Rise of the Death Eaters [3]

By wintergirl08

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Book 3: Voldemort has returned and with him, new challenges for Ava to face. Her parents make an uncalled for... More

"Trailer" and Playlist
Chapter 1: Summertime
Chapter 2: Socialites and Horseback Riding
Chapter 3: It-Girl for Dummies
Chapter 5: Gloomy Mood
Chapter 6: Last Days of Summer
Chapter 7: My Return
Chapter 8: Umbridge
Chapter 9: Passwords and Potions
Chapter 10: Ava on Limited Sleep
Chapter 11: Competition
Chapter 12: Library Deals
Chapter 13: School Girl Crush
Chapter 14: A Weekend
Chapter 15: Tension
Chapter 16: Electric
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Cattiness vs A Truth
Chapter 19: Hog's Head
Chapter 20: A Secret No Longer
Chapter 21: Rumors in Troves
Chapter 22: A Heart to Heart
Chapter 23: A New Normal
Chapter 24: The First Meeting
Chapter 25: The D.A.
Chapter 26: Weasley is Our King
Chapter 27: Jinxes and Chocolate
Chapter 28: Polaris
Chapter 29: Views of December
Chapter 30: The Christmas Season
Chapter 31: A Classic Family Holiday
Chapter 32: Christmas in Paris
Chapter 33: Mixed Signals
Chapter 34: Where my Loyalties Lie
Chapter 35: Resolutions
Chapter 36: Blood Lines
Chapter 37: Schmooze 101
Chapter 38: V-Day
Chapter 39: Eat Your Words
Chapter 40: Who has the Power?
Chapter 41: The Club Facade
Chapter 42: Faire Confiance
Chapter 43: Tea and Migraines
Chapter 44: My Patronus
Chapter 45: A Word with Dumbledore
Chapter 46: I Must Not Tell Lies
Chapter 47: Let's be Honest
Chapter 48: Repercussions
Chapter 49: Easy Pray
Chapter 50: Gaslighting
Chapter 51: Dolores vs Emmeline
Chapter 52: OWL season
Chapter 53: The Ring
Chapter 54: We Fly of Course
Chapter 55: The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 56: I am my Father's Daughter
Chapter 57: Safe, not Sound
Chapter 58: A True Confrontation
Chapter 59: Into the Unknown
Chapter 60: Old Money Fancies
Chapter 61: A Simple Dress Fitting
Chapter 62: The Crème de la Crème
Chapter 63: The American Dream
Chapter 64: American Politics
Chapter 65: Another Damn Ball
Chapter 66: Walking the Line
Chapter 67: Back Onboard
Chapter 68: Schemes and Counter Schemes
Chapter 69: Fifth Year Going Strong
Chapter 70: Potions Darling
Chapter 71: The Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter 72: A Change in the Air
Chapter 73: Moving Pieces
Chapter 74: The Scream
Chapter 75: Just Another Saturday
Chapter 76: Schmoozing with Slughorn

Chapter 4: The Spencer Clan

260 9 6
By wintergirl08

*Long chapter- about 4300 words*

"Why is it that every time I see you after an extended period of time, you seem all-" Sam waved her arms up and down at me, at a loss of words, making me giggle.

"Can I hug you?" I asked her, oddly. We were at the train station on the outskirts of Bibury and Sam was here to walk me back to her house. She gave me a deadly look before sighing and opening her arms for me to rush in for a bear hug.

"Alright. That's enough. We haven't been away from each other that long-"

"Oh shut up, you've missed me," I quipped back, squeezing her tight.

"Okay fine," Sam said, letting go. "Let's get the rest of your stuff and then we can get moving.

"This is my stuff," I said stupidly, nodding to my single bag.

"You pack light. This will keep you for a week?" Sam asked, with a turn of the head. I nodded with a small smile. "Er- right. This way" and in pure tour guide fashion, Sam led me on.

"Nice," I muttered, gaining an elbow to the ribs.

Bibury was a quaint countryside town lined with stiff cottages alongside a riverbed that ran down one side of the street we walked. It was like something out of a fairytale. The Spencer residence was outside the town as Sam explained on our way passed a mansion sized house on the corner, above the water line.

"That there is my grandmother Spencer-Moon's place. She's the reason we live out here," Sam explained to my raised brow of interest.

"So you do come from money," I started but Sam waved the thought aside.

"My parents don't accept a cent from her. The rest of the family is all posh and loaded like you, but we prefer things to be a bit simpler."

"You can live simply and still have an overflowing Gringotts account," I informed her but Sam wasn't having it.

I caught sight of the Spencer cottage through rolling grass plains with other cottages dotting the landscape.

