
By _Ephemeral_Dream

56.3K 4.3K 1.4K

Kim V is one of the most successful men in South Korea. He buries himself in work, neglecting his husband, Ki... More

Kim Taehyung


2K 186 97
By _Ephemeral_Dream

"Even if we're miles apart or an untouchable centimeter apart, I'll still love you. I'll love you until forever ends."

Seokjin's eyes fly open. Instead of V's face, he's greeted with a white ceiling. How? When did they come back? He sits up, being greeted by the sight of his and V's bedroom.

The words from his dream echoes in his head. He smiles softly. It sounds like something V would say. Talking about V, Seokjin looks around the room. No V in sight. Seokjin looks over to the empty side of the bed. It doesn't look like anyone slept there at all.

Did he have another emergency meeting? Maybe he did and that's why he drove Seokjin back before leaving. Seokjin sighs. V probably got no sleep then. An idea pops up making Seokjin hurry out of bed.

How long did he sleep? The day's already bustling with people at work. Seokjin takes a quick shower. He puts on a caramel-colored sweater, smiling as he remembers the last time he wore this. V kept hugging him, saying he felt like autumn.

Seokjin makes his way downstairs, ready to act on his earlier idea. He'll make V lunch and bring it over. That way he can check on V and if needed(most likely) will urge V to take a nap.

A pleasant smell makes it's way up to his nose, stopping him in his tracks. Smells like someone's cooking. One of the servants is probably making food. Seokjin continues his way down. What should he make for V today? Bibimbap or burgers. He's feeling a little western today. Burgers it shall be!

Seokjin's humming softly to himself as he goes to the kitchen. What are the servants cooking? It smells really good. Upon arriving at the kitchen, his jaw falls open. Standing in front of him is V. Cooking.

His sleeves are rolled up and Seokjin's eyes linger on them longer than necessary. His brows are pinched in concentration, something Seokjin has never seen before. Frankly, he's never seen V like this before at all. He's moving with grace as he flips the fish in the pan.

"Since when did you get so good at cooking?" Seokjin asks, still not believing his eyes. V has always been so clumsy in the kitchen, yet he always wants to help Seokjin cook. In the end, he resorts to just being the dishwasher.

V flinches at his voice, eyes blinking up at him. "Seokjin..." Seokjin isn't sure if it's just him but V looks at him with a sense of longing? Like he hasn't seen him in a couple of months.

Seokjin smiles and hops over to his side. "Who have you been cooking with besides me?" He narrows his eyes playfully at V who's eyes are still wide.

"I watched videos," V answers, turning away to poke at the fish.

"Videos," Seokjin laughs. "Watching videos taught you but watching me didn't." He back hugs V, feeling him stiffen up right away. "What's wrong? Why are you so jumpy today?"

"I don't want to be distracted," V turns to him with a small smile. "I'm making this for you so I want it to be perfect." Seokjin smiles back brightly, making V's eyes widen again.

"Thanks, V. It smells and looks good." He presses a kiss to V's cheek softly, feeling V tense up for a second. Seokjin giggles at his reaction.


Seokjin looks down at the small box in V's hand. "Take it," he says, looking away. Seokjin tilts his head. The past gifts he received from V, he wasn't like this. He would look directly at Seokjin or say something that would make Seokjin's heart race.

He wonders what's making him act like this. Could it be because the gift is something special? Seokjin takes the box from V's hand. The box is all black. It feels heavier than it should be for some reason. He opens the lid and his eyes widen.

A gold ring winks at him. Actually, this ring looks just like his and V's wedding rings. He looks up at V, confused. "Another wedding ring?"

V doesn't say anything and grabs his right hand. "I want you to wear my rings on both hands." Both hands? But he already gave Seokjin a ring for his right hand. The simple silver ring that holds the memory of V declaring his love for Seokjin. V's eyes fall onto the silver ring and his brows furrows. "When did you get this?"

"You gave it to me, silly," Seokjin says, pouting. "Did you forget? Ouch." V didn't forget. He's just playing with Seokjin. That night was so special. Seokjin remembers every detail. Surely, V will too.

"I didn't forget," V looks up at him, bearing a small smile. "However, I want you to wear this ring instead. I had our initials engraved on this one," he shows Seokjin the engravings on the new rings. K.V. & K.J.

