Death and Destruction (Jeff t...

By unholy_hellboy

444 39 0

(Sequel to Murder and Mutilation) The last time I saw you, it was warm and there was rain on the horizon. Sil... More

2. New Mexico
3. Chance encounter
4. Mini-monster
5. Threats
6. Scare tactics
7. Long gone
8. Dark arts
9. Lighter
10. Operator
11. Rekindling an old flame
12. Reunion
13. Snow
14. Home sweet home
15. Birthday
16. Up in smoke
17. Brothers
18. Expiration date
19. Hit and run
20. Five course meal
21. Break
22. Losing the upper hand
23. Bad timing
24. Jawbreaker
25. Teeth
26. Tick tock
27. Smile, beautiful
28. Escape
29. Betrayal
30. Time's up
31. Fair trade
32. No more regrets
33. Starry night
34. Clean as a whistle
35. Sleepwalk
36. Giving chances
37. Closing a chapter
38. Shit list
39. Hate and malice
40. A fresh start

1. Solace

37 1 0
By unholy_hellboy


My alarm went off for school and I grumbled to myself as I reached for my phone, rubbing at my eyes while I sat up and took a good look around. The last wisps of the dream finally faded and I remembered I was at home in Arizona, no blood or weapons around— save for the knife I'd gotten from Kitty, that is. It was always tucked under my pillow for safe keeping, never leaving my side as I grabbed for it and slipped it into my backpack like usual.

It had been over a year since she disappeared. Her face had stopped plaguing the news as much but there were still bodies showing up here and there. It'd always die down for a few weeks before one showed up a few towns over, sometimes a few states. I scrolled through my phone to look for any new stories while I walked downstairs to greet my family for breakfast, tuning them out for the most part before I took a seat next to Chris and poured a bowl of cereal. He seemed interested as he peered over but no new reports had come out recently.

"Hey Nina don't forget you have that report due Thursday," Mom said as she turned away from the sink, her hands wrist-deep in soapy water.

"I'm not a toddler anymore Mom, I can handle my due dates," I chirped absently, slowly making my way through my cereal as she turned back to the sink.

Chris snickered to himself and I elbowed him, shaking my head to dispel the groggy haze weighing on my mind. He finished his breakfast first and I collected the bowls to deposit in the sink before heading back upstairs, ducking into my room and closing the door before I let my shoulders slump. Plain white walls surrounded me, something I complained about for years before Mom finally caved and let me decorate. Of course, I couldn't put anything up she didn't like so it ended up looking like a toddler's room but I couldn't bring myself to complain much anymore.

I changed from pajamas into my favorite skirt and the striped sweater my cousin had given me ages ago, matching socks hugging my thighs as I stepped into them and slipped on a pair of sneakers. Mom shouted that the bus was here and I grabbed my backpack, bailing before she could protest about my outfit and spilling out onto the sidewalk while Chris waited for me at the end of the driveway. Kids chattered and heckled each other while I worked my way back, sitting with him as I plugged my earbuds in to tune out all the racket. We were still a while out from the school and a pang struck my chest as I scrolled through some of my apps, hovering over the only voicemail I'd ever saved before I pressed play.

"Hey Nina-Bean, it's Kitty," my body always eased when I listened to that opening line, "I'm feeling a lot better today, all the fuzziness is gone. Turns out Tom is the one who went for me and they're hopefully about to get his ass. It's about time someone got arrested around here." Her laugh put a soft smile on my cheeks. "Anyway, I just wanted to call you and let you know that everything's finally looking like sunshine over here, call me back when you can. I love you, Bleach Boy and I miss you. I hope you're having a good day."

It feels like I haven't had a good day since I last saw you. My smile fell instantly as someone leaned over the back of the seat in front of me, her dirty blonde hair pulled back into a bun as she loudly chewed on gum and gave me a sinister grin. I wasn't in the mood today to hear her shit but she didn't seem to think she'd done anything wrong.

"Hey psycho bitch, how's the fam treating you today?" She snickered, "oh that's right, like an outcast, as per usual."

"Don't you have someone's cock to be sucking to be passing your classes?" I retorted with a sweet smile while she recoiled. Claudia was a peach of a perfect girl to the rest of the school, could do no wrong, but she always had it out for me.

"At least I don't have to pretend my cousin isn't a certified killer to get through the day."

Pretend? I'm damn proud of her. Over a year on the run and her body count was still climbing.

"You know, one call and I could have her on your doorstep in the middle of the night," I mentioned menacingly as I sat up, my eyes narrowed into a glare, "I'd watch my tone if I were you."

She scowled, mocking me under her breath as she returned to her seat and Chris offered me a sly grin and a fist bump as we pulled up to the school. I hiked my backpack higher onto my shoulders as we walked and eventually Chris and I were lost to the masses, just another two kids swimming in the sea of other students. I actually hated it here, every high-school movie stereotype applied in these halls and that left little old me as the weird black sheep in a sea of varsity coats and cheerleader uniforms. I waved Chris off before I slammed my locker shut, trotting off to first period and taking my seat in the back while Ms. Philips started on the lecture for today. I should swap English to first period, at least it'd be more entertaining than this.

The Arizona heat started to seep in by the time it hit third period and I simply shrugged my jacket off, tying it around my waist and effectively hiding the midriff that showed. Even if I couldn't go out and get piercings and tattoos like Kitty yet I still found my own ways to have a little rebellion and I held my head a little higher, my smile a little wider. The bell rang for lunch and I packed up my books, walking down the hall to my usual spot in the window by the library and relaxing for the short amount of time we had.

For some reason I felt awfully strange today, something nagging in the back of my mind that I just couldn't remember, or be bothered to at least. I paused my music and went to my gallery, most of it filled with junk and dumb internet memes, but there was one video I always went back to. Kitty was dressed in a striped bodysuit, her hips poking through the high cut while her jeans hugged her legs tightly. She'd always dressed to the nines even when she was in lazy clothes. A smile pulled on my face as she whipped her knives around playfully, Jeff grinning at my cousin with nothing but love in his eyes. Every time I watched this it struck me how much they actually cared about each other.

"Hold still!"

Kitty's laugh echoed as she kicked his knife into the air and I made a little motion with my finger as it arched and landed on the ground. He'd just been about to let Kitty up when my phone was suddenly yanked from my hands, my earbuds detaching and making the audio play as Claudia took a look for herself, her two lackeys present on either side of her. Malcolm wasn't typically as bad as the girls but Yoni was a ruthless, heartless bitch.

"Is little baby Nina celebrating her birthday all by herself over here?" Claudia's voice dripped with venom as the gears clicked in my head. It's my fucking birthday! No wonder I was feeling weird.

"You almost hit me! I'm hurt, baby."

"Aw, want me to kiss it better?"

"What is this, some kind of weird porn?" Claudia snickered before she actually watched the video. Malcolm and Yoni seemed were interested as my hands twitched, itching to reach out and take it back but I knew she had more strength than me. Dammit Nina get your shit together!

"Whoa, is that Jeff the Killer?" Malcolm laughed incredulously as he pointed at the screen.

"Give it back!"

I lunged from my seat and she held the phone over my head, my blood boiling as they continued to watch. This was my family, my private life, you didn't deserve to see it.

"I didn't know your cousin was actually another fan girl like you." Yoni grinned as she took the phone for herself. "Where the hell is this video? YouTube?"

"Look at that, she took it herself! Isn't that incriminating evidence?" Claudia whistled, "seeing a pair of killers and not calling the police? Shame, we'll have to report it ourselves."

Oh no you don't.

Something in me snapped as the three of them laughed. I'd heard Chris shouting my name somewhere but nothing could penetrate the haze as I finally got a little too sick of her shit. As the phone passed hands back to Claudia I reeled a fist back, catching sight of her nasty, teasing grin one last time before I landed a punch square in the side of her jaw. Just like Kitty, you've seen her fight before. I toppled her over as I loosed a frenzied screech, landing another hit before my brother dragged me off of her. I managed to grab my phone before it was lost to the gathering crowd and Claudia's lackeys helped her back up while she held a hand over her bloody nose.

"You're a fucking psycho!" She screamed at me and my lips curled upward. Keep calling me psycho and I'll show you what it really means.

"Ms. Hopkins, office, now!" The security guard pushed through and I grabbed my backpack, Chris trailing behind me while I stalked triumphantly through the onlooking crowd.

We had to wait a good half hour for my mom to finally show up before her and I went back to the principal's office, her face twisted with a red tinge while I simply smiled. Chris went back to class since he hadn't actually been involved in the fight and I leveled my gaze with the principal, his gruff exterior not shaking me in the slightest.

"Mr. Farris I am so sorry for Nina's actions," my mother started and I rolled my eyes, "I don't know what's gotten into her lately, ever since all this stuff with her cousin she's been..."

