The Edge Of the Wild (Hobbit...

By fandomwriter11

65.4K 1.8K 221

Ulaalsia has never left The Shire under the watchful eyes of her uncle Bilbo. She's grown up never knowing he... More

Chapter Two: Dwarves come a-knocking
Chapter 3: Misty Mountains
Chapter 4: We're going on an Adventure
Chapter 5: forgotten handkerchiefs
Chapter 6: A young princes story
Chapter 7: Rainy days going worse
Chapter 8: Troll Hoards and Wizards
Chapter 9: Wargs and Elves
Chapter 10: Rivendell
Chapter 11:Not a hobbit?
Chapter 12: What do i call it?
Chapter 13: gone to our doom?
Chapter 14: Goblins and Sneaky Little Hobbitses
Chapter 15: Riddles and the Pale Orc
Chapter 16: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 17: Water Antics
Chapter 18: Love
Chapter 19: Spiders and Elves
Chapter 20: Mirkwood
Chapter 21: Escaping the Dungeon
Chapter 22: We Need a Smuggler
Chapter 23: Laketown
Chapter 24:Better now than never
Chapter 25: Erebor
Chapter 26: What Do I Do?
Chapter 27: What Have We Done?
Im done!!

Chapter one: Do you want to come on a adventure?

4.7K 125 14
By fandomwriter11

22 years later

Bilbos POV
"Ulaalsia?! Where are you?!" I'm never able to find that girl now. She's always off running on adventures in her own little mind. I've still never told her about her true self but she's been so content growing up all these years. Whenever she asks I say that her parents are on a long trip but haven't been back. I sat down on the bench in front of my dear little house. I sat there for a while just watching the world. I blew a smoke ring only to have it blown back in my face.
I opened my eyes to see a man who's face look familiar to me. He stood there staring at me "Good Morning!" I smiled at the man but his face remained stern.

"What do you mean?" he said. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"

"All of them at once...I suppose." I was getting curious about this man. His eyes didn't leave mine. But my mind changed when I heard a sweet voice call me. The voice of Ulaalsia

Ulaalsias POV

I guess I've kept uncle Bilbo worrying enough. I had left their morning to go to go on my own adventures. I walked around the village waving to some of the elder hobbits while the middle aged hobbits didn't wave or smile. A group of young hobbits, all around the age of five, all ran up to me. I smiled at them and their adorable little faces. "Ula (nickname for Ulaalsia)!!! Pick me up!" I picked up two of the youngest hobbits.

"Hello my friends. What are you up to? Where are you mothers and fathers?" I pretended to scowl. They all giggled. "Play a game with us! Play the dragon game." I chuckled. "Ok. You better run before I breathe my fire on you." They all squealed and ran away giggling. I pretended to roar for their amusement. I soon caught them and tickled them all until they gave up. "I have to go now." I gave them all a wave and set off home. "Uncle Bilbo!!" I saw him sitting on the bench outside of our home. But who was the man he was with? I jogged over to him and hugged him. The man towered over me making me have to look up to speak to him. "Hello. My name is Ulaalsia. What's your name?"
"Well you should know my name. I'm Gandalf! And Gandalf" That name. It sounds so familiar to me.
"Wait a moment. You're Gandalf the wandering wizard who made the best fireworks I've ever seen!" He smiled at me. "Yes my dear. But I'm here in different business. I'm looking for someone to share an adventure."
This was my golden opportunity. I've been wanting to go on adventures since I was little. But uncle Bilbo would never let me. But Bilbo shook his head. "Nope. I can't imagine anyone here would be interested in adventures. Sorry no one here wants an adventure." I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Uncle! You know the adventures I've wanted to go on. Please! This is my chance to see the lands that lie beyond the hills." He shook his head more. "No is my final answer Ulaalsia. Come on inside now. Good morning to you Gandalf." I moped inside. But Gandalf didn't move when we closed the door. Bilbo kept peeking out the window to see if he had left. But he jumped back as Gandalfs huge eyes appeared in the window. I laughed as Bilbo fell on his rear. I heard a sudden scratching at the door then Gandalf walked away. Oh well. I guess I'm never getting on any adventures now. Or would Gandalf return to change uncle Bilbos mind?

Authors note
The girl pictured above is what Ulaalsia would look like. I don't know the name of the woman but she is the closest picture I could get to what Ulaalsia would look like.

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