
By Ihatecreepers24

178 21 4

Hi, I'm Cara Jones. People call me CJ, and sometimes Eden. Ever since I was little I could manipulate people'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

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By Ihatecreepers24

Enervate spun around in his chair to face me. He wasn't dressed up like usual, instead he wore a sweater and jean's and held a book in his hands. Despite how human he looked right then, I could still feel his lust for power. Though I also felt his annoyance at me showing up.

"This book was just getting interesting" Enervate sighed before slamming the book shut. I noticed that his eye wasn't as foggy as it was before and the scar had shrunk. He must also heal from consuming souls.

"You'll have plenty of time to read in your cell" I told him.

"Ah to be young and Naïve. No prison on earth could hold me. My Reapers wouldn't allow of it, simply put, you'll have to kill me" Enervate said and yawned in his chair.

"We'll see about that" I said.

"Honestly, if Greyhound and the others couldn't stop me, what makes you think a child like you can?" he said with a dry laugh. I could feel something in what he said, almost a split second of sadness. It was replaced quickly though with his normal avarice.

I outstretched my hand sent a wave of sadness, trying to bring back that blip of an emotion. Enervate resisted though, trying to fight off my digging.

"STOP!" Enervate growled and floated up out of his chair, "I've lived far too long to let a child like you manipulate my emotions!"

Enervate charged through the air towards me. I took a step back right as he pushed us both out the balcony doors. I tried to make him sad but I ended up making him very angry. I pushed back and grabbed his head and kneed upward into it. I could've kill him, but I held back. Though I heard some cracks as he dropped me. It was only a one-story drop so I landed with no problem. I looked up to see enervate holding his jaw. He spit out a couple of bloody teeth and glared at me.

"You bitch" Enervate swore at me.

Reapers stormed out of the mansion carrying guns pointed at me. They took aim and were about to fire at me. I lifted my arms and poured regret and sadness into my power and I had plenty of that to go around. I was worried that this wouldn't work, I'd never attempted to manipulate the emotions of so many people. My worries washed away once I saw the Reapers hesitantly lower their weapons, I even heard a few start to cry.

"Weak minded fools!" Enervate yelled, "Must I do everything?.

Enervate dived from his hovering position above. I jumped up in an attempt to dodge put he adjusted course and grabbed me. I felt my soul fighting, trying not to be consumed by his power. My body felt limp and weak. I mustered my strength and kicked him in his stomach. Enervate managed to hold on but in the process stopped trying to eat my soul. He punched me in the face mid air and threw me towards the ground.

"This is tiring, If I still had my scythe I would have already cut you down" Enervate said holding his stomach. I landed and then jumped up onto the roof of the mansion.

I stepped back from the edge of the roof as bullets shot by. The guilt had worn off and Enervate's Reapers were ready to kill me. I should have came up with a better plan before rushing over here. I looked to Enervate hovering over the backyard, he was just smiling pleased with himself. I sighed and then started running towards him. Enervate's features changed from smug to startled as I jumped forward from the mansion's roof. I grabbed onto his shoulders and kicked my legs forward, sending him crashing towards a couple of pine tree's, and sending me back towards the mansion.

I crashed through one of the top floor's windows landing against an old dresser. I scrambled to my feet as I heard shouts from outside the shattered window. I was in an old bedroom that had been converted to house 3 people instead of one. Cobwebs covered the ceiling but the room itself had been dusted. I quickly exited into the hallway. I was surprised to find that the power was still hooked up when I saw that the chandeliers were on. Must have either bought the building or he was siphoning power off the grid.

I looked over the railing, it led straight to the foyer so I hopped over it. I hit the floor but I didn't stop, the floor collapsed and crashed under the weight of my fall. I groaned as my back hit concrete and moldy saw dust rained down. I got up and was about to jump out of the basement when something caught my eye.

I saw scientists, wearing lab coats, cowering behind tables and staring at me. I used my power to drive up their fear which made them flee out of the basement. I walked over to the tables and saw plans and blueprints, they were hard to make sense of. There were some drawing of a machine and some kind of tank. But one drawing of lights floating up from the city, sent a chill down my spine. What was Enervate planning? Whatever it was, I need to stop him before it was too late.

