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Birds chirping as the sky brightens. Sun shining through the gap of clouds. The chilling yet somehow warm atmosphere in the air would calm any living beings. Yeah, a great morning for their first meet--wait...

"I'm late!!!", I shouted and hurriedly slipped on my cardigan. In a flash, I grab my scooter's key and a bag of chocolate then head to the Chikusei-so.

Entering the Chikusei-so quarters, I parked my scooter at the corner. It seems no one noticed me as a white van blocking the view and I could hear some voices arguing over something. Getting off my scooter with the bag of chocolate in one hand, I walk over to the source of voices behind the van.

"Someone get a driving license already!!", Yuki yelled as he was being pushed by Haiji into the van.

"Come on, get inside", Haiji didn't seem to bother Yuki's resistance as he continued pushing him.

"Good morning, guys", I spoke from behind Kakeru as he was the last one on the line. All the guys' heads snap towards me at once.

"(Y-Y/N)-san! You have a driving license right? Then, please drive us there! I don't want to die yet!", Yuki suddenly begged me in a desperate tone. Then, the rest of the guys except Ouji, Haiji and Nico-chan nodded vigorously in agreement. They all had blue faces, as if death are going to await them if I didn't agree.

"Err... I don't know what's going on but, as much as I want to help you all... I can't go today. Look, I'm still in my shirts", I answered as I pointed towards my night shirt which I wore a cardigan over it. Their jaws dropped at my rejection.

"Talk about savior...", Nico-chan sighed.

"Okay, you guys heard her. Now,let's get in! We don't want to be late", Haiji grinned as he continued to push in the rest of the guys inside the van. He completely ignored their pleading or obviously pale face. I could only laugh while sweat dropping. Is it that bad, Haiji-san's driving?

"Good, everyone's in. Then (Y/N)-san, thanks for seeing us off", Haiji said after closing the door.

"It's nothing, I should at least see you guys off after all the practices I missed. Oh, I also want to give this", I hand over the bag to Haiji. "I called it a recovery chocolate. Please give it to the guys after the race. I hope it'll help them if they're feeling down", I said.

"I will, thank you (Y/N)-san. Then, we'll leave first", Haiji nodded and got inside the driver's seat.

"Good luck guys! Don't stop running until you reach the ending line, I'll cheer you guys on from here!", I wished them before Haiji reversed the van. We exchange waves as Haiji reverse the van out of the quarters. The van was safely reversed when Haiji suddenly break, causing everyone inside to choke on their seatbelt. I jumped as my waving hand stopped in surprise. Pressing the horn once, Haiji waved at me before hitting the engine pedal and drove off at quite a speed. I sweat dropped at Haiji's driving. Did he really have a license?

"I hope you guys return safely...", I prayed for them, seeing how scary Haiji's driving skill is.


Getting out of the bathroom, I sighed in satisfaction from the refreshing feelings after taking a bath. With a towel around my neck, I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of mineral drink from the fridge. After seeing the guys off, I went back home, ate breakfast with my family and headed to the bathroom. Drinking the cold liquid, my mind starts to wander.

I wonder if they'll meet that cocky boy from the Tokyo Sport Uni. What will they feel after the meet? I hope my chocolate will be of help, I even prepared it nicely. Dear god, please give them courage even if they failed.

Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें