Bonus (Part 1)

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"Are you serious....?", I muttered in a low sigh, witnessing the image in front of me. Is that even me?

"Ahahaha... I kind of cut it way too short and had to fix it by balancing the other parts too. But, don't worry! Look, your looks are cooler now right?", Nii-san tried to reason out despite his obvious mistake on cutting my hair. He chuckled in a nervous tone, knowing I would get irritated for him not listening to my advice earlier.

"That's why I said, don't get too excited or you might overdo it...", a long sigh left my mouth, slumping my shoulder forward in exhaust. This is totally different than what I expected... More like, worse than ever! Can't believe I had to go through the same experience from my 15 years old past. Like mother like son. Glancing up towards the mirror, I could see how messed up my hair is. The bangs framing my face are uneven, showing my forehead way too much. Strands of hair thankfully cover both side of my face down until my earlobe but gradually become shorter as it connected to the back. Tilting my head to the right, I could see that Nii-san had cut the back part quite short but still reach my nape, clearly from the reflection shown. Running my finger along the spiky (h/c) strands of my bangs, my eyebrows crease in unstasfaction.

"There's no use crying over spilt milk. Nii-san, you really take over mom's genes... The same thing happened when I was 15. Deja vu", I said, placing down the mirror and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Ahahaha, is that so? I'm glad to hear that!", he laugh out loud, somehow proud of his works that alike with our mom. I rolled my eyes at his smug tone. Getting up from the chair, I was about to grab the broom when my brother told me to take a shower instead. "Its fine, you're going to a meeting after this right? Make sure you go visit Haiji and bring some mikan in the kitchen. I'm sure he will be surprise to see your new style", Nii-san reminded me, grinning in amusement.


"Excuse me", I casually enter the ward, smiling at the other patients as a small greeting. Stopping my track at the last bed stationed beside the window, the person resting on the bed look up from the magazine. A glance on my face make his eyes widen in surprise as his mouth parted to let out some words.

"Amazing", he said. Hah?

"Why?", my eyebrows knitted.

"I feel like... my girlfriend turned into a pretty guy", Haiji bluntly admit his feelings on my new look. I rolled my eyes in response rather than say anything back.

"Nii-san gave you some mikan. Want me to peel it?", instead of arguing, I proceed with my position as a visitor.

"Yeah, thanks", he smiled. "also, will you-", I cut him off with a glare.

"Sorry but, I'm not going to feed you", I declare before he could finish his sentences.

"As expected of my cool girlfriend", he chuckled, placing the magazine on the bedside. Taking a seat beside his bed, I hold out the peeled mikan for Haiji which he gladly take.

"I got told that quite a lot during my highschool days. Tall and short haired girl. The cool girl from swimming club", I started while peeling off the mikan. "And I somehow like it", a smile formed on my lips. "My hair that was cut by mom kinda give me courage. It feels like she understand how hard it is to swim while taking care of my hair. Even though its a messy cut, I believe she did her best. Well, Nii-san seems to have the same skill as mom so...", I trailed off, meeting Haiji's eyes.

"You're glad to have him cut it, right?", he finished the sentence for me. I nodded with a content smile. "How nice~ I want to cut your hair too. (Y/N)-san, did you know that we have met way long before?", Haiji's question picked my interest.

Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя