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The first time I went to this town was around my junior high school's age. Mom brought me with her after she had recovered from her miscarriage. Dad allowed us to go as he stayed at our home because he can't afford to take weeks of holiday. It was around summer season, mom said she has been waiting for the right time to go here. And it seems she wants to take a breather after facing all the pain of the miscarriage.

The first day we arrived there was when night already fell but I could tell the view of the ocean at the day must be pretty and I was right. After having breakfast at the Tachibana's, Makoto took me to the beach. The glittering blue ocean reflected by the bright sun was blinding. Along with the warm breeze from the wind, I could get excited by it. At that moment, I thought that this is the most beautiful scenery of water I've ever seen. Despite being younger, he was very friendly with me. His brother and sister were also very cute. The Tachibana family was the definition of gentle and loving for me.

It didn't take long for me to meet Makoto's friends at the Iwatobi Swim Club, ITSC in short. At first, I only saw them as normal friends. Nothing special, just a fellow friend. They introduced me to swimming and suggested that I join them too. Being a newcomer there, I don't think joining them is the best choice since it's not like I'll live permanently in Iwatobi. When I used the reason of not having any experience or staying here for a few weeks only, Makoto reasoned me out by using the time I have while being here swimming with them. Things got worse when mom also supported me to join them. She even brought me a new pair of swimsuit and goggles too. Defeated by the constant pressure, I agreed with one condition.

"Eh? I thought you didn't have any experience in swimming?", Makoto asked.

"Ahh... what I actually meant is... don't have any experience in race. I took swimming classes in my elementary school", I casually answered.

"You just twisted your statement then!", Makoto puffed out his cheeks.

"Oh, did I? Well, I only know the basis only. I've never raced before. That's why, I will join you guys only if you can prove how worth swimming is by having a race with me", I said to all of them. They exchange looks with one another except Haru who is still spacing out, staring at the ocean.

"Okay, deal (Y/N)!", Rin grinned with his thumbs up. I nodded.

"So, who's going to race with me?", I asked, leaning back with my arm as a support.

"Haru!", they pointed to the blank-faced Haru. Hearing his name being called, he turned to see his friends smiling and grinning. Haru's eyebrows furrow in trouble. Before he could reject the deal, I already beat him to it by forcefully taking his hand.

"Deal! Look forward to tomorrow, Haruka-kun", I smirked as he frowned at my choice of calling his name.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I lift up my head upwards only to see the ceiling. Turning to face my opponent beside me, I hold out my hand to him. Noticing my gesture, he was hesitant for a moment but still recieved the handshake. We both then get ready at each of our positions. At the sound of the whistle being blown once, I take a big leap from the head-start jump and dive straight into the water. My legs and arms continue to stroke forward in the water, taking short breaths if needed. I continue swimming, taking the lead so far. I was determined to win the race as I'm nearing the end. The race's distance is only until the other end of the pool so it's not that much long. With one final stroke, I'll reach the wall! My expectation was wrong when Haru suddenly appeared from behind. Our eyes met in that instant moment. That was the first time I felt a spark ignited inside me. The race ended with Haru as the winner. Everyone presented there was wide agape at the short and unofficial-race. But soon, cheers began to fill the area accompanied by fits of claps.

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