Sandhir Dark ff : When Dreams...

By aashifictions

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PROLOGUE It was nearly midnight when a man of twenties was gulping down shots one after the other. waiter... More

character sketch
our first meet
Getting married
First Night
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Mr. Protective
Taking Care Of Mr. Stubborn Shekhawat
Accept Me Or Leave Me
Unveiling His Past
Starting Of Something New
Another Heart -Break
Cruel Fate
Burning Desires
His Birthday
Did you missed those days?
I Don't Want This Baby
I Will Never Forgive You
What was my fault?
Starting of New life
TASK - 1
Forbidden Feelings
Surprise! Surprise!
Back to home
Surprise or shock?
Sisters Before Misters!
Every Coin Has Two Sides
Puzzle : Misunderstanding Or Planning
Unfaithful Destiny
Giving Up!
War Begins
Truth Out!
Served You Back
Face Off!
Unconditional Love
A Promise

Epilogue - Happy Endings

4.7K 201 41
By aashifictions

Hey! How are you guys doing? Here I am back with the final update of this story. Thank you so much for showing so much love to me and my book in these years. We have finally this long journey of 4 years (because of my slow updates). Here you go with the epilogue.


We both were still seated on our knees, exhaling each other's scent, lost in the warmth of our love. I opened my eyes as I felt a few drops sliding through my shoulder blade.

"I am really sorry Sanyukta. I feel so disgusted about myself. You have bred so much because of me and still you are here, expecting me with open arms. I can never be enough grateful to God for giving me someone like you to love." He sniffed at my shoulder.

My lips slightly split into a smile and at this moment I know that my decision of giving us a chance again was not wrong.

" I know it is stupid on my behalf to ask but I still can not believe that how can you expect me back in your life. How can you love someone like me Sanyukta?" He detached himself and looked into my eyes.

His eyes held a sense of insecurity. I knew somewhere that his guilt was not allowing him to accept my love. I slowly traced his cheek.

" Maine wada kia tha khud se ki tumse mohobhat kayamat se pehle nahi krungi,
Kayamat iss liye kyunki shayad uss roz na humari barbadi ka khauf hoga aur na mustakabil ki chinta,
Aaj shayad kayamat hi hai islia hogyi mohobhat tumse, ek baar fir se. "

(I promised myself that I will not love you again before the doom. Because perhaps that day there will be neither the fear of my ruin nor worry about the future. Today is probably doom, that's why I have fallen in love with you, once again.)

His eyes widened as he registered the depth of my words.

"I-" He opened his mouth but got interrupted with a loud coughing sound.

We both looked behind and saw Misha and Arpita looking at us with teasing looks.

"That was really intense Sanyukta." Arpita smiled at me and though I was looking straight but still could feel his burning gaze all over me.

"We are really sorry guys. We didn't want to interrupt your romance but we are running short of time. Sanyu finally has the time." Misha showed me the wrist watch that she was wearing.

I mentally slapped myself for forgetting about it. But what could I do, I forget the world around me, whenever I have my man besides me.

" Okay sanyukta! Enough of your poetry! We all know you are freshly in love. Stop showing it off so much. " My conciseness rolled her eyes.

"Time for what?" He looked confused.

"Time to fulfill our promise." I whispered to him.

I held his hand and Misha - arpita gave us the way. We entered the house together. I looked at him as he got stuck in his tracks and gasped loudly.


There was a beautiful decorated pavilion in front of us. All the guests and family members have gathered around the pavilion whereas the priest was making the arrangements.

So she was talking about this promise. Our promise of staying together forever.

God! This woman never fails to surprise me!

I saw dad, standing in a corner. He looked at me and smiled softly. I looked at Sanyukta and she, as if understanding my unsaid words, left my palm. I walked towards him.

" I am really sorry dad for not standing upto your expectations. I am sorry for not keeping up to your name and preachings. But I promise you dad that I will try to be a better man, just like you. But please forgive me."

I bend down to touch his feet. Dad looked at me first and then kept a hand on his head. He held me by my arms and made me stand straight.

