Black Butler x modern reader

Par vasachirock2005

53.8K 1.3K 1.6K

Read and find out. 😁 Plus

Description of you
Chapter one: WTF
Chapter two: Dexter
wierd questions that pop into my head.
chapter three : Shit. Shit. Shit.
chapter four: little blueberry
chapter five: lady Elizabeth
chapter six: Training?
chapter seven : Fillers
chapter nine: An unexpected aliy
chapter ten : The white tiger.
chapter eleven : ghosting
Halloween special
chapter twelve : Hide and seek with Dex.
chapter thirteen : UT!!!
chapter fourteen : What happened before the Ball.
chapter sixteen : The Book.
Chapter seventeen : GRELL SUTCLIFF
Chapter sixteen : A GIRLS RAGE.
chapter seventeen : The hidden secrets of our dreams.
chapter eighteen : No more lies...sure... that's definitely not happening
chapter nineteen : Friend or foe?

Chapter fifteen : Vice count pervert.

1.4K 53 70
Par vasachirock2005

A/n: That's the dress your wearing you can change it into any color you like. You had to wear a (h/c)  wig by the way.

Your pov.

" Do I really have to do this?" I said nervously as I looked at the dress lying on the bed.

" Yes. " said Sebastien with a monotone voice.

I slouched in annoyance since I'd have to wear a corset. And to this day I still haven't let it get near my skin. At the moment I was wearing my comfortable bra. One I can actually breath in.

" What's with the your face do you not like the dress I picked out? " he asked.

" No it's just the death trap." I said pointing at the corset.

" It's pronounced 'corset' and your acting as if you haven't worn it before." he joked slightly chuckling at what I called it.

" I have never warn it and I don't wish to wear it. It's only a matter of time before someone dies from the lack of oxygen." I said simply.

" I doubt any women has ever been killed by a corset. " he said boldly.

I raised an eyebrow at he's bold saying. " It's actually happened, they just haven't recorded the information cause they don't wanna cause an uproar." I said with my arms crossed.

" Really is that so?" he asked.

" Yep. " I said turning my back to him.

" Then if that's the case they must have tied it too tight. And if what you say is accurate then what have you been wearing this hole time? " he asked.

I froze in my tracks as I felt my cheeks turn bright red along with my skin getting warmer.

"That's for me to know. " I said turning my face to the other direction. I looked through my bag and noticed my gun placed under my shirts. I than noticed my taizzer between my jeans. I planed to take it with me when we went to the ball.

" *sigh* I'm not gonna enjoy this." I muttered under my breath as I gained enough confidence to actually look at the thing.

Time skip >>>

As I set with one leg over the other thinking about curses to use later since I did not at all feel comfortable due to the thing that was restricting my posture. I can't even breath properly. If I die from lack of oxygen I'm gonna fucking haunt Michaelis's demonic ass.

The wig I was wearing was perfectly placed. Curled at the end of it and just to enhance the look a little, madame Red applied some make up. But not too much since she said she liked my natural beauty to show. Which kinda made me smile a little. The taizzer was pinned to the strap of my heels. I wore some matching wrist gloves to go along with the dress.

I was mostly anxious since usually when rides were this long I would pass time and block the world out by listening to music. The song hostage by Billie Eilish was playing over and over in my head. It was actually helpful in calming my nerves at the moment.

I was finding it harder and harder to sit in one place for so long. My body began to figit by doing small stuff... Either my foot would twitch and my hands would fiddle. Little by little my energy began to build up in my system.

Sudden Author note :

Sorry I forgot to mention a certain trait about you. You have a few mental traits. And no. There not lethal there just part of who the character is... Cause in a way... She resembles me quite a lot... Just a little calmer and composed. So the traits are :

* ADHD (But she's still lazy at times)
* bipolar 1 disorder (involves depression)

Just thought I'd let you guys know. Your gonna get along great with Alois trust me when I say you'll meet soon 😘 Anyway. Back to the story ,thank you for reading this note.

" Darling is everything alright?" Red asked. Her words had brought me out of my daze.

" hmm... Yes I'm fine I'm just not used to staying still in one place for long periods of time. " I said as I kept fighting the urge to jump out of this moving carriage.

" don't worry dear were almost there." she said sweetly. I returned with a smile but my hands kept fidgeting.

Time skip >>>


We had stopped and stepped out. Before going in madam Red had to discuss our roles so we wouldn't get confused when we stepped in. I stood right next to shorty as she explained.

