Death and Destruction (Jeff t...


444 39 0

(Sequel to Murder and Mutilation) The last time I saw you, it was warm and there was rain on the horizon. Sil... Еще

1. Solace
2. New Mexico
3. Chance encounter
4. Mini-monster
5. Threats
6. Scare tactics
7. Long gone
9. Lighter
10. Operator
11. Rekindling an old flame
12. Reunion
13. Snow
14. Home sweet home
15. Birthday
16. Up in smoke
17. Brothers
18. Expiration date
19. Hit and run
20. Five course meal
21. Break
22. Losing the upper hand
23. Bad timing
24. Jawbreaker
25. Teeth
26. Tick tock
27. Smile, beautiful
28. Escape
29. Betrayal
30. Time's up
31. Fair trade
32. No more regrets
33. Starry night
34. Clean as a whistle
35. Sleepwalk
36. Giving chances
37. Closing a chapter
38. Shit list
39. Hate and malice
40. A fresh start

8. Dark arts

13 0 0


It was Sunday when we finally arrived in Oregon, the weather a lot different up here for October than it had been down in Tempe. I was relieved but at the same time I wasn't much a fan of the cold, although, the sight of rain drizzling around us as we pulled to a stop was comforting, like nothing else. Baby, I'm home.

A sort of calmness had overcome Thomas somewhere along the way and he seemed a lot more chipper and a lot less sour about his life. Whatever had happened I was definitely enjoying him not being a Debbie-downer for once in his life and I helped him down as we came to a full stop, the two of us dashing off into the night before we could be caught. It was around five and we'd probably be arriving in Silver Cove closer to nine, but we'd made it with time to spare at least.

"Oh God I forgot how much I hate the rain," Thomas muttered as we trudged along the highway, the sun having long set by the time we even made it this far.

"Come on Jacky boy, we have such fond memories in the rain!" I laughed brightly as I pushed him, earning myself an eyeless scowl.

"I'm going to fucking eat you."

"With how much alcohol I consume my kidneys are probably better off the menu than on it," I sneered, noting a building in the distance that made my hopes soar, "look, look! Are we here?!"

"Looks like it," he laughed, pulling ahead of me as we both started to jog.

Once we got a little closer I saw that yes, we were indeed back in Silver Cove; not much had changed since we left and I was ecstatic to be somewhere I knew like the back of my hand. We passed by the school as we trotted along the sidewalk, memories washing over me of the first time I actually saw Snow here in the parking lot with him. Everything felt so surreal, the only thing helping to keep me anchored being the rain that was slowly soaking through my clothes and making them heavy on my shoulders.

"I've never been so happy to feel the cold in my life," I laughed as we slowed to a walk, my throat tight with old, fuzzy memories, "oh God this feels like heaven."

"You are one weird motherfucker," he said with a chuckle as we approached a small house tucked back in the trees, the lights on and a familiar truck in the driveway.

I'd always heard him and Snow talking about Delilah but I'd never got the chance to meet her until now. Thomas seemed a little leery but he gathered up his courage and plucked his balls off of the sidewalk as he knocked on the door, opting to hang back as I waited for it to swing open. When it did I was surprised to see a woman who looked maybe 35, 40 at most, tiny as could be without being a dwarf. She did a double take when she saw him but there was a glimmer in her eyes that assured me we made the right stop.

"Tom...?" She laughed, reaching up and cupping his cheeks as he hugged her, "oh my God I can't believe it. What are you doing here?"

"Well..." he looked back to me and I took that as my cue, moving forward as her eyes widened, "we were hoping we could find a place to stay for a couple nights."

"You know you're always welcome here," she said warmly without missing a beat as she swept us both inside, the smell of sage and incense hitting my nose and it took everything in my power not to sneeze. I watched as she hugged him again, Thomas lifting her clear off the ground as she laughed.

"How have things been? Have the cops bothered you much since I left?"

"No, not at all," she shook her head, "they left pretty much right when you did. A few questions here and there but you know me, I can magic my way out of damn near anything."

"Good, God I'm so glad to hear that," he sighed before he looked over at me, "Del I'd like you to meet Jeff. We've been...unlikely friends since the night I left."

"Thank you for having us," I said immediately, holding my hand out to shake hers, "I know I wasn't exactly welcome the first time I was in town..."

"Water under the bridge," she said, waving my hand aside and going for a hug instead, her body enveloped by mine as I gripped her tightly, "a friend of Tom's is always welcome here. Have you boys eaten yet? I was just about to start on some beef stew and dumplings."

"No, we've been walking for hours to get here," Thomas laughed as we both relaxed, "took a few trains up from Arizona. We're trying to follow Kitty's trail, we're hoping she's going to show up here in a few days."

"You mean, on Halloween?" Delilah arched an eyebrow over unnaturally green eyes, "you know, I'm not surprised. You two can walk around pretty much unbothered, so can she."

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat on the stool next to Thomas.

"Halloween is big here," he stated, "masks, costumes, cosplays, the whole nine yards. Hell, there's probably going to be some kids dressed up like us."

