Love or Game (Complete✅)

By Suk-24

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#7 in revenge (12/10/2020) I am Nandini. Nandini Murthy. In 22, I am a renowned interior designer. I have my... More

Chapter 1- "First impression..."
Chapter 2- "Two lives..many secrets..."
Chapter 3- "The kiss quotient..."
Chapter 4 - "The vow..."
Chapter 5- "Untamed heart..."
Chapter 6 - "The thing called love..."
Chapter 7- "Mind, heart and secrets..."
Chapter 8 - "The magical words..."
Chapter 9 - "Demons of past..."
Chapter 10 - "The perfect storm..."
Chapter 11 - "Into the wild..."
Chapter 12- "Tom and Jerry.."
Chapter 13 - "Pursuit of happiness..."
Chapter 14 - "Meeting the would-be..."
Chapter 15 - "Impression and suspicion..."
Chapter 16 - "The rupture..."
Chapter- 17 "The bitter love..."
❤Upcoming Books❤
Chapter 18- "Love-hate game..."
Chapter - 19 "I don't wanna make love to you..."
Chapter 20 - "The damnation..."
Chapter 22 - "Final curtain..."
Chapter 23- "Nandini promise..."
Chapter 24 - "Burn the happiness..."
Chapter 25 - "The mysterious letter..."
Chapter 26- " Satiric destiny..."
Chapter 27 - "Unhealed wound..."
🤗❤New story alert❤🤗
Chapter 28 -"Last piece of the puzzle..."
👉Story promotion👈
Chapter 29 - "The divergence..."
📚Launch of new book📚
Chapter 30 - "The moonlight tryst..."
Chapter 31 - "The unsaid goodbye..."
🤗New story🤗
Chapter 32 - "Forget me not..."
😞Highly Disappointed😞
😁Wait is over😁
Chapter 33 - "Prisoners of past..."
🎭Wait is over🎭
Chapter 34 - "Their worlds..."
Chapter - 35 "Catch-22"
Chapter 36 - "God's intention..."
Chapter 37 - "New brush..."
Chapter 38 - "Captain America..."
Chapter 39 - "U-turn..."
Chapter 40 - "The parched heart..."
Chapter 41 - "A new dawn..."
Chapter 42 - "Signs of past..."
Chapter 43 - "Inside out..."
📕Newly published book📕
Chapter 44 - "Blood bond..."
Chapter 45 - "It sets in my heart..."
🤗Wait is over🤗
Chapter 46 - "The turmoil...inside out..."
Chapter 47 - "She is in danger..."
Chapter 48 - "Shining armour..."
Chapter 49- "Sincerity of love..."
Chapter 50 - "The third angle..."
Chapter 51 - "Proof of love..."
Chapter 52 - "Dispute with destiny..."
Chapter 53- "An invitation..."
Chapter 54- "Broken love..."
Chapter 55 - "Before it's too late..."
Chapter 56 - "New confidant..."
Chapter 57- "Homecoming..."
Chater 58- "Painful adiós..."
Chapter 59- "Reunion..."
Epilogue- "Love, sacrifice and destination..."
🙏Reader's sweet review🙏

Chapter 21 - "Back to the track..."

1.6K 175 18
By Suk-24

I locate Bhai sitting on the sofa. His expression is not giving any good vibe to me. My eyes automatically seek the wall clock. It's 11:15 pm. I have never been so late in coming back home. Though Bhai has been always friendly to me throughout my life and never put any restriction on my lifestyle punctuality and maintaining family decorum always take priorities in his rules. Neither I have disappointed him in this matter. I sheepishly shift my stare at him.

"Oh...I...I went to...I mean...I didn't realise that it is so late. Sorry, Bhai..."

My voice is shaky because he is scrutinizing me like a typical suspicious elder brother. He gets up from the sofa and saunters at me. I bend down my head in hesitation. Somehow, I am feeling guilty and I can't meet his penetrating eyes.

