bat, grimm and the cat can fi...


298K 13.5K 674

Harry is on the run after inflating his aunt. He encounters a large black dog, the boy spontaneously takes hi... More

Hello people:)
Escape and a new friend
Thoughts in the night
I thought I had holidays
Bathing fun, or something
A birthday present to run away from
The rest of the birthday
Nocturnal thoughts 2
An unpleasant truth
Nocturnal thoughts 3
Everyday life begins
A necessary divorce
Man or dog?
Dark magic
Sirius Black
Holiday stress and gather allies
Rat hunting plans part 1
Rat hunting plans part 2
An evening with friends
Three men vs. wild magic
A train ride is funny part 1
A train ride that's funny part 2
Articles and more
A theory raises questions
Turbulent times
Rat trapped/ Rat in a trap
Help for Remus
Freedom for Sirius
No more games
Family Black
Three schools
A reason to risk your life
The first exam
After the fight
Dancing lesson
The ball
The second task
The most important person
The beetle's core
The third task
It was not planned that way
The reason
After the tournament
Wasted vacation
Fish on the hook
An overdue law
Feather and groove, or dog and cat?
She needs behavior lessons herself
Sirius in father mode
A true lord
It makes bones shiver with fear
Veela Nest
Off to the etiquette
Proper behavior at the table
I 'm ill?
Politics is tough business
Seats, seats, and more seats
Not sick but stupid
Cat in love
Draco's friendship
Harry Werther
The pack invades the village
A letter against loneliness
A nice evening
Christmas morning of a special family
Christmas with Lucius
The reason behind the festivals
Not a boring celebration?
Just a normal boy
The last letter for the time being
Full throttle into summer
Recreation for adults
Finally breathe again
Lessons at the ball
how it goes with the Greeks
Revenge for the big mouth
Festival of the senses
Hand kisses and gigolo
Silver star
Cultural exchange part 1
Cultural exchange part 2
Wonderful acquaintance
Cord disconnection with starting difficulties
one week vacation part 1
One week vacation part 2
Nice days part 1
Nice days part 2
A Victorian lady
Off to the sixth year
Lucius' household
A brilliant strategy
Soon a new director
Prologue and Epilogue
part 2

Shopping with Snape and Dog

5.6K 229 38

Severus was standing in front of his student's room door and was about to knock.
"Good morning Professor."
quickly whirled around.
"Potter, where are you from?"
Harry grimaced.
"And you always say I have no manners. I was outside with Blacky. "
First Severus stared down at the boy. now he was reprimanding him for the second time. Did the toddler go to a behavior school that summer or what? But then his brows drew together.
"You were outside? Alone?"
"Um, yes. Blacky can hardly use my toilet. "
"Let me put it another way. Were you alone in Diagon Alley? Even though I explicitly told you that you won't go anywhere without me? "
It slowly dawned on the boy what upset his teacher.
"No, Professor, I wasn't in Diagon Alley. Tom has a big garden, that's where we were. "
"The owner of the kettle."
"I know his name, but why do you call him by his first name?"
"Because he asked me to. he said everyone would call him that. "
Severus nodded.
"Did you already have breakfast?"
Harry shook his head.
"Then get ready. We go down and then continue straight away. "
Harry went into the room, of course, followed by Severus and Blacky. Hm, maybe he should take some biscuits for his teacher as a reward. The guy followed him just like the dog. He had to grin softly at the picture. a Professor Snape looking at him begging for another cookie from Mrs. Weasley. Or no, better not, that was scary.
He quickly got his things and turned around.

