Waterworks (BNHA x OP Reader)

By AveryMackenzie1

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Follow the story of a young child who has a quirk which allows them to do some pretty amazing things! Not eve... More

Chapter Two: I'm Taking Her
Chapter Three: A Second Chance
Chapter Four: Show Us What You Can Do (Part One)
Chapter Five: Show Us What You Can Do (Part Two)
Chapter Six: The Recommendation Exams
Chapter Seven: I Did It!
Chapter Eight: The First Day
Chapter Nine: Hero Vs. Villain (Part One)
Chapter Ten: Hero Vs. Villain (Part Two)
Chapter Eleven: Break In
Chapter Twelve: No Matter What (Part One)
Chapter Thirteen: No Matter What (Part Two)
Chapter Fourteen: No Matter What (Part Three)
Chapter Fifteen: First Day Back
Chapter Sixteen: She's Awake!
Chapter Seventeen: The Apology
Chapter Eighteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part One)
Chapter Nineteen: This Would Be Devastating To Her (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-One: Reliving It Isn't Any Easier (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Festival Begins
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Calvary Battle

Chapter One: They're Just A Kid

826 20 10
By AveryMackenzie1

Burukku's POV:

It was a day like any other day. I would wake up and my parents would force me to train until the evening where they would try and make me go and help them with their crimes. I always refused; I never knew what they were doing but I knew I wanted nothing to do with it. At some point I was hoping to get away from my parents and maybe become a hero; well, at least that's the dream. As usual, my parents had tried to convince me to go with them to which I, as usual, refused causing them to leave in an anger. I was using my quirk to help me clean up the mess that the training room had become when I heard what sounded like a struggle outside. I carefully approached the window that faced the street and saw something that I would never forget, my parents trying to kill the hero that chased them.

In that moment, I didn't even think, I ran outside and as quick as I could I used my quirk to put a shield in front of the hero who was about to be killed causing everyone to look over at me.

Aizawa's POV:

I was doing my normal nightly patrol when I got a call about a break in at a jewelry store. I let out a disgruntled sigh and made my way to the store where I peered inside and saw the two criminals who were grabbing as much as they could take. I used my capture weapon to try and catch them without alerting them to my presence when suddenly another hero showed up, and not too stealthily either. "Hey, stop!" they yelled causing the two thieves to whip around and face the hero. Before I could activate my quirk one of them activated theirs causing the room to fill with a thick, heavy fog making it impossible to see them. I maneuvered myself up to the roof to hopefully get a glimpse of them leaving, while up on the roof I called back up knowing my quirk wouldn't be very useful in this fight.

As I scanned the ground hoping to see something, I could see what looked like two shadows moving across the ground at rapid speeds. I followed it whilst letting the back up I called know where I was for several blocks. When they finally stopped, I saw the two who were in the jewelry store rise out of the shadows. I called my back up again trying to figure out where they were only to find out they were still several minutes away and I knew if I didn't do anything now these two would get away. Without thinking twice, I jumped down alerting the villains of my presence.

We fought for quite awhile with one of the criminals making different weapons out of mist trying to use them to attack me whilst the other was trying to use the shadows to attack me. I was using my quirk as much as I could but was finding that it wasn't doing much good. In a moment of distraction, I had the criminal with the shadow quirk pinned the one with the mist quirk was able to get a good hit on me with their quirk causing me to fly back into a wall which caused a few ribs to break. I was trying to get up when shadows suddenly pinned me to the ground. The two approached me and the one with the shadow quirk, which now that I could see them side by side, I could tell was a male, pulled out a knife. I removed his quirk only for my restraints to be replaced by mist immediately, "You fought well Eraserhead, but it is time for you to go." The male stated and moved the end me when something unexpected happened, a wall of what looked like water came between me and them preventing them from hurting me. I looked around trying to find the person who saved me only to see what looked like a child standing with their hand held towards me.

My dark eyes locked with the icy blue ones of child for a moment and could see no fear in them which shook me to the core. Before I could even think to tell them to get out of here, I could hear one the two I was fighting snap at the child, "Burukku, get back inside now! This does not concern you!" with what sounded like a female voice. The child remained unmoved before they spoke, "You may be my parents but I will never be like you and I will not let you kill him!" the child who I could now tell was female spoke out in such a strong voice, there was no fear in it, in fact it almost felt like they were certain they could stop them. "Get back inside before we have to punish you." The male said sternly which didn't cause the child to move. The adults looked at the unmoved child before sighing, "Have it your way then." The male said before turning his shadows on the child.