What made me know it was Sam's house? The fact that there were a number of girls ranging from the age of 13 to 5 racing around the yard after a massive Airedale with something in its clutches.

"Bloody hell, Rin Tin's out," Sam said in exasperation before picking up the pace towards the house.

"Rin Tin?" Sam gave me side eye before starring ahead.

"Rin Tinny Tin Tin is our dog. He always finds a way out of the house to disturb the gnomes in the garden. Mum's going to have a field day if he gets into her tulips again. Come on we should help."

We raced to the cottage where I could see the tulips had met their destruction in turned up soil and broken petals. Sam took one look at her mother's flowers before cursing wildly and racing after Tati who had stopped briefly to wave at me in welcome.

"Who did it?" Sam questioned, directing to her sister. Tati gave her sister a sassy glance over before shrugging.

"How am I to know? I only just came out to help. If it's anyone's fault it's Maisie. She always leaves the door-"

"Liar! I did no such thing!" A small girl in a plaid dress and muddy boots argued from across the lawn. A replica of her raced across the lawn after the dog in an orange pullover and matching boots, calling out to the dog to stop.

"I've got treats Rinny! But you have to stop first. No, Rin Tin!" The dog raced after another gnome who cursed in squeaky gibberish and dived into a berry bush. I watched opened mouthed as the dog pounced on the bush, letting soil go flying

"To hell with it, we have to fence him," Sam dictated calling her sisters to order. Five little dark heads looked up to Sam for orders. The twin sisters rushed after the dog in one direction while Tati and Alice took the flank and Sam and I took the end. The youngest of the girls, a cherub of a girl in a pink raincoat that was a size too big, sat on the steps giggling at the sight.

Five minutes later we had managed to narrow the dog into a corner before Rin Tin made another break for it, flooring Tati into the mud and sending Millie off screaming after the dog again.

I turned toward the house in time to see a woman with the looks of Sam and fire under her dark eyes looking at the mess of her front yard with both hands on her hips. The youngest of her daughters jumped from her seat and hid behind her mother's leg, with a sly smile.

Sam took one look at her mother and faulted, before turning to Alice, who stopped beside her. The pair gave each other uncomfortable looks before turning back to their mum.

Mrs. Spencer took her wand from the bun in her hair, letting her dark curls on her shoulders. With a flick of her wrist, I watched as Rin Tin, who was mid bound, freeze in midair, letting the gnomes escape into nearby holes.

"This blasted dog is going to be the end of us," Mrs. Spencer said as she turned to pick her youngest up and place her on her hip. "Millie, Maisie, take the dog and tie him up to the back. Your father can figure out what to do with him."

"But Mum he just wanted to play! He didn't mean to cause trouble!" Maisie complained, rushing after her mother. Tati, who had just managed to get off the ground, was making her way into the house, her entire back covered in mud. Mrs. Spencer took one look at her muddy daughter before giving Maisie a sharp look to obey her.

"Go help your sister, we need to clean this place before Samantha's friend-"

"Too late, Mum. Ava's here," Sam announced, causing her mother to look my way. I gave an awkward wave, as Mrs. Spencer quickly deadpanned while her tiny daughter on her hip giggled again.

"Oh hello!" I watched as Mrs. Spencer subconsciously flattened out her white blouse and flicked her curls to the back of her shoulder before waving us forward. "I see you've met the dog. Why don't you come in and get settled? Samantha can show you her bed room, yes? I'll boil up some tea." Sam faltered again before taking my hand and my suitcase and pulling me along.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Spencer," I called back but Mrs. Spencer was already busy ordering Alice to fix her tulip beds.

Sam's room was on the second floor in the middle between two other bedrooms that I assumed belonged to her other siblings. Opening the door, we saw Tati racing across the room with half a shirt on, and her pants unbuttoned. When she saw us come in, she cursed and raced behind her bed.

"You could knock you know!" She called out with attitude that made Sam eye roll heavily before dropping my bag on her bed in the corner.

"Why? You're the one thick enough to get changed as Mum was ordering us up here."

"Well it's my room too. I should be able to get changed in here-"

"Fine! Get changed and shut your trap."

While the sisters bickered, my gaze went around the room, at the decorative posters of the Holyhead Harpies on Sam's side of the room and Witch Weekly posters of it-girls, and teen idols on Tati's side. Both beds had the same matching quilts and pillow combo with another set of quilts on a cot on the floor by Sam's bed.

"I hope you don't mind the sleeping arrangements," Sam confided, turning back to me as her sister finished changing in her corner. "Mum said no to having Tati sleep with the others."

