The Colours of Tropical Islan...

By Gigii56

2.6K 65 5

Based in St.Cyana (somewhere in the West Indies) , one twin secretly sets her sister up with an impromptu si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

81 3 0
By Gigii56

"Ooooh", bloody red painted lips gave a sultry smile as she was hoisted up for a sweet kiss and then put down again, and gave an even more sexier laugh. " Who's Mami's big strong bad boy, huh?" Celli teased her used to be boyfriend. Strong and steady chocolate tattooed covered hands rubbed up and down her slim waist. 

They'd just got back in from getting a bite to eat and a couple of drinks at 'BAMBII's'.

'Por supuesto que sabes que soy yo',( Off course you know that it's me) , Jared responded. They were now both back in the kitchen because Aracelli wanted whipped cream, and he snuck in after her. Her back to the counter where she just put down the vanilla Reddi Wip and gave her undivided attention to the guy who once held her heart. 

She stood at a whopping 5'1. The shortest of the girls, but it was all the more better to look up into those dark vivid eyes of his, that always told the stories of the passionate fantasies that could ensue if she gave him another chance in her life.

He lifted her unto the cold marble counter and didn't care that the can made a distant noise as it hit the floor. Celli didn't feel it as she was still clad in her shinny black leggings. 

'Why'd we ever break up in the first place?', Jared asked her for the 450th time. Celli pursed her bloody lips and wrapped her smooth slender legs around his warm waist and proceeded to pull him in closer by his opened dress shirt. 

With their lips now almost touching she asked him, "Now how many times are you going to keep asking me that, huh Papi?", she left his eyes to stare at his juicy mouth for just a second and went back to his dreamy brown eyes. " J we've been over this a 100 times already. You weren't ready to be in a relationship. And I couldn't deal with and still can't deal with it. I don't ever want to be in a position again where once  I get into a relationship that a nigger stops trying, because I finally gave him a shot. I still can't wrap my head around as to how a guy can put in so much work to get the girl but then once a girl decides to let him in in her life, he ultimately just stops trying point blank period. I can't do that shit again. Some dudes mom's never stop taking care of their kids. Why must I be the one taken for granted? No man is ever going to take advantage of me A-G-A-I-N", she stretched the last word. "My dad never did that shit to any woman and I sure as hell ain't getting my feelings played with again. This young lady", she pointed to herself, "She knows her worth, despite the fact that we have this going on, I've got certain needs". Then she flattened her palm on her chest, " And you see this heart, esta congelado (it's frozen) until further notice".

'But what if I told you that I was ready to give us another shot? That I was ready to step up, give us another chance?' Jared stared down at her with a certain eagerness to his eyes.

"What are you talking about?'

'You speak English Aracelli. I wanna try again with you. Te echo de menos( I miss you).

"But Jared you had me. Few people actually got that privilege to call me theirs's but it all went to shit. Or am I just too demanding for basic human affections and reciprocallity? I think the fuck not!"            (AN, it's actually supposed to be reciprocity, but meh. I like callity).  " But never mind all of that right now. All I want is to get dicked down. Are you down or nah, cuz I might just have another FB", Celli resolved.

Jared sighed and felt somewhat offended and hurt. But he too had reached his resolve. He made a silent vow to himself and then  proceeded to make manifest all the notions circulating through his head. 'Alright, but we are not done with this conversation', he left no room for argument. 

He bent down to picked up the almost forgotten can that she came in here for  and then followed by picking up  HIS  beautiful Hispanic woman and parading her to his room  as their song Motivation started to circulate through the house. Aracelli giggled as Jared whispered all the glorious things that he was about to spend half the night doing to her.



Tululah-Rose P.O.V

And last but not least, Tululah read, so easy that a three year can get it:

'Le agrado?'