Before I could do anything to help the young girl threw another water wall up and moved forward. This wall was different from the one that was protecting me though, it was admitting a bright blue light which caused the shadows to disappear. Upon seeing this the woman tried sending her mist to stack the child only for the child to take control over it and send it back to attack the woman, the attack caused the woman to fly several feet back and hit the ground hard. When she hit the ground, the restraints keeping me on the ground disappeared letting me finally get up. I was quick to get to my feet and went to use my capture weapon on the male who had turned to attack me again only for him to stop moving. At that moment the water walls dropped causing me to look back at the child who didn't even look like they were breaking a sweat. They nodded to me before looking back at the two adults causing me to look at them again. To my shock the unconscious female suddenly stood and started walking towards me along with the male. I went to defend again only to stop when I heard a small "Don't" come from the child causing me to look at them again, "They can't attack you now." Was the only other thing she said but that didn't stop me from putting quirk suppressant cuffs on the two of them.

After the cuffs were on the two of them my back up finally arrived causing me to let out a sigh. "You sure took your time." I said bitterly to the two heroes I had called to help, "Sorry Erasure, there were some thugs we had to stop on the way." Present Mic said not sounding sorry at all. "Why didn't Midnight just knock them out?" I asked in a still bitter tone to which Midnight responded, "They were female, you know my quirk doesn't work well on women." Her response caused me to sigh and shake my head, "Whatever, it's not like they didn't almost kill me or anything." I griped causing my two friends to adopt serious expressions. "Wait, what happened?" asked Midnight with Mic nodding behind her. I explained everything before remembering the kid and looking back at her, she hadn't moved and was still staring at the two criminals who were still not moving. That confused me and I walked over to her leaving my two friends confused but they moved over the make sure the villains wouldn't move.

"Hey." I said as I approached the girl causing her to look at me, "What are you doing?" I asked her while I carefully got closer. "I'm making sure they can't hurt anyone." Was her simple reply which didn't help my confusion. I had seen her create walls of water so that had to be her quirk so I didn't understand how she could be preventing them from moving. My curiosity got the better of me and I ended up asking, "How though?" to say I wasn't expecting the answer I got was an understatement. "Well," she started, "I'm controlling the water in their bodies and preventing them from moving whilst making sure that they also can't use their quirks." She finished as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. This child, who could be no older than ten, had such a mastery of their quirk they were able to stop two people from killing me. I was absolutely flabbergasted. "You don't need to do that." I told her, "The cuffs I put on their wrists will prevent them from using their quirks and with the other two here they won't be getting away." I continued. She nodded at what I was telling her and I could tell that she dropped her quirk when I could hear the two adults start yelling at the girl.

The next hour was chaos, police were making this into a huge issue and the two adults wouldn't stop screaming at the girl. Finally, someone put them into squad cars which caused the yelling to be muffled however that didn't stop the chaos from ending. As the adrenalin left my body, I could feel the pain from those broken ribs coming back full force causing me to have to sit down and grunt in pain. Mic asked me what was wrong and after explaining he demanded that I get medical help but before I could deny needing it, I saw the girl get away from the officer who was tasked with watching her and come over to me. "I can help with that." She said softly but it still caught the attention of everyone around however she didn't make any move to do anything. In fact, she just stood not keeping eye contact with me but still looking up every few seconds. It took me a moment to realize she was waiting for permission and granted it much to the refusal of Mic.

I could see a small smile on the young girls face as she placed her hands gently onto my shoulder. Suddenly, a soft blue light started emitting from her hands and I could feel my shoulder getting wet; in fact, I could feel the water move down my back to my ribs before it seeped into my skin. I could feel the water carefully fixing the damage I took from the fight and after a few more moments she removed her hands from my shoulder and wiped it causing it to dry instantly. "How do you feel?" she asked quietly which caused me to stand, "Amazing." I answered. 'How could this child do all of this?' I thought as I looked around remembering the fight, 'They're just a kid.'

Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far! Burukku means Brooke (as far as I can tell) in Japanese. Basically, I tried for way too long to try and get the proper translation of it so if it's wrong please let me know so I can change it.

I hope you guys are liking this story and if there is anything you think should happen then please let me know!

I want to remind you all that no matter what I'm here for you all and I am always up to talk to anyone who needs it! Remember that I love you all and support you no matter what! I'll always be in your corner and I'm cheering you all on! Be strong, you can do and make it through anything!

Thank you all again for reading and remember that I love you all!


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