Forsaken Innocence

By Kashish_J

28.9K 1.5K 1K

I have had dreams. Well, who doesn't. May be mine shall appear simple and petty to others. Yet they were mine... More

Sneak Peak
1. Flower
2. Subjective
3. Vixen
4. Turmoil
5. Inadvertent
6. Accidental
7. Mishap
8. Aftermath
9. Damage Control
10. Low Point
11.Come to Terms
13. Proposal
14. Bemused
15. Deal
16. Curse or Blessing
17. Coliving
18 Game On
19 One down
20. Love is at the Door
21. Keeper
22. The Other Woman
23. Marco...Polo
24. Touch Down
25. Never meant to be
26. All is Well
28. He is here
29. Heart to Heart though miles apart
30. Dry Run

27. Encounter

779 57 83
By Kashish_J

Another day passed. Mehek was about to close the café when a late customer walked in. Although tired, she still tried to accommodate his request for a quick Latte. Unknowingly Mehek had always expected someone special to make appearance.  She didn't know whom, may be someone destined for her. A cliched romantic notion. Mayhap the main reason she remained disappointed till now. 

After taking care of the last order, Mehek locked her café and walked towards her home. Ajay and Deniz were getting married next week. Not many guests were invited but few family members and close friends. Sonal & Sandeep were expecting their first child hence unable to travel. She was happy for her friends  but somewhere deep down she felt lonely.

Mehehk still remembers the day when Ajay brought Anaya to her. In a moment, she became mother of a child whom she didn't give birth. From then till now, she played an integral role in her life. Although Mehek always knew that it will not last forever, she clung to it. Soon she will be living with her own parents. Anaya is a smart kid who will eventually realise that her Ma is just her father's best friend or worse his ex-wife

Mehek has managed to come out of her past. Ajay, Sonal, Anaya and her cafe, they all have helped her to regain her footing. Yet like an ungraceful cat, loneliness clawed her ego. It taunted her that she was a successful yet lone woman. She had no family, no boyfriend and no children of her own. Deep down it lingered to her past mistakes.

"You need go out more", one of her employees had recommended earlier. A subtle suggestion of having one night stand was evident in her voice. Mehek has laughed inwardly. She has had enough of 'one-night-stands'. Once she dared and suffered, but not anymore. It is true that staying cocooned in her comfort zone and brooding on overrated romantic fantasies will not do any good. She needs to meet people and go on dates. 

It's time for her to drop the walls that she had built so that she can color her life. Dark chapter was closed long back and she needs to come out of its aftermath. Her misfortunes have made her a better person. Mehek smiled recalling lyrics of one of her favourite songs. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! When one makes a mistake, you learn from it and move on.

Mehek walked around the corner and entered the old pub. It's time to start afresh. She had visited it earlier with her colleagues but never alone. She knew it's a happening place. It was a long day and she wasn't looking pretty enough for men to notice her. Yet she decided to give it a try. Long journeys too require a first step. She sat on the bar stool and order a pint of beer. She looked around and smiled to hide her nervousness while few smiled back at her. "Excuse-me?", a courteous male voice caught her attention.

Mehek froze looking at the man who stood before him. He had grown a beard and was looking rather plain in casuals but she recognised him immediately. "Mr Rai", Mehek took his name. He brushed aside her formality and sat beside her. "Please call me Purab", then he narrowed his eyes on her, "You are Mehek, aren't you?". She nodded nervously. "We haven't met in person but I know you. Abhi had showed me your photographs. You have changed a lot but guess I still have a good eye. Yet my Bulbul always used to tease me that I never pay attention", he laughed at his own humor. "How is Bulbul?", Mehek asked warily even if she knew the answer.

Bulbul passed away. Yet Purab was thankful for all those days they had spent together. When he found Bulbul in the nursing home, doctors had predicted that she had only few weeks or maximum a month of life. Perhap's it was Purab's love & care that adamantly kept her alive for few more years. They got married, travelled around the world and one day she died peacefully in her sleep while lying beside her beloved husband. 

"Bulbul wanted to meet you and thank you", Purab told softly. Mehek smiled vacantly. Bulbul was never aware of the favour she had unknowingly bestowed on Mehek. "Infact, I have missed to thank her. If not for her, I would have never fought for myself", Mehek replied. "To Bulbul", Purab toasted and she joined, "To Bulbul".