I heard Reapers shout from above about the new entrance to the basement. I looked up to see them looking down but since the basement's lights had been taken out, when the floor collapsed, they couldn't see me.

"My Lord, It's kind of dark down there." One of the Reapers said to Enervate, though I couldn't see him.

"I don't care, valuable research is down there! Salvage what you can, and if you see her, kill her" Enervate commanded. I sent a wave of fear at the Reapers at the top of the hole.

"B-but it's dark..." A Reaper told Enervate.

"Idiots! She's manipulating you, shoot!" Enervate ordered. Bullets started to rain down but they didn't know where I was. I stayed back towards the edge and waited. The combined power of the fear I gave them, and their fear of Enervate himself made them empty their magazines.

"Useless" Enervate sighed. I saw him appear and then lower down into the hole. I saw him look over to all of the tables and cringe.

"At least the prototype wasn't stored here" Enervate muttered to himself.

I ran towards him and swung my leg out to kick from the right side. Enervate backed out my legs reach and punched me in the jaw, my mask absorbing some of the impact. I quickly recovered, stepped forward and punched him in the stomach. He winced because his stomach was still tender from the kick I gave it earlier. Enervate quickly dashed at me and grabbed my throat. He started to drain my life again but I kicked his knee in, breaking it. He screamed in pain and ten reapers jumped down into the whole. I quickly jumped up and out and ran out of the front doors. Behind me I could hear a Reaper scream in fright.

I ran away from the mansion, I was tired from almost getting my soul eaten twice. I was running through one of the subdivisions and people were watching from their windows. If there weren't so many Reapers on the property I may have been able to take Enervate in.

"Or maybe not" I said aloud when I saw Enervate flying towards me. I jumped up just as he flew by at what I seemed like 70 miles per hour. He stopped several feet away and I noticed three things. His leg was healed and looked like it was never broken, I had a bleeding cut on my calf, and he was holding a sickle. Enervate noticed my gaze and sighed.

"Best I could do" He shrugged and then zoomed towards me.

Every time I had seen him fly, he had never moved this fast. I jumped up again but he expected it and I saw his sickle going straight towards my throat. As I was falling back down I pushed the sickle out of his hand which also caused him to miss and fly by me. I landed on the ground next to the sickle, so I picked it up. I turned to face Enervate but he had already started another flying charge. I moved to the side and slashed with the sickle as he passed. He tried to dodge so it ended up going down the length of his back. Enervate let out a howl of pain before regaining his composure.

Something changed as Enervate flew at me again. I could no longer sense any feeling from him. He slapped the sickle out of my hand, punched me in the stomach, and then grabbed me by the neck. Enervate lifted me into the air keeping me out of kicking reach. I started to grow weak as my soul was being devoured by a monster.

"You put up a good fight Eden. Unfortunately you won't be reunited with your Mother and Brother" Enervate said emotionless. He was right though, without a soul their would be nothing left of me to send to whatever kind of afterlife existed. I kicked and kicked, each one weaker than the last. Until suddenly I was released and fell towards the ground. I could feel part of my soul leave Enervate and reunite with the rest of it. I looked up to see Enervate holding his shoulder and glaring down away from me.

I turned see that a police car had pulled up and two cops had shot Enervate. They were talking into their radio's with their sidearms aimed up. Enervate flew down at them, before I could react, and punched the first cop throwing him to the ground before turning and eating the soul of the stunned second cop.

"NOO!" I screamed.

Enervate turned to me energized with the soul he had just absorbed. I struggled to my feet and raised my fists. If I went down tonight, It would be with a fight. Right before Enervate was about to make a move, 20 cop cars drove right up to us. Enervate faltered, even he couldn't fight off these many cops, not without his Reapers at least. I mustered up the strength and then jumped on top of a house and looked back. Gunshots rang as the cops tried to shoot Enervate, who was heading back towards Coachwood Mansion.


I climbed back through my window around 2 AM. I had left around 7 so I was gone like seven hours, though most of it was spent going and coming from Coachwood Mansion. I tugged off my boots before collapsing onto my bed. I was no closer to arresting Enervate, but I was closer to figuring out his plan.

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