severus had followed his student, he was a little surprised at the stupid grin he had put on. But please, he would never understand these children. The teacher saw that Hedwig was back. The Weasley Owl was gone.
the boy turned and walked towards his white lint catcher.
"Had a pleasant flight my beauty?"
Severus shouldn't really be surprised, but he did when the bird nodded in the affirmative. What kind of animal was that? she was smarter than some of his students.
"Oh, Morgana help me."
"What is it this time? Did Hagrid cancel you? "
"No, he takes Blacky. But he sent me cookies. Homemade. Do you want one?"
Harry held out the box to the man.
"No thanks, I've just given up eating stones in the morning."
Harry snorted and put the box back down.
"Um, Professor, what are you doing?"
the man just had one of Harry's ties and belt in hand.
With his wand, he turned both into a collar and leash.
"I'm sure not to let your monster roam freely out there."
"But Blacky is good, he won't run away."
As if he wanted to agree, the dog stood close to his master and rubbed his head against him.
"Nobody knows. If you have him on a leash, people will be reassured. "
harry looked at the dog, then at himself and then at Severus. His look said it all.
"Don't look like that, I also realize that in an emergency you could never hold the beast. But those out there trust you to do that. "
"Because otherwise you would be holding the leash in your hand?"
"Because you are Harry Potter."
"I was afraid you would say that."
Resignedly, the boy took the collar and leash. He killed Blacky both. Amazingly, he kept still.
"You really are a good boy. But now we're going to have breakfast first. "
Severus shook his head. The boy talked to his animals like people. And they reacted to it too. good that nobody knew, otherwise it would be in the newspaper tomorrow.

The three went into the taproom. Again they sat down at the back table and ordered.
Blacky gobbled down his food greedily. severus stared at his student over his coffee cup.
"Why didn't you order anything to eat?"
There was only a cup of tea in front of Harry.
"I never eat anything in the morning."
"You do very well at Hogwarts. don't look so amazed, I always look around the hall. Just to know what the damned twins are up to again. "
Harry giggled but nodded in understanding.
"Hermione is worse than any mother sometimes. she always forces me to eat something. Usually combined with a lecture on the importance of breakfast. "
Ms. know-it-all, of course.
"Ms. Be ... Granger is right about that."
Harry had noticed very well what his teacher actually wanted to say. That's why he gave him a withering look. But the man didn't seem particularly concerned.
"But I don't want to be stared at while I'm eating."
"If you were to eat, I wouldn't stare at you either."
"I didn't mean you by that."
Severus raised an eyebrow and then looked around the room. the kid was right, except for the innkeeper everyone was staring over at their table.
"Like the vultures."
Sullenly, Harry agreed and sipped his tea.
Blacky stared at the guests in the room and then began to growl.
some flinched away, startled.
Severus registered this benevolently.
"Good dog. Maybe it's not so bad that he's here today. "
The dog straightened up. He seemed really proud.
Impossible cattle.

a short time later they left the Leaky Cauldron and made their way to Diagon Alley. And as soon as they were through the gate they were gawked at. over and over again people whispered, pointed at them, or made a gesture that was supposed to keep the evil away. They probably meant the supposed Grimm.
A short time later, some young women approached the group. all four of them were in their twenties and giggled silly.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes?" It came poisonously from the front of the potions.
"Um, we're from Switzerland and here on vacation."
"Are you lost?"
Severus didn't understand the fuss. If the turkeys didn't know where they were, why didn't they just ask for directions? They didn't have to giggle for that.
As soon as he had asked his question, the women began to giggle like crazy.
severus was about to hiss at the four. When the speaker seemed to recover.
"No sir, we are not lost. We just want to ask Mr. Potter something. "
Severus felt something on his cloak. when he turned around he saw Potter trying to hide behind him.
Oh yes, not afraid of basilisks but of giggling women. Funny.
Blacky had built himself up on the boy's other side. He looked at the women curiously.
"What would you like to ask Mr. Potter?"
Again loud giggles that almost turned into screeching. This impossible behavior had drawn even more passers-by to her. as a result, the boy huddled right against his back.
"Are you his manager?"
The question hit him like a slap in the face.
"Please what?"
"Are you the manager of Mr. Potter? I mean understandable. as a hero of the magical world, the boy-who-lives certainly has many obligations and appointments.
Severus was about to turn that THING in front of him into something gross. Again he felt something on his back.
when he turned around he saw that the boy hung his head in resignation. Blacky licked his head again.
Severus almost winced. Merlin, had the four votes. On the other hand, Parkinson's was pure relaxation.
"I read it, but I couldn't believe it. You really can see how powerful Mr. Potter is. Unbelievable, who else could tame a Grimm? "
"Hades," came the whispered-boy-who-was-hiding.
severus had to resist a laugh. But he felt compelled to put the matter right.
"I have to disappoint you, ladies. The animal is a perfectly normal dog. he is a bit bigger but still a dog. "
A dressed up blonde grinned knowingly at him.
"We understand you have to say that. Otherwise some would probably be afraid. but as long as he is around the hero, it doesn't matter to us. "

