Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)

By AveryMackenzie1

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Follow the story of a young child who has a quirk which allows them to do some pretty amazing things! Not eve... More

Chapter One: They're Just A Kid
Chapter Two: I'm Taking Her
Chapter Three: A Second Chance
Chapter Four: Show Us What You Can Do (Part One)
Chapter Five: Show Us What You Can Do (Part Two)
Chapter Six: The Recommendation Exams
Chapter Seven: I Did It!
Chapter Nine: Hero Vs. Villain (Part One)
Chapter Ten: Hero Vs. Villain (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven: Break In
Chapter Twelve: No Matter What (Part One)
Chapter Thirteen: No Matter What (Part Two)
Chapter Fourteen: No Matter What (Part Three)
Chapter Fifteen: First Day Back
Chapter Sixteen: She's Awake!
Chapter Seventeen: The Apology
Chapter Eighteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part One)
Chapter Nineteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Festival Begins
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Calvary Battle

Chapter Eight: The First Day

297 10 4
By AveryMackenzie1

Burukku's POV:

Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was the first day of school. As anyone would be, I was excited and got up earlier then I normally would; since I was awake, I made breakfast for both Aizawa and myself then made sure to make a lunch for him. After finishing making all the food, I looked at the time and moved to make coffee for the tired hero; I had the timing down to a science and knew that his coffee would be finished just as he walked into the kitchen. As always, just as he walked into the kitchen the coffee was finished and I was quick to doctor it up to his liking whilst he sat down for breakfast. With a quick 'Good morning' I placed his coffee down and moved to eat my own breakfast beside him. Once we finished it was only a few minutes before we were out the door and on our way to UA.

Being that I came to school with one of the teachers I was there extremely early so I walked Aizawa to the staff room and said 'Hello' to those present. I chatted with a few of them for several minutes before deciding that it would be a good time to head to class and left after saying 'Goodbye' to those I was talking to. It didn't take me long to find the classroom, walking down the familiar halls I realized how easy it would be for someone who had never been here before to get lost but brushed the thought off. 'Rational students would arrive early encase they got lost trying to find their class so they wouldn't be late.' I thought as I approached the familiar door. Upon opening it I found, not to my surprise, that I was the first one here; 'Guess that means I get pick of the seats!' I thought excitedly as I moved towards a seat closer to the front. It took about ten minutes before more students began arriving; out of slight nerves I made two balls of water the size of marbles and began moving them between my fingers hoping nobody would notice them. "Excuse me!" a voice called out, "You aren't supposed to be using your quirk right now!" he continued causing me to look up. The boy who was speaking had dark blue hair and glasses; when he spoke, he kept making weird chopping movements with his arm which was slightly distracting but I brushed that off quickly. "I'm sorry, are you speaking to me?" I asked slightly confused, "Yes!" he exclaimed, "We are not supposed to use our quirks outside of training!" he continued.

I heard the door open again and looked past him only to see my friend Momo. I quickly jumped up and dissolved the water back into the air before moving to greet her excitedly. We spoke for the next few minutes before she said she needed to find a seat causing me to go back to my own. It didn't take long before a familiar yellow sleeping bag (caterpillar man) to inch his way into the classroom with an entrance that only suites him, "Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course. It took you eight seconds to quiet down, that's unacceptable rational students would understand that." He said before getting out of his iconic sleeping bag and standing before the class, "Hello, my name is Aizawa Shota and I'm your teacher." He said blandly which almost caused me to chuckle. He then reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out some gym uniforms and told us to change into them before he left the room.

The changeroom was an interesting experience, I mostly stayed with Momo but a few of the others came over and introduced themselves whilst also talking about what they thought we were going to be doing today. Upon exiting the room many of the students realized that they had no idea where we were supposed to meet our teacher and just kinda stood there confused. I looked around at them all before I sighed, "Follow me." I said to those around me and started walking down the hall prompting them to follow. At the sight of several students walking away more began to follow and soon I was leading the whole class.