" It is not all your fault Randhir. Maybe somewhere I failed to provide you that warmth and assurance that you must have needed at that time when you lost your mother and I bought Renuka home. I should have been a little more patient with you and instead of helping you with your insecurity, I just thought to let you get over it on your own. Maybe that was reason that you developed so much of hatred for relationships and commitments." Dad said, as he slowly caressed my hair.

" Please dad! You did what you could do best at that time. If that day you wouldn't have taken that decision, then how would I have got Misha and parth in my life? How would I have got this amazing family who loves me so much?"  I took hold of his hand and pecked it.

"Yes dad! And how would we have got such a wonderful big brother?" Misha came and hugged me from one side.

I slightly caressed her hair and pecked her forehead. I looked behind dad and saw Parth looking at me with moist eyes.

"Now do I have to invite you separately?" I faked a glare at him and stretched another arm towards him.

He shook his head and ran towards us, and hugged me from another side.

"I have waited for this moment since I entered this house. I waited for you to accept me in your life as your younger brother. Thank you so much big bro." Parth dug his face on my shoulder blade and sniffed.

"I am sorry to you too Parth. I am sorry for making you feel like an outsider always and treating you like a competition." I slightly ruffled his hair.

"Guys as much as I am loving this family reunion, but I would like to remind you that everyone is waiting for our Randhir bro and Sanyukta to get married. So please let's save it for later." Arpita said and everyone giggled.


I wiped the corner of my eyes as my heart felt overwhelmed with all these beautiful emotions. I looked at these siblings hugging each other and finally felt my heart at peace.

" We are proud of you Sanyu." Dad came beside and chirped.

"I never knew that my daughter is so strong. I thought you will never be able to cope up with your pregnancy news." Mom patted my head slightly.

"The stinging pain of some broken dreams will never go away, but it does not mean that we should stop living. I have you both, I have this wonderful family, and now I have Randhir too. I don't need anything else." I hugged her tightly.

"Sanyu Randhir is waiting for you. So shall we?" Dad forwarded his palm, which I gladly accepted.

Mom and dad walked me down the aisle. With each and every step I took forward towards the pavilion, my heart fluttered with all the emotions. I know I wasn't married for the first time, but this feeling of being loved back by him is new for me. Because this time I know that my dream is finally coming true.

Just when I was about to take a step on the pavilion, Randhir extended his hand. I guess he saw my struggle with this heavy dress. I took his hand and clumped up the pavilion. We exchanged smiles and then sat on our seats. The priest started chanting the mantras. I looked at my family who had a bright smile on their faces. This is worth it! I said to myself and gave them a smile.

"By the way, how did Mrs. Rajvansh enter the picture?" He asked in a low voice.

"You are still stuck on that." I teased.

"Come - on! I deserve to know. I was about to lose my life to her husband, but she saved me." He shook his head.

"Actually When Mr. Rajvansh went back to London, He met her during an event. Parineeti was ashamed of her deeds and she wanted to return to her family. Initially Mr. Rajvansh was reluctant to give her a chance again. But then when he shared it with me, I told him to take her back in his life, because we both know that it was just a compromise from both of our sides. But if one of us is getting his love back then he should not let it go. And then I came to know about your truth that day in hospital. I was about to disclose about Arnav and Parineeti to everyone, but then I thought to teach you a lesson. " I winked at him.

"You are so cruel." He pouted.

How cute!

Soon the priest asked us to stand for taking vows. Randhir stood up, but I struggled due to the heavy dress. Misha signalled to me and started coming towards the stage when I was picked up in the air. A loud squeal escaped from my lips, whereas everyone hooted for the ever-so-romantic groom.

"I know everyone here is very superstitious about marital vows but today, I would like to dedicate my vows to Sanyukta." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"Go for It bro!" Arpita shouted.

He started taking the rounds around the fire as he chirped.

"Today onwards, all my joys are yours
Today onwards, your sorrow is mine."

"The sky of my dreams,
The sea of my joys,
The number of my PIN code has all become yours from today."