"You didn't answer my question. Why did you have to sneak into your own house? Have you done any mistake? Because only a guilt-ridden person tries to hide own-self from the other's eyes."

His words stiffen my nerves. Without gazing up I mutter,

"I went to meet Manik. I thought that I will be able to come back before you but Manik was not at his home so I waited for him for almost one hour and that's why I became late. I am sorry about that."

I try to explain myself though I am still feeling guilty for hiding things from him. But how can I say that it is not the only reason for being late? I can't say to my elder brother that Manik and I spent some unexpected intimate moments too. Some second's silence engulfs the surrounding and Bhai suddenly says,

"Nandi, I know you are a grownup girl. You have your own thoughts and intellect. You can take your own decisions but always remember that a broken heart can never be healed by an intelligent mind. So, it's better to think with your mind rather than your heart. Because that's not its work. Don't rush to take any decision. Our rush in any relationship can lead us to take wrong decisions. I think I have made you understand that."

His voice is still serene. I gaze up for a moment to meet his profound eyes and immediately bend down my head while nodding in positive.

" freshen up and come for dinner. Today I altered my dinner time."

He heads the door. His tone has a tinch of amusement. I turn at him to observe his expression. Apology automatically comes out of my mouth,

"I am so sorry, Bhai. It will never happen. I am coming in a second."

He doesn't turn but his next words alter my ears red and hot.

"Change the shirt and wear yours. It would be embarrassing for you in front of the servants."

He leaves and my eyes fall on my attire. I am wearing Manik's oversized shirt. Shit. Which I wanted to hide from my brother; in reality, it was so prominent for him. I remembered how Manik tore my tee shirt today. It was so violent. It was not passion. It was something else. My mind again clouds with gloom. I approach the washroom with a tired body and mind.


It's around 1 am on the clock. Cabir is still tossing and turning in his bed.

"Is Nandi doing right to rely on Manik so much? Looking at her anybody can say that they have gone quite far in their relationship. But isn't it so early? They have just met and moreover that we don't know much about his background. I don't want my sister to do the same mistake which I did in my life. No, she won't be able to bear those pains."

Cabir utters in his mind and again lies supine resting his hands on his chest.

"I have to know about him before taking any firm decision about their future. And for that, I have to meet him once more. Apart from that, I have to try to meet his sister too. I heard that she is mentally ill. Still, I have to meet her to get a complete picture of his family background."

Cabir ends his mental calculation and closes his eyes in the determination that tomorrow he will go to Nandini's office to meet Manik. And if he permits then he will meet his sister too.


I enter my cabin with reluctant pace. My body and mind are not fresh rather they are sore in and out. Last night's incident is evident there. Thankfully I have only a small bruise in the corner of my lips. The other major marks are porously covered under my shirt so that no one especially Nandini can't get any chance of questioning. How can I answer her when I can't even answer me? Which I have done last night is still a mess for me. I was behaving like a psycho last night whether it was towards Nandini or me. I slouch on my chair. Jerking my head to push away the thoughts I take out my laptop. Only then my eyes fall on the papers. The paper of client contracts which need Nandini's signature. I flip the pages and stop on a page. I take out the "Power of Attorney" paper.

"This time think twice before doing anything. Every time you can't punish yourself to get rid of your guilt."

My Inner God warns me and for the first time, I agree without any argument. I separate the paper and keep it in the drawer. The intercom cries to break my trance.


I answer. Ayesha's over-enthusiastic voice croaks,

"Nandini Mam is calling you in her cabin."


I just hum and cut the call. I wish Nandini joins after some more days. At this moment I am not ready to confront her squeaky-clean eyes. They are literally haunting me. With a deep sigh, I rise from my chair. Grabbing the contract papers, I exit my cabin.

"Come in...."

Her melodious voice rings from the other side of the closed door as I knock it softly. With hesitance, I enter. Here she is. Sitting on her chair, absorbed in her work. Same pretty as I saw her for the first time. Some unknown emotion lumps in my throat. She lifts her eyes and greets me with her ever sinless smile. I reciprocate it with a pale grin. Sauntering at her I place the papers on her table.

