jasonette july 2020

By m3owwww

94.2K 2.5K 979

transferring all the prompts I completed for jasonette july here, because just because it's not july anymore... More

day 1- first meetings
day 2- soulmate au
day 3- villain attack
day 4- a single red rose
day 5- villain au
day 6- shooting range
day 7- fabric and weapons do not mix
day 8- modelling
day 9- wedding
day 10- children
day 11- joint mission
day 13- death
day 14- fake dating
day 15- angst it up
day 16- pit madness
day 17- poison
day 18- silence
day 19- wild
day 20- gods au
day 21- future
day 22- joyrides
day 23- honeymoon
day 25- mermaids and deep sea trouble
day 26- gardening
day 27- summer photography
day 28- beach day
day 29- first date
day 30- innocence
day 31- wayne gala

day 12- first aid

2.8K 83 12
By m3owwww

Marinette hums to herself as she unlocks her apartment door and slips in. Today was a good day at work. Fashion week was coming up, so everyone was staying late, but Audrey didn't fire any of the interns today, which she counted as a win. It was already almost midnight, and she just wanted sleep.

Marinette walks into her living room, then stops. And blinks.

Because the Red Hood is sitting on the floor of her living room, leaning against her wall, and cursing as he tries to apply pressure to a wound in his side.

Marinette tuts. "Well, this is unacceptable." She grabs the first aid kit from the bathroom and kneels down next to the vigilante (anti-hero? Whatever.) "What kind of an injury is this?"

Red Hood looks up. "You're not Dick." Marinette snorts.

"No, that's my really nice neighbor. But since you climbed in through the wrong window and ended up bleeding on my carpet, I'm helping you. The stains will be a bitch to get out anyway."

"Gunshot." Hood informs her. "There's an exit wound, don't think it hit anything vital."

"Okay." Marinette says. "I'm gonna need to cut this off you."

Red Hood takes his helmet off, revealing a young man with dark hair and a white streak wearing a domino mask. He raises an eyebrow. "That excited to see me?"

"No, you moron, I can't assess your injuries while you're wearing bloody Kevlar and leather!" Marinette hisses. She carefully cuts and peels away his armor, then disinfects both wounds.

Marinette is prepping the needle for stitches when Red Hood speaks again. "You know what you're doing with that thing?"

She sighs. "I'm a fashion designer. I've been making my own clothes since I was eight, sewing since I was three. I would hope so. Now shush." Her practiced fingers easily stitch up the wounds.

"All done." Marinette stands up. "I'm getting you a change of clothes before sending you next door to Dick's."

"I'm sorry 'bout leaving blood everywhere." Hood mutters as Marinette tosses him a t-shirt and sweatpants in his size.

She waves off the apology. "Eh, it's fine. I was planning on getting rid of this ugly carpet anyway. And the walls are scheduled to be repainted next week. I just moved in a week ago, so it's okay."

Marinette sends Red Hood out of her apartment door with a box of cookies and three thermoses of hot chocolate: one for him and two for Dick and his girlfriend Barbara, as an apology for barging into their home this early in the morning.

The next day, Dick Grayson knocks on her door with a bouquet of flowers. "My brother Jason told me to give this to you." He grins. "Said you really helped him out last night."

Marinette beams. "Tell him it was my pleasure. Also, I'm designing a line based on Gotham's vigilantes, but I need models for the clothing. Would you and Barbara be interested in modelling? The clothes are nothing revealing."

"Sure!" Dick says. "I'd love to! Does next Wednesday work for you?"

Marinette smiles. "Yep! I think you and Barbara would look perfect as Nightwing and Batgirl! See you then!" She closes the door in his face, laughing to herself at the expression of shock. Seriously though, did he think Jason just ended up in her room as a civilian? Or did he not expect to figure out all of them?

The bouquet of flowers has a card with a number tucked into it. Marinette fires off a text.

Marinette: Hello! This is Marinette. You know, the girl from last night (or early this morning) that found you in her living room? I was wondering if you would like to model the Red Hood-themed outfit I designed?

Jason: Why not? What time do you want me to be there?

Marinette: Does tomorrow work? Fashion Week starts the day after and it's going to be hectic.

Jason: I can get there by 4.

Marinette: Wonderful. Would you like to stay for dinner afterwards too?

Jason: Of course.

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