(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

38.8K 1.5K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
Next target
My First Kiss
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

Freshmen Ceremony

610 25 1
By Bank_Teresa


Earth: my heart will explode at any moment, I can't believe I fell in love with you .... this ... This was my first kiss ....


Earth took a deep breath, he was confused but his feelings were quite right, he fell in love with Kao but he was afraid to show or say on Kao, he only met Kao for two days and it would be a serious mistake to tell his feelings on Kao, so Earth decided not to talk to anyone, he preferred to keep this love just for him.

Earth left the wall and went to Fluke and Newyear, when he reached the place where the students are, Earth looked at the seniors and saw Kao, Kao looked at him with a smile, Earth saw this and turned his gaze to the other side he saw Fluke and Newyear talking, he approached the two and said hiding what happened to him and Kao.

Earth: what are you two doing ?!

Newyear: Oh p'Earth! Where were you ?!

Earth: I went to drink something fresh, it is very hot here!

Fluke saw Earth's face and noticed that Earth was a little red in the face, Fluke wanting to know.

Fluke: N'Earth! Why is your face red?! ...

When Earth heard this question, he tried to disguise it by saying and placing both hands by his face, a little shy.

Earth: what ?! Is my face red ?! Why?! Is it the sun ?! I have to put something or I will disappear with the sun ... Hahaha ...

Newyear saw Earth's reaction and the way he spoke, noticed that something was wrong with Earth, he said.

Newyear: calm down! The sun is not that strong! ...  And you look weird! What happened to you where did you come from ?!

Earth, seeing Newyear talking in this way, realized that he realized that something happened.

Earth: nothing happened ... Don't say nonsense ... I just ... I...

Earth tried to finish with the words but Kao appeared behind him and approached Earth's ear, said in a very seductive voice.

Kao: I love p'Kao ...

Earth startled and turned to Kao, Fluke and Newyear were surprised, and their eyes widened when they saw Kao and saw Kao approaching Earth and saying those words, Earth looking at Kao pushed Kao away from him and said in disguise the feelings he has for Kao.

Earth: what do you think you're talking about ?! Who here loves you?! ..

Kao approached Earth and tilted his lips to Earth's lips, Earth had a slightly lower body than Kao, Kao said getting closer and closer to Earth's lips, he kept both hands crossed behind his back grabbing some university documents.

Kao: I know you feel something for me .. Kao went towards the ear and said softly .... Your expression in the kiss, I liked to see ....

Earth's eyes widened to hear that he was very obvious in his expression after the kiss, he didn't want Kao to be proud to know that he got him easily, Earth didn't want to be an easy gem for Kao, Earth with an angry look pushed Kao.

Earth: don't you dare touch me again! ... But what do you want from me?! ... Why do you insist on disturbing me ?!

Kao looking into Earth's eyes realized that Earth was playing hard, he said with a smile on the corner of his lips, enjoying seeing this young man he only met two days ago, feeling something that even he didn't know what he was feeling for this young man.

Kao: I already said, I liked you ... He took a step forward and put his index finger on Earth's chin and lifted his chin a little ... You are different, and I like different things ... I want you for me...

Earth pushed Kao's hand aside and said furiously.

Earth: and I said keep dreaming about it, because you will never have me .. How boring you are!

Angry Earth turned and tried to leave, but Fluke said worriedly and in a slightly shy voice because Ohm was behind Kao looking at him.

Fluke: wait ... Wait N'Earth! I ... I'm going with you ...

Newyear looked at the two and then at Kao and Ohm, said confused wanting to stay but also wanting to follow them both.

Newyear: where are you two going ?! I still want to stay ... Newyear followed the two friends.

Kao looking at Earth leaving, he said with a smile on the corner of his lips being happy just looking at Earth leaving.

Kao: it really intrigues me! ... How different he is! ... I wan't him for me....

Ohm crossed his arms and said looking at Fluke.

Ohm: you just want to have fun with him ... He is one of your favorite toys, you will end up dropping him when you get what you want .... You will never change about it ....

Kao pouted looking at Ohm, and said.

Kao: maybe what you said last is not true, everyone changes, maybe one day I change my mind and end up really loving someone ...

Ohm with a smile for hearing these words from the most womanizing man at the University.

Ohm: hahaha .... you look like you like to lie to yourself ...Unfortunately, no one has yet been born who can change you...

Kao a little angry but admitting that he will never really change.

Kao: you are very mean to me ... You are also like me, you will never change for someone ...

Ohm: I'm not like you ... I don't date for pleasure, and I change whenever I want ...

Kao: you are right you are not like me, you are worse ... You are able to leave someone who became pregnant with you, as you did with that young man you dated two years ago ....

Ohm was a little furious when he heard Kao talking about the young man he had a relationship with.

Ohm: I already said that I don't want to be a father, much less the father of a son made by another man.

Kao: you can't accept a child with another man, so don't follow or have a relationship with a man .... Son doesn't matter who generate even if it's a man or woman, what matters is the love you have for your son or the person who fathered your child ....

Ohm was surprised by Kao's words, he said in surprise.

Ohm: from what I can see, you don't mind being a father, even if you are what you are! .... You will like someone to come and tell you that you will be a father ?!

Kao is a blunt young man, he is direct and always focused on his ideals, opinions and feelings regarding being a father, Kao never had a father, Kao's father abandoned him when he was a child so Kao never wanted to be like his father Kao knows what it is like not to have a father.

Kao: I will not deny the idea of ​​being a father ... I like children very much, and I would very much like to have a child of my own .... And if someone comes and tells me that I will be a father ... sure I will support her or him ...

Ohm on hearing this, he got tired of the conversation.

Ohm: okay ... This is your opinion but it is very different from mine .... Now let's finish with what we have to do here and stop having this unimportant conversation ... We still have a lot to do, soon the evening will be the freshman ceremony and you are disturbing our work with unnecessary conversation.

