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Breathe in...

Breathe out...

My palm gently pressed on the lense, clearing out the air that may be trapped inside the goggle. As I thought, the gasket and the frame fit my eyes perfectly. My favourite goggle. Bending down, I gripped both hands firmly on the front side of the platform along with my right toes. My left leg slightly bent down, ready to give myself a boost. I narrowed my gaze sharply, fixed on the seemingly blue-water below. Anytime now until the sound of...


In a flash, I push my legs and hands with an optimum amount of force that is enough to give me a good far distance into the pool. Feat of splashing could be heard as I stroke my arm and paddle my legs through the water. Gasping for air between five strokes, I keep on swimming until I reach a metre from the other end of the pool. Then, turn!

Swiftly turning my back upside down in the water, I pushed my feet hard on the smooth surface of the wall and flipped my body back to face the ground. Wasting no time, I dive onto the surface then continue stroking.


The distance between me and the end of the pool becomes shorter as I swim through slightly cold fluid.


As the wall became clear in my view, I extended an arm with my palm wide open. A little bit further...


The sound of splashing between my palm and the wall echoed in my ear as I reached the end. Lifting my head up from the water, my mouth wide open as I'm trying to catch up for air. My shoulders fall and rise with every breathing.

"Congratulations, you made a new record!", the voice of my coach clearly heard from the right side. I take off my goggle along with the cap to gain clearer sound of the surrounding.

"25.30 seconds, that's a big leap from your previous time. Here", Miki's hand came into view as she extended her hands down for me. I look up to meet her smiling face. We just had a practice race like always on Monday as my evaluation progressed for a week. Coach told us to keep the routine in check.

"Thanks", I grabbed her hand as she helped me get out of the pool.

"Well, you still can't beat my time though", she gave me a smug smile.

"Ahh, what was it again? 25.13? Then, 0.17 seconds difference", I stated while untying my wet hair.

"You don't have to count that!", she huffed out her cheek, dissatisfied by her unimprove time from last week.

"I'm just kidding, you'll improve somehow", I pat her shoulder. Miki looked at me with almost-tear eyes. "I'm not going to wait though", I give her a sideway glance with a smirk. Her expression dropped.

"It was wrong of me to think that you're sympathizing with me! I'm leaving you, hmph!", she turned around and made her way out of the pool, irritated that I just teased her. I chuckled lightly at her funny behaviour. Miki's a year younger than me so it's fun to see her trying hard to hang around with someone older than her. Oops, I might have caught Haiji-san's teasing personality.

"(Y/N), come here for a bit", coach called out to me from the bench.

"Yes coach?", I stood in front of her.

"You have made a great improvement this past month. As I expected, from a former swimmer", she smiled.

"No, not really ahahah...", I nodded with a slight laugh. It feels awkward when she mentions it. It seems my coach has found out about my swimming past from who-knows-where.

Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz