(KaoEarth) The Force Of Desti...

By Bank_Teresa

38.8K 1.5K 176

Some men can be born with the capacity to get pregnant, others do not, what Earth did not know is that he was... More

The Day I Met You
My First Kiss
Freshmen Ceremony
Be My Boyfriend
I want to stay πŸ”ž
I swear to you
I hope to be with youπŸ”ž
Cold and painful words
I lying in bed with youπŸ”ž
Chapter closed
I Lost You
I do not want
Thinking Of You
No One Will Take You Away From me
The Reencounter
Fathers And Daughters
I Will Never Forgive You
Erony Of Destiny
Running Away Again
A Dangerous Contract
I Came To Fix My Mistake
Give Me A Chance
Words Without Thinking
Fear In Our Eyes
A Pleasant Day
Lie Discovered, You Had No Right
You Are My Destiny
I Want My Daddy
A Moment With My Daddy
I Have a Daughter
We Only Have One Life
You Banned But I Remember
You What?!
No Strength To Speak
I Was The First Love
Feelings Of Guilt
Do You Regret It?!πŸ”ž
Maya Smart GirlπŸ˜›πŸ˜
Our First Photo Together
An Unexpected Apparition
Don't Touch My Daughter
In The Middle Of The Night
Me What?!
Is Not Waking Up
My Love For You My Daughter
Inexplicable Kiss
Always Together
The Force Of Destiny Parte 1πŸ”ž
The Force Of Destiny Part 2πŸ”ž
Unexpected News
Six Months Passed
Love At First Sight
A Normal Day
Blood Type
Complicated Day At The Hospital
Apology Request
There Is No "We"
Are You Sure?
Free Words
It's Him....!
Be What I'm Not
Discovered Lie
Relentless Seduction
The UltimatumπŸ”ž
Three Minutes
I'm Going After You Part 1
I'm Going After You Part 2
Fanfic characters πŸ“–

Next target

878 32 2
By Bank_Teresa

Earth and Newyear were walking after they left Kao, Earth was thoughtful, confused and with a feeling hard to forget, Newyear looked Earth in the eye, he said.

Newyear: why this thoughtful look? Are you thinking about that handsome young man ?!

Earth looked at Newyear, confused but wanting to hide his feelings.

Earth: no .... He's an idiot who likes to tease, certainly with anyone ....

Newyear: I don't think he was teasing you ... I think he liked you! ..

Earth looking at Newyear, he thought about his words, but he said wanting to escape those feelings he was feeling for this unknown man.

Earth: I think he was just kidding about wanting to conquer me, that's all ... Besides, how can a man as handsome as he want something with me ?! I'm a man, there's no way he wants to be with me ... Surely that was just a kidding of him...

Newyear wanting to tease his friend

Newyear: I don't think so ... But maybe you're right .... You really aren't a good match for dating .... Hahahahaha ....

Earth angry, but also smiled, with a hand Earth climbed on the back of Newyear, and hit him on the head while they walked Earth hit his friend on the head, a beautiful young man approached the two and said with a kind smile.

: what are you two doing ?!

Earth and Newyear stopped playing and looked at the young man, Earth smiling happily looking at him.

Earth: oh! p'fluke! have you arrived from the trip ?!

Fluke moved his head up and down saying yes in a cute way.

Fluke: Hummmm! .... And how are you ?!

Earth and newyear approached Fluke, Newyear put a hand on Fluke's head, Fluke was startled by Newyear's hand, Newyear with a smile lowered his head and looked into Fluke's wide eyes.

Newyear: we are doing very well, now that you are here with us ...

Fluke smiled and took his hand off Newyear and said happily.

Fluke: Good to know you are fine .... Let's have something to eat in the cafeteria! I'm really hungry...

