Trailokya Trilogy Illustrated...

By KellyWilliams701

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By KellyWilliams701


A marditavya soul; Morgentus's stolen human wife.

From The Blue Honor Blog article From the Trailokya Trilogy Companion: Something Starting with a "S." 

When a human soul declines, or burns down, it becomes a , and the marditavya of a danava. If they're lucky, they may be raised a danava themselves, but they would need to be superiorly evil, and display worth to their prince. When one comes across such an individual, they should not be taken lightly.

One such jiangshi is the Baroness of Acheron. Discovered by the baron of the pit, Sabereh was once a noblewoman of Earth. She lived during a time when the duta freely mingled with their assigns, prior to The Conflict that split the duta into two factions and opened the gates of . Duta were then forbidden to reveal themselves to souls in Samsara without direct orders from the King or his regent. The passage of time erased them from everything but legend.

The danava took a similar line, functioning in the shadows. Into the shadows, Sabereh disappeared. Her guardian refused to give up hope, and the leaders of Zion continue the search, believing she was kidnapped against her will. The Baroness of the Pit was targeted by a duta who served as one of her husband's advisors. Of renown beauty, Morgentus fell to obsession, slowly crossing the line with Sabereh until he raped her in her husband's home. Fearing danger at the hands of her husband and the duta who had attacked her, she kept silent. Morgentus grew bolder, forcing her ladyship to engage with him at his command. Morgentus impregnated Sabereh and when the child was born, her husband commanded both mother and son be executed. Morgentus was turned over to duta authorities and the matter investigated. However, it was too late for Sabereh and the child.

Morgentus escaped Zion, and wandered Earth hiding from those seeking to bring him to justice. While there, he discovered the grey of Sabereh. Due to what happened to her, her sattva refused to return to Zion, who she believed knew and should have intervened. The truth was that Morgentus acted without their knowledge, manipulating and planning so that his kingdom was blind to his violence. His willful acts were not isolated incidents. This was the time of The Conflict. Throughout Samsara a dark awakening rippled through duta involved with souls. Zion was not prepared for it, or aware.

In response, Zion cast the duta out who committed crimes against souls of which they were assigned to protect. These individuals became danava and inhabited the dark prison world of Jahannam. Before Sabereh could be found by Zion's forces, Morgentus carefully manipulated her to his side, and the pair entered Jahannam where they became the lord and lady of the Labyrinth, commanded by Prince Belial.

The child of Morgentus and Sabereh had no atman, and was destroyed for all time by the latter's husband. Morgentus, however, put the blame wholly on Zion and promised himself revenge for the death.

Long years in Jahannam twisted Sabereh, her powers grew strangely, unlike any Jiangshi yet to come. She was gifted with the dark arts, and thus her form did not become porcine. Her craving for blood did not take control of her mind. Morgentus supplied her with all her needs and their match was peaceful between them until the day, eons later, that the Baron discovered a guardian of the Moon Order named Maiel. The old lusts returned to him, and his need to take ownership of the Moon Captain became his singular focus. Sabereh was cast to an afterthought. Thus, their relationship became bitterly strained.

Sabereh never challenged her husband, carefully choosing her battles in the shadows as their kind were wont to do. Morgentus had proven himself a vile enemy and she feared him. The Moon Guardian, however, raised her attention, clearly threatening Sabereh's standing in Acheron should her baron win the erela. There was no reason to doubt him. 


The shadowalker term for priest; Latin for priest.


The fifth realm' home of Earth and other habitable soul planets; the physical plane.

From "The Seven Planes: A Primer" on The Blue Honor Blog:

Symbolized by the astro coordinates interface (Star charts).

The fifth plane exists quite low on the levels despite being the  playground of almost every being in Zion. This is the training ground,  the proving world. In Samsara, Atman take on physical form. Duta rarely  inhabit this world since the Conflict of Hosts (a war between two  factions which led to making the next level a prison in which to make  them reflect upon their crimes). If a duta is here, they've usually lost  their way for one reason or another and are sentenced to live out the  equivalent of several lifetimes for reflection on their trespasses. The  races that one usually encounters in Samsara (which is also the  mid-plane of Trailokya) are: Aghartians, Cetians, Grails, Hyadeans,  Ikyls, Oreiades, Nagas, Orions, Vetehinen, Drago, Els, Jinn, Boarwellum,  Naiades, Aurai, Terrans (humans), and all other 'souls' both plant and  animal which make up the lower resonance beings but are not of Jahannam.  Samsara, is the plane in which you find Earth.