"No shit? You think so?"

"I know some of the high schoolers have been talking about it," Delilah chipped in, "you guys are still pretty big around here. People couldn't believe Kitty was the one in the picture but she became talk of the town for a long time. So did you." She pointed a wooden spoon at Thomas while I snickered before she turned it on me. "You, you've always been big news."

"Glad someone finally understands," I laughed while Thomas elbowed me sharply.

"I'm going to drop some things off, probably take a shower, get dumbass here situated," he nodded towards me, "it's probably best we stay in tonight just to rest up and get our bearings."


I followed him back to the last door at the end of the hall, his motions a little hesitant as he reached for the knob before he pushed it open and revealed a small room, sparsely decorated but still somehow I would've guessed it was his if I'd walked in on my own. He dropped his backpack next to his desk before pulling a spare mattress out from under his bed that I gladly flopped down on, watching as he picked something up and turned it in his hands. Turns out it was his mask, still right where he left it, apparently.

"It feels so...weird being home," he laughed as he sat on his bed, "I honestly never thought I'd see this place again."

"Honestly? Me either; I love this little town though. I'm glad to be back, I'll be even more glad when we've got Snow back."

"Definitely agree." Thomas cracked a smile as he suddenly got back up, digging around in his desk for a moment before letting out a triumphant cackle. "My stash is still here! Thank fuck those pigs didn't look hard enough."

"Oink oink, is that bud I smell?" I sat up and he shook a carton of what I thought was cigarettes until he popped it open to reveal a few joints, "I hope you know that sharing is caring."

"We smoke one now, for coming home," he pulled one out while he spoke, "we smoke one when we find Snow," Thomas slipped it away before pulling out his lighter, "and we smoke the last one before I finally kick the bucket."

"Amen to that." I reached for it as he held his hand out, taking a deep inhale before I blew the smoke away. "Damn, for being this old it still tastes fresh."

"I always got the good shit, top shelf."

"I think I'm starting to finally like you," I snickered as we relaxed, taking off our jackets and enjoying a little bit of free time.

"Is that weed I smell?!"

I said 'no' immediately while Thomas shouted a 'yes' out the door and a few seconds later it popped open, Delilah sticking a hand out expectantly before he handed it over. She took her own hit before passing it back and leaving to the kitchen again while we laughed to ourselves. Thomas went to take a shower while I reclined, my mind fuzzy and quiet as I thought about what seeing her again was going to be like. Would she have more tattoos? Different hair? Surely she'd have her own set of battle scars like I did now. Three days and I'd find out.

"Your turn," Thomas pointed a thumb over his shoulder before he helped me up, tossing a towel at my head while I looked back and glared at him.

The warm water was a welcome change from the rain outside no matter how much I'd enjoyed it and I took the time to scrub any traces of the desert off of my skin. My hair was past my fucking armpits now and I wondered how hard it would be to cut it myself, deciding it'd be a better adventure for when I was sober and not starving. Once I was done I wrung it out over the tub and let out a deep breath, catching a look at myself in the mirror. Snow's necklace bounced against my sternum as I shifted and I couldn't wait to give it back to her, not to mention find out what she thought about the tattoos. I was as giddy as a kid in a candy shop as I pulled my shirt back on and tied my hair back so that it wouldn't drip down my neck.

"Dinner's done boys! Come dish up!"

"Delilah is a Godsend," I groaned as Thomas passed by me, slapping my shoulder along the way.

"Most would beg to differ, but I appreciate the sentiment," she hummed as she pulled bowls down from the cupboard, "I'm sure Thomas has filled you in on my own little corner of the world."

"Bits and pieces, I know that you made it so he can see without eyes," I explained, thanking her before taking a seat at the dining table.

"Delly is, if I may," he looked to her for approval before he continued, "considered a practicing witch."

"What do you practice?"

"Mostly white and green magic, I love my plants and the hydrangea bloomed wonderfully this year," she smiled as she took her own seat, "but I dabble in the darker arts as well. Life is about balance and if you know where to draw the line, you'll be just fine."

"You definitely sound like you know your stuff," I laughed around a mouthful of stew, "holy crap and I thought Snow's mom was a good cook."

"She's too good at cooking, if I didn't work out I'd be fat," Thomas teased her and she shot a playful glare at him.

Dinner continued until we finished our bowls and he and I both went back for seconds, Thomas opting to stay in the kitchen and wash the dishes while I joined Delilah in the living room to continue to chat about what she did with her time. All of the books on her shelves were old, some in different languages and others bound in what looked to, human, probably. This woman truly looked harmless but the longer I was around her the more I realized how powerful of an energy she exuded, all wrapped up in a tiny package with a pleasant smile.

Eventually Thomas called it a night and I followed him back, pulling Snow's phone out to send a message to Nina before I went to bed myself. I was awake for a little while in the darkness while my mind raced, thoughts and ideas all coming and going until I finally started to black out. There was a real smile on my face for the first time in a while as I itched to reach out and grip Snow's hand. We made it.

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