Earth and Newyear agreed to go, arriving at the cafeteria, Earth, Newyear and Fluke ordered food and soft drinks, and with plates in hand they went towards the cafeteria table, Fluke was walking distracted, he was thoughtful and didn't realize he was after Earth and Newyear, distracted Fluke bumped into a man and the food fell on this man's shirt, angry this man grabbed fluke's shirt and pulled him staring face to face at fluke, fluke's eyes widened and in fear he tried to apologize, but the man didn't want to know.

Fluke: I'm sorry, I did not want to ... I didn't ... Please....

: you are an idiot .... Look at my shirt it's all stained with this crap ..... How will you pay for my shirt ?!

Fluke was very scared, Earth turned when he heard the man's loud voice, Earth was always a young man who hates who hurts his friends, Earth between Newyear and Fluke was always the one who defended them both, Earth angry grabbed his arm of the man and pushed him away from Fluke, angry and furious Earth said.

Earth: he already said he didn't mean it, and he apologized ... Why don't you just forgive him ?!

The furious man quickly without wasting time grabbed Earth's shirt and pulled Earth and said furious.

: you are very brave! .... who you think you are?! .... you want to die ...

Earth was not afraid of this man with an angry look grabbed this man's wrists, pushed him, and said staring into his eyes.

Earth: I'm not afraid of you .... You are just an emotional idiot in front of me ... You should know how to control your animal instincts ...

The man looked Earth in the eye, and started laughing and talking.

: hahaha, Animal instinct, you say! ... He approached Earth's face .... I can teach you how to control this instinct ... He touched Earth's chin with his index finger and brought his lips closer to Earth's lips .... You want to have a child of mine, rhaannn ... You have a beautiful face you will surely give me a beautiful child ....

Earth angry, but smiling at the corners of his lips, looking at his lips and then his eyes, he said.

Earth: sorry .... But I don't get pregnant by an idiot, he will be very ugly like you .... You know! I am too much for you ... Earth grabbed his wrist, and pushed him angrily.

: you, I will .....

He tried to punch Earth but Kao grabbed his hand and punched him making this man fall to the ground, Newyear and Fluke startled and opened their eyes wide when they saw Kao punching the man, and the man falling to the ground, Earth looked at Kao, Kao turned as soon as he hit the man, touched Earth's face with one hand and brought his face so close to Earth's face looking Earth's eyes very closely, he said with a worried look touching Earth face.

Kao: are you okay ?! Didn't he hurt you ?!

Earth was surprised to look at him, and in those beautiful eyes, admiring the man in front of him, Earth was feeling something that he never felt for anyone and that he didn't even know what it is, Earth looking at Kao thought.

Thinking (who is this man ?! And why did he save me ?! Why did he like me ?! He said it's called p'kao! What am I feeling ?! Why suddenly do I feel my heart beat like a fire?!)

But Earth woke up from these thoughts when he saw the man who was stabbed by a punch, rising from the ground and trying to punch Kao, Earth shouted at Kao.

Earth: careful p ' .....

Ohm grabbed man's arm, punched him and looked at him on the floor, said furiously with a sharp look showing fury in his eyes.

Ohm: disappear from here and don't show me your shit face again in front of me ...

The man saw the look of Ohm and then realized who Ohm was and said looking at the three men in front of him.

: You three are the ones that everyone talks about at the university ... You are the three most beautiful men at universities ...

Both, came close to the man and with a smile said

Both: everyone calls us that, I don't know why! ... But this punch must have hurt you a lot .... Please, if you don't want to get hurt anymore, go away... Both pointed his thumb aside at Ohm .... This man here as you can see, he may be handsome but when someone makes him furious no one escapes his hands...

The man looking at both's smile was surprised and fell in love with both, he said getting up with a smile and getting lost in the beauty of both

: okay .... I ... I'm leaving ... I'm sorry ... I'm going ...

The man lost in words and shy left, Ohm turned and looked at Kao, Earth, Fluke and Newyear and said with an angry look at Kao.

Ohm: p'kao what do you think you're doing ?! You know you can't fight at the university .... Do you want to be expelled?

