(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

38.8K 1.5K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

I hope to be with youπŸ”ž

876 25 1
By Bank_Teresa

This content contains scenes over 18 years old, if you are not 18 years old do not read, but if you want to read I will not stop, feel free to read.

Please continue to enjoy the KaoEarth"The Force of Destiny🤓📖


Earth: p'... P'kao .... What!


Kao with a kind smile looking at him.

Kao: Newyear told me that you were here, in the library!

Earth angry at Newyear being a nosy said turning his face to the side.

Earth: that idiot! ..

Kao was a little bit down on the step and Earth on top, Kao saw him getting angry because of Newyear, he went up a step, he was in front of Earth and he was staring in love at Earth.

Kao looking at him said wanting to know the answer about the dating request.

Kao: I said that before, and I will say it again, I wish we were more than friends .... I didn't want to force you to answer me, but I love you and I don't want wait any longer ...

Earth looking at Kao was unable to say something to these words, he still had no answer to the request for dating that Kao proposed, wanting to get away from the subject.

Earth: I ... I still don't know how to answer you ... Can't we stay like this ?! Like friends for now!

Kao didn't like hearing this answer from Earth, he didn't want to let another day pass he didn't want him to end up saying no at the end.

Kao: every time I spend with you, I can't stop smiling, I've thought about it before, and I'm thinking again, when are we going to stop pretending ?! I just wanted you to make up your mind, let me love you and we'll be fine .... I know I can't be running after you, if you don't feel the same way... Kao touched a hand on his face ... love, if that's the case, just know that I love you ...

Earth was unsure but looking at Kao's face which was sad and worried by the answer he gave, Earth tried to say something but Kao started to lean slowly and slowly approaching Earth's lips.

Earth looked in Kao's eyes and then looked in the lips as soon as Kao was getting very close to his lips, Kao saw that Earth is not preventing him from kissing him, without wasting time Kao kissed Earth's lips with a slow kiss soft and full of love, Kao touched his waist with delicacy and care as if Earth was a porcelain vase, Earth placed both hands on both sides of Kao's shoulder, with the kiss rolling between them Earth placed a hand carefully on Kao's face his index finger carefully caressed his cheekbone, Earth couldn't resist the great love of his life.

"They were kissing for two minutes, a passionate and loving kiss in the rain and on the wet stairs"

After the kiss Kao looked into Earth's eyes without let go Earth's waist, and Earth continued with one hand on his face and the other on Kao's shoulder, said Kao with a gentle smile.

Kao: I love you ...... You are the air I breathe .... I am an idiot when it comes to you, I look like I am never myself by your side...

Earth upon hearing this from Kao, gave a delicate smile and full of love, Earth can no longer deny what he feels for this man who is in front of him, what he is feeling goes beyond the word love, Earth said.

Earth: I  .... I love you too! ... I never thought of saying that to you, but now it's impossible not to say ... I could try to escape but it would be useless and it's your fault ... Just a touch of yours and I know that I will never be the same ... You dominated me completely and in every sense of the word ....

Kao liked to hear this from Earth and was very happy, he let go his hand on Earth's waist and touched his face, the other took the umbrella.

Kao: I'm glad to hear that, I'm glad you came into my life ... I'm looking at my other half ... All I need is you ... The emptiness that has settled in my heart which I never gave to anyone, is a space that you now keep ...

Earth looking at Kao he was worried and afraid, he didn't want to lose Kao, he didn't want this love to be lost forever, he was insecure he heard things about Kao that he ignored because of the love he feels for him, with the rain falling Earth grabbed the wrist of Kao's hand and said concerned.

Earth: I am ... I am afraid ... I am afraid that you will stop loving me ... I have never given myself to anyone as I am giving myself to you ... I do not want to lose you now ...

Kao on hearing this without wasting time dropped his umbrella, grabbed the face on both sides with a little force, when he felt the rainwater falling over them both got closer to Earth and said with all certainty and with all the love he has for Earth.