The third born ardhodita child of Captain Maiel and Dominic Newlyn.


A soul body, not to be confused with a bio-vessel.


The home planet of the ikyls and naiades.

From The Blue Honor Blog article:

"One might recognize them as the pan or faun. They're small of stature, growing no taller than four feet in height. Their upper torso resembles that of the human, but their amply haired crowns boast a pair of horns. The older the ikyls, the larger and more curled are the horns. Both males and females bear horns. Their lower halves are covered in hair. the knee bends in the reverse and their lower limb end in hooves. They also boast short tails with a bristly tuft. Their nature is friendly, if not amorous, which makes it curious that their form inspired the human caricature of demons.

Satyr is the only planet in Samsara, thus far, to have evolved two highly intelligent species.

The climate of Satyr is humid subtropical and marine. The planet is thickly forested and equally covered in oceans and lakes. The oreiades appear to have evolved from the water layers of the planet, while the ikyls are products of the forest. The two species have lived in harmony since early in their evolution, both coming to inhabit the forests, as they currently live symbiotically. The amorous nature of the ikyls has played well with the egocentric oreiades personality. Intermarriage does not produce offspring, as the species are genetically dissimilar. The pairings are have proved fulfilling for the couples who chose to be together.

The only matter of contention between the races is that dealing with the naiades of Hydria. This other soul species is closely related to the oreiades, and ancient lore suggests they are actually the same people, and the separation occurred due to feuds. Naiades continue to live in water habitats, and populate a different planet. How these populations are actually related is still a mystery, but the similarities are undeniable. Thus, the Ikyls have won the ire of the oreiades in attempting to shepherd the naiades into the UWOS, suggesting the lore may be true, and no doubt the danava are behind the rift in these sister populations."


A calculating serpent in the service of Baron Morgentus. Segrius commands a horde of his fellow serpents, who were once drago.

Selaphiel, Alder.

A svargaduta messenger.

Seliel, Alder.

An erela head councilor on Captain Maiel's appointed council.


A former vetehinen, inhabitant of Jahannam.

Sephr, Dux, Arms Keeper.

The commander of Walhall and keeper of the armory of Zion.

Seraph Lemitus, High Councilor.

A member of the governing High Council. She's a bit touchy about those on the same path she walked, as far as feeling the others undermine them. She considers them her people and is protective of them.

Seraph Metatron, The Voice, Supreme Councilor.

Head of the High Council; a seraph of high mental faculty, he sees far and deep. He oversees Zion as Regent in service to King Adonai.


A six-winged race of duta, appearing as a wheel of wings and eyes. The form of their sattva is unknown, for it is hidden behind the wings. This race is predisposed to the military aspects in Zion.


Former drago; inhabitants of Jahannam.

Seven Planes: A Primer

Trailokya Trilogy comes with some heavy information, but that shouldn't stop the enjoyment of the narrative. As the text goes on, the places, terms and names become clear. One of the most interesting processes of creating this world was deciding on the structure of the universe and how that would interact.  Continue reading here:


General term for all of the races of Jahannam.


Former Hyadeans; inhabitants of Jahannam.


Argus's wild born soul-mate and second in pack order.

Shen, Praefect, Order of Gyuto.

An astral way gatekeeper of Zion; father of Draco Dao-Ming, division commander.

Sheol, Sheolerites.

The beach and strip of land between the Domdaniel and the rest of Jahannam, also called The Grave. The province is ruled by Prince Azrael. Also, the inhabitants of this land.


Former Cetians; inhabitants of Jahannam.


Former Jinn; inhabitants of Jahannam.


Lesser resonant atman who inhabit bio-vessels to improve their resonance to higher levels; plant and animal life of Samsara.

