Finally Together Again

By Ghostbuzterz

45.7K 1.3K 358

Megan is finally free after serving three and a half years in Prison. What happens when she comes back home. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Three

3.2K 89 27
By Ghostbuzterz


It's the next day and I'm laying up against the headboard with this comfy blanket covering me, watching Anime.

This is literally a dream come true for me, cause this is all I wanted to do when I got out, you know besides coming back home to Nicki, our son, my family and friends.

But anyways I'm watching Dragon Ball Z right now, then later I'll prolly catch up on the other Anime shows, that I have missed.

Nicki's out with Ondray right now, she took him on a playdate Brandon and Titan.

I'm so focused on this episode of Dragon Ball Z, that I didn't even hear or notice Nicki walking in the room with Ondray in her arms.

Nicki walks over to her side of the bed.

She then places Ondray in the middle of the bed, while then climbing in after.

"Why y'all back so early, I thought the playdate wasn't supposed to end til five." I ask her as I look at her.

It's Four O'clock right now.

"Ondray wanted the playdate to end a little bit early, cause he wanted to come back to home, too you and spend some time with you." Nicki tells me as she gets up the under the blanket, while then helping Ondray get under the blanket too.

"Is this true Dray." I asks him as I look down at him.

"Ywess daddy." Ondray says to me as he looks up at me with a smile on his face.

As I then pull Nicki and Ondray closer to me, we all look back at the Tv screen.

"Who's he." Nicki asks me as she points to Goku.

I laugh as I shake my head.

"What's funny, I was only asking a question." Nicki said to me as she looks at me.

"It's the fact dat you don't know who Goku is, when you clearly should. Since I told you and explained to you, who he was and what he does." I say to her once my laughs calms down.

"And I told and explained dis shit to you way before I got locked up." I say to her.

"Yeah well, I forgot and plus I didn't even watch this after you got locked up, anyways." Nicki tells me.

"So all dat shit you told me and explained to me went out the fucking window." She adds.

"I believe dat, but what didn't go out the window was dat Love & Hip Hop and Real Housewives bullshit, cause that's all the shit you pay attention too, know and watch." I said to her.

"Hey, those are good fucking Reality Shows." Nicki tells me as she sits up a little, while still looking at me.

"Mhm, okay." I say to her with a smile.

"They are, there way better than these Cartoons you watch." Nicki said to me cause my smile to drop, immediately.

I'm so fucking offended.

"Yooooo, you wahlinn for dat." I said to her with a deadass serious look on my face.

Nicki is just smiling, like she hit a nerve, which she fucking did.

"Don't fucking be smiling, ya ass knows there a whole difference between Anime and Cartoons." I said to her.

"Even niggas who don't even watch Anime, knows that there's a whole fucking difference between Anime and Cartoons." I say to her as I continue to look at her with a deadass serious look on my face.

"I know, baby. Calm down I was just playing." Nicki says to me.

"Better have been." I said to her as I then look back at the Tv screen.

Not even a second later Nicki starts calling my name.

"What." I ask her.

"Can you please still tell me who he is." Nicki asks me as she has this pouty look on her face.

"So, do you really want me to tell you or is that gone go out the window too." I said to her in a joking way as I look at her with smirk on my face.

"Shut the fuck up Megan and just tell me already." Nicki said to me.

"I might not tell you, since you just told me to shut the fuck up." I say to her with the same smirk on my face.

"Megan." Nicki whines out.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you." I say to her as I roll my eyes.

"Yay." Nicki says with smile.

I start to explain to her as we continue to watch Dragon Ball Z.


Nicki and I are in the kitchen right now cooking, Nicki thought it might be fun to cook together.

We called our friends to come over, too just chill and eat the food, and of course they accepted, cause who the fuck would turn down some free food.

And as we continue to cook I'm telling Nicki what I told Trey at the Strip Club yesterday.

"Wooooow, they dumb wahlinn for dat." Nicki said as she shakes her head, while stirrings the sauce in that big ass pot.

"You was only defending yourself on a daily basis, like what the fuck." She adds as she continues to add stuff to the sauce.

"I know, it's fucked up." I simply said as I cut some peppers up.

"Anyways, what has happened in the past three years and a half that I missed." I ask her, changing the subject.

"Well, nothing too much. Just the regular same old same old. Just me working and taking care of our son." Nicki tells me.

I just hum and nod my head.

"I still can't believe dat I missed Ondray's first. Like that shit played on a loop, a lot in my head through those three and a half years I was in dat hell hole." I say out loud as I drop the knife next to the peppers, while then looking at Nicki.

I have this blank expression on my face as I can feel tears falling down my cheeks.

Nicki quickly places the cover over the pot and places the spoon next the pot, while then walking up to me.

