Behind The Masks Of Blood ;he...

By Idramaqueenn

33.1K 5.1K 1.5K

Meet Bella Styles, your typical ninteen years old girl, she was not prettier than any other girl, but she had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

chapter 6

1.1K 196 98
By Idramaqueenn

If you like this story please vote, comment&Share! Thanks for help xx

                                 [Bella] :         

                            Consciousness leaked to my body as I slowly feel the world again. I moved my fingers and toes before I even open my eyes. Soon enough consiousness was followed by pain and realization. I snapped my eyes open to shut them right after, the lights were too strong on them that I started to see dots everywhere in my vision.

                            Groaning slightly as I rub my eyes. The first thing that came to my mind before anything is why am I here ? I looked around me to see unfamiliar King Sized bed and the room was hugely large. Am I kidnapped ?

                            I slapped myself. What a stupid guess ? My leg was tied with a white gauze. I knew I was injured because of the fight I had with Gratte, but what I did not know is who took care of me ? Not only my leg but also my forehead was treated with a gauze over it.

                            My headache was stronger by now and I could not help but rub it while whining lowly. I wanted to stand up and escape or see whoever helped me and thank him or her for their niceness and kindness.

                            Half an hour as I assume went and my headache slowly reduced by some moves of my hand in attempt to rub where it hurts. Finally I managed to stand on my leg, not putting so much weight on the wounded one, I walked.

                            Before I can fully leave I noticed a shelf of books. It was not that big but it held good amount of books. I turned on my heels and walked toward it. Picking random book and looking at the title. It was not what I expected.

                            Romeo & Juliet

                                     The words embossed the cover of the book and I wondered about the owner of this book. I have read this book at least three to four times and it still makes me cry everytime I re-read it. Putting it away I picked another book.

                            The book was not familiar for me. But the title was attracting. It looks like some sad story. My favourite kind as well. But I did not have time to read it so I decided I will take it with me. Not stealing but borrowing without the owner permission.

                            I reached the door as I slowly open it. Everything seemed calm and overtop. The decoration looked deluxe and luxurious that it took me a moment to look at it and admire it. Everything was organized and simple but mouth-watering.

                            The stairs were round so I could not see down very easily. I held the book in one hand and the other balancing myself. I took them down to be met by a living room. I was sure to make my moves slow and unnoticed. The man that seemed super familiar sat on the couch with his back toward me and watched T.V.

                            I gulped, sweat started dumping my forehead and palms. I looked around till I spotted the door. I cheered inwardly since I can go out of it unnoticed.

                            As happiness filled me I pressed my weight on my injured leg and hissed which caused the man to turn his head. The familiar forest of green eyes met mine and I cursed under my breath.

                            Why him out of all people ?

                                    This day can not get any worse! I took my bottom lip inside my mouth to not say a word but soon enough he broke the silence and the awkward situation between us.

                            “Bella ? Why did get out of the bed ?” He scolded softly and I was marveled by how sweet he talked. He looked like he cares for a second. I waved my hand as I am okay.

                            “No you are not! Come here.” He ordered. But this time it was not any of the last times he ordered me around. It was a caring command if that's even possible. I was speechless at his treatment. So I just walked to him slowly and careful to not press on my leg.

                            I sat down beside him at the couch almost shyly at what he has done with me. Can you believe Harry actually helped me ? This is just un-understandable.

                            “How are you feeling ?” He questioned me. As I look at the T.V infront of me but I can feel his gaze eating me alive. The beats of my heart increased at how close he is to me.

                            “I am fine. . . I guess.” I mumbled as I steal glances at him but quickly look away. I did not want him to think I forgive him for what he has done with me earlier. He was such a pervert and I never fancied naughty guys.

                            “Thank you — I mean for what you have done with me- for this.” I pointed at my wounds and he smiled. A real smile that showed some innocence in his green eyes. Showed some kindness and loveliness. Maybe reflected what is inside him.

