The Ending

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After the call had ended, Haiji's lips formed a small smile. His face displayed relief, hearing the female's confession. He walked back to the spot where Ouji was waiting.

"That relief face of yours really is annoying but because it's (Y/N)-san's effort, I'll consider it", Ouji said as he glanced up to see Haiji's expression while he took his phone back.

"Glad to hear that", Haiji only replied with a few light chuckles at Ouji's attempted remarks. The bond between these manga duo really is strong. As expected of the Manga Club, words are not necessary for them to understand each other. How Haiji hoped he could do the same with (Y/N) soon.


"(Y/N)-san, can I ask you a question?", the raven haired teen asked. (Y/N) replied with a hum to allow Kakeru to ask his question. "Have you ever fallen in love?", Kakeru asked. Upon hearing his question, the said female blink with her eyes wide, looking at Kakeru in bewilderment. They exchange looks for a moment, Kakeru waits for her to answer while (Y/N) think for any possible answers.

"With water?", her head tilted in a questioning tone even though she actually meant for it to be an answer. Kakeru's brows knitted in confusion at the answer he got. The quizzical face Kakeru's shown made (Y/N)'s eyes wander around to rebuild her words. "I have fallen in love with water since it feels so good to swim but frustrating when I can't. That kind of feeling is called love, right? So... the answer is yes, I fell in love with water and even now I am", (Y/N) explained while writing reports of her daily practice in a notebook.

"...I see, I wouldn't be surprised though", Kakeru placed his chin between his thumb and index finger, humming in understanding.

"What about you Kakeru-kun?", it's (Y/N)'s turn to ask him now.

"I'm not sure but I think I do love one thing. Whenever I'm doing it, it is as if I'm in my own world and reaching deeper into the dark. But, I think it might be different now...", he answered, his mind wandering to the feeling he would have when he is running with the Aotake guys.

"That's good then. I'm sure you'll be able to enter the world where you can see things in different perspectives. Running with everyone does suit you, Kakeru-kun", she said, closing the notebook. Turning to face him, (Y/N) show him a grin. "I bet everything will be sparkling bright when you're running with everyone in mind. Be the strongest out there, Kakeru-kun", she said, practically telling Kakeru the ability she can see from Kakeru. Kakeru's lip parted for a second before he replied with a smile.

"Yes", he nodded.


From afar, the figure of a certain ravenette speeding up along the roads and continuing cutting through other opponents can be witnessed by everyone around Japan, whether in person or live broadcast. In the communities' perspective, Kakeru's form is way too fast for a person to run at such high speed when he is in fact one of the late starter runners for Section 9. In contrast, the running prodigy himself feels like he is not running fast enough or he doesn't feel like the current distance is enough to satisfy him.


Letting out a short breath, his feet step forwards in his long stride. In that single moment, he could feel a gush of wind invisibly pushing his back forwards. As if waking him up from his trance, Kakeru feels as if the wind itself is bringing his body into another dimension.

More... I want to run more!

Kakeru's slate gray eyes widened at the sensation he felt. The feelings he never felt before are surging up inside him like a beam of energy, allowing him to run in a space that only he could feel. Everything around him is filled with blinding light but was blurred, the way he could see the view move in fast motion when he felt himself running in his own pace. Kakeru's mind wanders to what kind of feeling he's experiencing now.

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