Book 3: Stolen Crystal (Rogue...

By Silver-Tigress

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Akira Suishou Mizuno has been taken back by her former dark guild, Dark Star. Everyone is devastated by the l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Special Chapter: Fairy Tail Academy
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 1
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 2
Fairy Tail The Movie: Dragon Cry Part 3
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The End, Part 1
The End, Part 2
The End, Part 3
Thank You!!

Chapter 29

430 6 6
By Silver-Tigress

Pic is of Ajeel Raml—->

Songs used:

I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift

Akira's P. O. V:

"He uses Sand Magic?" I think to myself with furrowed brows as my teammates and I get into ready stances.

"Heh! Very nice!" Ajeel says.

"Stop!" Master says sternly, causing us to whip our heads to him. "You mustn't fight him! He's much too powerful! We should run!"

We stare at him in shock.

"For real?" Natsu breathes.

Erza says firmly, "Our Master clearly gave the order to retreat."

"But Erza—!" Natsu protests, but the redhead cuts him off.

"Let's go, now!"

Pointing, Charlele says, "We already have a magic mobile ready and waiting!"

Erza throws a few swords at Ajeel to slow him down, and we make a break for the magic mobile.

"Come on! Get in!!"

"Argh! Can't we walk?!!" Natsu groans. We drag him into the car anyway.

Erza says as she jumps in the driver's seat, "I'll drive us!" She attaches the SE Plug to he right wrist as she adds, "SE Plug connected! Here goes!" Erza starts the magic mobile and takes off.

A sickened look immediately appears on Natsu's and Wendy's faces, as the pinkette utters, "Uh oh!"

My and Nanami's Soothe spell has worn off. Has it really been two hours already?!

Natsu and Wendy immediately take to the window. Natsu groans, "This sucks!"

"It sure does!" Wendy agrees. Lucy gapes at them.

"Can we go faster?!" Mest demands Erza, sitting beside her.

"I'm trying!" Erza gasps before boosting us forward.

Master says with a grim look on his face, "He's coming!"

"What is that thing?" Happy asks as he and the other Exceeds peer out the window. A huge shadow looms over us, and my eyes widen at this humongous vibration.

"Whoa! It's a giant sand monster!" Gray yells. The sand monster was mostly made out of sand but it has chunks of earth and rock in its body, here and there, and its face is made out of stone or earth.

'I was right! He does use Sand Magic!' I think as I stare at the monster. 'This is just perfect!' A cocky smirk settles on my face.

"Not good!!" Erza shouts. The sand monster punches at us but Erza just narrowly manages to avoid it. Erza speeds forwards as fast as she can as the sand monster continues to punch at us, though the Requip Magic user just narrowly dodges it every time.

I head for the window but my arm was grabbed by Gray. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"What does it look like!" I snap, whipping my head back around. "I'll stop it! You guys stay here."

"Don't be an idiot! You can't fight him on your own!" Gray yells. I glare at him in annoyance.

Nanami adds, voice pleading, "He's right, nee-chan! Let me at least help you!"

Momo, Vivienne, Loki and Happy glance between the three of us with concerned looks on their faces.

"He uses Sand Magic, right?! I can crystallise it! I'm probably the only person here who stands a chance of actually beating that guy!" I glare sharply at the Fullbuster as my sister looks at me fearfully.

"But! Nee-chan—!" Nanami tries to stop me but I interrupt.

"I promise I'll beat him, and get us all home safely." My gaze hardens as I say, "I will not let him through!"

Before anyone else could say anything, I jerk my arm free of Gray's grip and climb out through the window and onto the roof of the magic mobile.

Master calls fearfully from inside the magic mobile, "No, don't!! He's too powerful for us to fight!"

"And I'm the Wizard Saint here! I'm going to stop him, no matter what!" I yell back, my gaze fixated on the giant sand monster racing toward us, Ajeel riding on top of it.

The sand monster crystallises, just as a shocked Ajeel leaps off it. The crystal then shatters, leaving Ajeel suspended in the air.

"WHOA!! SHE CRYSTALLISED THAT THING?!" Gray shouts in astonishment as I smirk up at Ajeel.

"That's incredible! Akira's magic power seems to have grown, and far more than a year ago!" Master says in awe.

"But, how?!" Ajeel demands.