Seokjin's conflicted as he looks between the new ring and the simple silver ring. He's flattered that V got him another ring that has their initials on it, but he likes the silver ring. It holds a special place in his heart. "Why are you making me choose like this? I like both rings," he ends up saying.

V presses his lips together and Seokjin can't read his eyes. "Then just keep the silver ring on. We'll just put this one away," V says with a soft smile. Before he can close the box, Seokjin's hand reaches out to stop him.

"I want to put it on," Seokjin finds himself saying. Although V was smiling earlier, it didn't feel right. Seokjin smiles, "You got it engraved. It would be a shame to just put it away. I can switch between the two rings."

He tries to take the silver ring off but it doesn't budge. Since V put it on him, he never took it off. In a way, this ring means more to him than their wedding ring. Seokjin tries to pull the ring off again but it sits like a stubborn log.

Before Seokjin can register it, V has grabbed his hand. He attempts to take the ring off and Seokjin has to bite his lip to not make any sound from the pain. V sighs but continues trying. Seokjin bites his lip harder.

Since when was taking a ring off this painful? The ring hasn't gotten any looser. Honestly, it feels like it's gotten tighter. Latching onto Seokjin's finger as if desperately trying to keep something together.

Seokjin can't help it as he lets out a sound of pain. V immediately stops tugging on the ring, eyes wide and worried. "Am I hurting you?"

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt that much," Seokjin lies. V looks back down at the finger. Then he brings Seokjin's hand up to his mouth. Blood rushes to Seokjin's face as V puts his teeth around the ring, tugging it.

The pain is throbbing even more intensely now but Seokjin can't even give a damn. His eyes and mind are solely focused on V. The sight is weird. Seokjin has never seen V act this way. He's always been so cute and romantic. Never like this.

Before he knows it, when V lets go of the ring to take a break, he's pressing his lips to V's. V's shocked, he can tell. However, he kisses Seokjin back smoothly. They continue to kiss, the kiss getting more steamy. Yet, Seokjin doesn't feel at ease.

The kiss feels odd. It doesn't make his heart melt. Doesn't make his eyes flutter close in bliss. Seokjin continues kissing V back. Maybe if they continue kissing, the feeling he usually has with V will come.

Amid V and Seokjin's kiss, the simple, silver ring slides off sadly.


Seokjin smiles as cameras flash at them. V's arm is securely placed around his waist, smiling at the cameras too. Seokjin had come with V to this event where V spoke. Everyone was shocked to see Seokjin for V usually comes alone for events like this.

After what seemed like an hour, they walked away from the cameras. Seokjin could see the little pinch of annoyance on V's face. Honestly, it makes Seokjin a little scared. He used to receive annoyed looks from V like this all the time when they first got married. But it's been a long day. He's just tired.

Seokjin sweeps V's hair behind his ear, caressing his cheek. "Do you want some water?" V sighs and nods. Seokjin smiles softly before leaving to go get a bottle of water.

He knows V isn't annoyed at him. He shouldn't be so timid. It's normal for everyone to have bad days and get moody. Why is V acting like this bothering him this much? Because he's been acting differently for these past few days.

Seokjin arrives at the tables of refreshments. His hand lingers over a water bottle. That's right. He brings his right hand back to his face. He doesn't have the silver ring anymore. While he and V were kissing, it must've slipped off. Seokjin doesn't even know where it went. He should look for it later. "Hey, Seokjin."

Seokjin turns towards the familiar voice. "Jimin..." Jimin smiles a crooked smile at him.

"Wow," Jimin notices his hands. "Gold on both hands. V must be very possessive." Seokjin flinches at his words. V's not possessive. These rings are from his heart. They aren't to state a claim or anything...

"V's not like that. He loves me," Seokjin can only say to his ex-lover.

Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes. He grabs both of Seokjin's hands, looking at the rings. "Gold and diamonds. Only V, huh?" Seokjin tries to pull his hands away but Jimin tightens his grip.

"Stop it, Jimin," Seokjin says in a hushed voice.

"You know what I think of these rings?" Jimin looks up at Seokjin, eyes hard. "I see them as gold cuffs bounding you to him." Cuffs... What is Jimin talking about? These aren't cuffs...

"Park," V growls from behind Jimin. Jimin drops Seokjin's hands. V walks to Seokjin's side, putting an arm around Seokjin's waist. "Don't touch what's mine." Seokjin flinches at his tone and he could tell Jimin caught that.