"These papers need your signs. These clients are ready to hire us."

My voice is flat. Maybe I am trying to be normal.

"Well, I will sign them but before that, someone is very eager to meet you. In fact, he has changed his daily schedule after a long time just to come over here which is really rare."

She says with a tinch of amusement which I fail to grok. She smiles at my perplexed expression. Nandini arches her brow and indicates towards the corner sofa. Since I have entered the room I was so engrossed in my thought and Nandini that I haven't noticed that someone else is there in the room too. My eyes follow her direction and the sight stiffens my whole body. My fingers automatically form balls. Her brother Mr Cabir Murthy is sitting on the sofa with a cordial smile. I tighten my jaws but immediately wear the facade.

"Hello, Cabir. Good morning. You must be here to see your sister whether I am putting too much work pressure on her on the first day of her rejoining."

I don't mind my words if there is any sarcasm. This man has again ignited my fire. Cabir gets up with an affectionate smile and stretches his hand for greeting. I take and squeeze his hand like a perfect luvvie.

"Not at all. In fact, I came over here to meet you. Long time we have talked. And considering her work; well I know my sister quite well. She is a workaholic. Nobody is needed to pile her with work. She attracts works...ha...ha..."

Cabir says lightly and Nandini frowns at him. If it had been some other time, I probably would have enjoyed this bro-sis banter but right now it only bitters me more. I smirk.

"Yeah, her dedication to everything is commendable. Anyway, guys, I want to show you something. Nandini have you been the conference room till now?"

I change the topic. I am back to my previous track which was temporally lost. Thanks to Cabir for motivating me once. I smirk inwardly.

"Not yet! Why? Don't say that you have fixed some meeting without informing me. Come on Manik...I am not ready at all."

She nags. I wobble in denial.

"No..not that kind of meeting which you are thinking about. But it is you can say a family meeting. I was not expecting Cabir but good that he is here. Rest you will see while go to that room. Come on, guys. There is a surprise for you."

I say with enthusiasm and gesture them to follow me. Both brother and sister look at each other confusedly. I lift the contact papers from the table and exit the room. I have to plan everything freshly. And the first step is to get signed the power of attorney paper by Nandini. I dash into my cabin to get the paper.


As I and Bhai enter the conference room my eyes fall on the photo-frame.


My automatic reaction escapes my mouth.

"So, you like it?"

I turn at Manik's grinning face. Bhai perplexedly roams his eyes on us. Manik nears to us with a confident gait.

"Well, the previous frame got smashed accidentally. So, I thought to surprise you by replacing it with a new one."

I explain. Cabir smiles and Nandini is needless to say beaming with joy.

"Do you know who is the person in the picture? Cabir asks."

I clench for a second but immediately alter my expression.

"Yeah, recently I came to know about him. He is your grandfather Mr Maniraj Murthy. Founder of "The Murthy Creations". You both call him as Ajja. He brought up both of you as your parents as you lost your parents in the very early years of your childhood. He has a very deep influence on your life and he used to be a very strict person."

I mouth in one go.

"Wow, have almost done a research on my Ajja. I am impressed. Well, all the words that you said about him are 100% correct apart from one thing. He was not strict unless it came on his ethics."

Nandini sounds protective of her Ajja. I implicitly retort,


"Manik, don't say anything against her Ajja. She even goes against me in this. For her, Ajja was and is an idol person."

Cabir affectionately says while smiles at his sister. Both don't notice the spitting fire in my eyes. Cabir turns at me and his next words hitch my breath for a moment.

"Manik, I think you have got now a fair idea about our family; however, I can't say this about you. Well....ummmm I know that your sister is not well but still, can I meet her once?"

Author's note: The lines in Italic and Bold are the thoughts of the character. Next part of this book will be updated next to next week as I will be busy for coming Durga Puja. Love❤❤❤

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