I explain, "Since sand is a solid matter, I can crystallise it! To sum it all up for you, Sand Man, your magic is utterly useless against my Crystal Magic! So, I'm giving you one chance to surrender!"

Ajeel sneers at me as he replies, "Huh! No way, kid! Why don't you try this!" Ajeel thrusts our his arm and a bunch of flying monsters resembling birds come flying at me.

I just smirk as I focus on them, and they crystallise just like the first giant sand monster, shattering and dissipating into thin air as they rain down. Ajeel looks at me, stunned, but with a smirk on his face.

"Heh! This is even more fun than I'd thought it'd be!"

Then, suddenly, he disappears from view.

"He's gone!" I gasp, looking around for him.

"Beneath us! He's merged with the sand! Watch for an attack!" Master warns me, as well as everyone else. I try to feel for Ajeel's vibration, but it was so much more difficult in the sand.

I hiss through my teeth in annoyance, "Cursed sand!"

"Empire Pit!!" Ajeel yells, just as the magic mobile gets caught in the grip of sand.

"What's happening?!" Erza shouts in confusion.

I sweep my arms out and the sand attack crystallises, freezing in place. My guild mates, minus Nanami, Momo, Loki and Vivienne, stare around with wide, stunned eyes.

"Whoa...!" Happy breathes. "Crazy!"

Mest, Gray and Lucy are gaping at the crystallised sand attack around them. "How did she do that?!" The Fullbuster exclaims.

"So much sand... and Akira just crystallised all of it...!" Lucy breathes in shock. I snap my fingers, and the crystallised sand attack completely shatters, the shards dissipating into thin air.

Charlele says with astonishment, "Impressive!"

Momo says with a smirk in her voice, "Aki-chan has also spent the past year training to crystallise more matter with her magic! So she didn't just focus on her hand-to-hand combat skills and magic abilities while at Sabertooth."

I leap off the vehicle and land in a couched position, before I straighten to face Ajeel.

He sneers at me as he says, "Well, well, well! I guess you're actually not half bad! For a Wizard Saint, that is! You might actually be a challenge!"

I give him a deadly serious stare as I say coldly, "You're threatening my family, and my Master! If you wish to kill my Master, you'll have to kill me first!"

Ajeel says, "Before you go to your graves, let me tell you this: you're just a bunch of losers like all of the other wizards we've killed over the years! We're on a different level altogether than you maggots from Ishgar! The gods have abandoned your whole freaking continent! It'll be so easy for Alvarez to rake it over. Sucks to be you guys! Hahaha! Oh, man, the looks on your faces are priceless!"

I raise my head, my bangs shadowing my eyes as our Cait Shelter guild marks return to their Fairy Tail form. I rip the bandages off my arm as my teammates jump out of the magic mobile and gather behind me. Natsu says, "So the gods abandoned Ishgar, huh?! That's not a problem! Because Fairy Tail is still watching over it!"

"Oh, really?!" Ajeel exclaims before I make my move.

With my left fist encased in crystal, and my arm pulled back taut, I use my enhanced speed and loom up in front of him. Before Ajeel could blink, my arm launches forward and my fist connects with his face. I then spin and land a strong kick to his jaw, slugging Ajeel in the face.

The Sand Magic user cries out in pain as he goes flying back, and I feel my teammates staring at me with surprised looks in their eyes, except for Nanami, Momo, Loki and Vivienne who are smirking at me.

I stand straight with a cold look on my face as Ajeel skids to a stop and faces me in a crouch. "Nice shot!! It's been forever since somebody's got in a solid punch like that! Yeah! Bring it on!!"

A red aura flares around Ajeel as waves of sand pulse from him. My teammates watch, knowing not to interfere, as I throw out my hands, and I crystallise the Empire Sand spell as it heads for us again. A stunned look replaces Ajeel's smirk.

"You're finished!" I snap at him.

"You and your kind will never win!!" Ajeel says confidently. "Sands of Death!" A humongous wave of sand rises up behind the brown haired man, and starts running toward us.

"Master!" I shout.

"Right!" Master enlarges himself and grabs our guild mates, Natsu ending up squashed against Lucy's chest.

"Nee-chan!!" Nanami screams.

"What are you doing, Gramps?! Let us go so we can fight, and help Aki-chan!" Natsu demands, his mouth bumping against Lucy's breast.

