(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

37.8K 1.4K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay ๐Ÿ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with you๐Ÿ”ž
I lying in bed with you๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!๐Ÿ”ž
Maya Smart Girl๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1๐Ÿ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2๐Ÿ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The Ultimatum๐Ÿ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters ๐Ÿ“–

Cold and painful words

763 23 6
By Bank_Teresa

I hope you all like this new chapters, love you all until next time🤓📖


A week passed

Girls passing by

Ohm and Kao were sitting on the university seat, Kao with a smile looking at the beautiful girls who passed in front of him said in Ohm.

Kao: they are beautiful! ....

Ohm with a serious look.

Ohm: Aren't you dating P'Earth ?!

Smiling happily with this question.

Kao: humn .. Yes! We are already dating for a week after that rain that happened!

Ohm couldn't believe that Kao has changed so much because of a young man, Ohm knew that Kao was someone who only stayed for a day or two after having everything he wanted with this person. Kao never dated, just dated for one night and the next day ended it all, but Earth is different, Ohm surprised.

Ohm: I still can't believe you're dating this guy! Something fell on your head .... Ohm grabbed his head and moved it from side to side .... No ... There is no injury!

Kao took off Ohm's hand and said.

Kao: I told you, people change .... I love N'Earth .... And I love it even more after having him that night .... He is so delicate, inside that face that made difficult, there was a young man who just wanted to be loved!

Ohm thought of Fluke and the face so beautiful and cute, Ohm said after having the image of fluke in his thoughts.

Ohm: hmn! .... I understand that! ...

Kao with a suspicious look wanting to provoke his friend, pointed his index finger with a smile.

Kao: rrhumnm .... you're thinking about little N'fluke aren't you ?! You've been together for a month, have you slept with him ?!

Ohm is a serious man, short and objective, he told the truth even though it ended up hurting someone's feelings and also with Kao he never hid what happened to him because the two were great friends.

Ohm: hmmn .... Already...

Kao: OH! ... And you say as if you didn't like it!

Ohm: of course I liked it ... Ohm thought deeply ... He has ... He has something that impresses me! Something about him makes me stay with him ...

Kao: don't you love him ?!

Ohm: I don't know! ...

Kao: rhammm ... Don't you know ?! You've been dating him for a month and you don't know how you feel ?!

Ohm: I'm not sure what I feel for him ... He's so pure, it's almost impossible to touch him, he's so pure ... I don't know what I feel, I just know I don't want to hurt him! ...

Kao: hmn .... I understand you .... I don't want to hurt N'Earth either! But there is something different between you and me .... I am sure how I feel about N'Earth ....

When saying this Kao startled with the hands that hit his head, turned and looked at Both, said Both while sitting in the seat.

Both: what are you talking about ?!

Kao: about something you understand better than us!

Both: are you talking about your boyfriends ?! I really can't believe that you changed a lot because of this young p'kao!

Kao a little annoyed that everyone said the same thing about him.

Kao: I'm tired of everyone saying the same thing ... Is it so hard for you to understand that I changed ?!

Ohm and Both looked at each other and then looked at him, talked at the same time.

OhmBoth: yes, it's difficult! ...

Both with a smile at seeing his friend getting angry he said inviting them both.

Both: Oh! .... Do you both want to go out?!

Ohm: go out?!

Kao: go out to where ?!...

Both: at the amusement park! I won six tickets ... I gave three at N'newyear, he went to invite your boyfriends!

Kao glad to hear that Earth is also going he said excitedly.

Kao: Of course I will! if my bunny goes I will too ..

Ohm with a serious look said.

Ohm: I'm going too ... I can't leave him alone!

Both: so it's Okay .... We are going to the park tomorrow ..

Earth, fluke and Newyear were in Earth's dorm, fluke was in the bathroom because he felt bad, leaving Newyear with a suspicious face said.

Newyear: are you really okay ?!

Fluke scared with Newyear who appeared in front of him so suddenly, he said scared but with a pale face and feeling very bad.

Fluke: I don't know! ... I've been like this for two days ... I feel sick, and sometimes dizzy ... And I can't stop sleeping ...

Newyear knew these symptoms without wasting time, he said.

Newyear: I'm going to the pharmacy to buy something, I'll be back ...

Fluke and Earth were a little confused by Newyear's reaction he was serious and the two never saw Newyear so serious, Fluke sat on the bed and said on Earth with a smile.