Tululah-Rose read her last phrase that she was to translate from her last  partner for today and her eyes went wide. Did she really just read that? Her heart skipped a beat. Did he really just go ahead and asked her that, or was this just the ending phrase for the lesson  today? She bit her bottom lip wondering if it was meant as a joke or if it was the last exercise for the day. She thought about it for a little while longer before finally responding with a simple 'Do I like you? She highlighted the last word for emphasisYes'. and logged out of her Language Lovers app for the day.

She closed her laptop and went in search of company, which she happened to find in Ludori's room. She heard deep groanings and heavy breathing emitting through the closed door and knocked twice. 'It's open!', Aracelli hollered from inside. Lulah made a face with big eyes and went in. 

"What you guys doing?" she asked in a sing song voice. Celli and Dori looked up in her direction, each with eyebrows raised, but Aracelli had a bright smiled on her face.

"Making babies!', they both responded together. 

"Come on Mama bear, you can do it. Just breath, nice and easy now," radiated from the speakers. 

'Oh-K, so which one of you is it?', Rose's eyes jumped from one girl to the next.

"I'm the man, and this right here is my woman," Ludori responded. "And this", she continued- she placed her hand on Celli's flat stomach rubbing small circles on it, "I s where our baby sleeps. We're due in 7 months so we're practicing from now".

' Would you do us the honour of being the godmother?' Aracelli finished. 

"Awe", Tululah continued with the fun. " Iwould be delighted. Can I join?"

'Last time I checked it was a free house,' Dori responed.

The two of them went back to facing the laptop and Tululah took the bed.



Zylii pulled up in the front of the house, killed the engine and then just sat back deep in the seat inhaling and exhaling  thinking about the day's events. It was late, 1 o'clock in the morning to be precise, but the thoughts of children running and about the place helter-skelter combined with their parents shaking their heads at their antics was still amusing at the moment. A certain someone popped into her head when a particular child surfaced right then in her mind. This kid was something else. But oh well, she was already stuck with her from the get go.  Z thought about what she said, replaying it out in her mind. This little girl really was something else, Zylii lauhed a little and ended with a soft smile to her lips. She shook her head and gathered  her things from the passenger's seat and headed for the front door, hoping that the kids enjoyed their sleepover.

She set the party bags on the  island and grabbed a bottle of Roszey  with a big packet of Cornados coupled with a bag of Pretzels and headed up the stairs to her room with the rest of her stuff for a quick shower and hopefully some company. - She got into her jammies and found herself standing outside Ludori's door. She listened in for a couple of seconds before barging in with her greetings. 

.....................................                           ....................................                               ............................

"Z Z", Aracelli and Rose exclaimed. 

'Sup chiquita. We thought you got hitched,' Ludori responded.

"Nah, you would know cuz you would be the one giving me away.' Zylii told her while handing her the Cornados and tossing the Pretzles over to Tululah. "Anybody up for Rozey?'

'Me,' Celli chirped, 'but just a couple of shots. I've already had enough for the night as it is. I'm out until next week si Dios esta dispuesto( if God is willing).'

"I'll have some," Dori piped in.

'Bottle or shots?', she asked hoping for the former choice.

"Bottle!', the three girls yelled.

'Good, because I forgot the shot glasses. Now hit the bed and bring the speakers with you Ludori.'

Zylii walked over to her queen sized plushy bed and now occupied where Tulualah once was. Aracelli snuggled up to Rose and Ludori was the last to take her place.  She put a speaker each on both sides of the bed and dived under the comfy duvet. They all huddled up with the snacks and the bottle of Wine passing from hands to hands every so often. 

Eventually everyone nodded off to dreamland with the marathon of Labour Room Delivery stories watching them creating dancing shadows on their faces.

####                                    ####                                     ####

'Aren't they the happy bunch,' matte blue lips smiled.  

All the electronics were switched off and the empty food receptacles removed, while their duvet was neatly fixed around them for the remainder of their sleep.

"Fais de beaux reves ma petite famille.(Sweet dreams my little family)."

The door was closed shut and footsteps echoed in respect to their different journeys.

copyright Gigii56

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