"I don't mind. It's nice, actually. I haven't seen Tati in a while anyway. What have you been up to?" Tati glanced up from her corner, her shirt a wrinkled mess, her straight hair half up in a messy bun. She beamed.

"Oh I've been doing lots! I've started on my textbooks for next year and have these friends on the other side of-"

"She's very social," Sam condensed, with a simple smile my way. "What have you been up to? Hermes took forever to come back with your answer and when he did, he was in such a foul mood that he bit me!" She showed me her hand where her pointer finger lay wrapped up in bandages. I couldn't help but smile at that news.

"I was riding horses in Connecticut with a friend."

"Horses?" Tati repeated awestruck.

"What friend?" Sam inquired suspiciously.

"More of an acquaintance. Her mother is friends with my mine and they wanted us to hang out for a few weeks."

"Knowing your mum, that acquaintance of yours must be posh as all get out." I smiled knowingly at Sam before taking a seat on her bed and looking up at the Witch Weekly posters opposite.

"Yeah. She's editor of Witch Weekly."

The loudest squeal erupted from Tati as she hopped on her bed in a rush of excitement. Sam only looked to her sister's wall with a blank expression.

"Go effing figure-"

"You met Lucille Whitney? What was she like? Is she as tough as they say? I hear that her interviews are scary to sit through but she always writes some of the best articles-"

"Cut it out Tati. No one would know that except her interviewees. Right?" Sam asked, turning to me. She took one look at my face before cursing up at the ceiling.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I swear it was not my plan," I said hastily while Tati looked on, confused as to what we were talking about. "My mother planned it out ages ago and set the interview up after a lengthy donation. Thinks the publicity from the It-Girl article will help me later down the road."

"You're going to be an it-girl?" Tati squealed, now standing up on her bed like a kid on Christmas morning.

"For the love of Merlin, will you compose yourself!" Sam snapped at her sister but Tati was too high on cloud nine to listen.

"You have to sign my copy when I get it! Do you even know the edition you'll be in? How many covers does an it-girl get? Did you model on a horse?"

After a brief explanation of the last three weeks, Sam couldn't take it anymore and ushered me out of the room and downstairs away from her squealing sister.

"You seem awfully casual about this break in news," I said, as Sam stopped on the stair well. She gave me a knowing look before scoffing.

"At this point, I shouldn't be surprised how many magazines you end up in. All I ask is that you don't involve me in any of your modeling expeditions."

"Why? Modeling is fun and you have such pretty hair that would look nice photographed."

"Thanks," Sam said in heavy sarcasm that lingered on a smile. "But I stand by my word. Even with voluminous hair."

"What's this about being voluminous hair?" Mrs. Spencer called from her spot by the kitchen. We had just entered a cozy rectangle of a room with an opened floor plan of the kitchen, dinning room and living area. Mrs. Spencer was busy stirring something over the stove while the little one in her oversized raincoat raced around on a child's broom, going only two feet off the floor.

Alice sat quietly in one of the arm chairs with a book on her lap but was watching us. Her dark eyes were ever watchful, as were her mother's.

"Err- nothing," Sam fumbled, while I hastily avoided the incoming child on a broom. "Ava was just talking about the it-girls on witch weekly and their... hair."

"That sounds more like a conversation for Tatianna. Where is she?"

"Upstairs. Overly hyper as usual." Mrs. Spencer nodded, as if this was indeed usual, before turning back to the pan on the stove.

"There's tea in the sitting room. I'll be there in a moment, just get yourselves comfortable. Alice, go join them."

Sam's mother was exactly like I pictured her to be. Sharp like Sam and a rule abider to the end. Though she did have a very dry sense of humor that I missed the first few times around. Alice sat there quietly, dunking a biscuit in her tea while her book remained by her side. She didn't look down once to read, as her gaze continued to watch her mother, Sam and I.

Tati came down later, having finally composed herself and got the cat out of the bag, by telling her mother what I was doing in August.

"And your mother set this up for you?" She asked in a frown while I nodded.

"As I said, Mrs. Fountaine is not like usual mothers," Sam reminded.

"Would you ever let me on a cover of a magazine if I was offered?" Tati asked her mother with a beaming smile. Her mother scoffed into her tea before giving a sharp no, deflating her daughter's hopes and dreams.

"No magazine is going to want a girl who can't clean her room. It just simply isn't done." I watched Mrs. Spencer's eyes twinkle at the last part while her daughter whined into her tea cup.

"Ava says my hair would look great in a magazine," Sam added with a sly grin my way, prompting me to explain my reasoning and getting Tati to agree with me while her mother watched on with a growing smile.

"I see no problem with that."