She groans pleadingly, "Natsu, will you please stop yelling?!"

Erza urges, "Now, Mest! Teleport us!"

Blushing, as his back is squashed up against her chest, Mest replies, "Where can we go?!"

"AKIRA!!" Gray shouts fearfully. I remain unmoving, my gaze glued to the incoming wave of sand.

"GRAMPS, AKIRA!!" Natsu yells.

"I will keep you safe! I swear on my life!"

"Here it comes! And every single thing that gets caught in the path of this sandstorm, shrivels up and dies instantly."

Master shields my guild mates, not budging from his spot.

"GRAMPS, AKIRA, NOOO!!" Natsu screams.

"MASTER!! AKIRA!!" Erza yells fearfully.

"RUN!!" Says Gray.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" Lucy adds.


"You're going to be a bunch of Fairy Mummies in just a second!"

The sand storm slams into the ground.


A tornado of pure silver lightning manifests before me and rips right through the sand attack, ripping it clean apart. Master and Ajeel gasp, staring at me with wide, stunned eyes as the tornado of lightning continues to tear through the sand.

The sand attack soon dissipates, revealing my stunned guild mates and a shocked Ajeel.

"As I've said before: I will not let you through!!" I yell, glaring with narrowed pink eyes at the brown haired man.

"Nice shot, Quartz Brain!" Startled, I look up at the sound of the voice, and we were all shocked to see a familiar blonde haired, black eyed man, with a lightning scar running down his right eye: Laxus! Laxus turns his attention to Master, who is just as shocked as the rest of us. "Hey, old man! You're even older."

Gajeel, standing beside him with Levy and Lily, calls down, "We're behind enemy lines!! So we gotta get out of here A. S. A. P!" He points with his thumb to Ichiya, posing beside Levy. "Thank this guy for the ship!"

There was something strange about him and Laxus, however, and I blink my eyes in thought a moment.

"Gajeel?" Happy utters.

"I can smell Levy and Lily up there, too," Says Natsu, making Momo perk up. "Hold on just a second! How come you and Laxus aren't puking your guts out?!"

"Gray, my darling! Aki-chan-sama!! Juvia is here, too!" A familiar water mage squeals happily.

"Hey!! I wanna say something manly, too!" Came Elfman's voice.

"How is that gonna help?!" Lisanna demands.

"The ship's been modified so Dragon Slayers can ride on it and not get sick!" Mira explains.

Oh, that explains why they're not sick!

Bickslow notes, "Hey, Wendy! You've really grown up since last time we met!"

"She's gone from little girl to little lady," Freed muses, smiling pleasantly.

Evergreen points out, "It seems like everybody's changed from last year."

Wendy mutters, "Oh, yeah? I don't think I've changed all that much, actually...!"

Cana calls down from the railing, "You're down there, too, right Mest?! Teleport onto the ship if you're able!"

I tell Mest, "I'll finish him off. You take the others, and I'll catch up!" Mest nods before turning his attention back to Cana.

"Coming up!" Mest says, smirking, as he teleports my guild mates to the ship.

"You're not running away from me!" Ajeel yells, before sending a sand attack at the ship.

"We're not running! We're just flying back home! And if we're late, then Laxus will be grumpy if we miss dinner!"

Lightning crackles before me as topaz crystals appear before me in the shape of large panthers, before the crystals manifest into pure black lightning. Ajeel gasps as he stares at me with wide eyes.

The black panthers let out ferocious roars as they charge at Ajeel with incredible speed, their bodies black flickers along the ground.

Just as my attack hits a stunned Ajeel, I activate my create my Crystal Phoenix spell and fly away at light speed, just before a huge explosion blasts out upon contact. I hover above the ship's deck just before Mest reappears, with the others, and they hit the ground with grunts. The phoenix lands on the deck and I hop off it; then the Crystal Phoenix dispels itself with a very soft pop.

We fly home on Ichiya's ship.

"What do you think about our manly rescue?" Elfman asks proudly, as Juvia immediately clings to Gray's arm and snuggles him.

"You're safe now!" Evergreen says simply.

"The mission to get Master back is a success!" Bickslow cheers.

Gray says, "Gotta say, I'm surprised to see ya here."

Lisanna tells us, "We knew the Master was in trouble, so we came up with a rescue plan!"