" Lau, your my fiance, Ciel your my niece who's visiting from (?), Sebastien is your tutor and (Y/n) your Sebastian's wife." I raised an eyebrow at the situation right now. Everything froze.

Author : What?

[Y/n] : What do you mean 'what', it's like your making a cliche fanfic now.

Author: It was cliche the moment you worked for cinnamon roll.

(Y/n) : But at least change it up.

Author : yeah yeah I'm getting to that just chill already.


" What about the rings? " I questioned acting so chill and carefree.

" I thought you'd ask that, that's why I came prepared. " she said pulling out a black box then throwing it to me.

I opened it and found two wedding rings. One for me and one for Sebastian. I shrugged it off and handed one to Sebastien but he kinda surprised me when he suddenly took my hand with the ring and gently opened it than took my hand and-

Author : why am I getting goosebumps!?

Y/n : just keep going.

Placed it on my finger. I looked up and noticed him have a bit of a smug face. I resisted the erg to blush and did as he did to make things less awkward. But I noticed the stairs we were receiving.

" Are you two done?" said Ciel who seemed a little impatient.

" Yep. " I said trying to ease the awkward moment.

" For a second you two acted like a real couple." teased madam Red.

I scratched behind my head with a bit of a hidden blush in my features. I rejusted my necklace and made sure it was placed properly. Sebastien offered me he's arm which I took gladly from there we all went in. Both hoping that this night ends fast.

Time skip brought to you by you sneaking away to get away from a certain blond.>>>

I was near the buffet table tasting a few snacks. And I'll admit. They weren't bad at all, I took a sip of non alcoholic beverage it being a glass of juice or lemonade. Whatever you choose. I took a few bits of chocolate. And tasted each flavor.





Dark chocolate (yuck!! For me.)

After a few tastes I noticed a few stairs on me. I checked my lip to see if I had any chocolate near my lips. I thought I was being paranoid so I went to walk around a bit. It seemed to be that my dress was catching people's attention. I noticed Sebastian and CP trying to avoid Elizabeth.

I giggled a bit noticing there struggle. I decided to help them with there little predicament. Before Lizzy was about to walk up to the two I quickly tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She seemed to turn around quickly and noticed my appearance.

" Greetings. " I said straching my hand out.

" Oh, hello oh my goodness I absolutely love your dress it's so beautiful it suits you so much." she said with so much enthusiasm.

If it wasn't for this wig she'd probably find out who I was. As she kept rambling I looked over to the two and gave them a wink. Which Sebs returned with a light smile they then soon walked away. And left me alone with Libra aka... Elizabeth.

(A/n: I don't have a problem with Libras, I just don't like Elizabeth after what she did to Ciel.)

" Oh my, you have a lovely ring. " she said gazing at my hand. I almost forgot about it.

"oh, thank you I almost forgot about it." I said playing with it a little. I don't know how to feel about it cause it obviously meant nothing.



"So, who's the lucky man?" she asked rather cheeky.

" Oh, he's around here somewhere." I said looking around. " I'm (fake/name) by the way." I introduced.

" Oh my were are my manners, My names Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford, but you can call me Lizzy it's very nice to meet you. " she said with a bit of a bow.

" Hehee nice to meet you too Lizzy. " I said with a bit of a giggle.

As we both chatted away about the decorations and all that... Well... It was mostly her doing the talking and me doing the nodding. It's better to keep it that way. I don't want an unwanted mess. At some point I saw Ciel trying to get to the other side of the Ballroom.

Music began to play and I noticed people starting to grab partners and move to the dance floor. I noticed Sebastian and Ciel began there next plan which was dancing. I smiled at how Ciel was secretly struggling. I was a little surprised when someone offered a hand to dance with me. Since I didn't want to be rude I gladly excepted.

Lizzy seemed fine with the hole situation. From there we went onto the dance floor, I made sure to be careful with my steps. Didn't want to hurt the poor man's feet. As we kept going slowly we began with some small talk we introduced ourselves. He complimented me and admitted that he was a little sad I wasn't single.

(just to alert you, he was in he's (early) twenties.)

The music soon stopped, we both bid each other goodbye and went our separate ways. I went back to the buffet table and ate a few extra deserts. I noticed that Ciel was about to experience some trouble with Lizzy once again. 'oh boy' I was about to help out but Sebastian beat me too it.