Fluke: so you and p'kao are really dating for a week ?!

Happy Earth turned towards Fluke put and crossed his legs on the bed and said with a bright smile.

Earth: hmnn .... We are!.... I'm so happy ... I don't want this happiness to ever end ..

Fluke grabbed Earth's two hands happy for Earth.

Fluke: I'm very happy to know that you're happy ... You always thought of others and me ... It's time to think about you a little ...

Earth happy to hear Fluke say that to him, said wanting to know about Fluke relationship.

Earth: how about you ?! How's your relationship with N'Ohm going ?!

Fluke happy he said with a passionate smile.

Fluke: we're fine .... I love him so much, and he too ....

Earth tried to say something but Newyear opened the door and entered with a serious look but a slight smile.

Newyear: p'fluke! Take this ... Go to the bathroom and follow the instructions on the box ....

Fluke looked in the box saw what was written and opened his eyes wide startled and surprised by what he saw.

Fluke: this is! .... is this a pregnancy test ?!

Earth's eyes widened, Newyear with a serious look said.

Newyear: yes it is! .... You have the same symptoms that my friend had ... But don't be alarmed, maybe you are not pregnant! ...Just go to the bathroom and take the test ....

Fluke swallowed was scared and full of fear, without wasting time he went to the bathroom and spent ten minutes in the bathroom, Earth and Newyear were spinning around the room, worried about Fluke that was taking so long. Fluke came out of the bathroom, Earth and Newyear immediately looked at him, he looked at both and said, he did not believe the test result.

Fluke: I! ... I! ... I! ..

Terrified and worried Earth shouted at Fluke.

Earth: you what ?! You're not pregnant, are you ?!

Fluke looking at Earth startled moved his head up and down saying.

Fluke: hmm! ... I! ... I am pregnant! I'm expecting a baby from p'ohm!

Earth shocked fell on the bed sitting, Newyear put a hand on his mouth and the other arm crossed, amazed by what he just heard he knew the symptoms but was not sure that fluke would be pregnant. Earth, not believing in this test, got up from the bed and said pulling Fluke towards the door.

Earth: come on! ... I don't believe in these pharmacy tests .... We are going to the hospital right now ...

Fluke couldn't believe it, this was a news that he wasn't waiting he just thought he was sick, but no, the three went to the hospital, it was already night, Earth and Newyear sat in the hospital chair waiting for fluke to leave with the test results, Fluke came out and said touching his belly and looking at both of them.

Fluke: I'm two weeks pregnant!...

Earth fell on the chair, he couldn't believe it, he always protected Fluke he was always a protective brother he never wanted to give Fluke to anyone, because he didn't want Fluke to suffer but it was too late, Fluke is pregnant and he didn't know if Ohm would accept this pregnancy or not, Fluke looking at Earth he was sad he knew how much Earth cared and took care of him Earth was like a brother, worried and sad.

Fluke: N'Earth .... I ... I sorry ... grabbed his shirt tightly with both hands .... I really apologize ... I don't ... I didn't want to ...

Earth saw that Fluke was sad to see him reacting this way with the news of the pregnancy, Earth got up from the chair and touched the face of Fluke and said with a smile.

Earth: why are you like this ?! You don't need to apologize to me .... What happened, happened and nothing can change .... You are expecting a baby, who will surely be very beautiful like his father, who is you ...Just care about taking care of this child that is growing inside you ....

Newyear worried.

Newyear: you will have to tell about the pregnancy in the father of this baby!....You cannot raise this child without the other parent ...

Fluke was still scared he didn't know the reaction Ohm would have on hearing this news, he was scared and something in his heart said something was going to happen, Newyear said.

Newyear: you have a chance to say about the pregnancy ... Tomorrow the three of us go to the amusement park, you say in him tomorrow ...

Fluke looking at Newyear a little unsure of what to do worried and at the same time afraid.

Fluke: hmnmnm....

The day is over.

It was morning, Earth woke up, got up, looked at Fluke who slept next to him and Newyear, looked in the window and saw the day so beautiful it was outside got out of bed and went to the window with a happy smile said while playing with a hand on he belly and looking out the window.

Earth: I would also like to have a child of yours, my love! ...

Earth didn't know if he had the capacity to get pregnant or not, he never took the test, his mother always told him that it was not necessary because he was not born with this capacity. Fluke got out of bed and looked at Earth who was looking out the window he said as he got up and went to Earth.