Harry was getting too colorful. He was standing right next to these women. If they wanted something from him, why didn't they talk to him? Not that he wanted that. but still better than this. He just wanted to get away. However, that did not work, the spokeswoman answered again.
"We don't want to hold you up long. We just want to ask Mr. Potter for an autograph. "
"You're welcome!"
involuntarily Harry jerked his head up.
"An autograph, but why? I'm not a star. "
"OHHHH, how humble. This is sooooo cute. Please Mr. Potter, would you sign here. The best thing is to add a 'For Lola' underneath. "
Seeking help and absolutely desperate looked at his teacher.
He had an understanding.
"For what reason do you want an autograph?"
"But that's understandable. Mr. Potter saved us from you-know-who. he also protected the philosopher's stone and won it against a basilisk. This is sooooo exciting. So please Mr. Manager, let the hero sign for us. "
So exciting? She must have kicked a horse. the fights were a lot but certainly nothing that he wanted three times with meals.
"First of all. I am NOT Mr. Potter's manager. I am his teacher, or better said. I teach at Hogwarts. And secondly. I know why my student is famous, what I want to know is what are you going to do with these autographs? "
The four looked at each other somewhat unsettled before the blonde answered.
"We want it for our collection. Just for us."
Severus sighed.
"Well then, give it to me."
The turkeys excitedly gave the man the autograph books.
Startled, Harry stared at his teacher. He wasn't serious now, was it? he saw that the bat put a spell on the notebook and then gave it to him.
"Should I really?"
Confused, he looked at the women.
"Um, your name is Lola?"
"Yeah right!" the young woman beamed at him as if she had just won a competition.
Harry quickly scribbled his signature and the desired dedication underneath. He did the same with the other books.
The four of them really beamed.
"Thank you very much, Mr. Potter. They are just great. "
Harry smiled back a little despairingly.
"If I could ask you to let us through now. Mr. Potter still has a lot to do today. And we're pretty much under time pressure. "
the girls nodded eagerly and then set off.
"I don't think so, we really met Harry Potter. And he talked to us! "
The loud ecstatic screeching was the last thing Harry heard.

severus rubbed his temples. What horror women. When he looked at his student, he glared at him.
"What was that about? Why did I have to give autographs to these shockers? I'm not a celebrity. "
Severus almost laughed out loud.
"Yes, Potter, you are exactly. Everyone knows you defeated the dark lord. And thanks to Dumbledore, everyone knows about your other exploits too. "
"But what did I do? I live. And? many do. But I get praised in heaven for that. It was my mother who saved me. She deserves the fame. And as for the other things.
That stone was sheer stupidity. it was absolutely unnecessary for Ron, Hermione and me to want to 'save' him. Unfortunately, we found out too late.
And I didn't fight this giant earthworm voluntarily either. at Morgana, Ron and I even went to Lockhart to ask for help. But he was just about to run away. We only got down there because Ginny was down there. "

Harry had become more and more angry. severus had to use a spell to protect her privacy. He quickly directed the boy to the animal healer.
What he learned from his student, however, was extremely interesting. So dumbledore didn't tell the boy anything about the traps that protect the stone. He said something different to the teachers back then. And he asked Lockhart for help. seemed like the boy would do everything NOT to put himself in danger.
Severus became more and more aware that he had always misjudged this child. James Potter really would have seen all the dangers as an adventure. and the attention of such women would have been the greatest for him. Severus smiled. Even Lily liked a certain amount of attention. For this boy, however, it seemed like the worst.

