Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X...

By YukoZuo

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A 3rd year Health Science's student who enrolled in Kansei University have living her normal life quite the s... More

Morning Jog
Track and Field Club
New Sparks
First Training
Her Past
Future Job
Honest Confession
My Story
Training Camp
Another Chance
Ouji Conquered Time!
Win and Then...?
The Beginning
The Middle (Part 1)
The Middle (Part 2)
The Ending
After Story
The Match and The Deal
Nira's Story
Bonus (Part 1)
Bonus (Part 2)
Married Arc (Part 1)
Married Arc (Part 2)

A Little Bit Different

196 15 3
By YukoZuo

The muscles in my limbs stretch out due to my warm-up session. Since I got dragged here to join their training camp, I decided to participate in their training too. Haiji also asked if I really want to join since the track is far enough. Assuring him that I am not the type to stop things halfway, he agreed to let me join them. I could also use this opportunity to build some muscle back. It's been two years since I last did some running or any outdoor activities and I admit that I have been gaining weight too, not that it is too visible but I did gain some.

And... I want to prepare myself. For swimming...

"Hey (Y/N), let's go!", Nico-chan shouted my name, catching my attention. The guys already start moving without I realizing it.

"I'm coming!", I replied and jogged to catch up to them. Matching with their pace, I keep my track by running beside Ouji. From the back, I could catch a glimpse of the Tokyo Sports Uni's track uniform. Ahh, they did mention the Tokyo Sports Uni also held their training camp here. It's a coincidence we're running on the same track.

After a few minutes, Kakeru suggested that we increase our pace but Haiji rejected his idea. Being the stubborn guy he is, Kakeru went off running by himself, ignoring Haiji's command. Haiji ends up chasing after the stubborn Kakeru. I let out a small sigh at Kakeru's sudden change of mood. Was seeing the Tokyo Sports Uni Track Club that infuriating? Why did he have to care about them so much?

As the time passed by with us running in groups, my breathing started becoming heavier as I could feel my limbs getting sore. Do they always run this long?! And how far have those two guys have run? Now I regret not practicing with them before summer...

"W-was always running this long? I think swimming is a lot b-better than this though...", I exhaled out heavily while still running.

"I-I'm surprised you could s-say that... I d-don't think both sports are any b-better...", Ouji replied from my back as he is doing his best to catch his breaths.

"S-sorry Ouji-senpai, I should have known...", I glanced down in guilt for saying such a selfish thing even though I knew that there are those who are far weaker in physical activities.

"But, its g-good that you can finally think of s-swimming. How do the s-sceneries look like to you now...?", Ouji asked between pants. His question reverberated in my mind. Sceneries... That's right, when I started swimming, everything was...

"Sparkling...", one single word left my mouth as I glanced to the left. My eyes widen at the breathtaking sight of the blue water. The light from above reflects the sky on the surface of Lake Shirakaba. Light shines slightly whenever the wind pushes the surface gently causing it to sparkle in my eyes. No, maybe it's because I have started seeing things differently. There is still hope. I can feel the burning passion lit once again. Right, this is what I used to see of my surroundings. Sparkling so bright, engulfing me in my own world inside the water. A smile forms on my lips.

"Yosh, I'm going to speed up a bit! I'll catch up to those two guys who ditched us. Then, see you guys in a few metres!", I shouted as I increased my pace, leaving the guys startled by my sudden energized mood. Somehow, the exhaustion was replaced by a rush of adrenaline.

"Be careful (Y/N)-san, don't get lost!", Musa said before I completely outran them from hearing range. I give them a thumbs up without looking back as a sign I heard him. As I ran faster than before, I could feel my excitement growing. I wonder how I will feel if I swim... Can't wait to hurry up and build myself! Oh, isn't that Kakeru-kun and Haiji-san?

I slowed down my running as I pace near them. They just stand there while staring at the group of Tokyo Sport Uni's track team. "Kakeru-kun, Haiji-san. What's wrong?", I asked as I reached them from behind. Both of them turn around, hearing their name being called.

"(Y/N)-san, you're fast. Ahh, it's them. They were being childish and we almost bumped into them", Haiji cocked his head at the group furthering ahead.

"Let's go, we still have a few metres until the next stop", Kakeru said with a hard glare at the group. He starts running while Haiji and I exchange a concerned look at Kakeru's cold tone.


My glare hardened as this smug guy said 'plebs'. As nice as I am with anyone younger than me, I can't stand those who stir up other people's feelings with hurtful words. "Sakaki-kun, as surprised as I am to meet you here, I didn't expect to hear such words from you", I said while walking towards him. He cocked one eyebrow at my sudden interference.

"Be it pleb or not, these guys don't give a half-assed performance. I told you before that I have judged them and what I see is nothing alike of pleb", I started with a serious face as I stood near his left. Sakaki's expression faltered for a second then he shifted his glare to Haiji.

"I know, why don't we have a race. Just us first-years, ten against ten. Then you'll see what it means to be serious", Sakaki suggested with a smirk. He also looked at me when he said the last sentence, and wanted to prove that he is right about them being not serious.

"Then, race me instead. I'm the only one who needs to. They have nothing to do with this", Kakeru replied. Sakaki scoffed.

"That's how you break a team", he said with venom laced in his tone. Kakeru cannot utter a word as Sakaki continues on saying spiteful things. From the way he said it, it seems that it's the thing from the past.

"We won't race you. There's not much to gain from racing against children. Let's head back, (Y/N)-san too. We're wasting time", Haiji spoke, placing his hand on Kakeru's shoulder. I let out a sigh at this childish argument and was about to walk away too when Sakaki started shouting things that will just worsen the situation. I glance towards Kakeru since he's been silent since Sakaki asked him questions. My eyes widened as I could sense Kakeru's infurious aura.