Kao: don't say that! I will never leave you .... I couldn't get any better, with no one else by my side ... Everything in this moment is clear to me ... You are the only one I dream about every day, you are the only one I always think, you are the only one that makes me behave in a different way .... You are special and original, because someone like you doesn't appear that simple ... I can't help looking you in the eye! You reflect me and I love it in you, and if I could, I would look at us all the time ... I promise you that I will never leave you ... Just keep looking at me as you look at me now ..

Kao with the rain falling over them both kissed Earth's lips with a sweet kiss and wet with rainwater, the kiss was full of passion and love, what the two were feeling never thought of feeling with each other another, what Kao wanted was just to have sex and have fun with Earth, but everything changed because his heart is tamed by the young man who was in front of him kissing his lips.

After kissing Earth, Kao took a step back grabbed Earth's hand and started walking with him to Earth's dormitory, which was not far from the University. Upon arriving at the dormitory, Earth opened the door, Kao came in and saw the room all tidy, turned to Earth and smiled at him put a hand forward saying on Earth with his hand for him to take, Earth was scared he knew what the two would end up doing, scared but wanting very much to be of this man, carefully and slowly walked to Kao and touched his hands, Kao carefully approached him tilted his face, with one hand he touched Earth's face the other continued to take the hand that Earth grabbed, slowly and slowly started to bring his lips closer and to say.

Kao: don't be afraid! Nothing will happen to you while I'm here with you .... I'll take good care of you tonight ... kissed him with a delicate kiss.

Earth was not able to think well after pasting his lips on Kao's lips, he loves Kao so much that he didn't want to think about anything else, the kiss started slow, Earth with the hand that Kao wasn't taking touched Kao's face very slowly, the kiss was getting too good for both of them, Kao let go of Earth's hand slowly put his hands on Earth's shirt and started to take it out carefully, after taking it out Kao looked Earth in the eye with a hand touched his face and approached kissed him again, the two started kissing with just a delicate kiss.

Kao didn't want to scare Earth, he didn't want to hurt him what he wanted was to treat Earth like a precious diamond, Kao put a hand on Earth's pants started to take off slowly, they were standing in the middle of the bedroom, Kao released Earth's lips looked into Earth's eyes and started to lower his body down and take off Earth's pants slowly, while took it off kissed the waist on the side and then went to the other side of the waist, Earth parted his lips a little when he felt the warm delicate kiss that Kao was giving, Kao took off his pants slowly and kisses his thighs slowly grabbed Earth's feet and kissed over his feet with a kiss delicate, after he managed to remove his pants Kao returned to kiss the same places where he kissed but this time rising slowly, kissed Earth's nipples and with the kiss he deepened his lips on Earth's neck making Earth open his mouth sideway and moan with this kiss.

Kao rolled his tongue around his neck and wet it, Earth grabbed and squeezed both sides of Kao's chest, with one hand he touched the back of the head and grabbed Kao's hair, and groaned when he felt the kisses on his neck.

Kao continued to kiss the neck and then without wasting time kissed Earth's lips and hugged Earth's back while Earth hugged his neck.

The kiss continued to roll between them, their mouths got wet and wet again, their tongues intertwined nonstop wanting each other, the kiss started to get fast and hot, pleasure had already settled in their bodies hot air came out like fire in the mouths, Kao stopped kissing with the breathless air full of pleasure in the middle of his pants wanting at all costs to have this tiny body, he said.

Kao: I wish you, N'Earth .... What did you do to me ?! Why do I want you so much ... I wanted to tame you but I think it was you who dominated me ..

Kao said these words of pleasure in the ear of Earth, kissed the neck on the shoulder and returned to kiss the lips without stop saying these words, and Earth without being able to contain the pleasure, left Kao completely take over his body with these words, Earth with a breathless voice full of desire feeling every word that comes out of the mouth of the man he loves.