"Bro don't promise her anything that you might regret later." Party giggled.

"Today onwards, all my nights are yours.
today onwards, your day is mine."

"Today onwards, all my centuries are yours.
today onwards, your moment is mine."

"That's so cute!" Misha hushed.

"My house, my family, my heart have become yours now"

" Your mistakes, your family, your achievements, your problems become mine now."

" Today onwards you become mine,
As I become yours."

Once he finished all the vows, everyone got up from their seats and started clapping and hooting. The priest asked him to tie the marital chain around my neck and apply vermilion on my forehead. My eyes became moist as he made me sit on the seat gently and obeyed the priest's orders. The moment he applied the pinch of vermillion between my hairline, I couldn't help but she'd few happy tears.

Please god don't let it be a dream!

And as if understanding my inner turmoil, Randhir gently pecked my forehead and wiped my tears.

"I love you Sanyukta and always will!" He looked straight into my eyes, as he chirped those soothing words to me.

"We now declare you husband and wife from this very moment. May God showers his blessings on these newlyweds." The priest showers the rose petals on both of us, and the hall echoed with cheerful laughter and claps.

"Children take the blessings of your elders." The priest asked.

We both got down holding each other's hand, when Randhir led me towards Renuka mom. We both looked at him surprisingly.

Please Randhir at least don't hurt her today with your words. I mentally request him.

She gulped as we both stood in front of her. Randhir was looking at her expressionlessly.

"Today is a very special day for me. Today I am starting my life again with fresh new beginnings. I am still very much adamant on my words that no other woman can replace my mom, not even you." He said.

"Randhir please" I clutched his palm.

"But will you be my second mother? Will you accept me as your son? Because today I want to start my life with both of my mothers' blessings. Can you bless me on behalf of both of you?" His lips split into a smile and he bent down to touch Renuka mom's feet.

Mom was too shocked to react. She looked at me and I blinked my eyes at her. Tears made their way through her eyes as she shookly placed her hand on his head.

" I am sure today Maya would be very proud of you. She always wanted to see you as a true gentleman." Renuka mom said.

Randhir stands up back and wipes the corners of his eyes. Someone said it correctly a mother can replace all other relations but no other relation can replace a mother.

" All the best for your new life. " Renuka mom placed her hand on both of our heads.

After we were done with taking everyone's blessings. A car was arranged to take us to the hotel, where Parth and Arpita booked a night for us.

Randhir was on a call when Misha pulled me in a corner.

" Here take this." She placed a packet in my hands.

"What's it?" I said and peeked inside it and my eyes widened to see lingerie.

"Are you mad? Take it back." I looked at her horrifically.

"Don't try to act like a saint here. It is not your first time and secondly you will be needing it tonight, you know to woo him." She winked at me.


"Shall we Sanyu?" Randhir came towards me.

"Bro what's so hurry? At least spend some time with us also." Misha smiled at him mischievously.

This girl seriously has no shame.

"Yeah you are right! We should spend some quality time with our family. And anyways I need to discuss your last week's test results with dad, which your professor mailed me. So come lets go." He took hold of her hand and Misha shrieked.

"I was just joking bro. You both should not waste your time here. See it's already getting late and I am also feeling very sleepy. Good night!" Misha quickly shrugged her hand and ran inside with Usian Bolt speed.

"These kids forget that I am still their elder brother." He murmured.

I looked at him with wide eyes whereas he winked at me.

"Don't look at me like this. We all siblings have some hidden weapons to use for the correct moment. It wasn't my fault that she came empty handed in the field." He shrugged his shoulders.

I giggled at him and ran to his arms.

"Thank you so much for making my fairytale true. I love you!"

"I love you too wife." He lifted my face and sealed our lips, with the undying promise of love and togetherness.

When dreams become nightmare will always be close to my heart. As this was my first book. I hope I haven't disappointed you people. May be this book ending today but I will firvee live in my heart. Thank you so much everyone for making it happen.

Lots of love!
Aashi - your lazy writer

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