Fluke: what are you thinking ?! N'Earth!

Earth startled when he heard fluke's voice, wanting to disguise the thoughts he was having.

Earth: nothing! ... I'm not thinking about anything!

Fluke smiled, Earth saw this smile so pure he approached fluke bent down and touched fluke's belly with a smile and a happy look.

Earth: are you listening to me my beautiful baby ?! I your uncle will take good care of you ... You will be very happy next to your two dads ..

Fluke smiled happily when he saw Earth talking to his belly Fluke said laughing.

Fluke: what are you doing ?! He still doesn't hear you ... He's just an embryo still N'...

Earth: But of course he hears us ...It is from this moment that we must talk to the baby! ....

Fluke: did you research this ?!

Earth: no! ... I didn't research! ...

Smiling Fluke sat on the bed.

Fluke: then inform yourself first ...

Newyear woke up and screamed loudly scaring Earth and Fluke.

Newyear: GOOD MORNING GUYS .... got up and approached the two ... Today is the big day ... The day p'fluke will tell about your pregnancy with this cute baby on his dad ... He touched his belly ... And the day I'm going to spend with my boyfriend ... Now let's get ready ...

Earth surprised and with a smile to see Newyear's happiness.

Earth: it's still too early N '! ...

Newyear: no, no! It's already 12 o'clock ... Do you both sleep a lot, or did you forget this ?! P'both, will be picking us up in two hours ... so get ready ..

Earth smiling and being surprised, he said teasing Newyear a little.

Earth: you also wake up late! ... The crooked talking about the cripple! Haha ha...

The three get ready, Both called Newyear and they all got out of the building, Earth saw Kao and Fluke Ohm waiting for the two of them outside the car, Earth wasting no time with a happy smile walked to Kao and put both hands around Kao's neck and kissed Kao.

Fluke approached Ohm with a gentle smile, looked into the sharp eyes that looked at him wanting to devour him, Fluke thought about the baby he was waiting for, gave a slight smile when he remembered that this baby is the fruit of the love he has for man he loves, Ohm approached fluke and touched his face with a hand slowly gave a light kiss and full of affection on fluke's lips and looked at him said while giving Fluke a passionate look.

Ohm: what are you thinking about ?! My love..

Fluke with a gentle look and a gentle smile.

Fluke: nothing! ... I'm not thinking about anything ... I love you p'ohm!

Ohm smiled when he saw the look and the words so comfortable that they come out of the mouth of the young man he likes.

An hour went by and everyone went to the amusement park, Kao and Earth couldn't stop laughing when they saw the toys in the park, Both and Newyear went to the scare house, Fluke and Ohm walked around holding hands with their eyes happy to be together and having a great time.

The three couples were each enjoying themselves non-stop, three hours passed and it was already night, still in the park Fluke and Ohm were in a quiet place with no one passing by, they sat on the park seat looking at the stars that shone in front of the two, Fluke saw that it was time to tell about the pregnancy at Ohm, Fluke took off his head that was over Ohm's shoulder and looked at Ohm, Ohm saw the face of the serious fluke, worried touched his face with one hand.

Ohm: what's going on ?! My love ...Why this look looks so serious ?!

Fluke touched his hand with one hand said without wasting time and putting all his strength and courage into one word.

Fluke: I'm pregnant p'ohm!...

Ohm when he heard these words from fluke, he was shocked for a second his mind went blank and trying to capture what he just heard, he opened his eyes wide and let go his hand that was touching Fluke and said.

Ohm: what did you say ?! You are what?!...

Fluke saw Ohm's reaction and was surprised he didn't know Ohm would react like that, he said repeating the same phrases.

Fluke: I ... I'm pregnant ... I'm expecting a child of yours p'ohm! ...

Ohm when he heard these words again, he got up put a hand on his head and put his hair back, he didn't want to have children with anyone, especially with a man, he was always sincere and objective about it, but he never said it at Fluke he forgot to talk about it at Fluke, he likes fluke, loves him, but he never wanted to have a child with a man.

Ohm turned and looked at Fluke again, saw the look so pure looking at him, the idea of ​​being a father doesn't really cross his mind he wasn't sure what he felt for Fluke, he liked him and felt he wanted to protect this piece so pure that Fluke is, but the idea of ​​being a father didn't pass through Ohm's thoughts, Ohm said wanting not to lose Fluke.

Ohm: let's go to the hospital, now!