Kao with a smile and putting a hand behind his head and wanting to escape Ohm's furious eyes.

Kao: oh! sorry .... sorry ... I couldn't help it, he was hurting these three youngs ... Kao turned and looked at Earth with a smile and a passionate look ... I'm a good knight, I couldn't let him hurt this beautiful young man who is in front of me ...

Earth looked into Kao's eyes and got lost inside Kao's eyes, Kao approached Earth, with a hand touched Earth's face and said with a smile.

Kao: are you really okay ?!

Earth looking at Kao woke from his thoughts with Kao's question, with a slightly angry look he removed Kao's hands from his face, took a step back and said with an angry look, and wanting to hide the feelings that he did not want to believe having these feelings for this man.

Earth: don't touch me with these dirty hands .... I know how to defend myself ... I didn't ask for help from anyone, much less from an insolent idiot like you ....

Kao surprised by the words and the way Earth looked at him, he said with a seductive look and wanting Earth at all costs.

Kao: I really liked you ... Kao approached Earth and tilted his head down to look Earth in the eyes .... You enchant me in a way that I can't explain .... I want you. ..

Earth was looking at Kao and without knowing what he was feeling, the body of Earth suddenly became hot and desperately wanting to kiss the lips of the man in front of him, but with an angry look he took another step back and said .

Earth: do you want me?! .... Then try to catch me ... You'll never get anything from me ... See if you leave me alone, idiot ....

While Kao and Earth stared at each other, ohm looked at Fluke who was a little scared by what happened, fluke was a very sensitive young man, a young man with a very beautiful kindness, and he was very naive, Ohm liked to look at fluke and he gave a soft smile and stopped being furious. Ohm went to Fluke and asked Fluke with a less angry look and a delicate smile.

Ohm: who are you ?!

Fluke was startled by Ohm's sudden approach, looked into Ohm's eyes and smile and fell in love with Ohm at first sight, fluke speechless said.

Fluke: I .... I'm fluke .... I'm Fluke Natouch ...

Ohm with a delicate smile, he held out a hand in front of fluke and said.

Ohm: pleasure, I am Ohm thitiwat ....

Fluke smiled kindly, and touched Ohm's hand and said.

Fluke: humnm ....

Earth saw Fluke and Ohm, and didn't like what he saw, he left Kao's side and went to fluke, touched one of Fluke's hands, and said with a protective look wanting to protect Fluke.

Earth: don't come close to my friend ..... I don't know who the three of you are! ... But never come closer to us ..

Kao seeing Earth's protective instinct smiled, impressed himself with this young man, for Kao, Earth he is very different from all the men he took for sex, and said looking at Earth with a smile, wanting him.

Kao: you look like an indomitable soul .... I will definitely tame you ....

Earth heard what Kao said, looked into Kao's seductive eyes, for a few minutes he couldn't resist Kao, but then he controlled his feelings controlled his look, and said fixing his eyes on, Kao teasing Kao.

Earth: no one and not even you are going to tame me ....

Earth grabbed the arm of fluke and newyear and left the place they were in, Kao with a smile, Ohm and both approached Kao and stood on Kao's side, one on one side and the other on the other side, Kao said looking at Earth.

Kao: I already decided my next target will be him ...

Ohm with a carefree look, and looking at fluke, who looked back and was looking at Ohm, he said.

Ohm: as always you can't resist a cute face whether it's women or men ... But I don't care what you're going to do .... I want him, fluke natouch ...

Both looking at the two with a smile said.

Both: you two better watch out ....You two can end up falling in love for real...

Kao and Ohm responded without cutting a single word, fixing their thoughts on their only targets.

Ohm: this is not going to happen, it's impossible ... I just liked him a little bit, that's all.

Kao: I never fall in love with anyone, I just like to have fun and have sex .... Love doesn't exist in my thoughts ...

Ohm thitiwat


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