                            “It was nothing. But you are welcome anyway.” The genuine smile was soon replaced with a cocky smirk. This man is so mind-blowing and not in a good way.

                            Before I can answer he furrowed his eyebrows looking down at me. I looked at where he was looking and cursed myself internally. Please dear god save me, I do not want an arguement now.

                            “What is that ?” His voice just got thicker. And the shadows of his eyes slightly darkened with anger. “A— A Book.”

                            I could not even question myself why I was scared of him. But I was hundred percent sure this man is intimidating. Even with his charming look, he has something in his eyes that would make you back your way off once he starts to boil with anger.

                            “I am not dumb!” He half shouted, slamming his hand palm flat at the sofa beside me and I flinched. Tightening my grip on the book.

                            “I am sorry! I am so sorry, I did not know it was yours okay! If I did I would not have touched it, god I would not even look at it! Please do not argue with me now or yell at me. Stop scaring me —” I slapped my mouth shut before I continue the session of confessions. He just watched me as I curse myself behind my hand. I closed and opened my eyes afraid he might protest or laugh at me.

                            “I scare you ?” He whispered. And I do not know how but he just got closer to me that I can feel his breath almost fanning my skin. I closed my eyes and nodded still putting my hand over my mouth.

                            The hotness of the room rose hundred degrees as he slowly pushed my hand away from my mouth. I held my breath afraid I would harm him with it touching his flawless face. But soon enough I released a desperate breath.

                            Even though he noticed my obvious shyness and awkwardness of someone being this close to me he tried to push it more and exchange glances between my lips and eyes.

                            Please do not. Please do not.

                                His lips felt bloody tasty. The action was not surprising but made me stop for a moment and not kiss back. His lips moved way too tempting over mine and I could not help but kiss him back after short period of time.

                            His hand held the back of my neck as he leant more into me and I leant more into the couch. I closed my eyes tightly and felt my heart wrestle in my ribcage in order to burst out.

                            Realization punched me right on the face after only few seconds. I pushed him away from me as I suck on a breath. He sat away from me due to the strong push.

                            As always his pretty created face held no expression but mine for sure held the most shocked one. I pushed myself to sit straight at the couch as I part my lips to speak.

                            “What — What did you- What did you do ?” I looked at my hands then at him then touched my lips. How did I kiss him back ? Why was I responsive ? But he kissed me first. Is that a cheating ?

                            “I should not have done this.” He mumbled to himself feeling lost with himself as I look at him as if he is the biggest idiot in the world. “Look this was not meant to happen. I- I do not know how or why I kissed you, but be sure I did not intend to kiss you. Like you — you are not my type —”

                                I was on the edge of breaking down. And quite honestly I did not want to be the weak one here, but his words hurt. I did not care about him and I heard this before. But he is the one who kissed! Why does he have to remind me I am not his type ?

                            “Why did you kiss me ? I have a boyfriend! Do you know what am I now ? A fucking cheater because of you. And here you keep reminding me I am not your type while you are the one who kissed me first!”

                            “But you responded. It's not all my fault Bella. You can not go around blaming other people because you cheated on your beloved boyfriend.” I could not believe him. He was so confusing and made my nerves on the line. I just widened my eyes in disbelieve as I stand up. Fuck the pain and fuck my leg.

                            “I responded because you forced yourself on me!” I shot back. I saw his expression change into surprised and angry one, combined together.

                            “Do not blame me when the responsiveness of your body overpowers your will.” He stood as well and I lost it. Pressing my lips together to collect my shattered self but I failed. In a flash light my palm made contact with his cheek.

                            “Next time watch your mouth!” And with this I did not look back as I walk out the house hearing nothing but a curse words from Harry.

                            I am definitely fucked.

[A/N] :

If you questioned yourself which book she took, it is the fault in our stars.

So in which side are you ? Bella or harry ? And who should be blamed ?


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