"Wait- you're going to let Sam on a magazine but not me?" Tati asked, outraged. "That's not fair!"

"Oh Tati, when are you going to learn that life simply isn't fair. Now be a good girl and fetch the kettle. My tea needs a touch up."

While Tati walked off in a stomper, the twins came barreling in, with grass stains and mud all over their clothes. When they caught sight of their mother, they froze, whipping their cute smiles from their faces. Mrs. Spencer was giving them an icy look before eyeing their muddy footprints.


"We're a ghost! You can't see us!" Millie squealed, before running up the stairs too at a time.

"Yeah! A real nasty bogart with dirty prints-" Said Maisie before following after her sister, leaving me to chuckle.

"Don't tell me they just got away with that," Alice said from the corner of her seat. We all looked up at her in surprise except for the mother who was extending her cup for Tati to pour.

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't yell at them! And for what? Another one of their cute acts?"

"As you can see, "Sam began, turning my way, "the twins get away with murder here. And Alice doesn't like it."

"It's not fair!" Alice countered, in disbelief that only an older sibling can understand. Mrs. Spencer sighed in her chair and pointed at Tati with a prompted smile.

"Suck it up, Alice. Life isn't fair."

"Very good," Mrs. Spencer said with a grin before going for her teacup.

Mr. Spencer came home in time for dinner that night and it was a sight to be seen. Not because of his looks but rather his overly large smile and cheerful boy-like manner that startled me.

After giving his wife a kiss on the check he bounded toward the twins who raced up to meet him, giving a big bear hug that almost sent him flying back.

"Daddy! Whatever you do, do not hurt Rinny Tin. He's innocent!" Millie informed her father after he released her.

"Innocent? Innocent of what?" he inquired, looking up to his wife who was looking toward the pan she was stirring with a pinched expression. Sam raised her brows from across the table at me in a watch-this sort of way.

"That ruddy dog of yours destroyed every last tulip in my garden and almost sacked my winterberry bush. He needs to be dealt with William. Promptly."

"No Daddy! Don't hurt him!" the twins begged, grabbing his arm with such a force that he almost went forward. He turned from the twins to the Sam and then to me on the other end of the table, working on setting the table.

"Never mind the dog, who is this? You must be Sam's friend. A pleasure," he extended a hand which I shook politely while his other hand was hunkered down by the twins, continuing to plead.

"I'm Ava," I said as Sam stopped to push the twins off her father.

"She got in this afternoon," Sam added, as Millie dropped to the floor with a thud.

"That hurt!"

"Ah yes, very good. I hear the Americans are busy preparing for another election, is that it?" he asked, his cheerful grin never leaving his face.

"Yes for the senate. Not that I know much about that," I said hastily with a smile. Mr. Spencer waved the idea away.

"Nor do I. And most people I assume. Though I hear they are well off in settling matters such as these- girls must you pull on my arm? You are too heavy together!"

"But Daddy this is important!" Maisie exclaimed ruefully. Their little sister, Felicity, came running up, giggling like mad and stopping short by Maisie to stomp her foot on the ground. Mr. Spencer brushed his hand through Felicities curls before looking up at his eldest who was giving me another glance, as if reading my thoughts on the scene.

"And what does Sam think I should do?" Sam gave her father a knowing smile behind hooded eyes.

"Punish him with a bath. He's too dirty to bring back inside which the twins will do the moment he's off the leash."

"Yes! Bath! I want to help!" Millie exclaimed while her little sister clapped her hands readily. Felicity followed suit and clapped until she fell back on her butt.

"Will that do my dear?" Mr. Spencer asked, turning to his wife who was looking at her family with a raised brow from the stove.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No!" The twins exclaimed in unison.

After dinner, the girls, myself and Mr. Spencer raced after Rin Tin with a hose, a charmed bar of soap and towels galore. By the time we had finished cleaning Rinny Tin, everyone else was in great need of baths from the mud, grass, and sweat all over ourselves. Mrs. Spencer was not pleased.

I spent the remainder of the week having similar experiences with the Spencer clan. We picnicked the following day, with Rinny Tin causing more trouble by running the picnic basket into the river, ruining Mrs. Spencer's cooking. 

Another day I visited Grandmother Spencer-Moon who, similar to her son, was a joyful soul who greatly enjoyed all company, especially that of her granddaughters.

I liked her the moment she complimented me on my manners and giving Sam a subtle glare to follow suit.

Another day we went to town, where we got ice cream at a sweet parlor, and did our own summer reading after wandering around the countryside avoiding Tati.

On my last day, we ate outside, and had rhubarb crumble for dessert that sent the twins and Felicity into hyper fits that was contagious.

