The Dark Side Of Naruto Uzuma...

By CrazyAnimeLife1

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Many believe that naruto uzumaki, is just that. That he is just kid who happens to be the kyuubis container... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1- Early To Bed and Early to Rise
Chapter 2 - Empty Nightmere
Chapter 3- Look Before You Cry
Chapter 4 - A Simple Woman, and Complex Problem
Chapter 6 - Wait. What?!
-Bonus Chapter- (warning mature content read at your own risk)
Chapter 7 - A little Memory
Chapter 8 - Rei Uzumaki
Chapter 9 - Fuck This Shit
Chapter 10 - Prepare And Cry Part 1.1
Chapter 10 - Prepare and Cry Part 1.2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Whats Wrong Naru-Chan?
Chapter 13 - Dominos
Chapter 14 - people from konoha are messed up
Chapter 15 - What did you see?
Chapter 16 - He has Me
Chapter 17 - Naruto back to Konoha
Chapter 18 - playing a game
Chapter 19 - hell happened
Chapter 20 - Nothing Gold Can Stay
Chapter 21 - sick madness
Chapter 22 - Is this correct shikamaru?
Chapter 23 - bad manners
Chapter 24 - The Flowers Were All Red.
Chapter 25 - bloody colored rose in my hand
Chapter 26 - For Some Reason
Chapter 27 - It Couldn't Be
Chapter 28 - Otura
Chapter 29 - Wait. What Was I Just Saying?
Chapter 30 - found
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - Yes Mistress.
Chapter 33 - vial
Chapter 34 - I promise.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 - Lets get ready
Chapter 37 - the begining
Chapter 38 - Entrusting Naruto
Chapter 39 - Words for Gaara
Chapter 40 - unhealthy
Chapter 41 - clear
Chapter 42 - chill
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - what is that?
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - running away
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51 - Time Moves Forward
chapter 52 - lyerick
chapter 53 - Fuck
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59

Chapter 5 - Report Complete

10.5K 443 80
By CrazyAnimeLife1

"This woman, has papers saying her adoption of Naruto occurred." Tsunaide stated. "They aren't formal, but, they were signed by the third hokage."

"So, what does that mean?" Sakura said, asking Shikamaru.

"It means, This woman, is Naruto's mother." Tsunaide said darkly.

(Oh, yeah, uh, still Iruka's P.O.V )
I stood there, staring at her, Kakashi, slipped his book back into some mysterious pouch and stood thinking about the situation.

"But, that doesn't make any sense!" Sakura said loudly. Disbelief plain on her face. "Naruto has never mentioned a mother, or a father. If this woman had raised him until he entered the academy, would we have known this before now?!"

"Not true." Sasuke said quietly, his dark eyes seemed to glowing the shadows the dance on the walls and scurried across the floors. "Naruto, has told us everything, and nothing about himself."

"What do you mean?" Tsunaide said, looking at sasuke. Kakashi stepped forward and looked at each of us before he spoke.

"Name everything we know of Naruto."

"Well thats, easy." Sakura said.
"He loves ramen, he is the son of the fourth hokage, he in Jinchuriki of the kyuubi, he dreams of being hokage-" just then sasuke cut in,

"He stubborn, slow minded, and wants to be accepted by everyone. He failed the academy two times before he passed, and he never, ever loses." Sasuke finished, with a hint of pride in his voice. Everyone nodded. Except Shikamaru.

"Now. Most of those things, you found out later correct? Naruto didn't actually tell you himself, did he?" Shikamaru said this look at us. "Iruka. Kakashi. Name something you know that you did not fin out about Naruto later, and has nothing to do with kyuubi or ramen. " kakashi stood there thinking. I to tried to think. But i drew a blank. I wasn't really involved with Naruto before the academy, an afterwards, i didn't have much contact with. I loved Naruto as a son, but why cant i think of anything? "Let me ask you all a question. What is Naruto's birthday?" I stood still. I, wasn't sure. I mean he had to have been born before the kyuubi attacked the village because otherwise kyuubi couldn't have been in sealed inside him. So, exactly how old is Naruto? Sakura stood with a look of shock on her face. After all these years, calling herself Naruto's teammate, him saving her life countless times, and she didn't even know his birthday. Kakashi wasn't much different. He had trained under Naruto's father and even he didn't know his birthday. Shikamaru looked at me. "Iruka, do you know?" I felt everyones eyes in me, and my gut sank as i realized, i didn't know either.

"I-I-I don't....I don't know." I said softly.

"There you have it." Shikamaru said, he looked alert, as if he was on a serious mission. "You know what this means everyone?" He asked gazing at everyone of us. He face serious. "It means, naruto, is keeping secrets."

"I still dont understand, how does this affect the woman's request?" Sakura asked. Tsunaide sighed.

"the Third pulled Naruto out of her custody. But he did so just after enrolling Naruto in the academy. Meaning Naruto was here,but the woman wasn't. Add to that fact the Naruto avoid most discussions of his life before the academy, and the end result is murky water."

"Her termination of custody over Naruto, and the sudden reappearance of Naruto just before enrolling the academy, as well as, Naruto's unwillingness to discus events leading up to his enrollment. Suggests that something had occurred during the woman's custody. Something the made the Third think that Naruto was safer in the village where everyone hated him, then with her." Shikamaru mumbled.

"If thats the case, say no." Sasuke said.

"As we have explained before, we cant." Tsunaide said sharply exhaling before continuing. "Her custody over naruto was not formally terminated. The seal over the adoption papers makes those legitimate. However, we cant seem to find a paper the legitimately states that Naruto is no longer her son."

"So. In other words, you cant say no directly to her staying with Naruto because she is his mother, and because she is konoha ninja, you cant technically say no to her coming into the village." Kakashi stated.

"Precisely." Tsunaide said looking at Sasuke and Sakura.

"So, what do we do?" I asked her worriedly.

"The only thing we can do, is give the woman plenty of missions to keep her occupied, and whenever she is in the village, assign a shadow." Kakashi stated.

"Also, slumber parties at Naruto's house, thats a good excuse to watch over him and the woman." Sakura said.

"If your going to assign a shadow, make sure you know her capabilities. We don't want to mess things up by assigning someone only to find out that he is unable to do his job because she a superior ninja." Sasuke said darkly. Tsunaide Shikamaru and I all nodded.

"Now then." Kakashi said in his happy-go-lucky-what-could-possible-go-wrong-voice. "Who wants to tell Naruto?"

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