Kao with a smile.

Kao: you really are boring ...

Kao and Ohm continued with preparations for the freshman ceremony.

The day ended and the night came, Earth was arriving at the ceremony alone, he had already talked to Fluke and Newyear that they would meet at the ceremony, Earth was wearing a yellow shirt and shorts, he was very cute that some young people when passing by him admired his cuteness, Earth with a slightly happy smile standing outside the entrance of the ceremony waiting for Fluke and Newyear, looked at the stars and the dark sky was thinking about Kao, Earth was not still believe that he fell in love for the first time and with a man.

Distracted by the thoughts Earth was startled by the noise and the hands that grabbed him on the shoulder from behind wanting to scare Earth, he scared turned around and saw Newyear and Fluke, Earth angry at being scared by Newyear hit Newyear hard on the head and said.

Earth: do you want to scare me off ?! Damn, I almost died of fright ..

Newyear put a hand on his head, in pain from the high, he said.

Newyear: ouch! ... You want to crack my head ... I just wanted to wake you up from this passionate face that you were just minutes with him ...

Newyear with a mischievous smile approached Earth from the side, and elbowed Earth in the arm and said wanting to know the reason for the passionate look.

Newyear: so, are you going to tell me who owns this smile ?!

Earth's eyes widened, he saw that again he couldn't hide the passionate expressions on his face, he said turning and walking at the same time and running away from Newyear's interrogation.

Earth: what are you talking about ... Come on ... Let's go in, for sure they already started with the ceremony.

Newyear always with an air of suspicion

Newyear: I'm sure something is going on with you.

Earth continuing to walk, he said wanting to avoid his interrogation.

Earth: stop saying clueless things .. Nothing ... Nothing is happening ... Now stop this interrogation and let's go inside.

The three entered.

When they arrived at the ceremony site they were amazed, the place was beautiful there were lights everywhere on the floor and over their heads, they were even seeing the sky full of stars, Earth was very amazed at what he was seeing, Kao saw Earth smiled in the corner from the lips and went to him when he got close to Earth, Kao said.

Kao: did you like it ?!

Earth, Fluke and Newyear looked at Kao, Earth looking into those eyes that made him all in love, said with a cute smile forgetting that he had to avoid Kao.

Earth: yes ... It is very beautiful, I loved it very much.

Kao was surprised to see Earth respond with a smile and without being angry, Kao looking at this beautiful and cute Earth smile couldn't help the feeling he was feeling inside him, Earth's smile for Kao was the most beautiful that he has seen in his entire life. Kao was amazed by Earth's smile and so naive way, Kao realized that Earth lowered his defense guard against him, Kao said in a friendly way wanting to prevent Earth from coming back in defensive mode.

Kao: I'm glad you liked it, I made it especially for you .... Come on, let's start with the ceremony.

Earth saw the kind way that Kao was treating him and he was happy, he completely forgot that he wanted to avoid Kao.

Earth: hmm ... Thanks for doing this ... It's really beautiful.

Kao with a smile turned on his side and with one hand he put aside making them enter as if they were the guests of honor.

Kao: so please come in ..

Earth, Fluke and Newyear stepped into the lights, all college students stood in line looking at the seniors, Ohm stepped forward and said.

Ohm : we all are at the freshman ceremony... All of you will be blindfolded ... While you all are blindfolded, take the first hand that is at your side ... Each senior will be at your side, and these are the ones who will give you all, the bracelet of this ceremony, this ceremony aims to never forget this day, and never forget that you all studied here ....

Earth with a smile, saw a young man coming towards him and putting a small cloth over his face.

Fluke was always looking at Ohm with a passionate smile, he saw Ohm getting close to him, Ohm when he got close to Fluke he was looking at Fluke's look so naive and so pure, it was even impossible to touch him as pure as he is, Ohm said.

Ohm: are you okay ?!! Aren't you scared ?!

Fluke looking into Ohm's eyes said with a kind smile.

Fluke: hmn, no ... I'm not scared, because you're here ..

Ohm noticed that Fluke is in love with him as soon as he heard and saw Fluke's so shy way, with a smile he said to approach Fluke and put the cloth on.

Ohm: good that you're not afraid ... I will protect you, nothing will happen to you ...

Ohm covered Fluke's eyes and kissed Fluke's cheek, Fluke was surprised by the kiss but was very happy to be kissed by the man he loves.

All the freshmen with their hands took the seniors 'hands, the seniors started walking slowly with the freshmen.

Earth with his hand grabbing one of the seniors' hand was a little scared Earth didn't like being in the dark, because he had a phobia about being in the dark, Earth's hand was shaking a little, the senior looked at Earth's hand and then at Earth, he noticed that Earth was homophobic, so he shook Earth's hand carefully started to caress causing Earth to stop shaking and look at the Senior with a blindfold.

Earth felt comfortable when he felt the caress in his hand, he didn't know who this senior was, but even so Earth felt safe next to this senior.

After a while walking, the senior stopped turned, touched the cloth and removed it from Earth's face. When the cloth was removed, his eyes widened when he saw that this senior was the man he fell in love with, Earth said surprised.

Earth: why you?! ... P'... P'kao ..

Kao with a smile approached Earth, took one of Earth's hands and with the other hand touched Earth's face and said approaching Earth's lips.

Kao: who did you think it was ?! Do you think I would let this opportunity slip away from being by your side ?! And kiss you!

Earth saw Kao slowly approaching his lips, he wanted to avoid this kiss, he wanted to avoid this man he only knew in such a short time, but his heart was beating as if he had known him for a long time, Earth let himself be carried away for the love he felt for Kao, and ended up letting Kao kiss his lips full of love.

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