I had a splendid time, watching Sam's interactions with her family and seeing how Mrs. Spencer who seemed controlling on the outside materialize into laughter at the sight of her husband and his many jokes. Sam and Tati continued to act like true sisters while Alice, the one who continued to remain silent for most of my stay, read under the table with Rinny Tin eating her left-over scraps.

"I won't hate you next time you forget to write to me," Sam said after a final hug of goodbye. It was the next afternoon. I was to train back to London where I would to stay at my father's flat for a short while. I wasn't looking forward to it, but Mamen said she would be there too to great me.

"If I do forget, I'll send chocolate frogs as a peace offering."

"Sounds about right," Sam agreed with a greedy smile that made me laugh.

"Oh I'll miss you though. I don't know when I'll next see you." Sam gave me another hug which surprised me before slowly letting go. Her face was set but she maintained her steady calm.

"We'll figure it out. Besides, I expect you'll receive an owl from Tati soon anyway for that autograph on your ruddy magazine."

"Fair point."

Waving goodbye made my throat go tight but I managed as did Sam who remained dry eyed until she faded from my view.

My father was there to pick me up when I arrived back in London. He gave me a wave at seeing me and for a brief moment I expected a giant grin similar to Mr. Spencer's to appear on his face. But it didn't.

"How was your trip? The Spencers' took care of you?"

"Of course they did," and I went on to explain my trip in detail on our ride home. All the while my father listened, though there was a far-off look in his gaze. When I repeated the story of Rinny Tin to him for a 2nd time and he nodded along as if it were the first, I gave up and went silent.

My mother was home when we arrived, having just come back from a shopping day with Narcissa to my horror. But no plans to meet the Malfoys came up so I relaxed a bit and went on with my evening.

Dinner was odd, as my father would ask me questions only to be swayed away by my mother, who would answer for me. My father at one point in the dinner cast my mother an angry look that I could not point out, but I knew better than to ask about it.

I didn't have long to wait to find out what was going on. I had come down for some water and a treat in the kitchens when I spotted the living room door opened, and the light of a dancing fire licking the shadows in the hall. My parents' voices came next, in a heated but quiet tone. As if they knew I could come by.

"She's been through enough trouble as is. There is no reason to move her again."

"But the opportunities at Beauxbatons are vastly underrated in comparison to Hogwarts. Besides I'm part of their board. It's only right that both of my children should attend the same school."

"That could easily be remedied," my mother said coldly. "I can join the Beauxbatons board. They have been asking for my involvement for years."

"You will do no such thing. You already have enough on your plate. To add to it would not be fair to the children."

"Half of our children are already out of the house Darious! You can't expect me to idle my time in an empty estate all day-"

"I've made up my mind Emmeline. She's going to Hogwarts. And this time she will stay there."

I burst through the door without thinking. My blood was boiling, interrupting whatever fear I could possibly have at going against both of my parents in a conversation.

"I won't go. You can't force me out of another school for nothing!"

My parents looked at me silently. My mother had a similar energy to my feelings in her eyes but instead of responding, she looked down at her wine glass in defeat. My father on the other hand was glaring.

"You will do as your told and without throwing a fit like a child. How old are you? Do girls your age cry over such things? It's about time you acted your age." He then turned to my mother as if proving a point.

"As you can see Beauxbatons has done little to shorten her temper."

"But I had so many friends at Beauxbatons!" I exclaimed. My face felt hot and the back of my neck prickled at the sight my father gave me.

"As do you at Hogwarts. Not to mention a brother who needs looking after. This discussion is over."

"No it's not!" I fumed, making both my parents turn to me in surprise. My mother gave me a warning look to back down but I stayed where I was, glaring daggers at my father.

"You've done this to me three times now in the span of three damn years! No kid should have to go through this. And for what? You want to feel special in the Hogwarts board? Who gives a rat's ass about your social standing-"


The room went quiet and my mother had gone white as a sheet as my father stood away from his chair and slowly walked my way.

"I will not have a daughter with such foul language in this house. Nor one who cannot take orders from her parents. I don't need to give you a reason for why I am moving you to Hogwarts. I'm your father, I dictate your life. You just have to do as you're told."

"Go to bed, Ava." My mother had spoken in a clipped voice but her gaze was pleading, making me have no other option but to walk out of the room, slamming the door as I went with as much force as I could muster, before running the rest of the way to my room and making it just in time to vomit in the toilet.

The fear that came over me from my father walking towards me was enough to make me sick, but it was the crying that made me choke into a ball on the bathroom floor. 



Sorry for the late upload...again. I have no excuses. 

I want to update again on tuesday. Cross fingers that I actually do it. 


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