"Oh, baby. I don't even know what to say." Nicki says to me as she looks at me with this sad look her face.

"Like that shit fucking hurts, Onika." I tell her as the tears keep falling down my cheeks.

Nicki was bout to say something but I cut her off.

"And don't say that I at least got to see your recordings of them, all of them." I say to her as I look down at her.

"Cause dat shit is way different, like seeing it in person, your just happy and have all these emotions just flowing through you, like when you see it. But that's not what I got when I saw the recordings, you showed me, okay I'm lying, I was happy and shit, but I wanted to see and experience dat shit in person, Onika." I say to her as I'm fully crying right now.

"Awww, baby." Nicki says as she pulls me in, she wraps her arms my stomach while laying her head on my chest.

I wrap my arms around her.

"And that's another reason why I wanted to kill the nigga, cause he took dat shit away from me, I mean I'm still so grateful that you recorded it and showed me, but still." I said as I look straight ahead, while tears still fall down my cheeks.

It's silent between us, til Nicki breaks it.

Nicki lifts her head off my head, while then looking up at me with a small soft smile on her face.

"Baby, for whatever it's worth, I mean you still get to have a lot more firsts with him, that you get to see and experience in person, you know since your out now." Nicki tells me as she places both of her hands on my face.

I sigh as I then take a deep breath, she's right I do still get to see and experience a lot more firsts that Ondray will have, and I'm so happy and grateful for dat.

"Your right, bae." I say to her as I look down at her.

"I know I am." Nicki said to me with a smile on her face.

I smile as I shake my head at her.

"Now, let's get back to cooking this food, and you know your sauce smells like it's bout to burn." I said in a jokingly way.

"Shut the fuck up, Meg. No it's not." Nicki said through her laughter as she hits my chest with one of her hands.

I just laugh as we then unwrap our arms from around each other.

Nicki goes back to stirring the sauce while checking on the other food that's cooking, while I go back to cutting up these peppers and other things.


I set the last of the pots in the middle of the table, while I then sit down in my seat, that's next to Nicki.

"Ight, let's say grace." I said as I look at everyone.

Beyoncé volunteers to say grace, as we all bow our heads and close our eyes.

"Dear Heavenly Father I first and foremost want to give you all the honor and glory. I thank you for bringing Megan back to us safe and sound from that place. I thank you for your patience and the wisdom you give us. I thank you for watching over us, taking care of us and protecting us. I also want to thank you for blessing Nicki's and Megan's hands that made this delicious food that's in front of us right now. Please continue to bless us, and please bless this delicious food, let this food that we're about to receive nourish our bodies. In Jesus name we pray, Amen." Beyoncé finishes saying grace.

"Amen." We all say in unison as we lift our heads and open our eyes.

Beyoncé lifts her head and open hers eyes.

"Ight, let's dig in." I said with a smile as I rub my hands together.

We all cheer as we agree, while then beginning to make our own plates.

A couple minutes later after we all made our plates and after Nicki made Ondray's plate, Ashanti made Brandon's plate and Lauren made Titan's plate, we all start eating and talking.

"Yoooooo, this chicken is the bomb, I will never get tired of eating this chicken." Trey said out loud as he takes another bite out of the chicken.

"I know right, same." Beyoncé and Kelly said at the same time.

"I know right, it's the best chicken in the world." Nicki said in a confident tone with a confident smile on her face.

"Who wanna battle me." Nicki asks as she looks at us, while raising an eyebrow.

None of us say anything.

"That's what I thought." Nicki said with that a confident yet cocky smile on her face.

"Well we all know Beyoncé can't go up against Nicki, cause ha ass would have dat shit blackened and tasting all types of nasty." Ashanti said after a few minutes of silence.

We all burst out laughing except for Beyoncé.

"Wooooow, really bae." Beyoncé says to Ashanti as she looks at her.

"Yup, yup." Ashanti says popping the p.

"Yoooooo, but right cause like I remember ha ass burnt water, when she tried to make something." I said through my loud laughter, as tears are falling down my cheeks.

"Like how the fuck do you burn some damn water." Robyn said through her laughter.

"Riiiight." Nicki, Ashanti, Lauren, Kelly, Trey and I said at the same time, while laughing even harder.

"Y'all are so fucking hilarious, hahahaha." Beyoncé says through her sarcastic laugh, while she rolls her eyes.

"Awwww, baby. Are you mad." Ashanti asks Beyoncé as she looks at her.

"No." Beyoncé says with a look on her face which causes us to laugh even harder.

We all take turns telling story's that we remember, about how someway and somehow Beyoncé fucked up some sorta food and fucked up the kitchen in the process, while we still laugh our asses off, and enjoying our food.

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