"Luckily, we got Laxus to help out! Though, it's not like you guys were in any trouble at all," Mira says, giving me a closed eye smile.

Gajeel complains to Erza, "You've got some nerve, leaving without us!"

"It was a covert operation," The Requip Magic user reminds him.

Natsu says happily, "Its great being on ship when you don't need to hurl the whole time!" He turns to Laxus, standing with his arms crossed. "What do you say you and me fight to celebrate?!"

"I'll pass," Was all the blonde says.

"My children..." Master says as he cries tears of relief and joy, upon seeing all of us together. "It feels so good to be with my Fairy Tail family again!"


When we got back to the newly rebuilt guild hall, we celebrated. However, we all knew that the happiness we felt wasn't going to last forever. Especially with Zeref lingering in the back of Makarov's mind.

We were all aware that our new enemy is far stronger, but that didn't matter to us. We weren't fighting just to win a war, but so that we could live to see another day and to have more moments like this.

Afterwards, Master Mavis showed up and explained what Fairy Heart was, as well as her history with Zeref. They had met before the founding of Fairy Tail, and he was the one who taught her magic. At one point, while trying to save Magnolia, Mavis used a dark spell which stopped her from ageing.

After Fairy Tail was founded, a time of war passed, and that was when Mavis became known as Fairy Tactician. It wasn't until six years later that she met Zeref again. He'd learned of her curse, the same as his, and she'd end up killing those around her. Mavis refused to believe him. Until she ended up killing Makarov's mother by accident after she gave birth to him.

Mavis ran away and spent a year in isolation. It was then that Zeref found her. He told her about the country he had and how he was the emperor. During this time, Mavis fell in love with him. They shared their first kiss but it was also their last. The curse they both shared ended up taking away her life.

Zeref then took her to the guild where Precht was. He dropped Mavis in the ground with no remorse. Precht put Mavis in the crystal under the guild hall. He'd then researched many resurrection spells that could bring her back to life but nothing worked. Precht soon learned about her curse and how she killed Yuri's wife. He'd kept everything a secret and just told the guild that Mavis died and was buried on Tenrou Island.

Mavis was stuck with the curse while remaining somewhat in suspended animation. Alive but dead at the same time. This gave birth to a new magic: Eternal Magic, Fairy Heart.

"I never dreamed my sin would cause all this," Mavis says as she looks down guiltily, after some more explanations and we'd promise to protect the secret, even my friends from Sakura Village. "I've dragged my beloved Fairy Tail into a mess that could end us for good."

"What sin?!" Gajeel cuts in sharply, cutting off our cheers. "Because opening up your heart to love someone isn't actually a sin in my book. And if it was illegal, I wouldn't arrest ya."

We all stare at the Iron Dragon Slayer with dumbfounded expressions, surprised by his romantic implications.

"Stop with the blank stares, would ya?!" Gajeel snaps at us.

Erza says, "He's right. And you mustn't blame yourself for what's happened." Mavis gasps.

With her arms crossed, Charlele states, "It's unfortunate, but it's obviously not what you had intended."

Lucy tells her, "Because of you, Fairy Tail is a force for good in the world."

"And no Fairy Tail," Momo begins.

"Means that we wouldn't all be friends today," Lily finishes.

"I'd be sad!" Happy chimes in.

"You made this happen," Gray says. "Your love for people is what brought us all together."

Wendy adds, "And we're willing to do whatever it takes to protect the guild you created. Because we believe in it." Mavis sniffles at that. She smiles as tears drop down her cheeks.

"Your guild has grown into a thing of beauty, First Master," Master Makarov says proudly.

Juvia cries, anime tears pouring down her cheeks that startle Gray, "It's hard to imagine—something so tragic and painful as being forced to fight the person you once madly loved!"

Wiping her own tears away, Mavis says, "The feelings I had for him are long in the past. Zeref is threat—to Ishgar and all of humanity. He must be defeated!"

"Not gonna lie, it'll be tough. Even if we took down Alvarez's army," Bickslow says.

"Zeref himself can't age or die, isn't that right?" Laxus asks.

"Wait! He's really immortal?!"

"You mean, there's like, nothing that can kill him?!"

Erza murmurs nervously, "How do we defeat somebody like that?"