The heels were beginning to hurt my feet. But I held it in and kept pushing through the pain. I made a mental note to place my feet in warm water to ease the pain when I get home. Went to one of the outside balconies to gaze at the skies. The moon was so big....even in anime style.

My skin seemed to reflect the moonlight as I stood still gazing at the sky. A cold breeze seemed to reach my skin it brought shivers down my spine. I stepped back in and headed where madam Red and Lau were. I called it a night and decided to head back to madam Red.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and noticed two pairs of familiar red wine eyes. Wait. Why would Sebastien be here? Isn't he supposed to be saving Ciel's butt. I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed him asking me to dance.

"May I have this dance?" Obviously I expected. And we both headed onto the dance floor.

I still held a confused expression as we danced carefully across the room. I was even giving him the look that said 'I'm waiting for an explanation mister.' but he didn't seem to catch on. But he soon noticed.

" What's wrong? " he asked.

" umm, aren't you supposed to be saving a certain Ciela?" I joked but at the same time totally serious since I didn't want things to change all because of me being around.

" Oh yes, she's actually still busy at the moment." he said looking over my shoulder.

I did to and noticed Ciel and vice count pervert heading into one of the back halls. Odd. I thought they had already gotten to that part... Time must move very slow when your actually in the series. It's very odd if you think about it.

" Are you enjoying your evening so far?" he asked.

" Well, besides the restricting 'thing' around my waist along with the heels that are slowly killing me, I'm great. " I said with sarcasm in my tone.

" At least indure it for the time being, the night will soon end... Eventually. " he tried sympathizing, with a bit of a sweat drop.

" Well darling aren't you supposed to be somewhere?" I said empathizing the word 'darling' cause we were still playing the roll of married couple.

"It seems your right, it looks like we'll have to cut our dance short. " he said as he lightly bowed to me as an apology.

I'm the one who told him to leave and save Ciel,  what on earth is he apologizing for? I raised an eyebrow at he's actions. But in return I lightly bowed.

He soon disappeared. I than headed to madam Red who seemed to still be enjoying herself but when I approached her I noticed that she seemed to be looking for me. I apologized to her for showing up late but she didn't seem to mind.

" As long as you had fun. " she said with a warm smile as she ruffled my hair. ( more like wig)

We soon headed out along with Lau and got a carriage that drove us all home. Well... Back to the town house anyway. And I noticed that the moment I set down I noticed that I was actually really tired I took of the wig and ruffled my hair. But I didn't want to fall asleep just yet. So I kept my eyes open, and looked out the window and gazed at the moon a little longer.

At some point of the ride madam Red and I had a little chat since she wanted to know a little more about me. She was starting to warm up to me since we kinda had a little heart to heart when she was doing my makeup before we arrived to the ball.

I didn't mind answering her questions even if it means lying in between since I can't tell her the actual truth. But after a while I began to warm up to her. But I couldn't get too close cause I knew that later I'd regret opening my heart in the first place.

Eventually I subconsciously asleep on her lap. She didn't seem to mind one bit, she even gently patted my head as I fell asleep. A warm feeling seemed to form in my chest.

Is this what it really feels like to have a mother?

Time skip brought to you by Sebastian>>

Sebastien's pov.

We had arrived before everyone came so I quickly took care of the young master and put him to bed. I than headed to the front door since I had a feeling they had finally arrived. Madam Red was about to open the door but I had already opened the door for her. She seemed used to the fact that I arrived before all of them.

I noticed a certain person missing but stopped when I noticed that she was fast asleep in Mr Lau's arms. I offered to take her which he didn't mind to the idea. I made sure not to wake her up in the process and took her to her room.

I'm a little surprised that she could actually sleep even with the corset around her waist. I'll have to carefully remove that.

I soon reached her room and carefully got her ready for bed. With a blind fold on since o had a feeling she would probably ask that later when she woke up. I than placed her carefully in bed and let her rest. A bit confused as to where Dexter was.

But was surprised when I noticed him jump onto he's side of the bed. But went slightly closer to her. It still surprises me that the cat and her share a very close bond. The thought itself makes me weary. But left the matter than and there.

I had a few things to prepare for tomorrow hopefully I'd be done with it all before morning.


A/n: As promised and that's it for today, hope you liked it and I'll make sure to post the next chapter probably around next week. Thank you once again for the views end especially the votes it means so much to me that your reading my slightly cringy book.

And as a little fun reward for reading my fanfic enjoy these hilarious meme. I found on the internet.

Bye 💕
Vasachi Rock is out 😘
Peace ✌☝

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