The corner of Jimin's mouth lifts. "Of course because everything you want, you get. Wouldn't life suck if something disturbed that cycle?" V's glare is so strong Seokjin doesn't have to look to know it's there. "Because I think something or someone is going to disturb that cycle." Jimin waltzes away, ignoring V's glare.

"Do you still like that," V breathes in. "Guy?"

Was V really that angry about Jimin? But they cleared this matter a long time ago, didn't they? "Of course not," Seokjin smiles at him. V's anger does not make this any easier for him. "Jimin and I are history. I'm with you now. Nothing and no one can get in our way."

V's eyes soften at this. "Yes, you're right. Nothing and no one can get between us."

As the event goes on, V's mood's not as bad as it was in the morning. However, Seokjin's mood isn't getting any better. He finds himself wincing and holding his breath any time he thinks V's going to get angry. Also, the gold bands around his fingers sting his skin coldly.


"Nicholas~" Seokjin giggles as the squirrel peeks out of the tree. "You recognize my voice!" Seokjin beams as the squirrel scamper onto his hand, grabbing the berry in Seokjin's palm and shoving it into his tiny mouth. "Or you recognize the berry," Seokjin says flatly.

The week's been a rocky road. V's mood swings are more confusing as they occur more. "I'm a big baby, aren't I?" He asks Nicholas. "V's just exhausted this week yet, I'm complaining about him." He still loves Seokjin. That's the important thing.

"Being with him feels foreign," Seokjin recalls the past few days. "Like I'm with someone new." How can that be? He's been with V for months. "Someone I don't know."

"Seokjin!" The squirrel flinches and scurries back to his haven. V plops down next to him. "Why are you sitting here all alone?"

"I'm not alone. I was talking to Nicholas," Seokjin tells him, looking for the tree squirrel. "It's just V, your favorite human~" he calls out to the squirrel.

"Nicholas..." V taste the name. He looks confused.

"Yes, the squirrel you befriended," Seokjin says. Nicholas pops out of the tree but instead of running over to V, he runs to Seokjin. That's a first.

"Hey, Nicholas..." V smiles at the squirrel who tilts his head at him. He reaches his palm out to the squirrel who moves farther back.

"Did you get in a fight with him?" Seokjin asks playfully, noticing how Nicholas gave V wary eyes.

"No," V's hand falls away. Did he just roll his eyes? He gets up. "I'm going to work."

"On a Sunday?" Seokjin asks. They always spend Sundays together.

"Yes. I have a lot of things to do. See you later," V doesn't wait for a goodbye before he's heading back inside the house.

Seokjin presses his lips together as he watches Nicholas munch on the berries with no worries contract to Seokjin.


"It's already so late," Seokjin says and wraps his arms around V. He rests his chin on V's shoulder.

"And?" V continues typing on his laptop, eyes trained on the screen.

"The bed's lonely without you." Seokjin sweetens his voice. "Let's go to sleep. Okay, V?"

V smiles and Seokjin feels like he's got him. "Go to sleep first. I'll follow after I'm done with this page." Before leaving, Seokjin presses his cheek against V's. "What are you doing?" V turns his head, brow raised.

Seokjin feels heat creep up his face. "Cheek kiss..." That's how V first gave him a cheek kiss. With their cheeks touching. Ever since they would give 'cheek kiss' like that.

V crinkles his nose. "I see." He doesn't look like he sees though. It makes Seokjin regret his earlier action. Seokjin goes back to bed, listening to the clicks and clacks of V's typing.

A good two hours pass and V's still typing away. 'That's gotta be one long page he's typing,' Seokjin thinks to himself. Why is he even still awake? Seokjin sighs and forces his eyes closed.

Why does it bother him so much that V seems different? He turns in bed. Now deep in his thoughts, Seokjin's able to analyze everything better. Is it just him or has he not seen that wide, kinda boxy smile of V's?

Is it just him or has he's not been getting any cuddles anymore? Is it just him or has V's tone of voice gotten harsher when talking to people? Is it just him or has V seem to be confused whenever Seokjin does or say something they always do or say?

Is it just him or is his heart not making flips when they kiss anymore? Is it just him or have V's eyes changed? Is it just him or has V changed again?

That night Seokjin meets the V he knows in his dream. The V that always uses a bright and polite tone to anyone. The V that has a sorta boxy smile whenever he gets excited. The V that Seokjin has not seen this whole week.


