Douluo Dalu: Seeing the world

By Elvnchristy

101K 2.1K 209

This is my first time writing and making a story. So if grammar and story is messed up. Sorry. Douluo Dalu f... More

Previous Life
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 32
Chapter 30
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 31

Chapter 26

1.7K 34 10
By Elvnchristy

A month has pass by. The nine Shrek students use this month to the fullest. They go shopping, practicing their weapons, and just leisurely study. After a month pass, Grandmaster start to make them spar each other so that they teamwork is renewed. After a week of intense lesson, Grandmaster tell them that they will start phase two of the training, which is in the spirit arena. Because of that, they go to the Souto Spirit Arena the night after.

"This time, you have completed phase one of the training. Now, we move to phase two. The goal of this phase is to reach silver badge in the Spirit Arena. The training has no time limit, only when reaching silver badge phase two will complete. This is not only for refining your combat skills, but also to earn money that have been used up by the first training. Flander has told me that each of you has your name registered at the Spirit Arena, but we will change the name and make a new nickname" Grandmaster explain. He tells them that this is going to protect their identity if someone wanted a revenge, and also to hide their age. Grandmaster than give them a black mask, with different tiny gems in the corner. 

Grandmaster also give them all a nickname:

Evil Eyed White Tiger Dai Mubai

Jade Snake King Lin Han

Sausage Monopoly Oscar

Thousand Hand Asura Tang San

Thousand Elemental Melodies Tang Yin

Soft Bone Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu

Seven Treasure Glaze Tile Pagoda Ning Rongrong

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing


With that Nine Shrek Monster was born. For individual matches, everyone participate except for Oscar and Ning Rongrong. However for the group matches, Oscar and Ning Rongrong built a team. "We are an auxillary spirit master. But with our weapons and intent, we want to learn to use it in real battle. Beside, everyone never heard of a support spirit master who Can fight. We will prove them we can then" Ning Rongrong say proudly, with Oscar agreeing. Hearing that, all of them relented and let the two do what they want. For the seven team matches, they decide to rotated, or pick a suitable person for the matches so that everyone can fight.

They start fighting the next day. Grandmaster and the Tang parents training prove affective for their matches. They have consecutive wins for almost two days. Their precise attack, judgement ability, and teamwork make them almost undefeatable. Even Oscar and Ning Rongrong only has been defeated once, because of their inexperience. But they quickly adapted, and win. After a week, they encounter The Mad Battle Team. On the day they were going to fight The Mad Battle Team, Tang San and Grandmaster has put up a plan. "Today for team battle, I will choose Dai Mubai, Lin Han, Myself, Tang Yin, Zhu Zhuqing, and Fatty. For Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Grandmaster told me you will be our trump card. Everyone doesn't know that your spirit is a support one, because you have always use your weapon, even if your name is a support type. We will reveal you two at the groups math, and you will use weapons only". 

It was then a male appeared, with a girl who wear a spider head armor. He was big, with bulging muscle and copper skin. He has a bald head, and there's red mark everywhere. "Hi, little beauty, wan to play with this big brother". "Scram" Zhu Zhuqing, who's the target, say coldly. "Don't be like that. You're still young, why don't use this time to play?" The man pestered, still bringing his female companion. "She said to scram, So SCRAM!" Dai Mubai say, while punching the guy, angered. "Dear customer, please do not fight in here. You can fight in the arena instead" The manager say sternly. They defuse the fight, and go their own way. But the male and female who approached them show a sinister smile, "Evil Eye White Tiger strength is checked".

After the confrontation, it was time for Oscar and Ning Rongrong match. They will fight against 'Water and Fire Duo', a man and woman team. They immediately go to the arena, and take out their weapons. The opposing party also show their spirits, a fire lizard and a tortoise. After the announcement say start, the two groups rushed at each other. A fire ball and a shot of water rushed towards Ning Rongrong, but she repelled it with her intent. Meanwhile, Oscar use his spear and attack the the woman. Fire Lizard reacted with lighting her body on fire, and use her martial soul to latch at Oscar, and attack with fire. Ning Rongrong use her sword and cut the water bullet, and the whip sword extended to attack the water tortoise. The water tortoise react, and slam a tortoise shell at her. Ning Rongrong smile, and wrapped her whip sword against the shell and let out her intent.

The energy wrapped around the shell, and exploded. This is Ning Rongrong intent, her intent seems like a gentle and has an earthy tone to it, but it will explode at command, just like her temper. Meanwhile, Oscar intent is more fast and piercing, just like how he adept at playing with piercing hidden weapons, like the Sleeve Dart and The arrow.

Because of the explosion, the Water Tortoise was caught off guard. Seeing this, both The Fire Lizard and Oscar react. She attack with a fire blast and flung Oscar to the air. Oscar was prepared, he sent a lot of piercing intent and break through the tortoise defense shell. Ning Rongrong also not iddle, immediately catching Oscar with her sword whips. She let out an explosive attack at the Fire and Water Duo, wrapping them. Oscar take out his piecing intent an attack them at high speed with his spear, securing their victory.

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