An August Wedding

By SkyPhoenix13125

10K 537 110

Your parents wanted a son to take over the family business. His parents wanted their son to gain some busines... More

Author's Note
Ch. 1 - The Ceremony
Ch. 2 - The Honeymoon
Ch. 3 - Family Discussions
Ch. 4 - Good Friends
Ch. 5 - Wedding Gift
Ch. 6 - The New Hires
Ch. 7 - Clashing Heads
Ch. 8 - Hard Work
Ch. 9 - Lunch Dates
Ch. 10 - New Ideas
Ch. 11 - Suspicions
Ch. 12 - First Fight
Ch. 13 - Plans
Ch. 14 - Shareholder's Meeting
Ch. 15 - Family Approval
Ch. 16 - Dinner Party
Ch. 17 - Inspiration
Ch. 18 - Assistance
Ch. 19 - Musical Stylings
Ch. 20 - A Modest Proposal
Ch. 21 - Side Steps
Ch. 22 - Double Date
Ch. 23 - Charity Ball
Ch. 24 - Divides
Ch. 25 - Date Night
Ch. 26 - Visits
Ch. 27 - Making It Work
Ch. 28 - Moving Forward
Ch. 29 - Wake Up Call
Ch. 30 - Family Favors
Ch. 31 - Assessing
Ch. 32 - Reporting
Ch. 34 - Bonds
Ch. 35 - Next Steps
Ch. 36 - Deals
Ch. 37 - Celebrations
Ch. 38 - Exploring
Ch. 39 - Launch Party
Ch. 40 - Guys' Night
Ch. 41 - Girls' Night
Ch. 42 - Opportunities
Ch. 43 - Turning Point
Ch. 44 - Decisions
Ch. 45 - Showcase
Ch. 46 - Changes
Ch. 47 - Back to Work
Ch. 48 - Another Wedding
Ch. 49 - Different Directions
Ch. 50 - Favors and Secrets
Ch. 51 - Rides
Ch. 52 - Guidance
Ch. 53 - Confessions
Ch. 54 - News
Ch. 55 - Bad Timing
Ch. 56 - Flipping the Script
Ch. 57 - King or Boss
Ch. 58 - Deciding Factors
Ch. 59 - Crunch Time
Ch. 60 - Negotiations
Ch. 61 - Offers
Ch. 62 - Prep Work
Ch. 63 - Potential
Ch. 64 - Results
Ch. 65 - Free
Ch. 66 - Epilogue

Ch. 33 - Visitors

124 7 0
By SkyPhoenix13125

"So who's watching the studio, Hobi?"

"Chung Ha and Shindong are keeping an eye on things. They said they'd call me if they needed anything."

Hoseok had an interesting relationship with his co-workers. He owned the studio that he worked in and although he liked teaching himself, he also enjoyed gathering other teachers for his studio. That way he could have instructors specializing in all kinds of dancing and they could provide a wider variety of classes to students.

Each new instructor also chose their own "stage name" when they joined the group, something most of them took great pride in choosing.

"Kai didn't want to take over?"

"Normally I think he'd offer, but he's been working on his own routines lately. He wants to join a dance team outside of the studio."

"Is he allowed to do that?"

Hoseok shrugged. "I don't have a problem with it. I'd honestly encourage it but not everyone has the time to make it work with their schedules." He sighed. "It's making me think about putting some of my instructors in part-time positions."


"Well, Kai wants to join a dance team. Momo is thinking about applying to some grad schools to learn more about dance. I'm sure the others would appreciate some time off...if they could form their own schedules, it would keep them available for those things. And then I could pick up some more employees who can only do part-time work."

"You want more instructors?" He already had half a dozen working with him, how many more could he need?

"Just a few. I actually met with one a few weeks ago. He said to give him a call about it and he'd come to look around the studio."

"Good for you, branching out like that."

He chuckled. "Don't congratulate me yet. I still have to go through with it, and it's going to take some planning."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You've made it this far, after all," another voice added. You looked up to see Amy walking in, a small bouquet in her hands.

"Shift change already?" Hoseok joked as he stood up. "I appreciate your faith in me, and I'll be back in an hour."

Amy set the flowers down and gave Hoseok a quick hug on his way out.

"Sorry I couldn't come sooner. Are you feeling okay?"

"I feel fine," you assured her.

"I left something for Jin too, but I'm guessing he still isn't awake."

You shook your head. "They said that his injuries could be serious. He has to wake up first for them to tell for sure."

"I can't believe this happened," she grumbled. "I hope that other driver gets what's coming to him."


"What? I heard about it from Hoseok and he's clearly at fault. He wasn't paying attention or he was drunk to hit you like this." She sighed heavily. "Can I get you anything while I'm here?"

"I'd like some water. I thought the doctor would come back by now and I could ask him, but I haven't seen him."