"V!" Namjoon smiles as V comes into view. He hurries over to his best friend. "What took you so long? I thought you were never coming." Behind V is Seokjin. "Hey, Seokjin," Namjoon offers a smile at Seokjin who smiles weakly back.

"There was a lot of work," V looks down at his Rolex watch. His brows furrow. "I think I need to go back soon."

"Already? You just got here!" Namjoon exclaims. V shrugs, looking lazily around as if they were not at a party with extravagant decorations.

Seokjin puts a hand on V's shoulder. "Let's go dance. That always cheers you up."

'That does?' Namjoon thinks. V never dances. Namjoon's correct as V makes a look of distaste. "Why? I don't want to frolic around with those people," V looks back down at his watch. Namjoon could catch the quick flash of sadness in Seokjin's face. "Let's go get some refreshments instead," V tells him. "See you later, Namjoon."

With that V is bringing Seokjin away, arm around his waist protectively. Namjoon watches the couple. V's less cold towards Seokjin so that's a good thing. However, it doesn't seem like Seokjin's any happier. If anyhow, Seokjin looks sad?

Namjoon doesn't understand though. Why would he be sad? V's always been this way. The last time Namjoon saw him he was so bright and cheerful. The last time Namjoon saw him, he was with Taehyung.

Namjoon gulps as he watches Seokjin from across the room. He's smiling but Namjoon could see the conflict in his eyes. Could it be that he senses a change in V? Well, more like he can sense the changes from V and Taehyung.

It shouldn't bother Seokjin that much. It's not like he fell in love with Taehyung. That would be cliche and unlikely. Would it?

He's brought back to when Seokjin had to live with Taehyung in his apartment. How Seokjin seemed almost disappointed at being told they could go back. How they were so playful towards each other.

The picture Namjoon saw. They did seem close. It can't be. Namjoon's eyes are wide open as he watches how Seokjin looks at V.

How could he not see this? How could destiny play such a game? Namjoon closes his eyes, remembering how Seokjin looked at Taehyung. There were many emotions in his eyes. Adoration, admiration, playfulness, joy, etc.

That's how Taehyung is. You become very fond of him. That's why Namjoon didn't dwell into Seokjin's eyes. However, comparing it now. There was something else in Seokjin's eyes. Love.


Seokjin sighs as he shines the flashlight on his phone under the couch for the hundredth time. Where is it? He puts his hand under, feeling for anything. Did the servants clean and picked it up?

Seokjin pouts as his hand comes out empty. The servants are to report any jewelry they find lying around. Surely, they wouldn't take the ring. The simple, silver ring with a twist in the middle.

He sits still, collecting his thoughts. Seokjin came back looking for the silver ring that slid off while he and V were kissing. He's been searching for well over half an hour and it's still not to show.

Seokjin slumps. Maybe the servants threw it away thinking it wasn't worth much. It's worth more than zillions for Seokjin. He loves that ring. It was what made him realize V loves him. It confirmed that Seokjin's love isn't one-sided.

"Jieun," Seokjin calls the servant passing by.

"Yes, Sir," she smiles at him.

"When was this room cleaned and who cleaned it?" Seokjin asks, hoping to get a lead on where the ring could be.

"Uh-I cleaned the room. Is something wrong?" Jieun asks nervously.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just looking for something. Did you see a silver ring with a twist in the middle? It fell somewhere by the couch and I need it," Seokjin continues searching for the ring.

"I did. V said to-" Jieun's abrupt stop causes Seokjin to look up.

"I told her to throw it away," V says casually.

"You what?" Seokjin asks sharply. V scrunches his face at his tone but Seokjin could care less.

"I threw it away. You don't need it anymore," V says still unbothered. Seokjin can't believe this. Is he acting right now? Playing a prank on Seokjin.

"Why?" Seokjin breathes out, trying to catch any signs of joking. He doesn't see any.

"You already have another ring. You don't need it. The one I got you is better," V's voice is sterner now. He can't be this good of an actor.

"You're joking, right?" Seokjin asks, not wanting to believe it. There's no playfulness in his eyes. V would never do that. That ring means so much to him. Not just him, to both of them. "But that ring..."

As Seokjin recalls, V said, "I know it's not much but I want you to know that this ring I'm giving you is because I want to. Not because of anyone else. Not because someone told me to do it. Only because my heart told me to do it. I love you, Jin."

