Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)

By AveryMackenzie1

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Follow the story of a young child who has a quirk which allows them to do some pretty amazing things! Not eve... More

Chapter One: They're Just A Kid
Chapter Two: I'm Taking Her
Chapter Three: A Second Chance
Chapter Four: Show Us What You Can Do (Part One)
Chapter Six: The Recommendation Exams
Chapter Seven: I Did It!
Chapter Eight: The First Day
Chapter Nine: Hero Vs. Villain (Part One)
Chapter Ten: Hero Vs. Villain (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven: Break In
Chapter Twelve: No Matter What (Part One)
Chapter Thirteen: No Matter What (Part Two)
Chapter Fourteen: No Matter What (Part Three)
Chapter Fifteen: First Day Back
Chapter Sixteen: She's Awake!
Chapter Seventeen: The Apology
Chapter Eighteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part One)
Chapter Nineteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Festival Begins
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Calvary Battle

Chapter Five: Show Us What You Can Do (Part Two)

333 13 4
By AveryMackenzie1

Burukku's POV:

I was quick to put my hair up in a high ponytail and start to walk towards the walls; as I got closer, I picked up speed which resulted in me running within a few moments. I was quick to use the water in the ground to give me a boost making me go even faster and as I came up to the first wall, I pulled all the water from around me and created basically an extremely sharp wall of water that slashed the first wall of concrete completely in half. As one of the halves started falling towards the adults, I quickly morphed the water into a huge hand and used it to grab the wall moving it safely away from them before I continued moving. I came up to the next wall and sent a kick towards the wall causing the water to rush towards it and make it almost explode. I paid no mind to is as I ran towards the next one, when I was close enough, I quickly sent the water to be absorbed by the wall. I could tell that the adults were confused by this move until they saw the wall lifting from the ground and launching it into one of the other walls. I approached one of the last walls and stopped in front of it, I could feel the adults paying more attention at my sudden stop but I didn't focus on that. Instead, I gathered the water around my body, I could feel myself begin to lift off the ground and the water figure begin to take shape; it took a few moments but before everyone's eyes stood a huge water warrior with me encased in the chest. As I moved so did the warrior clearly showing I was controlling it, I walked up to the wall and threw a punch while also changing the temperature in the fist so it was boiling. When it made contact it destroyed the whole top of the wall and sent it flying, I used the steam created from the boiling water to seep into the pieces of flying wall and was able to quickly take control of them and made sure that they wouldn't hurt the people watching. I quickly lowered myself out of the warrior form and sent the water straight towards the last wall changing them into spears and freezing them causing them to become harder and completely decimate the wall.

Once the wall settled, I returned the water to the ground and air before turning and making my way back to the adults who seemed to be in an awestricken state. When I to them Aizawa seemed to snap out of it and look towards me, "There were a few things I've seen you do that you didn't demonstrate." He stated trying to keep his tone steady and lacking the surprise he felt. I nodded at him and smiled softly, "It's kinda hard to show those without being able to actually use another person." I told him to which he nodded before looking back at the mouse thing. "She can also control the movements of a person by controlling the water that is in their body, she can even prevent them from using their quirk. Any type of quirk that involves water or ice she can take control of it and she is also well versed in using her quirk to heal people." He explained to those present who looked between him and myself to which I smiled.

"Well Burukku, I don't see any problem with you training here when school isn't in and you have someone watching you. Alright?" said the mouse/bear/thing to which I bowed to him in thanks. "Ah, right! My name is Nezu and I'm the principal of UA." He finally introduced himself causing me to smile at him. I made my way to stand beside Aizawa when Nezu spoke up again, "How much schooling have you done?" he asked causing me to look over at him, "Not a whole lot sir, my parents didn't see the need for it." I told him honestly. He nodded at my response before looking between the other adults who all nodded at him causing him to turn back to me, "That's something that we will need to fix, I'm sure the teachers from here wouldn't mind teaching you." He said happily and I smiled at him before bowing in thanks again.

Aizawa and I left shortly after and he said that he would start going through different things when we got home to get and idea about what I knew. I know that over the net few years I'll need to work extraordinarily hard if I want to be able to be a hero and make those who've helped me proud, but I'm ready for it.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a little bit shorter then normal! The next chapters are where things are going to start picking up and when we will meet the class! Thank you all so much for reading, it really means so much to me!

I want to remind you all that no matter what I'm here for you all and I am always up to talk to anyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all for reading and just remember that I love you all!


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