She nodded quickly. "Sure thing. I'll be back in a bit."

While she was gone, you checked your phone. Yoongi had sent you a message that he'd taken care of the reports and that he'd try to stop by later. Namjoon was apparently doing a good job taking over in your absence.

A knock on the door jarred you from your thoughts. "That was fast...oh. Can I help you?"

A young man was standing in the doorway wearing a nice suit and holding a briefcase in his hand. He smiled when your gaze fell on him.

"Are you Mrs. Min?"

"Yes...but I don't think we've met."

"We haven't. Sorry to impose on you while you're resting, but I'm Choi Youngjae. I'm a paralegal with a law firm in the area. We represent the owner of the other vehicle that hit you," he explained as he stepped into the room.

"And what can I do for you?"

"I'm here on behalf of the head attorney to extend an olive branch of sorts. Our client is at fault for the accident and--"

"Are you allowed to tell me that?"

He chuckled. "These are extenuating circumstances, so I am allowed to say that. Our client is completely at fault and because of that, we'd like to offer you a settlement. Normally, we'd explain this to the driver of the vehicle, but because of Mr. Kim and Mr. Min's business relationship, we thought it'd be best to speak to you instead."

"What does that mean? Full settlement?" you asked.

"It means that if your insurance policy does not cover something relating to the accident, you can request payment through us. We will negotiate between you and our client to make sure that your needs are taken care of."

"I don't--"

"You don't need to decide now. In fact, we'd rather you didn't until we know the extent of Mr. Kim's injuries. Anything he needs would also be covered in this settlement per our client's wishes."

He handed you a business card from his jacket pocket. "Our number is on this card. You can call us or come in for a consultation if you have any questions about our proposal, okay?"

"Thank you, Mr. Choi."

He smiled again. "Youngjae is fine. I apologize on behalf of our client that this happened, and I hope you both get better soon. Thank you for your time."

And just like that, he was gone again. You flipped the card over a few times in your hand.

He hadn't seemed to have ill intentions. He had a kind smile. But how had he learned the details of the accident that quickly? And their client had already offered to settle before anyone had taken legal action. It seemed strange. Would they really pay for everything? Were you even in your right to ask for that or would Yoongi have to do it?

You were still mulling over it when Amy returned. "Guess who's awake."

After pleading for several minutes with the nurse and double-checking with Dr. Park, they finally allowed you to go into Jin's room. Between Amy and the nurse supporting you, you walked unsteadily into his room.

For a moment, you thought you'd gone to the wrong room.

Dr. Park had warned you of his injuries before, but nothing could have prepared you for this sight.

Jin had a head bandage much like your own, although it covered almost his entire head. He had several cuts on his face and a bandage over the lower half of his body. His left arm was in a sling, holding the limb flush against his chest.

But that wasn't all. His skin was pale. His normally warm eyes were dark and serious. He barely seemed to register the sound of you entering the room. His gaze remained trained on the wall. But you caught the way he shifted his head and winced in pain.

"The doctor just finished going over the events of the accident with him," the nurse explained. "He's going to get a room ready."

"Room?" you repeated. "Why?"

"They're going to relocate my shoulder," Jin spoke up suddenly. "And then run an x-ray to see what else is damaged."

The nurse left quickly to help prep the room.

"We were all pretty worried about you, Jin," you said. "I'm glad you're okay."

"How about you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. A little head trauma, but they said I should be ready to leave soon."

He nodded. "Good."

Amy took the opportunity to pull her chair up and show him the stuffed animal that she'd gotten him downstairs.

Something about the blue whale seemed to soften him slightly.

"I'm sorry. For all of this. I should have been paying more attention. I should have seen them before--"

"Jin, stop. This is my fault for keeping you out so late."

He smiled. "I guess we can play the blame game later. I should rest before they come back to get me. Thank you for coming to check on me. Both of you."

"Here." Amy set a bottle of water on the table. "Make sure you stay hydrated, okay?"


Amy helped you back to your own room. She hung out until Hoseok returned, but then left soon after that. Hoseok tried to check on Jin but he fell asleep soon after his examinations.

"At least he's awake. That's a good sign."

"Yeah. I just wish he wasn't blaming himself."

"You tried to blame yourself, too," he pointed out. "It's okay to feel guilty about what happened. But you did the best you could in that situation and you shouldn't beat yourselves up over it."

"I know. Doesn't make it any easier."

"Well, you don't have to go through it alone." He squeezed your hand. "You've got all of us by your side too."

You smiled. "Thanks, Hoseok."

"There's a reason the other teachers call me J-Hope."

"Because you pay them to do it."

"Wha--? No! Because I'm your hope!"

"I know, I know. I'm just kidding!"

He grumbled something under his breath and you laughed.

Even when he wasn't trying to, he knew how to lift your spirits.

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