The Enticing Bloom

By Ashe_Hime

908 43 24

Her very exsistence draws all maddening creatures to her. Like a moth to a flame, it burns. Revealing the wra... More

Pitch Blackness
Unlikely Allies
Wiccan Wrath
Green Brilliance
Werewolf Guardian
Conflicting Compassion
Enemy of My Enemy
Inherent Necessity
Conflicting Interests
Blind Connection
Red Venom


87 7 2
By Ashe_Hime

The comforting smell of rain and forestry was the last thing the caramel skinned woman recalled before falling into a magic induced slumber. Her muscles aches with an uncomfortable burning sensation, one that nestled into her very bones even. Releasing a brief grunt into the air, she found the strength to turn on her side. Though instead of feeling the dry texture of leaves between her fingers; instead the young girl swore she felt a sort of fabric. Soft even, as she found herself moving her fingers delicately across the material. Clutching it tightly in her grasp, the slightly frail girl brought the material inches from her face. Inhaling the smell of male musk, and strong one at that. The smell invading her nostrils and forcing the girl to awaken. Sitting up rather abruptly her where she once lay; the young woman's dark brown and purple streaked locks dangling about her face. Instinctively; the woman's fingers traced around the silver ring which lay upon her index finger. The small piece of jewelry was infact very dear to the young woman.

The ring was crafted from pure palladium; a lovely silver metal with flexes of jasper within it. Allowing the light to reflect the very sun that fed the girl her power. Just as the earth below was her mother; coddling her in her loving embrace. The leaves of oak,ash and thorn sprung from the center of a deep jasper gem. For the knot alone signified balance; something the young woman wished for with all her might. Quietly the girl muttered a prayer to the Gods above; before rising to her feet. Her interest peaked as she could hear the constant chatter from a nearby room. Slipping on her boots and easing across the creaky wooden floor below; the voices increased in volume. Two she immediately recognized from the night prior. Creeping further into the two story house; the caramel skinned woman pressed her body against the wall. Realizing that 3 other voices filled the room. Peaking around the corner; she saw a group of young men.

Each seemed to surround a table where a laptop and newspapers lay strewn about the surface. Derek Hale was the first to speak, his arms crossed and stern expression ever present on his features. "Looks like we have company." He stated, referring to the young woman who smirked. Of course he knew she was there. Infact she was pretty sure that the others did as well. As the jasper gem at the center of her ring finger gave off a dim emerald glow. A signal to the young witch of other supernatural creatures among her midst. Stepping from her hiding spot, the young woman made her presence known. Her right hand on her hip as she spoke, a confident grin on her face. "You know it's wrong to talk about a lady behind her back." She commented, causing Stiles to hold back another burst of laughter. "Looks like someone's feeling better." Derek groaned, his tone making the woman lower her eyes at him. "Smart ass." The girl hissed causing the eyebrow of one of the young men to raise. Cracking a smile he revealed a row of shiny teeth. Though the boy's eyes were troubled. A deep storm filled them, one that he had yet to combat. His own demons, though he hid it well with a smile. The girl saw this, the damage within him and couldn't help but to smile at him. Her smile alone bringing a sense of peace to him. "I like her." He joked, his smile was a shy yet goofy one. Almost as if he was unsure if it was alright to smile. He was a slave to someone, to who the girl did not know. But he had yet to break the chains.

Derek growled causing the young boy to cower before Derek, sensing he had angered the Alpha. Lowering his head; the one called Isaac remained silent for a time. Leaving the others in the room to speak, taking the opportunity the young woman stepped forward. Her heeled boots clicking behind her, she took a seat on the table beside one of the young men. Her lavender tinted locks falling down her sides. She then crossed her legs before the wolves, her brown eyes flicking with a green hue. "I'm sure you want to know who I am." The gorgeous teen began before taking a single apple from a nearby fruit bowl. She tossed it effortlessly her hand as she began to speak. "The name is Akasha Ashthorne, and I'm sure as you saw last night; I'm a witch." Her statement causing the room to grow silent with the mere whistling of the wind outside.

"Yes!" Cheered Stiles as he began to fist pump in the air. "Totally called it! She's a Witch, Scott you owe me $20 bucks." The teen declared making the boy beside him groan before handing the excited Stiles a crisp $20 dollar bill. Akasha held back a chuckle at the little exchange between friends before turning her attention to Derek. His eyes heavy upon the petite teen. "Alright your a witch; now what in the  Hell have you brought here with you?" Derek barked his tone a rough one but it made her blood boil. She despised men like him, and one on a power trip and Alpha like he was. Only seemed to fuel her with more power. So much infact that the air around Akasha began to spark with life, her magic filling her so. Bidding her to put Derek in his place. Smirking Akasha made her way to the tall, and masculine Derek, daring to look him in the eye. "Oh my; have I gone and offended the Big Bad Wolf?" She prodded her words causing Derek to snarl, this woman was on the precipice of his self control.