"Did your heart tell you to throw it away?" Seokjin whispers. If this is a prank, he wants it to be over. It's not funny.

"What?" V asks, his eyes sharp and glaring.

Seokjin's lips trembling and his eyes meet V's. Unknown eyes stare back at him. What happened to the pair of eyes that would sparkle and look at him with mischief? The pair of eyes that looks at Seokjin as if he's his whole world.

Seokjin gets up, trying his best to keep everything inside. Sadness, confusion, anger, etc. It won't be a pretty picture if he explodes. V will get so mad. His V wouldn't but this V would. This V isn't the V Seokjin loves. He doesn't know this V at all and this V doesn't know him. In the end, he lets it out. "Why did you throw it away? Why are you acting like this? You act like you don't care about that ring or me..."

In place of a glare, V looks surprised. Seokjin realizes what he did. He steps back slowly before turning and running full speed out of there.

"You can just climb down. If you fall, I'll catch you."

"I purple you."

"Stop hating on your fingers. It's making me sad since I like them."

"I've always wanted to make snow angels with an angel. This is my chance. Come with me, Jin."

"I feel like this is a movie. Starring you and me. Kim Seokjin and Kim V."

'I see it more like you're my moon. The moon that circles me, watching over me."

Seokjin runs and runs until he's outside. He runs until he reaches the tree with the squirrel. He stares at the setting sun, searching for answers but getting none. "What happened to you, V?" He didn't want to accept it at first.

He presses a hand to his forehead that's throbbing angrily. He's still V. He still loves Seokjin. Isn't that enough? Seokjin presses his hand to his heart, slumping against the tree. No, it isn't. This isn't the V he fell in love with. "Where did you go?"


The next two days fly by. It was like his outburst never happened for V. He didn't apologize or address it in any way. As if the problem will just fix itself. As if Seokjin will just go back to not being angry by himself.

Seokjin sighs. Food tastes bland. His focus is everywhere else but work. Everything's a mess in his head right now. He doesn't understand. Why would V change this much again? "Seokjin."

Seokjin blinks back into reality. "Yes, V."

V gives him a quick once over. "Are you not feeling well? If so, we can leave early."

Seokjin shakes his head, "It's fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night." V nods and goes back to conversing with this group of really important people. At one point, Seokjin stopped paying attention.

He used to be so immersed in all this. Wanting to know the people V worked with, wanting to talk to V about work, etc. After it seemed like his efforts were going nowhere, he stopped trying. Then V started caring for him-

Seokjin rubs his eyes. What is he fussing about? V is still here with him. V never left. V still loves him although he's changed his ways of showing it. In such a short time as well.

Seokjin's starting to dislike all these events with so many people chitter chattering away. He missed when he and V would just hang out at home. They would tell jokes to each other, do cheesy acting, watch movies together, play games outside, etc.

That night as they're lying in bed, Seokjin's wide awake. V doesn't cuddle him anymore. The one-time Seokjin tried to cuddle him, it was awkward. "I'm going on a business trip tomorrow," V's sudden news makes Seokjin flinch. Not because of the news but because Seokjin thought he already fell asleep.

"..." Seokjin isn't sure what to say. He isn't sure of anything anymore these days. "For how long?" He manages to say.

"Three to five days. It depends on how much they have done," V tells him. Seokjin thinks the conversation's over because it usually is by now. However, he's proven wrong. "Come with me."

"What?" Seokjin asks, not sure if he heard correctly.

V clears his throat, "I don't want you to be all alone and bored. So come with me."

Seokjin should be flattered. V's asking him to go with him but he's not. Strangely, he's not. Is this V's way of apologizing? Would V even have time to hang out with him? Would Seokjin even have fun considering his jumbled thoughts now?

"I better not. I don't want to bother you. If we're going on a trip together, I want it to be plainly our trip. Not a business trip," Seokjin tells him.

"You're right," V answers and Seokjin can't tell the tone of his voice. It's as if the voice is unfamiliar. Hesitantly, V's holds Seokjin's hand. "I apologize for not always being a good husband." He could hear V let go of a breath. "I'll become better."

Seokjin doesn't say anything because he doesn't know what to say. Is he being selfish for searching for the other V when this V here in front of him is apologizing, and trying to become better?


"Seokjin, what brings you here?" Hoseok asks, with a bright smile.

