Adopted by Pewdiepie

By oneweirdgirl23

49.4K 1.2K 1K

For Kloe life is a living hell and she's only 12! Her mother passed and her father was very mean abusive man... More

Save me
Adoption time
Ride Home
Rise and Shine
Ice Cream
Still here
Going home?
He's Back?!
My leg
Why me?!
What's up you guys?
Great news!
Quitting Wattpad for good?


1.5K 41 23
By oneweirdgirl23

I took my bro first necklace that Felix gave me the first day I came home, I laid it next to the piece of paper that I was about to write a note on.

Dear Daddy Pewds,

I'm sorry I'm doing this but I hurt whoever I come in contact with and I don't want that to happen to you so for now I just want to protect you. Maybe this'll be the best for both of us. I mean you can have some alone time and I can get away to clear my head. I have a lot going on I'll be back later don't try and find me. Just trust me Okay? If you trust me you won't come find me.

I just had to get away. I opened the door and walked out. I turned back already regretting what I was doing.

Why do I hate myself so much?

Why did I have to have this life?

Why can't I be beautiful?

"Why!!" I thought aloud.

I started mumbling these things over and over again and again. I bet half the people who saw me thought I was crazy but it wasn't anything new. I was used to all that.

I had stole a $100 bill from Pewds. I felt bad about that. I found a place called the Hangout and hung around for a while and bought a few sprites. I didn't do much so I got up and walked out and started walking again. I wasn't to far from the house I bet if I ran fast enough I could get back before they even woke up. I snickered at this point and walked towards a beach.

I sat down in the pale,hot,dry sand and put my feet in the cooler part of the sand. I looked down the shore line and saw two kids and what I assume is their parents.

I wish I could've had a childhood like that. I walk back up and sit in a hammock and look up in the sky and then all of a sudden I was on the ground.

"What the hell?!" I said and looked at the two boys and two girls.

"Who the fuck are you?" I slurred.

"Doesn't matter we know who you are and that's all that matters bitch." The blonde girl said.

"Yea your Pewdiepies girl slut!" the brunette boy slurred.

The other girl pulled me from the ground and my face stung as she slapped me with those fake press on's. One boy punched me the other shoved me and made me fall. I was on my back now to sore to move.
Someone gave me one good kick in the side and I decided I had enough. I stood up and there was four of them and one against me.

The blonde girl stroked my cheek with those fake press-on's. She pulled her arm to slap me but I grabbed her wrist before she could.

" Get those fake ass press on's out of my face before I pull them off." I could see in there eyes they were worried.

"Now get out of here!" I yelled.

"Or what?" The boy who shoved me asked.

"Or you can meet my good ole friend Thunder," I warned.

"Whose thunder your body guard?" They mocked.

I reached behind me and opened the balde of my knife.

"Anymore questions?" I asked in a mocking tone.

They shook their heads and ran. I touched my lip blood everywhere all over my face and clothes. I felt my eye there was a lot of swelling I could barley see out of it. My nose was bleeding. I walked in a quick stop.

"Do you have any ice?" I asked. holding my eye.

They nodded and came back with a pack of ice.

"Thank you," I said and walked out.

I was only about half a mile away from home. I was feeling light headed. I looked at my arm cause there was a sharp pain. I must have cut it on glass when I was pushed. I had lost a lot of blood but it wasn't deep enough for stitches.

I ripped the sleeves off of my shirt and wrapped it around it. My scars were showing now but I didn't really care.

I was at the gates of the house and I felt dizzy I was walking down the path and I seen Pewds pacing back and forth worrying it was about midnight now I'm guessing. Pewds ran towards me.

"I'm sorry," I said and blacked out.

Felix's POV

I woke up groggily and I couldn't see very well. I looked down and Kloe was gone. I ran downstairs.

"Kloe?" I called.

"Kloe?" I called getting worried.

"KLOE! Where are you?!" I yelled.

"Cry where's Kloe?" I asked.

" I don't know. Last time I seen her was upstairs with you before we all fell asleep," he claimed.

I ran upstairs her phone was next to her bro fist necklace I gave her the first day she came home. I found a note.