Earth: don't say ... Don't say anything ... He touched Kao's lips with his index finger ... Just kiss me and make me yours tonight ...

Kao was unable to contain his pleasure as soon as these words left the mouth of the young man who loves him, without wasting time he grabbed Earth by the lap as if he were a baby and took him to bed, carefully placed Earth on the bed and slowly climbed up over Earth, kissed his lips, touched one hand to his face and the other was next to Earth's head, equilibrate his hand so he wouldn't fall, he continued to kiss Earth's soft lips without stopping all the time and every second, the kiss started to get blurry, hot, hot air coming out every second each time they turned their mouths from side to side, Kao released Earth's lips very quickly leaving Earth surprised and wanting to kiss more, when getting up Kao took off his shirt and pants, Earth just watched Kao take everything off and get naked in front of him, Kao with a smile at the corner of his lips said teasing Earth a little.

Kao: where are you looking at?! ...

Earth with desire in his eyes, he said in a seductive voice.

Earth: in this body that is driving me crazy!

Kao leaned over and kissed Earth's lips and then his neck, while kissing he slowly took off Earth's boxer briefs, Earth felt what Kao had just done and saw that he was completely naked in front of Kao, they continued to touch each other another, Kao gently put his index finger in the forbidden place of Earth, while doing this Earth opened his lips and was surprised by what Kao just did but was also a little scared, Kao saw this and said, wanting make Earth relax the body.

Kao: calm down ... I won't hurt you, it's just a finger ... I don't want to hurt you when I put my penis in, so I have to do this ... Okay!

Earth scared with fear but calmed down as soon as Kao said these kind words to him.

Earth: hmm .... I ... ah ah ... It hurts ...

Kao: I know! ... And it will hurt more if I don't do it .... Just let me do it .... Nothing will happen to you ....

Kao continued to move his finger inside Earth, without stopping and gently, doing everything to avoid hurting him, after a minute with his finger Kao put the other one making Earth moan and give a light cry.

Earth: ouch a haaa! ... Aha ah .. This ... This hurts ... ah Stop it hurts ...

Kao did not stop he continued to move and Earth's body moved without stopping with a little pain but feeling great pleasure.

Two minutes passed, Kao stopped moving his fingers and took it out, looked at Earth and kissed him, Earth's body couldn't take it anymore it was a great pleasure he was feeling, this would be his first time and he was happy to know that it would be with the man he loves so much. Kao put his tongue inside Earth's mouth and moved his tongue along with Earth's, grabbed Earth's thighs and squeezed harder with pleasure, Earth's hand was scratching his chest, and the other was grabbing Kao's arm next to his shoulder.

"They kissed until the last breath of their mouths ended."

Kao stood up a little and without wasting time, he introduced his penis into Earth carefully but making Earth lift his head with his mouth open and moaning and giving a little loud sound when he felt this penetration.

Earth: ahaa aha ah ah ....

Kao began to move his penis slowly and carefully so as not to hurt Earth, he moved non-stop but slowly while Kao penetrated his penis into Earth he kissed his soft lips, Earth when he felt Kao's penis entering and exiting he couldn't contain the pleasure and the many feelings he was having at the moment, being glued and feeling the body of the man he loves was making him very happy, for the first time he gave his first time to someone and especially to a man, he loves Kao so much that even tears started to come out of his face, Kao saw this and said stopping penetrating the penis and getting worried about him.

Kao: what is it ?! My love! .... touched his face and started to caress .... why are you crying ?! Am I hurting you ?!

Earth: hunm umnm ... Ah! ... That's not it! ... You're not hurting me ...

Kao: so why are you crying ?!

Earth with tears.

Earth: I .... I'm just happy! ... I never thought to love someone as much as I love you ... I love you p'kao .. Please don't leave me after this! ...

Kao hearing and seeing the tears and the words so worrying but happy, said continuing to caress Earth's face with one hand and the other next to Earth's head.

Kao: I already said that this will never happen .... After tonight, you will belong to me forever ...