"I'll bet Aki-chan could just crystallise the guy!" Karma laughs deviously. I deadpan at him.

"Karma does have a point," Winter muses, standing beside Karma. "I doubt any immortal being could come back from being crystallised and shattered like that." The others nod their heads in agreement.

A devious chuckle rings out and we turn to Natsu as he jumps down onto a table. "Just leave that part to me, you guys! I'll be the one to take down Zeref!" Natsu holds up his bandaged right arm as he pats it and adds, "Because my right arm... is a secret weapon, too!"

Peering at the pinkette curiously, Lucy murmurs, trailing off, "So..."

"Tell us more about this 'secret weapon'," Nanami insists.

His eyes sparkling deviously, Natsu just says, "It's a secret!"

"What?!" Lucy exclaims incredulously.

"That's why it's a secret weapon!" Natsu says, as though it should've been obvious. This causes Gray and Gajeel to attack him to get Natsu to tell us more.

Lucy sweat drops as Gray demands, "Just tell us what it is, you pink haired punk!"

"How the hell can your right arm be a secret, anyway?!" Gajeel snaps.

Wendy says, "You know, I don't have a clue what's under there. But knowing him, I'll bet it's something super special!"

Happy hums with a smug look on his face, his tail swishing behind him.

Closing his eyes briefly, Lily asks, "Are you acting smug because you're in on what the secret weapon really is?"

"I don't know!"

Deadpanning, Charlele mutters, "Well, I don't know why you need to be so showy about it when it's not even your own secret to be hiding."

Holding up his clenched fist, Natsu says, "All I can say is, it's a one-time use technique! With this, I'll be able to take down ol' Zeref once and for all! There's no way I'm gonna lose to him!"

"Only one time?!"

"He's literally got an ace up his sleeve!"

"You know it!" Natsu agrees.

Bickslow asks, "Well, he makes a pretty convincing argument, doesn't he?"

Smiling at the Dragneel, Erza says in agreement, "Yes, indeed. And his confidence seems to be quite contagious, as well."

The Exceeds all agree with Erza.

"He's always had a knack for this stuff," Laxus mutters, smirking. Master smiles while Erza nods her head once in agreement. I couldn't stop smiling at the pinkette myself. I know he won't let us down. I can always count on Natsu anytime.

Nodding her head once in approval, Mavis murmurs, "Of course, I have several strategies of my own... but I'll let Natsu lead for now."

"Master." Lucy takes a step forward, gaining the attention of Makarov, Mavis, Macao and Erza.

"Go on!"

"Err, I guess I mean... Gramps? You should probably tell us everything you know about who we're going up against."

Master Makarov nods his head in understanding. "Hmmm. That's a good point. I'll share what information I was able to glean in my time there. At the top sits Emperor Spriggan. Here in Ishgar, he's more commonly referred to as the legendary Black Wizard Zeref. And beneath him are powerful wizards—an elite and terrifyingly ruthless force known as The Spriggan 12. During the year I was confined there, I only managed to meet six of them. And, because it's such a large region, it's apparently quite rare for all of them to be in the same place at the same time. Invel—A. K. A, The Winter General. Zeref's right hand man and chief administrator, I'm not sure but his nickname leads me to believe that he utilises ice based magic. Though I haven't seen him in action.

"Ajeel—The Desert King," Master continues. "He's the sand wizard we encountered during our escape from Alvarez. As we experienced, he's one of the 12's most agressive members. Brandish—The Nation Destroyer. Though not much of a hawke, she does wield enough magic power to wipe countries off the map. Demaria—The Warrior Queen. I don't know what magic she uses, but she's an extremely skilled knight whose titled as The Goddess of the Battlefield."

Standing beside the Requip Magic user, I glance at Erza at those words. Deadpanning, Erza mumbles, as though jealous, "So she's a wizard and a knight?"

I murmur, "Sounds like a certain someone I know all too well." I smirk when Erza scowls at me.

"God Serena—the top ranked ex member of the Ten Wizard Saints. He's a profound disappointment to our country and impossible to like, but I've had the chance to witness his extraordinary magic power first hand," Says Master.

I say, glaring as I cross my arms and lean some weight into my left leg, "I still can't even wrap my head around the fact that the highest ranked Wizard Saint is working with the enemy now."

Juvia speaks up. "Juvia wonders why he decided to desert Ishgar...?"

