Win and Then...?

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A sharp sensation shot up towards Haiji's thigh as he suppressed the impact of falling by forcing all his weight on his injured leg. He winced slightly but paid no mind on the effect of the impact instead continued striding through the track. He has come this far to win the qualifier, there's no way he's going to stop just because of a minor pain! Beside, he promised to finish this race and show the pass ticket to a certain swimmer at the finish line.

Hana, who had witnessed the whole scene, watched Haiji with worries etched on her face as the lad ran straight to the next track along the road. Remembering her young auntie, she made a mental note to contact (Y/N). I need to tell (Y/N)-nee after all the guys passed this checkpoint! Then she went back to focus on giving information to each of the Aotake's runners on their current timing.

While on the other side, (Y/N)'s eyes glued to the laptop's screen as she observes the live race. The camera is focusing on the front runner-up which then suddenly lifts to a certain ravenette. Kakeru is picking up speed as he runs past a U-turn, immediately cutting off distances and some other runners. Impressed by his sudden sprints, (Y/N) can't help but clench her fist in anticipation and excitement. Even in the fast motion of the race where she can only watch through the screen, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of a certain runner. Haiji's also catching up with the second runner-up group. She bit her lips as she spotted him among the many runners even for a split second.

"Run and never stop... until you reach the end", she mumbled as her blood was pumping nervously just by watching the race. Unfortunately, her name got called as the volunteers need to get some aid prepared for the emergency van and deal with some commoners asking for help around the park. Without her noticing, her phone that was kept safely inside her pocket jacket glowed up in mute mode, signalling a message just came in.

Cold sweat formed on my skin as I read the message I received ten minutes ago. The situation has calmed down as the first runner reached the goal line five minutes ago. The rain hasn't stopped falling and is still pouring in steady flow. I just checked on my phone when I noticed Hana's message.

"Yo (Y/N), I saw another runner wearing your university's uniform just finish the race. He had this brown hair and scar on his right leg", Iritsu came and spoke from behind me. My eyes widened at the description he gave. "The situation has calmed down a bit, don't you want to check on-", he was cut when I suddenly asked him a question.

"Did you know which way he went?", I asked rather loudly and fast, surprising him.

"A-ahh, yeah. I think he went to sit on the resting area", Iritsu answered, sweat dropping at the moment.

"Thanks, sorry but I have to go now. I'll see you later Iritsu", I said and quickly walked off to take an ice pack and search for a certain brown-haired guy with black uniform.

With my eyes wildly searching for Haiji's familiar form in the crowd of people, I continued walking past a few runners and other commoners. As I spot the wanted figure on his way to sit on the available spot at the empty area, my pace becomes faster while avoiding other people. As he was about to sit on the covered ground, I called out his name.

"Haiji-san!", I called loud enough to catch his attention. He turned around to meet my figure walking towards him.

"Oh, (Y/N)-san! Did you see-", Haiji lifted up his hand to greet me with a smile when I suddenly grabbed his right arm as soon as I reached him.

"You have to rest your leg properly in this condition. Here, I'll help you", I waste no time to support his weight by placing his right arm around my shoulder as he sits down like what I told him to. "Take this ice pack. You need to cool down the pain right? I took it earlier at the medicine center", I handed him the ice pack which he took silently while watching my whole concerned act.

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