Fluke not knowing what Ohm was saying, he said wanting to know.

Fluke: hospital! ... What are we going to hospital for ?!

Ohm without wasting time, with a serious look.

Ohm: you are going to abort this thing that is growing inside you ...

Fluke when he heard that he can't believe it, he never thought that Ohm would propose it to him he was shocked by what he heard with tears stuck in his eyes without even leaving, fluke said as he got up from the seat he was sitting on.

Fluke: what did you say ?! Do you want to abort this child ?!Why?! Why do you want to do that ?! Aren't you happy with this baby ?!

Ohm was looking at fluke's hurt eyes, saw that he hurt him but the idea of ​​a son Ohm really didn't want to have, he said with a fierce look without cutting a single word.

Ohm: I don't want to have this child ... I never wanted to have a child, especially a child from a man .... If you want to be with me, you will have to take this thing out of you ...

Fluke hearing these words so ruthless, so hurtful, so hurt and so cold from the man he loves so much, tears started to fall from his face, he couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing, with tears.

Fluke: why ?! ... Why did you never tell me you didn't want to have a child, and especially with a man like you say?! ..... Fluke screamed with tears streaming down his face ..... What's the matter? to make a child with a man?! ...

Ohm angry

Ohm: I just can't accept it ... Men were not made to give birth to a baby ... I find that unreasonable, something disgusting ... Why? .... Why didn't you tell me?! ... You knew you were born with this damn curse of getting pregnant ... So why didn't you tell me, I would protect myself, and none of that would have to happen ...

Fluke is a young man who was never angry with anyone he was always calm, but at this moment he could not contain the anger he was having when he heard and saw Ohm's reaction and words, angry he shouted.

Fluke: you are the one who should ask yourself this shit! ... You are the one who should protect yourself from the beginning, if you know that you are going to get pregnant, male or female, you should already protect yourself ...

Fluke put both hands on his forehead, turned his back to Ohm and tried at all costs to calm his anger and stop crying but it was impossible not to cry, Ohm saw Fluke sad hurt he didn't want to hurt Fluke, he liked fluke, he never felt what he feels for Fluke with anyone but he didn't accept having a child with a man.

Fluke turned full of tears on his face, said angry and furious with Ohm.

Fluke: alright! You don't want to have this child with me! So that's okay .... But one thing I'm sure of right now ... You never loved me! You never liked me even once ...

Ohm when he heard that and seeing fluke's sad look tried to approach him to say.

Ohm: don't say....

But Fluke took a step back, put a hand forward when he saw this approach from Ohm and cut off his words crying without stopping.

Fluke: do not approach me! you will never approach me again! .... I will create this thing you said just now ... I will create and love this child that you do not want to create by my side ... As of today this child does not have a parent ... I will be the only father of this child, I will raise him alone ... I do not need a stupid, ruthless and heartless man like you ...

Fluke turned and tried to leave but Ohm grabbed one of fluke's wrists and said as he pulled it out and grabbed the other wrist facing fluke face to face.

Ohm: you won't be able to raise this child yourself ... Why don't you take out this baby?! We were doing so well a few minutes ago .... He touched his forehead to his forehead and closed his eyes .... I don't want to lose you, my love! ... He gave his lips a little touch on fluke's lips.

Fluke with tears, loving Ohm as if he had never loved anyone in his life, feeling Ohm putting his forehead on his forehead and feeling the light touch of Ohm's lips on his lips, but he was hurt, he said trying to get out of the strong hands that grabbed him and trying to get out of the desire and immense love he has for Ohm.

Fluke: let me go ... Why did you have to reject this child ?! Why did you have to hurt me so much with these words of yours?! .... The tears kept coming .... I love you p'ohm, but why did you have to say these words so cold so painful and cruel to me?!

Ohm couldn't bear to hear these words and these painful questions from the man he loves, right now Ohm was torn between the love he felt for Fluke and the thought that he carried his whole life, that is not having a child with a man.

Ohm: I love you too ... But I don't accept this child ... understand me I can't accept the idea of ​​having a child with a man ... I don't ...

Fluke pushed Ohm full of tears crying endlessly hurt inside, sad.

Fluke: if you can't raise a child with a man, then don't ever approach me again ... because I'm a man who is going to have your child ...

Fluke turned stood with his back to Ohm, hurt, tears kept coming out of his face gathering the last strength he had he wiped away his tears but left a little, and started walking and walking away.

Fluke Natouch

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