Loki says, "Honestly? I highly doubt that there's anyway to know for sure without asking him personally."

Gajeel mutters, "I'll make sure to do that... when I arrest him."

"August—The Wizard King. Be especially weary of him. Although I don't know much about him personally, his magic power is rumoured to be without equal among the 12. He's in a completely different level. If what I've heard is true, he's mastered all manner of magic from every corner of the world. It is said he might even wield more types of magic than Zeref himself."

We all gape at that, too stunned for words.

Master states grimly, "That's all the information I have on those six. As far as the others, I only have the names of three. They're: Bloodman. Nienheart. And the last one is Wall."

Mavis inputs, "We'll need to formulate our strategy. Everybody, pay close attention. Zeref will invade Ishgar with his entire army. I won't sugarcoat it. There's no question we're at an overwhelming disadvantage. Our enemy is greater in number and far more powerful than any we've faced before. But!" She clenches both fists determinedly. "Due to our courage and our bond, we will prevail! Let's show them what our guild is made of!"

We all burst into cheers at that.


After the strategy meeting, we evacuated all the civilians and only us wizards remain in the basically empty city now. Zuko and the others swore to Mavis that they'd keep her secret no matter what, and were more than happy to stay and help us fight in the war.

I've changed into a comfortable dark pink short sleeved shirt with a pair of matching shorts and matching coloured knee high combat boots. Nanami has changed into a blue tank top with a blue skirt and black strappy sandals.

We were currently lounging about in the living room of my house, along with Grandpa who's sitting in the red coloured couch, a mug of coffee in his hand, a book open in his other hand, while I have a mug of hot chocolate on the stand next to the red recliner I'm sitting in. To help pass the time, I'm currently reading a new fantasy romance while the others are watching a lacrima movie on the lacrima screen.

Ember is sitting next to Zuko on the couch with her head on his shoulder, Winter is sitting between Karma's legs with her back against his chest and his arms around her waist, Nanami, Haru, Mamoru, Momo, Loki and Vivienne are sprawled on the floor around the coffee table.

"Man, who knew we'd find ourselves thrown into a war?" Karma mutters, sighing heavily.

"I know," Ember murmurs.

Zuko adds, "I'm just so glad the civilians won't be involved."

"Geez, the mood is kinda doom and gloom in here, huh?" Haru says, lying in his back on the carpet.

"How about we sing to pass the time?" Momo suggests, glancing at me. Everyone agrees, and I smile as I nod my head in agreement.

"I'll be right back," I say, before getting up and going up to my bedroom to get my guitar. I come back downstairs a moment later and prepare my pastel pink guitar. I start the song once it comes to mind.

"Akira—I never trust a narcissist
But they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look oh so easy
Momo—'Cause for every lie I tell them
They tell me three
This is how the world works
Now all he thinks about is me
Both—I can feel the flames on my skin
Crimson red paint on my lips
If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing
I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming
They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
Akira—I never trust a playboy
But they love me
So I fly him all around the world
And I let them think they saved me
Momo—They never see it comin'
What I do next
This is how the world works
You gotta leave before you get left
Both—I can feel the flames on my skin
He says, "Don't throw away a good thing"
But if he drops my name, then I owe him nothin'
And if he spends my change, then he had it comin'
They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
It just felt so good
Akira—They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
They got their pitchforks and proof
Their receipts and reasons
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
So light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up, go ahead and light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Both—They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
Oh, you say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good, good?
So bad, why's it feel so good?
Why's it feel, why's it feel so good? (Bad)
It just felt so good, good"

We end the song and the others clap, as Karma lets out a joyous "Whoop!"

"Can you sing another?!" Karma asks, grinning at us. Momo and I nod our heads.

I was just about to start the next song, when the ground suddenly shook, and a loud rumble fills our ears.

We look at each other with wide eyes as Master Mavis tells us through Warren's Telepathy to get ready for battle, and that they're coming from the sky.

It has begun.


So, what'd you guys think of this chapter, and Akira's battle with Ajeel Raml?! I've been so eager to write this fight scene ever since I started this series and saw the episode online!

This book will be going on hold again while I wait for the final Fairy Tail episode to come out on DVD, but in the meantime, I'll continue to work on Crystal Shadows.

Until then, see you all next chapter!!

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