Dear Daddy Pewds,

I'm sorry I'm doing this but I hurt whoever I come in contact with and I don't want that to happen to you so for now I just want to protect you. Maybe this'll be the best for both of us. I mean you can have some alone time and I can get away to clear my head. I have a lot going on I'll be back later don't try and find me. Just trust me Okay? If you trust me you won't come find me.

She's gone. I ran downstairs and outside with the note still clutched in my hand. I read over it. I wanted to go look for her but I trust her and I don't want her to think I don't.

It's 11:40 and she still isn't home. I start to worry and I start to pace back and forth on the porch with a few salty burning tears escaping my eyes.

About 20 minutes later I see a small thin figure stumble down the gates with wavy brown hair. I run down the path and hold her and see her injuries. I unwrap the arm and get covered in blood.

"I'm sorry," she said with those deep lagoon blue eyes and passed out.

I picked her up and rushed her inside. I grabbed some real bandages and I wrapped her arm. Put a pack of ice on her eye and put a cool rag on her lip and nose. They stop bleeding but her arm took a little longer to stop but it did.

It was about 1:30 when she finally woke up. I gave her a hug and kissed her fragile cheek.

" What happened?" I asked.

She sat up.

"I didn't want to hurt you so I ran off," she said shakily and trying to hold back tears.

"So I wrote you that note and I walked out of the house and found this place called the Hangout and there was people dancing and having fun I went in there and bought me a few sprites and sat in the sand. I got bored so I walked out. I came across this beach and was sitting in the sand and it wasn't long until I got up and laid in a hammock and the-" she said and tears began to fall.
"And then some of your 'bros' flipped me over and started to beat me up but I stood up and caught one of the girls wrist and told them to go on before I got mad and I pulled a knife I got out of the kitchen and threatened them and they ran. I walked in a quick stop and got some ice for my eye. I kept walking and I felt light headed and I saw my arm so I ripped my sleeves off and wrapped it up and that's the last thing I remembered," she stated and tears were falling and burning our cheeks.

"You could never hurt me and I will never leave you," I cooed in her ear.

We sat there until she fell asleep and I sat there running my fingers through her hair. It was morning now and I felt like shit.

Kloe still had a black eye and I laid her back in the pillow and kissed her temple and went downstairs to cook pancakes. Cry came down about 5 minutes later to the smell of pancakes.

"You know you don't have to cook me anything," he said with a grin.

"Don't worry about it Cry," I laughed at the old joke.

I flipped a pancake and handed him a plate with two pancakes and syrup. I cooked 4 more and put two on each plate and took them to Kloe.

"Klo come on Klo time to get up. I made you pancakes. Come on we can eat together," I said softly as I shook her awake.

"Good morning," she said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning," I cooed into her ear an kissed her cheek.

We sat there on her bed in silence not because it was awkward it's because we were stuffing our faces. I can't believe she actually ate two whole pancakes and I just realized she didn't have a nightmare last night either. Now we're getting somewhere. I hurried up and swallowed the piece in my mouth.

"Oh my gosh,Kloe,you didn't have a nightmare last night!" I shouted.

"I guess I didn't. No big deal," she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"No big deal?! No big deal?! You slept peacefully for Christ sake!" I exclaimed.

"Pewds," she said reclaiming my attention.

"What? What is it?" I questioned.

"I need to tell you something about my nightmares," she said.

"When we were in the hospital that night I had a dream that I jumped,but I didn't wake up crying because you were there to catch me. I just found this out recently if I sleep with you my nightmares aren't nightmares anymore there dreams. Happy dreams,some start out bad but you were there to brighten it up. When you aren't there they start out good then end up bad. I guess what I'm trying to say is now I almost have a way to control my dreams," she said.

I couldn't do nothing bit smile and give her a hug.

"I love you," she said and embraced the hug.


Hey guys thanks for reading this crappy story it's my first one so if it sucks sorry. Comment what I could improve on and I'll try my best. So sorry on the updates I'll try my best to keep them updated. If the chapters are too short let me know and I will ether make longer chapters or keep them short and have a longer book up to you guys. :)


Oneweirdgirl <3

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