When we made it out there Aizawa explained that we were going to be doing a quirk assessment test which caused several people to make comments about missing the opening ceremony. Aizawa basically dismissed it with a comment about how we didn't have time for such things before making a student named Bakugo go do the ball throw as a demonstration. I will admit, I was impressed with his score however I wasn't marveling at it like everyone else was. Well, someone said something about how it looked fun and I flinched as I realized what was about to happen; 'Of all the things you could have said.' I thought as I looked over at Aizawa who kinda got a crazed look before he explained that the person in last would be deemed to have no potential and be expelled which caused me to sigh. I looked around at the students, 'They just need to prove they have potential' I thought as we all moved to the first test.

Our first test was a fifty-meter dash and there was for sure some interesting uses of quirks. There was a boy who had a stomach laser and used it to blast himself forward whilst his opponent slid on the acid she was creating; another girl used her quirk to make all her clothing lighter whilst another girl made roller-skates. It was honestly kinda cool to watch but quicker than I imagined it was my turn, I was going to be running alone due to the uneven number of students in the class. I decided that I wouldn't use the same move I did in the recommendation exam and instead drew most of the water from the ground into my legs, when I was signaled to go, I blasted the water from the bottom of my feet sending me surging forward. When I had finished my run, I quickly looked back to see my time and was kinda shocked to see a time just over three seconds, specifically, 3.04 seconds. I looked over at Aizawa who had his normal uninterested look on his face except for his eyes, I could see pride in his eyes and that was all the reassurance I needed. I walked back to my fellow students, who some were looking at me in awe, and quickly made my way to Momo who also held a slightly surprised look on her face. "What?" I asked when I approached her but when she didn't answer I continued, "You've seen me do cooler things, you remember that right?" I asked with a slight smirk which finally snapped her out of it as we walked over to the next test.

Our next test was one to test our grip strength and much like before I watched those around me first. On this one there weren't as many impressive scores though there was a boy who had multiple arms who was able to a score around five hundred and forty kilograms which I will admit is actually really impressive. After most of the students had gone, I finally figured that I should also complete the test so we could move on, much like the last test I pulled the water from the air into my arm and hand and began to manipulate it so it would increase the strength of my grip. As I was about to grip one of the students tripped into another one causing them to both call out in alarm. This was able to catch my attention and distract me enough that I didn't realize I squeezed on the machine until I heard a very audible crunch causing everyone to look over at me. I didn't want to look down, not wanting to admit I was the one who broke it, so I didn't. Instead, I walked over to Aizawa and without looking at it handed it to him; when I let go of it several pieces fell and hit the ground but I obviously ignored it and was very clearly embarrassed while walking to the next test.

The next test we were to do were repeated side steps which I actually had a pretty good idea for though apparently not many of the others did. Much like the last test there weren't many impressive results for this except for a boy who was able to use the balls of his quirk to bounce back and forth. When it was my turn everyone paid attention, especially acter the past two tests, but my plan for this one isn't all that different from the boy with the purple ball hair so I didn't feel they would be all that impressed with my result on this one. Basically, I created two water walls on either side of me and would manipulate them to throw me into the other one, however while doing this I had no idea how fast I was going until the test was done. When it was over, I quickly returned the water to where it came from and moved so the next person could go. As I moved, I looked up and I could see everyone staring at me again with similar expressions to the first test causing me to adopt a confused expression and look over to Aizawa who also had a slightly shocked expression as well. I moved over to him whilst the next student went up and asked under my breathe so only he could hear me "Why was everyone staring at me?" to which he looked at me out of the corner of his eyes with confusion in them. "Do you know how fast you were going?" he asked to which I shook my head but before he could say anything else it was time to move to the next test.

We were treated to a relaxing test after the last one: seated toe-touch. Most of the girls were able to touch their toes and several males were able to as well, a lot of us actually used this test to sit for a slight break. There wasn't really anything to be super impressed with when it came to this test so I didn't really spend much time watching others. When Aizawa came over to see my result I could see him writing before I even did it causing me to smirk; Aizawa has seen first hand that I am extremely flexible so he knew that this test was going to be no problem for me. Never the less, I leaned forward and was able to place the palms of my hands to the arches of my feet causing several people to look over but not say anything. After Aizawa moved on I decided to do some stretching so I leaned forward again but instead of grabbing both feet I turned my torso and grabbed one foot with both hands before switching to the other side. I spread my legs enough that I could move my torso between them and wrapped my arms around the underside of my legs helping to stretch the backs of them. Before I could do anything more, we were told to move to the next test; what I didn't realize was most of the class was watching in amazement as I was able to do that causing Aizawa to become protective and move us along.