Harry tore the man out of his thoughts.
"So why did I have to sign autographs? I would have expected you in particular to kill these turkeys. "
"If it had been English, I would have. not that who would have dared to come near us at all. After all, I've been a teacher long enough and have a certain reputation among a certain age group.
But these were foreigners. it wouldn't be good to offend tourists.
After the fall of the Dark Lord it took England a long time to get out of the war debt. And it took the economy a long time to recover. Tourists have only returned to the country for five years. And the number has skyrocketed since you went to school. "
Harry made a very rude noise.
"Great, I'm a tourist magnet. why don't you exhibit me at the zoo right away? Then even more people benefit from it. 'Our next attraction, Harry Potter. Occurs, only in England. Living specimens, one. Feeds mainly on 'blah blah blah'. "
this time Severus gave a really dry laugh. When it came to sarcasm, this boy was in no way inferior to him.
"Mr. Potter, I don't care about those stupid chickens. I don't care how many tourists come to the country. but England still has a very bad reputation in other countries. It is considered backward and dangerous. The allegations are certainly true in some points, the ministry does not attach great importance to innovations. "
"And that's why you allowed them to treat me like a star?"
"Mr. Potter, even if you don't like it. You are a star. And no, that wasn't the reason. So not the real one. "
Blacky had his ears up too and looked at Severus with wide eyes.
"England imports a lot of things from abroad. Potion ingredients, animals, magical items. professional staff such as aurors and healers often come from other countries. What do you think would happen if we were rude to them? "
Harry didn't have to think twice.
"If it's like the Muggles, some countries would probably stop trading. But why is it important for me to act so stupid of all people? "
Severus looked at the boy in surprise. He would not have expected such a quick and accurate answer. Seems like the boy isn't as stupid as he thought.
"As you can see, you are very important to people. and if someone like you misbehaves, that matters twice as much. "
"Great, I'm not going out anymore. I don't feel like being approached by someone all the time. "

Still grumbling, the two of them reached the animal healer.
severus always had to smile against him. The whole time his student had cursed to himself and kept saying he was just Harry. Very refreshing. Quite different from his godson, who considered himself the center of the world. much to Lucius' frustration.
The belief that Potter would feel comfortable in his role as a celebrity he had definitely thrown overboard. The fearful reaction to the encounter with the women had been too violent for that. severus resolved to ensure in future that he no longer exposed his protégé to such "dangers".

When the healer, an Italian, saw his patient, he almost had a seizure. he was about to yell at Severus, but when he saw who the dog belonged to, he fell over his head with friendliness.
He praised the beautiful dog and how great he thought it was that Mr. Potter would take care of the animal.
severus could really see his pupil getting sick.

"So Mr. Potter, the diagnostic spell showed that your animal is doing relatively well. He's just a little malnourished. And he has some parasites. But we'll have that soon. "
the man found some potions. He instilled the remedy for the ear mites on Blacky immediately. You could watch the dog relax.
But then he stopped working during the worming treatment.
"Hm, how do we best give it to him now? the stuff tastes horrible, at least when you look at the reactions of the animals. I cannot imagine that he would take it voluntarily. "
The doctor scratched his head, embarrassed.
Harry just took the paste from the man's hand.
"He has to swallow the whole thing?"
"Yes, but please be careful."
Harry smiled disarmingly at the healer.
"Blacky, it doesn't taste good now, but it helps. Then you gain weight again. So be so nice and open your mouth. "
severus didn't react anymore, but everything fell from the face of the man next to him when the dog complied with the request.
The boy carefully gave him the paste.
"Swallow now. It's best to do it quickly then it's not so hideous. "
and again the animal did as it was told. He choked and screwed up his mouth. But that was it too. As a reward, his master gave him a cookie.
"Unbelievable, that's just fantastic. The boy should think of a career as an animal healer. "
"Just don't give him ideas. Otherwise he will soon be dragging even more critters. "

After visiting the healer, we went to the bank. Amazingly, the boy in there relaxed.
"Not afraid of hysterical fans?"
"Not here. the goblins don't care who comes in here. As long as you behave. They treat everyone the same.
Good afternoon, Mr. Girbs. "
"Mr. Potter, what can I do for you? "
"I would like to get some money out of my dungeon."
"Good, follow me. the dog has to stay up here. "
"Understandable, where can he wait?"
The goblin showed them. Then it went downstairs. Severus' eyes almost fell out of his head when he saw the contents of the dungeon. And that was just the school fees. that is what the boy was entitled to until he was seventeen. But it shouldn't really surprise him. The Potters were an old family, and an auror made a lot of money too. what, however, surprised him was how little money the boy took out.
Then they drove to his own dungeon. And then it went back upstairs.
Blacky had been waiting for her.