Purab informed that he was living life of a nomad after Bulbul's death. He failed to feel at home anywhere and kept on moving from one place to another. "I heard that you are married", he said softly. Mehek shrugged and spoke unsurely "Divorced. A month back". Thankfully beside a soft nod, Purab didn't probe further. When Mehek got up to leave, he asked, "Won't you ask about Abhi?". Eventhough Mehek knew that Purab meant well, she got angry and replied strongly, "No". She wore her coat to leave, "It was nice meeting you, Purab".

As Mehek reached the door of the pub, Purab rushed to her side. "Can I have you phone number?", he sounded desperate. "Why??", Mehek was aghast. Part of her was afraid that he may give it to Abhi. "I didn't mean to startle you", he tried his best to look calm, "I...I...I thought may be...maybe we could go out for lunch or dinner some time". 

Mehek didn't know how to react. Purab is not longer the stoic businessman but a perfect gentleman. Yet she couldn't cast aside that this handsome man was ex-fiance of her culprit Aliyah and widower of her anchor Bulbul. The day she decided to take baby steps towards future, she was asked to take a giant leap. "I don't think it will be good idea, Mr Rai", she tried to avoid him. "Atleast tell me where I can find you", he seemed to be desperate, "Please, Mehek. I promise I won't trouble you". Mehek sighed and told him about her café. Atleast she didn't foresee any harm from it.

Mehek met Purab again as he visited her café next day. She was uneasy to befriend him since he was part of those days which she wanted to forget. Yet Purab eased himself into her life and quickly earned her friendship. He amused her with his good humour and amicable company. Purab never ever again mentioned about Abhi and she was happy that he understood her. It was clear,  he wanted to be her friend and only her present matters to them.

Mehek realised that he works as consultant for Khanna group yet never once he mentioned about Shaurya. Often she was tempted to ask him about Shaurya but she refrained. She wasn't sure whether news about Shaurya's happy married life with children will make her feel joyous or jealous. Besides, Purab also acted as if he didn't know Shaurya personally. 

Ajay was not so happy to have Purab but he already had his hands full. He rarely got time amidst wedding preparations. Mehek assured him that he had made her strong enough to take care of herself and he needn't worry. He wasn't convinced yet  gave in to Mehek's request.

Finally wedding day arrived. Purab kind of self-invited himself into Ajay's wedding. He attended as Mehek's plus one. Although it was improper, Ajay was happy to have Purab beside Mehek. Despite nature of their marriage, Mehek was afterall  his ex-wife in eye of public. Bride's side was hostile to Mehek while groom's side pitiful. Having a handsome guy as her date made it easier for Mehek to face those prejudiced eyes.

"I will be leaving tonight", Purab informed Mehek. The wedding has come to an end and couple had left for their honeymoon. Apart from few guests, none remained. Mehek had enjoyed his company but it wasn't fair to tell him that she will miss him. "So where to?", she asked with a smile. "Another place on this magical globe", he joked. When they were about to say goodbye, he held her hands, "You are good woman, Mehek". "I know", she waved at herself in humour. "Just like my Bulbul", his untimely comparison made her uncomfortable 

Purab laughed to ease her and spoke again, "When fate knocks at your door with good fortune, please don't turn it down in fear. It's your chance to be happy so don't shy away but grab it". Before Mehek could make sense of his words, he pecked her forehead. "I will send you a postcard from where ever I be", he promised her. "A call will be better , Mr Rai. We are in 21st century", Mehek mocked him as he walked away. Purab turned dramatically, "May be I will surprise you. One day when you least expect, I will barge in with a ring to propose you". Mehek laughed at his antics. She waved at him and wished him a safe trip.

It's been a week since the wedding. Mehek felt restless and apprehensive. She didn't know whether it was marriage of Ajay & Deniz or Purab's departure. All of a sudden, her life became empty and puzzled. She remained intrigued by Purab's advice to embrace her luck. He didn't breached boundary of friendship yet never failed to leave subtle gestures. It was strange coincidence that Purab, a fragment of her past appeared the day she had decided to sever herself from her past. 

Mehek looked at Anaya who was busy with her homework. She felt grateful that Anaya was left in her care until her parents return from honeymoon. Her sweet daughter kept her Ma sane. It was getting late and Mehek decided to shut the café. She wanted to spend quality time with her cutie pie.

A chiming sound indicated that another customer walked in late. But tonight, it frustrated Mehek. "Sorry, we are closed", she yelled without looking at the person. "I hope you can spare time for a cup of coffee", Mehek heard his request She froze  listening to the male voice and didn't turn to face him. It wasn't needed since she already recognized him.

Is it Abhi 😡or Purab ?  😎 Or is it Shaurya? 🤗 Whom do you want it to be? 😁

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