"A Rogue Alpha pack is after me; I managed to take out a few. But there's still more out there." Akasha began as she turned on her heels to face the entire group. "I'll handle them on my own. I always have." Akasha informed the group before nonchalantly returning to her seat on the table. Continuing to toss the apple in her grip, only to have it be snatched by Derek. Who bit the apple with a loud crunch before tossing it to the side. "A-A whole pack of Alphas? Again?" Questioned Isaac who appeared quite abit nervous at the sound of an Alpha pack. But what drew Akasha's attention was the boy's statement. Again. Which meant that this young pack was no fledgling when it came to dealing with Alphas. And perhaps other creatures as well. Keeping her vital thoughts to herself Akasha's eyes flickered with curiosity. "Yes, though by the sound of it you all are no strangers when it comes to Alphas. Quite rare for a pack this young." Akasha stated as her eyes examined the group of men before her.

The young man known as Scott never took his eyes off of her. He was handsome just as all the young teens were. Though he was of medium height with an olive complexion. Curly dark brown hair and brown eyes were undoubtedly warm to Akasha. She felt it. With his lean but muscular build; the young man dressed in a rather casual style. A simple flannel grey and black shirt, denim jeans and a pair of Chuck Taylors. Though upon his face, a small scar streaked across his cheek giving the handsome boy a slightly uneven jawline.  He also has a tattoo of two black bands;one thick band above a thinner one that wraps around his left bicep. His brown eyes held Akasha; who shot him a smile while turning her attention to Isaac and Stiles.

"We can handle it." The tattooed one declared,stepping forward towards Akasha. Her right eyebrow raised ever so slightly st the young man's declaration. He was a kind and strong willed young man, Akasha held back a small smirk. She was impressed, and that only increased as did the debate between Derek and Scott. "This isn't our fight." Derek began only to be interrupted by Scott who turned on his heels to look the Alpha in the eye. "We can't just stand around and do nothing, Derek! We have to help!" Scott exclaimed, stomping a single foot on the ground. Asserting his own dominance, a low growl made itself known to all in the room. Belonging to Derek who's eyes took their dangerous blue glow. "We barely survived the last fight against an Alpha pack! I won't lose anymore of my pack!" "You won't have too! Where stronger now and —with her." Scott began as he held his right arm out towards Akasha who sat there. Enjoying the little skirmish between two Wolves.

The tension was evident in the air but even so Isaac stepped forward. Being the first to take Scott's side in this argument. "Scott's right. We can't just stand around and do nothing. They'll eventually sniff us out anyway." Isaac reasoned to which Stiles pointed out that most likely the Alpha pack was already aware of them. And that statement alone only made Derek groan in irritation. Rage filling Derek as he slammed his fist against a nearby wall, allowing it to crumble underneath his might. "Your going to regret this, Witches bring nothing but death with them." Derek spat before angrily leaving the house, slamming the door loudly behind him. With that Akasha sighed before stretching her arms to the ceiling above. Her expression one of boredom for a moment which seemed to both intrigue and confuse Scott. "You know he's right." Akasha said out of nowhere before rising from the table. She then made her way to a nearby potted plant. Taking one of its many leaves in her grasp, all eyes were on Akasha.

She felt them on her back, watching her every move as a soft green glow emitted from her touch. Seeming to give the plant unknown strength for its leaves began to increase in length, crawling up Akasha's left arm. Before like a serpent the vines slithered across the wooden floor,reaching towards the group of men. Stiles was the first to kneel down towards the vines. Reaching out for the glowing root; only to watch the entire plant begin to decay drastically. It's once lush and strong vines became nothing but withered remnants. Slowly traveling towards the same plant in Akasha's grip. The young witch turning towards the boys, her eyes retaining their emerald glow. "I bring both life and death wherever I go." Akasha finished before crumbling the remnants of the withered plant in her hand. "But I will kill the Werewolves I brought with me." She reassured gracing Scott, Stiles and Isaac with a kind smile.

"Then we'll help, we can't just leave all the work to you. I mean not that you can't handle it with your um—magical fairy dust. " Stiles rambled rather nervously causing Akasha to shoot him a stern look. As he referred to her magic as "Fairy dust". "I'll let that one slide,Stiles. Anyone else would be bound and gagged by the trees on my word." Akasha warned her tone causing Stiles to swallow hard. Nodding and quietly apologizing for his words. Akasha accepted his apology and informed the guys that she would stay with Stiles until she had other arrangements. Though Stiles advised that his father would be more inclined if she attended school at Beacon Hills. "Stiles is right, and it will be easier for us to keep a close eye on you." Scott confirmed his dominance making Akasha smirk. She agreed. She would attend Beacon Hills and she would deal with the Alpha pack biting at her heels.

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