From The Blue Honor Blog Article:

[There are over ten major races in all.] The first in the list of souls I'll review for you are the humans. I chose to look at our own race for a very simple reason, to get us out of the way. What can be said about humans that is interesting and hasn't been gone over in spades in tons of books and journals for centuries?  In the context of the trilogy, we humans are a little more magical than what we are in reality.

Humanity appears exactly the same as they appear in reality within the bindings of the trilogy. Those appearances are explained via one of the most interesting pieces of technology in the books: the bio interface machine. The BIM allows souls to inhabit the physical plane of Samsara. It is self powered, through the ingestion of chemical compositions that can be broken down into their basic components and converted to energy and supplies (it eats food and drinks water). They are also self-replicating (through sexual reproduction). BIM can be directly or indirectly interfaced by the soul inhabiting it, via wireless connections with the atman or insertion of the atman.

Why hasn't an atman ever been seen inside of a BIM, say during surgery? Just like you should have read about Maiel in the first book, they are cloaked from BIM perception.

Humans are one of several species who resemble the duta in the appearance of their bodies (both the BIM and the true body expression of the Atman), and are the most close in resemblance, only having the absence of wings and a slighter build. Some humans do grow to be as large as duta but it is not the norm. It can be an indication of soul age and evolutionary station.

Are there humans on other worlds? There are. How they got there is a story for later down the road.

The prince, which I assume is Jesus of Nazareth, is mentioned in the books as a human who evolved into a duta. How did that work? The prince, it is inferred he is Jesus, was a human. What is not discussed is how evolved he had been prior to taking on that incarnation, nor is their discussion on the reason behind that incarnation. Trailokya isn't a religious series, even though the presence of theological premises wind through the text. He is simply mentioned to defend Dominic, both as a species and his bid to become duta.


River of Hate.

Sun Order.

"The Sun Order is one of the most well known groups in Zion. The guardians chosen to fill the ranks of this golden order are regarded as the most jovial, warm, and loyal of their kind. Sun Order is also one of the few orders that openly welcome souls among their ranks for training and guardianship. Humans and other beings can enjoy a comfortable career serving here.

Golden Greco-Roman armor and armaments are their preferred kit. A deep red cloak is often slung from their shoulders, it's color echoed in the galea crest of officers. The uniform is crimson beneath the armor, but white when the penannular is deactivated. All metal worn by Sun Order members is gold in color, including jewelry. Because gold is soft, the armor and weapons are not made of this element, though they appear to be. The exact composition of used by Walhall smiths is unknown, but it is impressively strong.

Sun Order is the sister of Moon Order. Not ironically, Captain Maiel's twin brother, Joel, is a captain in this order. Joel is a dynamic leader, rallying his troops easily around him. Unlike his more subdued sister, he finds a great deal of fun in executing practical jokes, but their wit us equally sharp. They also share the unfortunate experience of having been mistaken for gods on Earth. When seen, humans believed they had spotted the twin Gods, Diana and Apollo. Their likeness was sculpted throughout classical Europe. Joel was quite amused by this turn of events, whereas his sister was mortified, and in fear of punishment from the alders.

The compound of the Sun Order is similar to it's sister order, but is bright and airy. The stones used to construct the buildings have a golden glow about them that lasts through the night. Great sun emblems of bronze and even gold decorate the walls. Order banners add a touch of crimson to this desert like oasis. The compound environment is dry and warm.

Sun Order guardians can absorb the light of stars that serve as suns to orbiting planets and convert it to energy, much in the same way that Moon Order guardians absorb reflected light from moons. This affinity for the sun is carried into the construction of the order's penannular: an orb with twelve arms. Their official banner boasts of bravery and fortitude." - From The Blue Honor Blog, The Trailokya Trilogy: Sun Order, January 20, 2017

svargaduta, svarg.

A single-set winged race of duta. This variant incarnation of atman is the second largest of the duta race. They appear exactly the same as the lesser incarnation of duta, but their mental and physical abilities are far stronger. It is the preferred manifestation for most of the duta races, up to seraphim. Their predisposition is yet varied at this stage.

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