Earth in tears happy to hear this, kissed Kao's lips holding both sides of Kao's face.

When Kao was kissed by him he started moving his penis inside Earth slowly and without stopping, after two minutes the two bodies started to get hot and to perspire, the desire and pleasure settled in their bodies as a wolf wanting to hunt the prey and the prey to give in completely to the wolf.

Kao started to move fast and without stopping, which was slow started to get fast, Kao would move out and move in take it out and put it in and out every second and every minute, Earth without wasting time started kissing Kao with one hand he put the back of his neck, and the other behind his back and scratched hard as he felt each penetration of Kao's hard penis.

Earth: ah ah! haaa ah ... Aaah ...

Kao moved and kissed, his mind was exhausted from feeling so much pleasure, for the first time he was feeling something he never felt for someone while having sex, everything seemed so new a feeling that he himself never thought to have for someone, and that now he feels, Earth is no longer a target of conquest, he was feeling so much pleasure so much desire, the hands of the man he loves were touching and scratching hard on his back, Kao heard the sounds and moans of pleasure from Earth and was not managing to contain the pleasure, with each groan that Earth gave was another reason for Kao to penetrate more strongly.

Earth: aha ah ahah ... No ... Don't stop ... This is good! .... I will ... P'kao I will ... Ah ahaaa .... PP'! ...

Kao: shit, I can't take it anymore I will come! .... Ah Nnggh... Kao without having time to take the penis, put all white liquid inside Earth.

Earth opened his mouth and groaned as he felt the hot liquid entering him, squeezed both sides of the sheets and raised his head back looked at the headboard.

Kao stood with both hands on the bed beside both sides of Earth's head, trying to balance both arms, looked at Earth with a look full of love kissed the middle of Earth's neck, and fell on his side because from exhaustion. Earth also took the liquid and soiled his abdomen, when he saw Kao falling on his side he stared at the ceiling, trying to control his breath that was panting because of the hot sex he had just a minute ago.

After controlling his breathing he turned and hugged Kao with one hand and put his head over one of Kao's chests, Kao when he saw Earth do that gave a loving smile with one hand put on Earth's head kissed his head over his hair and said.

Kao: you behaved well! .... Rest, for sure you are very tired ....

Earth with his eyes closed, hugging him with just one hand and his head on his chest, feeling immense love said.

Earth: hmnn ....

They stayed in bed after five minutes Earth slept and so did Kao.

The rainy and pleasure-filled night ended and the day came.

Earth in bed slept and Kao wasn’t next to him, Earth woke up see the bright sunlight looked sideways and didn’t see Kao, he after a minute smelled pleasantly outside the bedroom got up, put on one of Kao’s big shirts which was above the knee and went to Kao.

Earth's bedroom was a closed bedroom, outside the bedroom there was a living room and next to the living room was the kitchen, Earth did not share the dormitory with anyone, he lived alone. Upon arriving in the kitchen he saw Kao preparing breakfast, smiled when he saw Kao dancing happily and watched Kao singing and at the same time cooking, Kao turned and saw Earth's sexy body ahead of him, and said with a smile.

Kao: are you up yet ?!

Earth: hmnm! ... What are you doing?!

Kao walked to Earth, grabbed Earth's waist pulled him and said after giving Earth a delicate kiss on the lips.

Kao: I am preparing something delicious like you ...

Earth pushed Kao a little and said smiling but getting a little angry and shy.

Earth: what are you talking about! Stop this...

Earth turned his back to Kao and Kao hugged Earth's waist from behind, he said giving a kiss on Earth's neck.

Kao: I love you! .... You are everything to me I want to have you like this forever .... He put his chin on Earth's shoulder, continuing to hug him from behind ....I swear to love you all my life!..

Earth with a happy gentle smile, he said as he embraced the arms that embraced him from behind.

Earth: hmnmnm ... I love you too !... I hope to be like this with you for the rest of my life, my love ...

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