"Kakeru-kun, wait-", I got cut as things happened in a flash.

Kakeru came running with his fist up in the air as he pulled Sakaki's shirt. My eyes widen when I see his intense glare, ready to punch Sakaki hard in the face. As things happen in slow motion, I reach out my hand to pull Sakaki's shoulder in order to deflect Kakeru's oncoming attack. In a blink of an eye, Kakeru's attack was being held. Behind him was Haiji who was holding onto his arm, Nico-chan Senpai grasping his other arm and Shindou who hugged his waist tightly from the back. Kakeru glanced towards those who had stopped him. When he met my eyes, he realized we had stopped him in time.

"Kakeru-kun, let go", I look at him straight in the eyes, my hand still firmly on Sakaki's shoulder. He gasped and let go of his hold onto Sakaki's shirt, causing the red-haired boy staggering a bit. Thanks to my hold, he didn't tumble back that much. Just when I thought this guy had pissed off Kakeru, he continued saying irritable things.

"I don't know if you're just naturally talented, but if you think you alone will manage somehow, you're wrong!", Sakaki shouted, expressing his anger. Thankfully, the guys are holding onto Kakeru so he won't go off going wild. I clicked my tongue loudly, catching Sakaki's attention.

"That's enough Sakaki-kun. You should not run your mouth aimlessly like that. Words are hurtful than act", I flicked my eyes towards him, giving him a warning look. He flinched at my intense glare before averting his eyes. It seems Kakeru has calmed down a bit at the time.

Suddenly, a yell interrupted us. The coach of Tokyo Sports Uni is calling for his students. Without delaying any more time, they pick up their bag and walk towards their buses. Letting out a sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose at the event occured a minute ago. Haiji ends up saying some remarks before Sakaki walks off and I can't help but be amazed at his encouraging words at the end of his sentence. But right now, the only thing that's running on my mind is about Kakeru's past. Seriously, how worst is your track and field history Kakeru-kun?


Running along the curved path of the hill, I keep my steady pace a few inches ahead of Ouji. Indeed, the scenery from this hill is very refreshing. It reminds me of how neglected I am towards nature for the past two years. Oh, do I ever do this much training on land when I was swimming before? I think I spent most of my time training in water to get used to the feeling of swimming. It's kind of new to run my own two feet this much on land...

"Keep your eyes ahead when running (Y/N)-san", someone spoke, causing me to whip up my head to look at the person. "What were you thinking? You've been staring down at your legs for awhile", Haiji asked, giving me a short glance.

"No, I just thought about how much different it felt to run on land... The way the wind brushed across my body is a bit similar to how I felt when I swam through the water but... there's this kind of different feeling to it...", I told him honestly of what I'm thinking.

"..I'm glad", he breathed out. I look at him, confused by his words.

"You'll definitely find the answer. Good luck, (Y/N)-san", he grinned. With scrunched brows on my face, Haiji sped up ahead without explaining to me properly. Now, I'm even more confused...


Walking down the stairs, I heard noise coming from outside the balcony. Tilting my head in question, I decided to check on whoever is making so much noise this late at night. As I opened the door, I was greeted by Hana's squealing excitedly.

"What were you guys doing?", I asked out of the blue. They turn around from admiring the sky towards me.

"(Y/N)-nee! Look, the sky is so pretty tonight and I saw a shooting star!", Hana said gleefully while pointing at the starry sky. I walk closer to the railing,standing beside Hana and tilt my head up. Indeed,the shining stars are filling the sky like a twinkling diamond.

"Em,it is prettier tonight", I nod in agreement at Hana. She smiles back in content.

"Huh?do you always gaze up at the stars (Y/N)-san? You said prettier", Haiji asked. Their attention is all on me as I can only blink at Haiji's sharp observance skills. Hana then gasped as an idea came to her mind.

"Don't tell me, (Y/N)-nee have a boyfriend in secret?!", Hana exclaimed with a surprised tone.

"Eh, where does that come from?", I asked back,confused by her unexpected question.

"Do you really have one?", Kakeru also asked with curiosity. Haiji standing beside him also stared at me, waiting for my answer. My eyebrows furrow at their sudden interest in the out-of-the-blue question.

"I don't have one. Rather, I never had one", I answer honestly with a sigh, shrugging slightly. They blinked and gave me a look of wanting further details. I averted my eyes around, searching for an excuse.

"Aahhh,the time is getting late. Hana, let's go to sleep already. You haven't set your futon yet right?", I changed the topic immediately before they could interrogate me about the matter.

"Ah,I forgot!", Hana immediately rushing back inside. Letting out a relief sigh, I turn towards the other two guys.

"Then, I'll go too. Goodnight", I waved slightly then was about to step inside the house when Kakeru stopped me.

"Umm, (Y/N)-san. tomorrow... I have something to tell to the guys and I want you to know it too.. I-I'm not forcing you though",he said, clearly trying his best to properly speak his words out. He avoided meeting my eyes as he stared down nervously. I glance towards Haiji who's giving me a nod with a reassuring smile from behind him. Getting his message, I nod back.

"It's fine, I'll listen to whatever you're going to say", I said. Kakeru looked at me with wide eyes, not expecting my answer to be yes. "Don't worry, I'm not going to critic you because of your past. Now, hurry up and get some sleep. You have a lot to talk tomorrow morning right?", I asked. Kakeru only hummed a response as he's still kind of nervous.

"I look forward to hearing it. Goodnight Kakeru-kun. Haiji-san too", smiling softly, I then step inside and shut the door then making my way upstairs where Hana must have already been lying comfortably inside her futon.

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