"Come on, Mr.potter, let's get your school supplies. "
That was easier said than done. The whole thing turned out to be a nightmare. Everywhere they went the boy was pestered with questions. It was always about his exploits. how big the basilisk was and whether he hadn't thought of using the stone for himself.
Severus was also spoken to often. And it was almost always the same questions as the Knilch's last night.
in the bookstore there was even applause when Harry calmed one of the monster books. He'd only done it because the thing had jumped at him.
in any case, the owner was thrilled because he now knew how to prevent more books from being destroyed.
After they had everything for school, Grünauge wanted to go back to the boiler.
"Not so fast, Mr. Potter. We'll have to go to the menagerie. Blacky needs decent dishes. And then you should have new school clothes made for you. Oh well, you should generally buy new clothes. the one you run around with is at least three sizes too far for you. "
"I agree with the first two points. Even if I haven't grown so much that I need a new uniform. "
"You pretend you haven't grown much, but still enough. Besides, your uniforms are already very tattered. How long have you been wearing them? "
"Well, since the first year."
"That means you have hardly grown since the first year?"
"Yes, I purposely bought my uniform one size too big. But why should I buy new clothes? "
"You are not serious, are you? have you taken a closer look at these scraps? Most families wouldn't even let their house-elves run around in it. You have been wearing these pants since your first year. "
"No, since I was ten. they were too small for my cousin. I know my clothes are old, but I can't spend my parents money on something as ridiculous as fashion. "
Severus was about to hit his forehead.
"Potter, didn't you see how much is in your dungeon?"
"Yes, but that must be enough for my entire school days. And after that I'll also need something to be able to take an apartment or something. "
"Damn it Potter, this dungeon is only for your school days. When you are seventeen you have access to all of your assets. "
"I still have more money?"
Severus stopped short. he grabbed the boy's arms and turned him around. When he heard the child squeak, he loosened his grip. Blacky growled angrily at him.
God, that really wasn't fixed. Severus had to control himself.
"Mr. potter, of course you have more money. The whole magical world knows that the Potters were very fortunate. Why do you think Draco Malfoy wanted to be friends with you? "

Harry couldn't get out more. but that was really news.
"But that's already so much in the dungeon."
Severus couldn't help but smile.
"It is, but only a drop of your total wealth. and now come, let's buy you decent clothes. "
Harry just let the rest of the shopping go by.
At the beginning he had protested but at some point he stopped. his teacher had taken over to dress him again. The man was like a force of nature. So Harry just turned it off. He sat down and stroked Blacky. His only condition: it couldn't be too expensive.

at last you were back in the kettle.
Severus was happy too. He had persuaded the boy to put on some of his new clothes right away. The shop assistant had thrown his old ones away with a disgusted look on her face.
The stupid thing was, now they were stared at even more. They were stopped five times. The boy had to give autographs twice. One of them wanted to introduce his daughter to him. Severus had immediately blown him to hell. when the guy said he had a son as an alternative, Severus just looked at Blacky. He bared his teeth and the guy disappeared.
What the other two wanted wasn't better either. but now they were finally at their rooms.
"I put the purchases away and then I throw myself on the bed and curse the world."
Severus raised the corners of his mouth in amusement.
"But not too long. It will soon be time for lunch. "
at the startled expression on his face, Severus almost burst out laughing.
But he reassured the boy.
"We will eat in your room."
"My hero." It came softly from the child before he closed the door behind him and the dog.
Laughing softly, Severus went into his.
The little one was really refreshing. Let's see if he still saw him as a hero when it came to learning.

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