We moved to the ball throw next which held varying results, some students quirks just weren't suited for this test leaving them on the lower end of the results for it. However, there were students like a girl with brown hair and kinda round cheeks whose quirk was perfectly suited for this test. She was able to get a score of infinity which I will admit is actually super amazing and I made sure to tell her as such. I was one of the last students to be called for this test and I was actually super excited for it, when my name was called, I quickly made my way to the circle and caught the ball Aizawa threw my way. I took a deep breathe and focused. Around me the water from the air and ground began to come together and become visible as I made it move and absorb into the ball. The students were very confused as to what I was doing but Aizawa knew exactly my plan and wore a proud smirk as he watched my plan come into fruition. Before everyone's eyes the ball raised from my hands and suddenly zoomed off causing many students to be confused. They grew even more so as I didn't move from the circle and Aizawa didn't write anything meaning my ball was still moving. Finally, after a few minutes the device in his hand beeped and I broke from my concentration, he revealed that my score was infinity like the girl with the gravity quirk. Before I left the circle Aizawa asked something that caused everyone's eyes to bore into me, "Where did it end up?". I looked at him for a moment before I smiled, "I had circled the moon a few times before the beep brought my concentration off it and I lost it." I said kinda embarrassed causing several murmurs to be heard and a few mind blown gasps.

The boy who went after me in the ball throw was actually super interesting, Aizawa actually removed his quirk and pulled him in to talk to him before he was sent to throw the ball again. I was confused but could hear someone talking about him being quirkless whilst another said that that wasn't possible. Their talking confused me more but his next throw was something to marvel at, he was able to beat the person who threw first but he broke his finger because of using his quirk. Well, either way, the boy who threw first was not happy and Aizawa had to stop a fight whilst making a comment about not wanting to use his quirk too much because of the dry eye it caused. When the last student went to throw, I made my way over to Aizawa and handed him the eyedrops I brought with me causing him to nod in thanks before I moved to the green haired boy who threw last. "Hello." I said when I made it to him causing him to jump, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. My name is Hattori Burukku but please call me Burukku, what's yours?" I asked in a friendly manner causing him to stutter out Midoriya Izuku. "Well Midoriya, would you like me to fix your finger?" I asked him gesturing to it causing him to look at me with almost a sparkle in his eyes, "What is your quirk?!" he asked quickly startling me slightly which he noticed, "S-sorry, I just really like q-quirks." He explained to which I nodded. "How about I tell you later and I fix your finger now?" I asked causing him to hold his hand towards me. I took it into mine and pulled the water from the air around us to his hand causing it to glow lightly blue. Within a few moments I removed my hands from his leaving a perfectly healed hand in its place. He looked at it with a look of awe before looking back at me but before he could say anything we were told to move to the next test.

The last two test were more on the boring end of the tests, we had to do as many sit-ups as we could in a minute and then a long-distance run. These two tests had varying results for everyone but I feel that we all were able to do them justice.

After the tests were done Aizawa posted the results and to nobodies surprise I was at the top of the list. What did surprise me was the fact that Aizawa suddenly said that he wasn't going to expel anyone, I mean, last year he expelled his whole class. Momo said that she knew it was a lie and I didn't have the heart to correct her so I just let it sit as that but I knew Aizawa knew that I knew but didn't make any indication that he was going to say anything more on the topic. He dismissed us and reminded us to read the syllabus that were back in the classroom. As we were walking away Aizawa tried to tell Midoriya to go to Recovery Girl only to see that he was fully healed and have Midoriya explain I healed him. Before I could see Aizawa's reaction I was inside the school so I just focused on getting to the changeroom and something to drink.

My first day was interesting to say the least but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was longer then normal but there was a lot to cover! Thank you for reading this story, it really means more then you guys could ever know that people are reading what I write so thank you.

I would like to remind you all that no matter what I am here for you all and that I am always up to talk to anyone and everyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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