Seokjin smiles a little, "I was just passing by so I thought I should drop by and say hi." V had just left this morning. Seokjin felt alone. Well, to be honest. He's been feeling alone.

"Then what are you doing? Come in!" Hoseok says, ecstatic. He opens the door wider, allowing Seokjin to come in. Hoseok leads him to the living room. As Seokjin sits down, Hoseok goes to the kitchen which is connected to the living room. "Tea, juice, or water?" Hoseok asks.

"Water would be nice," Seokjin answers. He looks around the room as he waits. The last time he visited, the room looked different. The last time he visited, only Jungkook lived here.

Instead of black, gray, and white decorations. There's now a pop of colors. Hoseok's doing most likely. There's even a little fish tank in the corner with two small fishes chasing each other. He wonders if this would've happened if weren't for V's help.

Seokjin's brought back to the time V had told him about Jungkook and Hoseok's relationship and how he needed help finding Jungkook.


Even though V had told Seokjin to stay in the car, he was starting to get impatient. What if Jungkook's not even here? Seokjin gives the house a once over. It's a gorgeous house but you can tell it's empty, giving off a spooky vibe.

Seokjin unbuckles his seatbelt, opening the car door and shutting it behind him. V has been taking a while. Seokjin wonders why. He follows the way V went, by the side of the house. His steps slow as he hears voices.

"I'm pretty sure that if you show your parents you can be responsible, they'll let you wander more." V's voice. "They'll support you in whatever decision you make." V is following his promise. He's becoming a better friend.

Seokjin catches himself smiling when he turns his head, meeting his reflection in the window. He wipes the smile away as Jungkook responds. "That's what you think?"

V, "That's what I see. However, it's for you to see and act on it." He never heard V give such advice. Didn't think V could do such a thing. It's admirable. "Come on. Smile. You're not that far away from being officially with Hoseok," V teases Jungkook. Seokjin giggles quietly.

Jungkook must've glared at him because Seokjin hears V giggles. The sound is pleasant and Seokjin wants to continue hearing it. He goes back to the car, deciding that his eavesdropping should stop now.


V helped Jungkook stand up to his parents. He helped Jungkook and Hoseok. Seokjin likes that. He cares about others, not just work. Looking back on it, that's probably one of the many reasons why he started liking V. He's selfless.

"You seem to have a lot on your plate. Maybe I could help ease the weight on those broad shoulders," Hoseok says as he hands Seokjin his cup of water. Seokjin chuckles at Hoseok's mention of his shoulders.

He made the right decision of coming to Hoseok. Hoseok would understand and maybe help. "I..." Seokjin hesitates and takes a sip of water. "I feel like V's not the same anymore."

He's too nervous to see Hoseok's reaction, looking down at his cup of water instead. "It's not like he's treating me bad. He's just not the V I know." The V he loves. "The V I know is sweet, caring, kind. No matter the person, he talks to them with good intentions."

"He doesn't put many thoughts into his actions which," Seokjin chuckles remembering his shook face. "Is cute. He's innocent and soft but when he's not, he's like a movie star." Seokjin's shoulders sank, along with his smile. Recalling this V makes him realize how much he misses him.

Seokjin raises his eyes to meet Hoseok's whose eyes are big and bulging. He ducks his head, shoving a handful of grapes into his mouth. "What?" Seokjin breathes out, put-off by Hoseok's reaction. "What is it?"

Hoseok takes his time munching the grapes before finally swallowing them. "I didn't know you thought that way about...him." Seokjin blushes, but Hoseok doesn't see as he's avoiding Seokjin's face.

"He isn't like that anymore. I know it's been only a week but it's bothering me." Eating away at him, to be more precise. Seokjin clears his throat. "I was wondering if you know why he's been different."

Hoseok bites his lip as if contemplating what to do. After what seemed like forever of Hoseok's contemplation, "Do you remember that apartment you lived in with V when his money was frozen?"

"Yes," Seokjin answers right away. Of course, he does. That apartment felt like home to him. He didn't want to leave. Seokjin smiles as he remembers the little fight he and V had when they were there.

V was treating him like a baby and that bothered him so he voiced his frustration and even ignored V. He didn't know it would affect V to the point where he cried. "Maybe you should visit it." Visit? "You and V must've made lots of memories there. Maybe you'll clear your mind there," Hoseok tells him with a soft smile.

Going back there? Seokjin never thought of it before. Maybe he will go there.

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