"I'm right here, you know," I snapped at her and she looked taken aback, "I finally gave that bitch what she had coming."


"Please refrain from using that language Ms. Hopkins," the principal sighed as he reached for a paper, "from what I understand Claudia says you jumped on her after showing her a video on your phone, a rather...disturbing one at that."

"No, she took it right out of my hands and wouldn't give it back," I corrected him, fire raging in my veins, "she's been bullying me for the last year and a half and you won't do anything about it but blame me."

He seemed a little flustered as he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I understand you're upset Nina but attacking another student isn't the way to go about this." His eyes wandered back down the page. "She went on to say the video was footage of a serial killer. Specifically, of your...cousin?"

My mother cleared her throat and for once in her life tried to defend me, "Kathryn Snow is my niece. We were very close before...everything happened."

"Ah, I see." He nodded and I let out the breath I'd been holding. "In any case I can't dismiss the violent behavior Nina just exhibited. I'd recommend a suspension, no more than five days, but..."

"I understand Mr. Farris, I can take her from here and we'll have a long talk about proper ways to handle a situation like this."

After everything was said and done Mom walked me out to the car, still carrying myself tall as I made eye contact with my brother through the windows. I passed him a wink and he flashed a thumbs up, a smile on both of our faces until I got into the SUV and Mom immediately whipped her hand out.

"Phone, now," she demanded, "I want to see the video he was talking about."

My body flushed with a prickling, uncomfortable heat as I handed it over, keeping my eyes on the dashboard while I listened to the audio. Her laughter tugged on my heartstrings and when it was finally over I let myself cry. I missed her so much.

"You've had this since the Fourth of July?!" She hissed through her teeth and I nodded. "I can't believe I ever let you within ten feet of that girl, I knew she was trouble right from the start, no wonder you thought it was okay to hit someone."

"For the record Claudia's already hit me and Chris both," I snapped at her, catching her attention, "and you and Dad didn't do a damn thing about it because I didn't go to the school first. Kitty's the only fucking person who actually supported me, serial killer or not, she's ten times the role model you are!"

"You are grounded for a whole month. No phone, no TV, no friends, nothing."

"Not like I had any friends besides Kitty anyway," I spat at her with nothing but venom before I looked out the window, watching the city pass us by until we pulled up to the house.

I ran in ahead of her, bolting up the steps and slamming the door closed behind me. In my fury I ripped the stupid department store wall art down and pulled every piece of pink clothing I had from my closet and destroyed it. It wasn't until I calmed down that I finally felt the breeze on my skin, snapping to attention when I noticed that the window above my bed had been wiggled open and there was a box on my blankets. For a second I thought that my mom had remembered my birthday after all but the wrapping paper was black, not pink, with a big, red bow on top. Before I opened it I peered outside, realizing the only way someone could've gotten in here is if they climbed the tree next to me.

I moved slowly as I pulled on the bow, lifting the lid to reveal a note with my name on it in pretty red gel pen. Before I read it I looked to see what was actually in the box, my heart soaring as I found a Switch console and a couple games, not to mention a black and purple tie-dyed dress that looked like it would fit me like a glove. Out of curiosity I finally opened the note and my hands trembled as I held back tears.

'Nina Bean,

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your sweet 16 last year like I promised. I was halfway across the US by the time September hit but I wanted to try to make it up to you this year. I'm broke as a buck right now so you'll have to excuse the security stickers— I figured you wouldn't mind something to keep you busy.

I haven't seen Jeff in ages but I'm sure he'd like to see you just as much as I would. I'd kill to be able to give you a hug right now but I don't know how good of terms you're on with your batshit crazy mom so taking my own aunt out of the picture might not be the best choice. Either way, I love you, and I wanted to let you know I'm still here. Still breathing. Still fighting. You make sure you do the same.

P.S., you should be getting a real visitor here soon. Give them the polaroid I taped below.

Love always, your favorite crazy cousin,
Kitty Snow'

Tears dotted the page as I wiped at my eyes, clutching the paper to my chest while I took a deep breath to calm myself. I wanted to scream out the window and get her to come back but I'm sure she was already long gone by now, so I just tucked the letter away into a safe spot, plucking the polaroid from it and emptying the box out to find that there was one present I'd missed. Sitting at the bottom beneath the dress and games was a knife with a pretty pink blade, the point clipped and curved as I wielded it and slashed. Maybe there was one pink thing I liked after all.

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