she wants to impress him to show that she's a good pick to be part of Fatgum's agency.


"Those punks are hoodlums keep gettin' into so many fights these days!" Fatgum exclaimed, carrying a tray of takoyaki. [Name] and Kirishima walked alongside him as Amajiki is walking behind them. "I'm starvin'! Yeah, the hero agencies 'round here have been wantin' a fighting type. Red Riot, Adolpha, you guys are perfect."

"I look forward to working with you!" Kirishima said, knocking his fists together.

"Me too," [Name] said, nodding her head.

Kirishima smiles. "Fourth Kind wasn't taking work study students, so I'm grateful to you for taking me on!" Kirishima informed.

"You kept coming at me," Amajiki spoke, looking at the back of Kirishima. "It was scary."

"Scary!" [Name] gasped, her eyes snap to Kirishima. "You scared Suneater! That's mean, Red Riot."

"I didn't mean to!"

"If Tamaki could only do somethin' about his weak mind, he'd be a great talent!" Fatgum spoke.

Amajiki places his hands on his chest. "That pressure leads me to even lower lows..." He lowers his hood. "It's always like this...! This man scouted me in order to torment me!"

"He's trying to encourage you, Suneater," [Name] assured, speaking with a smile. "That's just how it sounds like to me."

"Fat, eat ours!"

"I will tomorrow!" Fatgum responded.

Amajiki removes his hand from his hood, looking down. "I can't be cheerful and positive like you or Mirio."

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